written by Tania Gabrielle
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A sensual, passionate, joyful Full Moon in Scorpio onMay 18 enhances everything positive about Scorpio.
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, and what sets this Scorpio full moon apart is that the Sun and Moon make contact with Pluto in a beautifully harmonious way.
As a result, this full moon inspires your spiritual awakening by strengthening your passionate dedication to joy – a deeply enriching experience of emotional empowerment.
This inspirational message lines up beautifully with May’s Universal Month number 17 – the Immortality number – which instills the courage to lead and leave behind an empowering legacy.
- 17 reduces to 8, vibration of infinite resources, strength and abundance.
- 18.2019 adds up to 26 which also reduces to 8.
- The Full Moon is exact at 27° Scorpio with the Sun at 27° – 27 reduces to 9.
- May 18 is an 18 Universal Day, which also reduces to 9.
So we have an profoundly powerful, loving, wise and richly rewarding 8:8:9:9 code lit up.
Add Scorpio and Pluto into the mix – governing your source of power, truth, and your creative and sexual source of energy…
… with the fact that Pluto, ruler of this Scorpio Full Moon, creates such a magnificently positive connection to the Sun and Moon – clearly we are embarking on a journey of empowerment that is totally transformational.
Scorpio can be intense, yet this full moon makes so many harmonious connections that the intensity is healing in all matters of love.
One other exciting factor is Venus’ conjunction with Uranus, adding to the Love theme (Venus rules Taurus, where the Sun is), so you are opening up to a fresh, freely spirited exploration of love.
Venus’ focus on abundance is also enhanced by Scorpio, ruler of the 8th house of abundance – prosperity flowing to you from outside sources.
So lovely! Enjoy this one – it is a very special full moon!
Many Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
P.S. Listen to the full moon podcast on “Star Codes”, available on iTunes, Spotify and many other platforms. Click Here.
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