Joseph Prince teaches us how Grace is superior to the law. "The essence of Grace is supply. The essence of law is demand, demand, demand." The gospel is not about "behavior modification" but "heart transformation" through a revelation of God's grace, we find our lives renewed. Revelation of God's love and grace transforms the heart, and so our lives. Praise the Lord for His Grace endures forever.
Please watch this 42 minute message uploaded on YouTube by La Grace Rรฉvolution TV with French subtitles before it gets removed. I promise it will touch your soul. Love you! This message is worth your time. I promise. :)
I have typed a transcript for you below of this section of his message that is quite profound:
Please watch this 42 minute message uploaded on YouTube by La Grace Rรฉvolution TV with French subtitles before it gets removed. I promise it will touch your soul. Love you! This message is worth your time. I promise. :)
I have typed a transcript for you below of this section of his message that is quite profound:
Joseph Prince excerpt begins at 33:07: And let me finish with this. There are those who say things like you know Joseph Prince you don't teach too much on repentance. You and Joel both are in the same mix. But when they say that what they are trying to say is that you don't teach repentance when people are crying and people are sobbing and hitting their breast saying Jesus, Jesus you know.
What we have is the pulpit preaching and peoples lives are transformed, minds are changing, and the Greek word for repentance "meta-noia" change of mind. You know every Sunday over here and people watching at home when they listen to Joel preach they are changing their minds from a God who is angry to a smiling God reflected in the preacher. A smiling preacher. And from thinking small to praying God-sized prayers. Repentance is going on people. Amen. Or from being afraid to approach God to bring the boldness to approach God when you are in need. That's repentance.
But this remorseful thing... let me show you this verse real quick and then we close. Judas you know in the King James it says that Judas who betrayed Jesus when he saw that he was condemn repented. Was it a true repentance. You say Pastor the repentance I'm talking about is remorse. Well, in the New King James it says, he was remorseful. And yet, he never went to Jesus for forgiveness. He did the ultimate act of self-righteousness, he killed himself. He'd rather hang than allow Jesus hanging to be the forgiveness for him. Do you realize how self-righteous that is?
Peter denied knowing Jesus that night. But Peter waited until Christ hung for him. Amen.
The greatest humility is to receive and not to punish yourself. How dare you punish yourself when God sent His son to be punished in your place. How dare you hit your family. How dare you hit yourself when Jesus was hit at the cross with God's judgement on your behalf.
So repentance, the base essence of repentance is repentance towards God. Acts 20:21 Paul says about repentance, "testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks (non-Jews), repentance towards God." The very first area repentance must happen in every preaching and teaching is towards God. You know what's towards God? Change your mind towards God. That's where everything happens. How you view God is how your life will be. Change your mind about God. God is a God that will run to you when you take one step towards Him. That's the God that Jesus came to reveal.
And the last portion and then I'm going to close. Alright. One day of telling the Lord, Lord give me another illustration from your Word of repentance so that I could shut some peoples mouth. I'm tired of this. You know the thing is that they are affecting the flock. And I get fears when people attack the flock. Amen. If you're a Shepard, feed. Don't be a wolf and beat and tear them apart.
I said Lord give me an illustration and He brought me to this beautiful and we'll end with this...
Jesus in Luke 15 alright, "Then drew near the tax collectors, and the sinners to Jesus to hear Him." Isn't it beautiful. Alright. The tax collectors came and the sinners came to hear Jesus. Alright they all came switched on their tv to watch Joel. And then the Theologians, I'm sorry, the Pharisees and scribes complains saying, "This man receives sinners and eats with them." What an accolade. A friend of sinners.
Then Jesus shared this parable. I'll close with this parable. So He spoke this parable to them. Don't forget one side are all the sinners and one side are the Pharisees. Jesus said, "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing."
Now next verse, Luke 15:16 "and when he comes home," Now this is extreme no Shepard does this over a lost sheep. He might spank the sheep. But rejoice and call for a party? All his neighbors are saying forget it man, this man is crazy. "He calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost."
Now watch this, "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance."
So, I read that and I said Lord how in the world did that one lost sheep repent? Obviously He's teaching me on repentance. But I said, pray-tell me Lord.
Then I read it again. The good Shepard left the ninety-nine. The good Shepard went. The good Shepard sought. The good Shepard found. The good Shepard carried. The good Shepard put it on His shoulders so he wouldn't have to walk anymore. He's born on His strength and His power. The good Shepard brought him home. The good Shepard calls for a celebration. The good Shepard REJOICES. I said Lord, I don't see where the sheep repents? It's all the good Shepard. And the Lord says, this is repentance. The sheep has to consent to be carried. The sheep has to consent to be loved. The sheep has to consent to rest on My strong shoulders. Whenever you do these things, when you consent to be loved, consent to rest on My power, consent to rest on My heart of love. That's true repentance. Jesus gets all the glory.
It is not this repent, repent, repent. Or even feeling remorse like Judas where there is no true repentance.
Then I read it again. The good Shepard left the ninety-nine. The good Shepard went. The good Shepard sought. The good Shepard found. The good Shepard carried. The good Shepard put it on His shoulders so he wouldn't have to walk anymore. He's born on His strength and His power. The good Shepard brought him home. The good Shepard calls for a celebration. The good Shepard REJOICES. I said Lord, I don't see where the sheep repents? It's all the good Shepard. And the Lord says, this is repentance. The sheep has to consent to be carried. The sheep has to consent to be loved. The sheep has to consent to rest on My strong shoulders. Whenever you do these things, when you consent to be loved, consent to rest on My power, consent to rest on My heart of love. That's true repentance. Jesus gets all the glory.
It is not this repent, repent, repent. Or even feeling remorse like Judas where there is no true repentance.
Folks, it's time for us to study the Bible for ourselves and see that this wonderful Jesus 2,000 years ago hung on a lonely tree during the time of Elijah when Elijah built the 12 stones altar, he asked for water to be poured on the sacrifice three times making it difficult as if for God to put down fire, to bring the fire. But the fire came. Elijah's fire, the fires of God's judgement consumed the sacrifice, consumed all the twelve stones until nothing was left. Because under the old the judgement was greater than the sacrifice. But under the new when Jesus the sacrifice hung on the cross he absorbed all of God's righteous indignation against all lawlessness, against all sins. He absorbed it all until everything, I wish I had a video to show you like a whirlwind going into His person. He adsorbed it all and cried, FINISHED. Nothing left. No more curse. No more judgement. This time and He was still alive. Don't forget this time after He absorbed everything the sacrifice remained. For the first time we see the sacrifice is greater than the judgement. Grace has come. Hallelujah! We are all the beneficiaries of it.
So friends listen, God is still Holy. But because of what Christ did, God's righteous eyes saw your sins and my sins born in the body of Jesus and God who is Holy, thrice Holy, cannot punish us today for the sins that He punished Jesus for, it's called the law double jeopardy. The same crime, the same sin cannot be punished twice in the body of my surety and substitute then in my body. God would be unholy if God did that. God would be unjust if God did that. So I'm telling you friends God's holiness today is on our side. Just like Israel put the blood on the doorpost at night, God's holiness was now on their side because the blood has been shed. Do you understand today God's holiness is on your side demanding your acquittal, demanding your justification, demanding your forgiveness. God's righteousness is on your side. God is for you not against you. Give Him praise Church. Come on. Hallelujah! Yeah, this is our God.
For more information please visit:
Joseph Prince YouTube channel
A Night of Worship with Joseph Prince
USA Tour 2019
I also want to add that I'm excited to announce Joseph Prince will be touring the United States this year 2019. If you are interested in seeing him live and want more information how to register, please visit:
A Night of Worship with Joseph Prince
USA Tour 2019
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