February 20, 2024

WORLD: Photos On Epstein Island. Nick Bryant Says FBI Has Epstein’s Black Book Because Epstein Was Intelligence Asset. Israel Gave Robert Maxwell Funeral Befitting A National Hero.

The Fugitive published January 21, 2024: Photos on Epstein Island That Shocked The FBI.
Shawn Ryan Show published November 20, 2023: Epstein's Secret Black Book. Nick Bryant is the author of "The Franklin Scandal" and Activist for Epstein Justice. Bryant is also credited with publishing Jeffrey Epstein's "Little Black Book."

Part one is a deep dive into Bryant's investigation into The Franklin Scandal. This was one of the first child trafficking rings that was highly publicized and alerted the general population to such heinous activities. Bryant explains how the criminal underworld gave way to monsters like Jeffrey Epstein.
Shawn Ryan Show Podcast published Nov 21, 2023: Did Jeffrey Epstein Clone Himself? Nick Bryant is the author of "The Franklin Scandal" and Activist for Epstein Justice. Bryant is also credited with publishing Jeffrey Epstein's "Little Black Book."

Part two is a complete breakdown of Jeffrey Epstein's vile empire and the systems that enabled his rise to a position of power in "high society." Bryant details the origins of the "Little Black Book" and uncovers the names within it. This is the account the mainstream media won't cover.
GlobalAwareness101 published Fantastic PI Work Done By jk_ultra About Ghislaine Maxwell Faked PR Stunt. Woah ๐Ÿ˜ณ that was fantastic pi work. ๐Ÿ‘ I don't believe she's in jail and with the prosecutor being the daughter of former FBI Director Comey. It was a sham trial. Tiktok video by jk_ultra. I added her name and comment with Instagram sticker to this video.
GlobalAwareness101 published Dr. Steve Pieczenik Talks Mossad/Epstein P3d0 Honeypot Operation.

********I BELIEVE Robert Maxwell faked his death just like they fake Epstein's death. The only person on the boat with him at the time of his death was his personal attorney and close confident Samuel Pisar, the step-father of our US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.********
I'm also going to mention something that is very controversial because they want the world to continue lumping all Jewish people together as one... not all people born Jewish are Kabbalist Jews. They adamantly claim Kabbalah is Judaism and how dare you question them. BUT THAT IS A LIE. Judaism worships the one true God most high in heaven. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moses, and King David. Unlike Kabbalist Jews who are following the footsteps of King Solomon, David's son, who fell from grace when he began worshipping demonic generals aka other gods such as Remphan, Baal, and Moloch to name a few because he wanted to have sex with non-Jewish woman. Kabbalists practice black magic, sorcery, and the occult mysticism as in Solomonic magic. However, they have the outward appearance, a pretense of following Judaic traditions and beliefs such as the day of sabbath that comes from a self-righteous legalistic religious spirit.

The most high God gave his FIRST COMMANDMENT in Exodus 20:3 AMP, "You shall have NO OTHER gods before me." and in Exodus 34:14, "for you shall not worship any other god; for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous (impassioned) God [demanding what is rightfully and uniquely His]" What part of that don't they get? I think those are pretty clear statements from the most high God.

When did God say that cursing others was acceptable? or how about when did God almighty say that wearing a talisman or using a talisman which is an item that has magical powers to protect oneself or curse to cause harm to another person was acceptable? Where do those magical powers come from? NOT God almighty. They are calling on some other god to fulfill their dark wishes. For example, the new Argentine president visited the gravesite of a deceased famous Kabbalist Jew Rabbi in NYC to give him thanks for his surprise election victory. Then after the cemetary visit he had lunch with Democrats Bill Clinton and Chris Dodd. I'm going to be sharing an article later that a Kabbalist Jew wrote arguing that Kabbalism IS UNEQUIVABLY Judaism and then had the nerve to justify his statement by saying well the prophets from the Torah were mystics too because they talked to spirits as well. (emphasis mine)

UPDATE 2/22/24 at 1:55pm: This is for all of you excited about people turning you on to Kabbalism. The Star of David has nothing to do with King David. The Star of David, is a derivative of the magical Seal of Solomon. King Solomon fell from grace and lost his covering from God almighty. We have been lied to about a lot of things. Those who practice Judaic Kabbalah Mysticism do not worship the God of King David. That's the deception in calling The magical Seal of Solomon, the Star of David.

Bob Larson explains Lilith demon is mentioned in the Zohar, Kabbalistic movement of occult mystical Judaism. Their adaptation of the original Torah. They perverted, blasphemed the holy scriptures of the Torah to justify practicing dark and light magic which call upon other worldly spirits for help in their requests or transactions that are not from God almighty.

"According to the legend of Kabbalistic Judaism (escoteric black magic), the true wife of Adam was Lilith. But Eve sexually seduced Adam to begin the human race and therefore she took the place of Lilith. And those in occult Satanism and Kabbalism Judaism want to restore Lilith to her rightful place." ~Bob Larson

YouTube video ๐Ÿ‘‰ https://youtu.be/tRQBhzIschA

I want to remind you that Ben Shapiro said in an interview with Joe Rogan that he doesn't believe the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob parted the red sea. He is an orthodox Kabbalist Jew. Joe Rogan asked him "you don't believe in any miracles?" Ben Shapiro said, "Not by Jesus. There was in the old testament. Yeah you've got Moses splitting the red sea and all that." Joe Rogan then asked, "What do you think happened there? Ben Shapiro replied, "What do I think happened there?" Joe Rogan, "Yeah." Ben Shapiro replied, "Well I'll go with my monothesitic explanation I mean it says in the bible there was a strong east wind. So there was a naturalistic explanation for a physical phenomenon. Point of view we don't believe in the divinity of Christ." CLICK HERE to hear him for yourself.
Valuetainment Short Clips published Who Was Ghislaine Maxwell's Father? In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David, Whitney Webb and Adam Sosnick talk about Ghislaine Maxwell's father.
Here is a little snippet from the Valuetainment video above, Adam Sosnick asked, "Pat is there any doubt in your mind that he was an "intelligence asset" Robert Maxwell? Pat replies, "I just started looking into this a couple days ago because... it's all her fault. I mean I literally started looking into this a couple days ago." Whitney Webb interjects with, "I'm not the first though with Robert Maxwell. Seymour Hersh published a book called, "The Sampson Option" why Robert Maxwell was still alive alleging a relationship with Israeli intelligence and in Britain the libel laws are very strong. So Robert Maxwell sued over that intelligence claim and HE DID NOT WIN. So Seymour Hersh was right. So we'll just leave that there. As far as I'm concerned, it's EXTENSIVELY DOCUMENTED the affiliation with Israeli intelligence." (emphasis mine)
BBC Select pubilshed May 23, 2022: Robert Maxwell, the KGB and MI6 | House of Maxwell.

Robert Maxwell had connections with MI6 for years, whilst also maintaining links with the KGB as well. This clip from House of Maxwell, a three-part documentary on BBC Select, explores how Maxwell used his connections to try to further his media empire.

One family, decades of scandal. House of Maxwell explores the rise and fall of fraudulent media mogul Robert Maxwell, who drowned in 1991, and examines the actions of his socialite daughter Ghislaine, who was convicted for recruiting and grooming underage girls for her billionaire partner Jeffrey Epstein.

Interspersing archive footage and accounts of business partners and friends with details of Ghislaine’s trial, the series probes the lives of this disgraced family over a 50-year period.

Watch House of Maxwell on BBC Select in the US: https://bit.ly/3NNdqMd

The Washington Post
written by Jackson Diehl and Glenn Frankel
November 10, 1991

JERUSALEM -- Publisher Robert Maxwell today was given a funeral befitting a national hero by Israel, the country with which he developed an intimate and sometimes controversial relationship in the last three years of his life.

Maxwell, whose body was recovered from the Atlantic Ocean off the Canary Islands last Tuesday after he disappeared from his yacht, was buried late this afternoon in Judaism's most prestigious spot, the cemetery on Jerusalem's Mount of Olives, facing the Western Wall. His funeral service in Jerusalem's Hall of the People was attended by a host of Israeli politicians led by Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and President Chaim Herzog, who eulogized the self-made tycoon as "a man cast in a heroic mold."

Born into an orthodox Jewish family in Czechoslovakia in 1923, Maxwell made his career and fortune in Britain, where he served in the army and Parliament and once announced that he had converted to the Anglican Church. In recent years, however, Maxwell reembraced Judaism and became a fervent supporter of Israel, investing tens of millions of dollars into the country's troubled economy and serving as an occasional advocate and point man for its governments.

Only a week before his death, the volatile owner of the New York Daily News and Britain's Mirror newspaper group became involved in an exchange of lawsuits with author Seymour Hersh, who accused Maxwell of working with Israel's Mossad intelligence agency. Maxwell's death at sea only intensified the speculation in London, where Hersh promised to produce further revelations of the 68-year-old publisher's clandestine Israeli connections.

So far, the evidence has not been forthcoming, and senior Israeli officials as well as sources in Britain have disputed Hersh's account that Maxwell helped the Mossad find Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli nuclear technician who was abducted by the spy agency in 1986 after he leaked secrets about Israel's nuclear weapons program to the Sunday Times, a London newspaper.

Instead, Israeli sources describe Maxwell as a Jew who returned to his roots after a life in which he conquered but never quite penetrated British society. He was a tycoon who, in exchange for the pampering and access he was readily granted by Israel's ruling establishment, set a model for involvement and investment here that could be held up to other Jewish millionaires around the world.

"It was the emotional side of this stormy and eminently pragmatic man that returned him -- after achieving honors and success, after reaching the apex in international standing and prestige -- to his roots, that led him to wish to be buried in the soil of the land of Israel," said Herzog in his eulogy. "It is right and proper that he be here at last among us."

Maxwell had almost no connection with Israel until 1988, when he was already 65 years old. In three short years, however, he made a large mark, investing tens of millions of dollars in acquiring a majority interest in the mass circulation Hebrew newspaper Maariv, the Keter publishing house and the high-tech printing firm Scitex.

Maxwell soon became an intimate of Israeli leaders. Official sources said he spoke to Shamir by telephone at least once a week and visited Jerusalem at least once a month, taking the royal suite at the King David Hotel and hobnobbing with politicians as well as his Israeli editors. Although he was friendly with leftist opposition leader Shimon Peres, one official who knew him said Maxwell's favorite was Ariel Sharon, the flamboyant hard-liner who conceived and directed the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and now oversees construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied territories.

One official source, while denying that Maxwell ever had contact with the Mossad or access to sensitive information, said the government did not shrink from asking his help on issues ranging from Soviet immigration to the financing of pet projects. Maxwell reportedly helped arrange the transit of Soviet Jews to Israel through Eastern Europe, where he had extensive contacts and investments. Six months ago, he paid for the transfer to Israel of several dozen Jewish children affected by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Ukraine.

Last year, Maxwell even considered purchasing Jerusalem's Betar soccer team, which is closely associated with Shamir's Likud Party, to rescue it from bankruptcy. In the end, Maxwell backed off from the soccer team after studying its books, a move his admirers in Israel say reflected his hard-nosed but constructive approach to business in the country.

"Maxwell showed that instead of providing charity for this country, you can invest in it and make money," said Hirsh Goodman, the editor of the weekly Jerusalem Report. "He set a model for other people: Instead of giving money away, he was creating jobs and insisting that we get away from our socialist practices."

Still, Maxwell's business dealings were motivated by much more than business sense. An Israeli source remembered being present several years ago when Maxwell invited Israeli journalists to a briefing at his suite in the King David. The journalists demanded to know why he would pour money into an economy notorious for its inefficiency and overregulation.

Maxwell, the source said, replied by opening the window and pointing at the nearby walls of the Old City. He told the journalists that he wished his parents, who died in the Holocaust, had lived to see the Holy City. Then he burst into tears, crying for so long that even the tough Israeli journalists were moved.

"Throughout his life, he never forgot his Jewishness," Maxwell's son Phillip said in a eulogy today. "He wanted to close the circle of his life and return in death to his origins."

Reuter reported from Tenerife, Canary Islands:

The judge investigating Maxwell's death has ordered the crew of the newspaper magnate's yacht not to leave the Canary Islands pending further inquiries, a family lawyer said.

Granadilla court Judge Isabel Oliva issued the order to continue investigations into Maxwell's death, which an initial autopsy attributed to natural causes.

Oliva has asked four crewmen of the yacht, moored in Tenerife, to return to ratify their earlier statements. The seven other crew members already have done so.

Maxwell's death has sparked speculation over possible foul play or suicide. But Spanish judicial officials have so far played down such talk, noting there were no signs of violence on the body.

Oliva said earlier this week that she intended to close the case once the final autopsy results had been received. The results are expected in about a week.

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