July 31, 2019

Leo New Moon On Wednesday July 31st. Dream BIG by Tania Gabrielle.

Dream BIG!
written by Tania Gabrielle

We end the intense double eclipse month of July with an exciting New Moon in LEO.

This beautiful lunation invites you be open to explore so you can Dream BIG!

Everything you’ve learned and adjusted during July’s eclipse season is integrating and finding new pathways of expression…

Leo is the Royal Sign, ruled by our Sun – a STAR.

So Leo inspires you to confidently into your inner LIGHT, actualize your destiny and go out and PERFORM your Purpose with confidence.
  • On the SAME day as the Leo New Moon Mercury stations DIRECT again at 23° Cancer.
23 is the “Royal Star of the Lion” number of Courage, Freedom and Leadership.

How perfect for the Leo New Moon!
  • These same qualities are amplified during the Leo New Moon as the Sun, Moon and Venus join together and create a triple “square” to Uranus – planet of shifts, changes and freedom to explore your future!
You’re playing an important role – helping to facilitate the powerful vibrational shift on the planet now.

Focus on making every day better.

Leo is enthusiastic, romantic and resolute.

Show up ready to PLAY!

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

PS. FREE Masterclass: Discover Your Divine Blueprint: How to read any person's birth code in the STARS and NUMBERS!

New Moon In Leo On Wednesday July 31st by Lena Stevens and Patricia Liles at PowerPath.

I added the picture gifs above to the message below. The pictures and gifs that I share sum up my interpretation of the current astrological message
Intro written by Lena Stevens at www.thepowerpath.com
Body written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com

The New Moon is Wednesday, July 31 at 9:11PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

Right at the cusp of July and August, this new moon encourages us to reclaim our power, joy, self expression and personal truth. It is not so much a time for new ideas and insights but rather a time to simply be in gratitude for who you are and to get really full of your own self love. Where is your life out of balance? Are you expressing your medicine out in the world?

We are entering a time of reset and re-alignment. Get a head start with this new moon and set some intentions for better self care, more balance, quality time to do what fulfills you, and a commitment to put more energy into your own purpose other than the purpose of others. Find your inner flame and breathe a spark of it into your own creativity, enthusiasm and well-being.


Bi-monthly remote Shamanic Healing Sessions. Take advantage of the support available during these times of challenge, change, confusion and growth. Next one is with Jose on August 12. For more information or to register (link here)

Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com

Leo New Moon Cycle
New Moon
Sun in Leo ~ Moon in Leo 8º
Wednesday, July 31, 9:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time
(Thursday, August 1, 3:11 AM Greenwich Mean Time)

Leo Moon cycle is grounded in creativity, leading with our hearts, and a strong urge for self-expression. None of the rough edges of emotional intensity from passing through the eclipse window in a feeling-based sign, Cancer, (connected with family, nourishment, mother, home and ancestral patterns) will be rearing its head. The Sun is no longer with the North/South Nodes and is in a warm, inspiring fire sign now. Fire lifts our spirits and ignites action.

Venus is conjunct the Leo Sun and will magnify the pleasurable and sensual aspects of leading with our hearts. Leo rules the heart and the spine. Leo radiates warmth and the deep “I Am” presence rejoicing in their creative abilities. Filled with pride for all that they are, they generously share themselves and the Spirit that radiates through them for all to appreciate and admire. Leo is the power expression of fire and they can stand in the spot light with ease and grasp and wield the attention they receive. Leo is regal, the King of Beasts, a leader. Only Leo is ruled by the life-giving Sun and this bestows vitality, strength and a great passion for life. Leo, wherever it lies in your chart, will bring a quality of positive attitude, generosity, courage, determination, and a social warm-heartedness. On the shadow side, watch out for that indomitable ego, pomposity, and impulsive judgment ~ not good qualities in a leader. Arrogance can mask a ‘cowardly lion’ needing to disguise parts of the self that feel powerless.

We do have a Grand Trine in fire signs with Chiron, our healer/teacher at 5ºAries, Venus in Leo 5º with Sun/Moon fueling our Queen energy, and Ceres, a Mother Goddess and Keeper of the Grains, 1º Sagittarius. Self-confidence, creativity, and inspired actions are supported. All you have to do is find your inner fire and channel it.

There is one caveat to the Grand Trine in fire signs as inspiring as it is, Uranus is squaring Venus (and Moon/Sun) kicking up restlessness, challenging authority, and wanting freedom to break out of the social mold, and roar from our wild place. We may prowl around for some excitement in relationship. Think twice about redecorating under this influence; eccentricity is high. You can expect the Unexpected to the 10th power. Uranus brings radical change; with Venus involved look to your relationships as a focus for shake up and renewal. Uranus is strong now because it’s at a standstill ready to turn retrograde.

Within minutes of the New Moon, Mercury stations direct stopping in order to begin to retrace its steps and regain the 4º Leo where it started. Mercury retreated all the way back to 23º Cancer to give us time to process and reassess all the emotional experiences exposed by the fast-paced eclipse period. By August 14, the fleet-footed messenger planet will be fully moving forward, that’s the time to launch your boat.

As of New Moon Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron are all retrograde pointing a big finger towards the heart with the suggestion that we go inside, ask for guidance and learn to listen. This time is not about crossing off the list, but about being present for what arises. On August 11, Jupiter in Sagittarius 15º goes direct after three months retrograde, and on the same day, Uranus 7º Taurus goes retrograde. Changes in direction like these mean that planet is moving s-l-o-w-l-y and will hover over these degrees for almost a month. Now would be a good time for planning, reassessing, reorganizing, revisiting.

We do have a pesky T-Square involving an opposition of Mercury in Cancer to Pluto in Capricorn with the dwarf planet, Eris, sister of Mars, challenging both. Eris instigates discord and rebellion against injustices and bad behavior from the powers that be, for example the people of Puerto Rico taking to the streets and taking the country into their own hands. If you haven’t been balancing your home and work life or have avoided letting go of those worn out patterns still playing out from decades ago, Eris may arrange for a confrontation to clear the air. Eris really doesn’t care if you think you have your life all figured out. She’s out to reveal spiritual truth.

New Moon is devoid of air signs indicating a lack of mental perspective, adaptability and ability to communicate and negotiate compromise well. So you will want to compensate for this by being aware of the imbalance. Also when fixed signs are predominant like they are here, the wise one bends and acquiesces when meeting ‘an immovable object’.

Between the Moons, we have Lammas, the midpoint of summer and fall, when the Sun reaches 15º Leo on August 7. These cross quarter days of the Sun marked ancient celebrations of the planting calendars to celebrate fertility, harvest and abundance from the Earth. The veil between the visible and invisible worlds is thinner then. Take time to honor Gaia, the source of your food, and the abundance in your life with ritual, song, journeying, dance and feasting.

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. This Is Capitalism In A Nutshell. We Have Work Options In America. If You Don't Like A Wage, You Can Find Another Employer Who Pays What You Want.

I would like to add that we have work options in America. If you don't like your employer or you don't like your pay, you have the freedom to look for employment elsewhere with an employer who can pay you what you want. Unlike Third World Nations where work is very limited or hardly available. That's mainly due to Socialist governance and Socialist oppressive economic policies that stifles employers and chases employers out of area or out of business. (emphasis mine)

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Matthew 20 NIV
[source: Biblegateway]

1 Jesus said, “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard.

3 “About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. 4 He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ 5 So they went.

“He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. 6 About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’

7 “‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.

“He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’

8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’

9 “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

13 “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”


Workers in the Vineyard
Matthew 20:1-16
[source: Swap Meet Dave]

How can focusing on God’s grace in our lives keep us from becoming jealous of others? In what way can you thank God every day for his grace in your life?

Observe that nobody was cheated! Not a single worker was underpaid. While it may be argued (based on human, subjective, economic comparisons) that some were overpaid, nobody was cheated. The complaint of the early workers offered no evidence of wrongdoing. It was a complaint born in hearts of jealousy, not objective reality. Some of them received less than they expected and many received more. We should rejoice in the good others receive.

The landowner had the right to “overpay” the late workers. He said “whatever is right you will receive.” He determined what was right, not based on ordinary human accounting, but grace. His over-payment of the late workers was his choice and nobody could argue he didn't have that right.

Jesus’ story makes no economic sense, and that was his intent. He was giving us a parable about grace, which cannot be calculated like a day’s wages. No one was cheated; all the workers got what they were promised. [each worker was PAID WHAT THEY AGREED TO. (emphasis mine)] But discontent arouse from the scandalous mathematics of grace.

Significantly, many Christians who study this parable identify with the employees who put in a full day’s work, rather than the add-on's at the end of the day. We like to think of ourselves as responsible workers, and the employer's strange behavior baffles us as it did the original hearers. We risk missing the point of the parable: that God dispenses gifts, not wages. None of us gets paid according to merit, for none of us comes close to satisfying God’s requirements for a perfect life. If paid on the basis of fairness, we would all end up in hell. [source: Philip Yancey, What’s So Amazing About Grace].

July 28, 2019

Joseph Prince Teaches Us How Grace Is Superior To The Law. I Typed A Transcript Of An Excerpt I Want You To Hear Or Read. He Makes A Profound Illustration On The True Meaning Of Repentance.

Joseph Prince teaches us how Grace is superior to the law. "The essence of Grace is supply. The essence of law is demand, demand, demand." The gospel is not about "behavior modification" but "heart transformation" through a revelation of God's grace, we find our lives renewed. Revelation of God's love and grace transforms the heart, and so our lives. Praise the Lord for His Grace endures forever.

Please watch this 42 minute message uploaded on YouTube by La Grace Révolution TV with French subtitles before it gets removed. I promise it will touch your soul. Love you! This message is worth your time. I promise. :)

I have typed a transcript for you below of this section of his message that is quite profound:

Joseph Prince excerpt begins at 33:07: And let me finish with this. There are those who say things like you know Joseph Prince you don't teach too much on repentance. You and Joel both are in the same mix. But when they say that what they are trying to say is that you don't teach repentance when people are crying and people are sobbing and hitting their breast saying Jesus, Jesus you know.

What we have is the pulpit preaching and peoples lives are transformed, minds are changing, and the Greek word for repentance "meta-noia" change of mind. You know every Sunday over here and people watching at home when they listen to Joel preach they are changing their minds from a God who is angry to a smiling God reflected in the preacher. A smiling preacher. And from thinking small to praying God-sized prayers. Repentance is going on people. Amen. Or from being afraid to approach God to bring the boldness to approach God when you are in need. That's repentance.

But this remorseful thing... let me show you this verse real quick and then we close. Judas you know in the King James it says that Judas who betrayed Jesus when he saw that he was condemn repented. Was it a true repentance. You say Pastor the repentance I'm talking about is remorse. Well, in the New King James it says, he was remorseful. And yet, he never went to Jesus for forgiveness. He did the ultimate act of self-righteousness, he killed himself. He'd rather hang than allow Jesus hanging to be the forgiveness for him. Do you realize how self-righteous that is? 

Peter denied knowing Jesus that night. But Peter waited until Christ hung for him. Amen.

The greatest humility is to receive and not to punish yourself. How dare you punish yourself when God sent His son to be punished in your place. How dare you hit your family. How dare you hit yourself when Jesus was hit at the cross with God's judgement on your behalf. 

So repentance, the base essence of repentance is repentance towards God. Acts 20:21 Paul says about repentance, "testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks (non-Jews), repentance towards God." The very first area repentance must happen in every preaching and teaching is towards God. You know what's towards God? Change your mind towards God. That's where everything happens. How you view God is how your life will be. Change your mind about God. God is a God that will run to you when you take one step towards Him. That's the God that Jesus came to reveal.

And the last portion and then I'm going to close. Alright. One day of telling the Lord, Lord give me another illustration from your Word of repentance so that I could shut some peoples mouth. I'm tired of this. You know the thing is that they are affecting the flock. And I get fears when people attack the flock. Amen. If you're a Shepard, feed. Don't be a wolf and beat and tear them apart. 

I said Lord give me an illustration and He brought me to this beautiful and we'll end with this...

Jesus in Luke 15 alright, "Then drew near the tax collectors, and the sinners to Jesus to hear Him." Isn't it beautiful. Alright. The tax collectors came and the sinners came to hear Jesus. Alright they all came switched on their tv to watch Joel. And then the Theologians, I'm sorry, the Pharisees and scribes complains saying, "This man receives sinners and eats with them." What an accolade. A friend of sinners.

Then Jesus shared this parable. I'll close with this parable. So He spoke this parable to them. Don't forget one side are all the sinners and one side are the Pharisees. Jesus said, "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing."

Now next verse, Luke 15:16 "and when he comes home," Now this is extreme no Shepard does this over a lost sheep. He might spank the sheep. But rejoice and call for a party? All his neighbors are saying forget it man, this man is crazy. "He calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost."

Now watch this, "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance."

So, I read that and I said Lord how in the world did that one lost sheep repent? Obviously He's teaching me on repentance. But I said, pray-tell me Lord.

Then I read it again. The good Shepard left the ninety-nine. The good Shepard went. The good Shepard sought. The good Shepard found. The good Shepard carried. The good Shepard put it on His shoulders so he wouldn't have to walk anymore. He's born on His strength and His power. The good Shepard brought him home. The good Shepard calls for a celebration. The good Shepard REJOICES. I said Lord, I don't see where the sheep repents? It's all the good Shepard. And the Lord says, this is repentance. The sheep has to consent to be carried. The sheep has to consent to be loved. The sheep has to consent to rest on My strong shoulders. Whenever you do these things, when you consent to be loved, consent to rest on My power, consent to rest on My heart of love. That's true repentance. Jesus gets all the glory.

It is not this repent, repent, repent. Or even feeling remorse like Judas where there is no true repentance.

Folks, it's time for us to study the Bible for ourselves and see that this wonderful Jesus 2,000 years ago hung on a lonely tree during the time of Elijah when Elijah built the 12 stones altar, he asked for water to be poured on the sacrifice three times making it difficult as if for God to put down fire, to bring the fire. But the fire came. Elijah's fire, the fires of God's judgement consumed the sacrifice, consumed all the twelve stones until nothing was left. Because under the old the judgement was greater than the sacrifice. But under the new when Jesus the sacrifice hung on the cross he absorbed all of God's righteous indignation against all lawlessness, against all sins. He absorbed it all until everything, I wish I had a video to show you like a whirlwind going into His person. He adsorbed it all and cried, FINISHED. Nothing left. No more curse. No more judgement. This time and He was still alive. Don't forget this time after He absorbed everything the sacrifice remained. For the first time we see the sacrifice is greater than the judgement. Grace has come. Hallelujah! We are all the beneficiaries of it.

So friends listen, God is still Holy. But because of what Christ did, God's righteous eyes saw your sins and my sins born in the body of Jesus and God who is Holy, thrice Holy, cannot punish us today for the sins that He punished Jesus for, it's called the law double jeopardy. The same crime, the same sin cannot be punished twice in the body of my surety and substitute then in my body. God would be unholy if God did that. God would be unjust if God did that. So I'm telling you friends God's holiness today is on our side. Just like Israel put the blood on the doorpost at night, God's holiness was now on their side because the blood has been shed. Do you understand today God's holiness is on your side demanding your acquittal, demanding your justification, demanding your forgiveness. God's righteousness is on your side. God is for you not against you. Give Him praise Church. Come on. Hallelujah! Yeah, this is our God.

For more information please visit:

Joseph Prince YouTube channel

I also want to add that I'm excited to announce Joseph Prince will be touring the United States this year 2019. If you are interested in seeing him live and want more information how to register, please visit:

A Night of Worship with Joseph Prince
USA Tour 2019

The Next Time You Feel Like GOD Can't Use YOU, Just Remember... Now This Is A GREAT Message!!! LOVE IT! ♥ Re-Post From 2/26/11.

The next time you feel like GOD can't use YOU, just remember....
written by Elder S.D. Ashe

* Noah was a drunk * Abraham was too old * Isaac was a daydreamer * Jacob was a liar * Leah was ugly * Joseph was abused * Moses had a stuttering problem * Gideon was afraid * Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer * Rahab was a prostitute * Jeremiah and Timothy were too young * David had an affair and was a murderer * Elijah was suicidal * Isaiah preached naked * Jonah ran from God * Naomi was a widow * Job went bankrupt * John the Baptist ate bugs * Peter denied Christ * The Disciples fell asleep while praying * Martha worried about everything * The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once * Zaccheus was too small * Paul was too religious * Timothy had an ulcer * Lazarus was dead!

Jesus does not pick the qualified;
He qualifies those He picks.


I'd like to share an exchange I had with a friend after I posted this message on Facebook. Perhaps some of you may be asking the same question.

Thomas: @Josette, I guess Noah had a platypus on the boat. So, why is that they are only in one area of the world?

Josette (Me): @Thomas, I don't know. Why don't you ask God and then let me know what you find out. ;)

Thomas: @Josette, Same thing with the whales and the dolphins? I just asking you Jo? Apparently you may have some inside information that I don't.

Josette: @Thomas, why would you say that "I may have some inside information that you don't?" I wasn't there. But like I said since it's important for you to have this question answered just ask God yourself.

Josette: @Thomas, while I was writing my last comment it came to me... Noah built the Ark because God warned of an imminent flood that would engulf the whole earth right? Well I guess it would be safe to say that ALL water creatures were SAFE and didn't need to be kept in Noah's Ark.

Thomas: @Josette, thank God you know that stuff!

We Can Learn A Thing Or Two From Noah's Ark!

Noah's Ark

1. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
2. Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone might ask you to do something REALLY big.
3. Don't listen to critics -- do what has to be done.
4. Build on high ground.
5. For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
6. Two heads are better than one.
7. Speed isn't always an advantage. The cheetahs were on board, but so were the snails.
8. If you can't fight or flee -- float!
9. Don't forget that we're all in the same boat.
10. Remember that the ark was built by amateurs and the Titanic was built by professionals.
11. Remember that the woodpeckers INSIDE are often a bigger threat than the storm outside.
12. Don't miss the boat.
13. No matter how bleak it looks, if God is with you, there's always a rainbow on the other side.

The Great Awakening... ♥ Re-Post From 9/12/10

What an AMAZING message! Absolutely LOVED IT! ♥ Thanks to my dear friend Jeanette for sharing this video message with me! :)
Life is not a prison, it is a school. You are sent here to learn, you are sent here to grow. You are sent here to become more conscious, more AWARE.

The more you are moving towards your life’s fulfillment, the more your life becomes a rejoicing, a deep joy for no reason at all, a blissfulness so deep and so abundant that you can start sharing it with others. In fact, you have to share it with others because it is overflowing, you cannot contain it. ~ by Osho
I was asked earlier today if I was a follower of Osho. My answer is no, I'm not a follower of anybody on this terrestrial plane. I am connected to my Source, the Creator of all living beings. I enjoy reading what he has to share, his take on life and spirituality. Just like many others that I respect who help people stay out of the darkness. In this crazy world, it's quite easy for people to be prone to suicidal or depressive thoughts. If positive messages like this can help a person to lift them out of the darkness, I appreciate them. This is positive food/nourishment for our spirit. It's important to care for ourselves regularly: mind, body, and spirit. What we take in shows through. Our thoughts and feelings create our reality. That is why it is important that we are CONSCIOUS of what we are feeding our senses. Balance is the KEY.
A person experiences life as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. Our task must be to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison, and through compassion, to find the reality of Oneness.~ by Albert Einstein
I received this pretty awesome message today through a facebook application called Message from God that I want to share with you. Perhaps this is something you need to hear.
"On this day, God wants you to know... that change is the very nature of life, - welcome it. No glass ever became sand again; No bread ever became wheat; No ripened fruit ever became a flower. Welcome change, and choose what kind of glass you create, what kind of bread you bake, what kind of fruit you harvest."
I'm soooo ready! and so the creating and transformation continues... I embrace it. Thank you God for giving me the ability to enjoy the constant growing reshaping refining process through You. ♥

UPDATE 10/10/15: I first shared this message with you five years ago. I had no idea what kind of transformation I was going to go through. Apparently my soul did, and accepted the challenge with excitement lol Looking back now, I am grateful I said yes to the Universe. This past five years has forced me to grow every which way imaginable. This past five years has also proven to me that no matter what my circumstances look like, God Almighty will never leave me nor forsake me. Father God has been the only stable, secure force in my life. When all hell broke loose in my life, and there was no one I could turn to on earth for help, I was forced to rely on God for 100% of my survival. I give God all the glory. Father God has been my anchor, providing me with His strength, courage, wisdom, comfort, peace, love, and joy. ♥

The ONE thing I am absolutely secure in and that nobody can take away from me is God's love for me and my love for God. My experience is mine alone and nobody can ever ever change that...

UPDATE 12/10/16: I'm still standing one year later with a great big smile on my face, a little weathered, but still smiling nevertheless, stronger as a result after being battered by one storm after another this past year. I look back on this past year and know without a doubt that it was the hand of God that saw me through. After living through what I have this past year, and witnessing God's supernatural intervention, I can say that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Glory be to God in the Highest. I know I am nothing without Him. God is amazing. I am truly grateful for everything and I mean everything. ♥

I trust that my God will restore all of the years the locusts, and the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm have eaten (stolen from me). [Joel 2:25] In Jesus mighty name, AMEN!
UPDATE 7/28/19: I'm happy to say that I'm still standing with a great big smile on my face and in my heart. I give God all the glory. I feel a sense of calm now knowing Jesus is with me always. I can't deny the peace of God that surpasses all understanding even while facing evil. I can say this with confidence because I can testify that prayer works folks and God is very real. Jesus Christ is the living breathing WORD of God that was made flesh to walk amongst us. The Holy Spirit is the BREATH of God.

Jesus said, and I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever — the Spirit of Truth. [John 14:16-17]

Jesus was speaking about the Holy Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive. For the Holy Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. [John 7:39]

Jesus said, but the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. [John 14:26]

Jesus said, when the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father--the Spirit of Truth who goes out from the Father--He will testify about Me. [John 15:26]

Jesus said, but I tell you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. [John 16:7]

Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time, and you do not know Me yet, Philip, nor recognize clearly who I am? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’ [John 14:9]

Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]. [Philippians 4:6-7 AMP]

Happy Sunday Everybody! Sending Some Humor Your Way To Tickle Your Funny Bone. Love You! 😊

Helium is a chemical element with symbol He and atomic number 2.

July 27, 2019

USA: I Just Found Out Google Has Teamed Up With The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation To Give 100,000 Google Home Mini Smart Speakers To People Living With Paralysis And Their Caregivers.

Google Nest published on Jul 26, 2019: Google Nest is partnering with the Reeve Foundation to make a more helpful home for everyone. You can join us in making a difference. Just say to your Google Assistant, “Hey Google, make a donation to the Reeve Foundation.”

Learn more at http://goo.gle/2yeyir2

Digital Surgeons published on Jul 26, 2019: The Power of Voice // Collaborating with Google and The Reeve Foundation. We’re grateful for every opportunity we get to work with our clients, but we’re even more grateful to be able to do work that hits close to home.

NEWS PROVIDED BY Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
Friday July 26, 2019

SHORT HILLS, N.J. - In celebration of the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, the leading nonprofit dedicated to improving quality of life for people living with paralysis, announced today a partnership with Google Nest to improve independence for the greater paralysis community through Google Nest products powered by the Google Assistant.

For individuals living with paralysis and mobility impairments, home can be a place of obstacles and isolation as a result of physical barriers and the expense associated with adaptive renovations. However, voice-enabled technology is a game changer for independent living across the disability and aging populations. Because Google Nest believes everyone deserves a more helpful home, they are providing up to 100,000 free Google Home Minis through the Reeve Foundation for individuals and families impacted by paralysis, to enhance quality of life at home. With these devices, people living with paralysis can control simple, daily tasks within their home with just their voice. And with compatible devices installed, they can even use their voice to turn on lights, turn up the thermostat and check who is at the door.

"We live in a world where technology has unlocked unforeseen possibilities for individuals living with paralysis. However, even the best ideas can gather dust unless the right partners—community and industry—work together to bring them to life. We are grateful to Google Nest for their commitment to work with the Reeve Foundation and restore independence for people living with paralysis," said Rebecca Laming, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. "It's fitting that today—the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act—we are announcing an extraordinary partnership that extends the impact of this landmark legislation to achieve greater freedom and inclusion for individuals living with paralysis."

All members of the Reeve Foundation community living with paralysis and their caregivers are able to receive a free Google Home Mini while supplies last and community members can confirm their eligibility by visiting Googlenest.reevefoundation.org. The offer to redeem the device expires on August 13, 2019 and is available to U.S. residents only.

Google Home Mini, part of the Google Nest portfolio of products, is a smart speaker with Google Assistant that provides access to the best of Google, such as Search, YouTube Music and more, plus features that encourage independent living. When typical in-home tasks like adjusting the temperature pose a significant challenge, a device like Google Home Mini, coupled with partner products, can have a transformative impact on individuals living with paralysis. For example, through the integration of other Google Nest products, Google Home Mini can provide an increased sense of security by allowing a user to see who is at the front door from their living room, as well as offer access to entertainment, communication, and educational training.

As part of the partnership, select members of the paralysis community served as pilot testers and integrated Google Nest products throughout their home. Through a series of videos, these individuals shared how voice-enabled technology restored their control of daily tasks empowering them to live with greater confidence and ease. The pilot members include:

Garrison Redd: Born and raised in Brooklyn, Garrison sustained a spinal cord injury as a result of gun violence when he was a teenager. He is currently training as a powerlifter with hopes of competing at the upcoming Paralympic Games as part of Team USA.

For the first time in 14-years, I can fully control my home from adjusting the temperature to turning on the lights. Google Home helps me stay focused on my training for the Paralympics and boosts my confidence that I can live independently and thrive.—Garrison Redd

Cole Sydnor: After sustaining a spinal cord injury diving into the James River in Virginia, Cole has dedicated his efforts to challenging the stigmas and misperceptions associated with paralysis through his YouTube Channel that has amassed over 160K subscribers.

Google Home has given me hope that I can move out with my girlfriend and start our lives together. It also gives my girlfriend and family the comfort of knowing if something happened to me, I could reach them through Google.—Cole Sydnor

Chanda Hinton: A well-known advocate, Chanda sustained a spinal cord injury as a child due to an accidental gun shot. Now she is one of the most prominent voices promoting access to integrative therapies for individuals living with paralysis in the Denver area.

As a woman living with a disability, I never felt comfortable answering my door or letting someone into my house. Google allows me to see who is at my front door so I can feel more secure and confident living on my own. When you are paralyzed, your most powerful tool is your voice.—Chanda Hinton

"For many of the 5.4 million Americans living with paralysis, home can be a reminder of what was lost following an injury or disability. However, technology like Google Home Mini can completely transform what it means to live independently, and, to caregivers, it offers much-needed reprieve and support. Together, the Reeve Foundation and Google Nest are giving back the comfort of what a home should be for families impacted by paralysis," said Laming.

Individuals living with paralysis who receive a free Google Home Mini are encouraged to share their experience using #PowerOfVoice on all social media channels. Through user-generated content, Google Nest and the Reeve Foundation hope to ignite an industry-wide conversation that inspires tech companies to address the most pressing needs of the broader disability population.

For more information on how Google Nest is empowering members of the Reeve Foundation community, please visit Googlenest.reevefoundation.org.

About the Reeve Foundation

The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis through grants, information and advocacy. We meet all 20 of the Better Business Bureau's standards for charity accountability and hold the BBB's Charity Seal. For more information, please visit our website at www.ChristopherReeve.org or call 800-225-0292.
I'm a huge Christopher Reeve fan. Since I was a child. There will never be another Superman like the late great Christopher Reeve. He's also the lead actor in my top of the list favorite movie, Somewhere in Time. His beautiful soul sure left an impression on me. This news warms my heart. 💖

I think I'll enjoy a Christopher Reeve Superman (1978) movie series marathon this weekend. 😊👍🌟🐱‍🏍

July 26, 2019

USA: I Just Found Out That Annabella Lwin And Bow Wow Wow Are Touring The U.S. With Other Greats In The Lost 80's LIVE 2019 Tour. Kicking It Off In Brooklyn August 2nd! w00t w00t! 👏😍💖

Looking FORWARD to my next shows on select dates, with Lost80’slive alongside a host of stars🤩 kicking it off in Brooklyn☺️ - bring yo dancin’ shoes ! 💃🏽🕺🏻
Posted by Annabella "The Original" Bow wow wow on Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Visit Annabella Lwin's website for more information
CLICK HERE to look at The Lost 80's LIVE 2019 Tour Calendar.

Ford Amphitheatre, Coney Island, Brooklyn NY -  Friday, August 2
The Fred Amphitheatre, Peachtree City, Georgia - Saturday, August 3
Aretha Franklin Amphitheatre, Detroit, Michigan - Friday, August 9
Humphrey's Concerts by the Bay, San Diego, CA - Saturday, August 17
Arena Theatre, Houston, Texas - Thursday, August 22
Golden Nugget Hotel, Lake Charles, Louisiana - Friday, August 23
State Farm Arena, Downtown Hidalgo, Texas - Sunday, August 25
Chumash Casino Resort, Santa Ynez, California - Friday, August 30
The Greek Theatre, Los Angeles, California - September 6
Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, Las Vegas, Nevada - September 7

Yaaay! They're going to be here close by at the Chumash Casino Resort on August 30th and at The Greek Theatre on September 6th. 😄💖👍
I wrote about Bow Wow Wow being my favorite 80's band and how that affected my teen life on March 6, 2010. If you would like to read my post, please CLICK HERE. 😊

USA: I'm So Happy To Find Out The NeverEnding Story Has Been Introduced To A Whole New Generation Thanks To The Stranger Things Series. I've Been Obsessing Over This Movie All Year.

written by Tai Gooden
July 8, 2019

Spoilers ahead for Stranger Things 3. Stranger Things fans love Mileven and the growing romance between Lucas and Max, but now there’s a new teenage relationship to celebrate — Dustin and Suzie. It turns out Dustin was NOT lying when he said he found love at summer camp with a smart and pretty girl from Utah. His friends were shocked to hear “Suzie-poo” ask her “Dusty-bun” where he had been before demanding an impromptu duet with her in exchange for Planck’s constant. The song Dustin & Suzie sing in Stranger Things is the theme song from The Neverending Story, a popular 1984 fantasy film and yet another ode to the past that makes sense in this series.

The magical song, also called “The Neverending Story,” was performed by English pop singer Limahl and American singer Beth Anderson, even though she was not credited as a featured artist, per IMDB. It was written specifically for the movie and ended up being the peak of Limahl’s solo career. Stranger Things 3 takes place in the summer of 1985, so it makes perfect sense for Dustin and Suzie to bond over the relatively recent coming-of-age film and its epic theme song.

And, their long-distance romance (there are four states in-between them) with communication primarily through Cerebro makes their relationship like a never-ending story of her own. The best part is, Gaten Matarazzo and Gabriella Pizzolo, who portrays Suzie, are both singers with Broadway performance backgrounds, so those reat voices actually belong to them.

Their sweet duet was a big surprise (and confusing) to the entire D&D crew, Steve, Robin, Erica, Hopper, Joyce, and pretty much everyone who was on that same radio channel because 1) who knew that Dustin could sing? 2) Suzie actually existed and 3) it was literally happening in the middle of being chased by a monster made of the Flayed and trying to disable Russian technology.

Obviously, Suzie didn’t quite believe Dustin when he said that he hadn’t reached out to her because he was busy saving the world from Russians and monsters. After their song ended, the pair went on to gush about how much they missed each other until Erica abruptly cut Dustin off because, you know, they were in the middle of a crisis. And, all the 80’s and 90’s Stranger Things fans were taken back to their own childhoods as they remembered Bastian’s epic adventure in Fantasia. The NeverEnding Story is available to stream via IMDB TV, so now is a perfect time to relive this adventure and sing out loud.

Stranger Things has been a nostalgic love letter to the fashion, pop culture, toys, and entertainment in the 80’s, so it was only a matter of time before The NeverEnding Story would show up in some form. It's lighthearted callbacks like this that break up the gore, darkness, and feels to remind everyone that these kids are still living the best years of their lives.

There hasn’t been word on when, or if, Stranger Things 4 is happening, but hopefully Dustin and Suzie will still be in love and singing fun songs about adventure, dreams, and wonder. Long live Duzie.

A post shared by Global Awareness 101 (@globalawareness101) on


Entertainment Weekly (EW)
written by Rosy Cordero
Monday July 15, 2019

Netflix released Stranger Things season 3 on July 4, 2019. This scene appears in final episode 8.

Stranger Things fans from all over the world have accepted Millie Bobby Brown’s #NeverEndingChallenge, but there’s one that stands out from all the rest. Tami Stronach, who played the Childlike Empress in 1984’s The NeverEnding Story, posted a video to Instagram of herself and her look-alike daughter Maya dancing to the fantasy film’s theme song, sung by British singer Limahl.

The Netflix series brought renewed interest to the Wolfgang Peterson-directed film when Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo) sings the theme song to his girlfriend Suzie (Gabriella Pizzolo).

“My daughter and I just did this hilarious video on Instagram,” Stronach tells EW exclusively about her submission to the challenge.

“You know, they did the theme song for The NeverEnding Story on Stranger Things? Millie Bobby Brown made this dance challenge, so my daughter and I did it. I tried to do my own and then she wanted to do one but it was all too complicated. So we just put on the music from that scene while we were at a friend’s house, and my daughter and I did a funny dance number.”

Stronach and Brown met in 2016 when the former moderated a Q&A with the latter at the Rhode Island Comic Con. With Stranger Things capturing the ’80s so perfectly, this meet-up had fans hoping the Childlike Empress would make a cameo on the popular streaming series. And although that hasn’t happened yet, the film that made her famous as a child had a place of honor on the show.

Stranger Things is available to stream on Netflix.

💖 The Neverending Story (1984) 𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗆𝖾 𝖲𝗈𝗇𝗀 💖

Entertainment Weekly
written by Rosy Cordero
Tuesday July 9, 2019

A special shout-out in Netflix’s Stranger Things has reopened the pages to A The NeverEnding Story.

In the final episode of season 3, Dustin Henderson (Gaten Matarazzo) serenades his girlfriend Suzie (Gabriella Pizzolo) with the theme song from the cult classic ’80s film. The scene has inspired fans to run to their favorite streaming sites to hear the original song, sung by British pop star Limahl — much to his surprise.

“My God! It’s been very exciting to hear about all the new interest in the song,” Limahl tells EW exclusively from his home in London. “Thirty-five years later, it’s reaching a whole new audience — it’s fantastic.”

While the singer doesn’t watch the hit series, he said that his nephews Josh and Max called him when they saw it. “They were so excited. Josh said, ‘Oh my God uncle, they’re using your song in Stranger Things. I love that show!’ They’re both big fans of the show and it’s been so much fun watching their enthusiasm over the whole thing.”

Limahl, born Christopher Hamill, still hasn’t tuned in to Stranger Things, he’s seen the clip featuring Matarazzo and Pizzolo and has given them his official seal of approval.

“I have seen the clip when the two characters perform the song and I was very touched,” he explains. “I didn’t know the show was so big, obviously I’m going to watch it now. This song seems to have gotten everybody really excited. I’m so happy that 35 years later, I’m still around to be able to enjoy this.”

Limahl is right, fans can’t seem to get enough of the original song and its video. YouTube reports that daily U.S. views of his original music video spiked 800 percent on July 6. Spotify confirms to EW that it, too, was hit with a surge of interest in the fantasy film’s theme. Streams of the track soared about 825 percent on Sunday compared to the previous Sunday.
WOW 😊👍💖
This is the second time that a Netflix series has helped bring Limahl’s music back into the mainstream. Black Mirror: Bandersnatch featured his hit “Too Shy” from his time as the lead singer of the pop group Kajagoogoo.

“I had no idea they were going to use the [NeverEnding Story] song because I had nothing to do with the licensing,” he says. “When Netflix used ‘Too Shy’ at Christmas in their Black Mirror series, it was also a total surprise to me. It would be a full-time job to keep track of when our songs are licensed until they end up a part of pop culture in some way and we find out.”

Limahl is grateful that Netflix is helping to expose his music to a new generation and wants The Duffer Brothers to know that he’s also an actor and would be ready to fly to Los Angeles to make a cameo in season 4 of Stranger Things.

“Hey Duffers, if you want me next season you can count me in,” he says excitedly. “It’s my sole duty to catch up on the show. I promise I’ll be ready!”

Stranger Things is currently available to stream via Netflix. You can see Limahl’s original music video below, clad with shoulder pads and tons of hairspray.

USA: I'm Excited To Announce Musical Theatre Orange County Presents Disneys MARY POPPINS Live On Stage. Yay! Take The Family. Show Them Some Love And Support. Production Looks Really Great.

Musical Theatre Orange County published on July 25, 2019: KTLA Entertainment Report interviews with Mary & Bert from Mary Poppins.

written by Staff
Sunday July 21, 2019

Winds from the east...mist comin' in, like something's a brewin' about to begin.

Based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the classic Disney film, the hit Broadway musical adaptation of Mary Poppins lands in Orange County with a heartwarming score, a spoonful of imagination, a lovable jack-of-all-trades named Bert and a flying nanny who's practically perfect in every way.

Come be swept away by classic tunes like "Spoonful of Sugar," "Chim Chim Cher-ee" and, of course, "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", as young Jane and Michael learn many valuable life lessons from their unconventional nanny.

Mary Poppins the Musical stars Catherine Dickens as Mary Poppins, Colson Barkley as Bert, Gil Garcia as George Banks, with Haylie Beckman as Winifred Banks, Ellie Lynch and Wyatt Goodbrand, as Jane and Michael Banks, with Laura Erath as Miss Brill, Robertson Ay (Zachary Smart) Miss Andrew (Kayla Agnew) Bird Woman (Jessica Ordaz) Mrs. Corry (Cassie Wise) and Park Keeper/Chairman (Ron Banks).

This show is being reimagined by a group of fabulous Disney talent and alumni. Some of these folks include:

Mitch Atkins the Artistic Director and co-founder of MTOC. His work as Sr. Technical Director can be seen across the Resort and on the current Disney California Adventure show, Frozen at the Hyperion Theatre. Brian Sandahl, Set Designer, Art Director for The Disney Resort. One of Brian's favorite projects at the resort is, Holiday Haunted Mansion. Daniel Solis' choreography will take you on a magical journey and have you jumping to your feet in his rendition of Step in Time! Daniel has enjoyed a long career with The Walt Disney Company in a wide variety of Entertainment-related roles including Choreographer and Casting Director. Colson Barkley brings two levels of talent to the table as both Musical Director and bringing the iconic role of Bert to life on stage. Britany Callahan's creative and thoughtful direction dives into the heart of this family adrift, and brings them together in a way the contemporary audiences will connect to.

The Costume Design is brought to life via Evelyn Perez, combining a classic flair and incorporating a bit of the whimsical world of "Mary Poppins Returns".

Mary Poppins was co-created by acclaimed British producer Cameron Mackintosh (Oliver!) and features music and lyrics by the legendary Sherman brothers, George Stiles and Anthony Drewe, with a book by Julian Fellowes (Downton Abbey). Be sure not to miss the magic as Musical Theatre Orange County presents Disney's "Mary Poppins".

RUN TIME: 2 hour 30 minutes, including a 15-minute intermission.


7:30pm to 10:00pm
Doors open at 7:15pm


Mezzanine: $30.00
Orchestra: $35.00


3 & up

To purchase accessible seating, please contact (714) 637-0186 and a representative will be happy to return your call and assist with your ticket purchase.
Mary Poppins
The Broadway Musical
🌟 July 26th - August 4th 🌟

Ticket purchases are processed through PurplePass,
a secure, professional ticketing service.

Based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the classic Disney film, the hit Broadway musical adaptation of Mary Poppins lands in Orange County with a heartwarming score, spoonfuls of imagination, a lovable jack-of-all-trades named Bert and a flying nanny who's practically perfect in every way. You and your family will be swept away by such favorite tunes as "Spoonful of Sugar," "Chim Chim Cher-ee" and, of course, "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" as young Jane and Michael learn many valuable life lessons from their unconventional nanny. Mary Poppins was co-created by acclaimed British producer Cameron Mackintosh (Oliver!) and features music and lyrics by the legendary Sherman brothers, George Stiles and Anthony Drewe, with a book by Julian Fellowes (Downton Abbey). Be sure not to miss the magic as Musical Theatre Orange County presents Disney's "Mary Poppins".

All performances held at the beautiful
PYLUSD Performing Arts Center
1651 N. Valencia Ave.
Placentia, CA 92870