July 31, 2019

Leo New Moon On Wednesday July 31st. Dream BIG by Tania Gabrielle.

Dream BIG!
written by Tania Gabrielle

We end the intense double eclipse month of July with an exciting New Moon in LEO.

This beautiful lunation invites you be open to explore so you can Dream BIG!

Everything you’ve learned and adjusted during July’s eclipse season is integrating and finding new pathways of expression…

Leo is the Royal Sign, ruled by our Sun – a STAR.

So Leo inspires you to confidently into your inner LIGHT, actualize your destiny and go out and PERFORM your Purpose with confidence.
  • On the SAME day as the Leo New Moon Mercury stations DIRECT again at 23° Cancer.
23 is the “Royal Star of the Lion” number of Courage, Freedom and Leadership.

How perfect for the Leo New Moon!
  • These same qualities are amplified during the Leo New Moon as the Sun, Moon and Venus join together and create a triple “square” to Uranus – planet of shifts, changes and freedom to explore your future!
You’re playing an important role – helping to facilitate the powerful vibrational shift on the planet now.

Focus on making every day better.

Leo is enthusiastic, romantic and resolute.

Show up ready to PLAY!

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

PS. FREE Masterclass: Discover Your Divine Blueprint: How to read any person's birth code in the STARS and NUMBERS!

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