February 19, 2024

I Believe You Father God Declaration For You To Use Daily...💖

I read this message I'm sharing with you below out loud to myself every day in the privacy of my home, which is my sanctuary, and it makes my soul feel so much peace. You can print this out, or copy it by hand and use it for yourself and share it with others. Love you! ❤
I Believe Declaration
author unknown

I believe you Father God. I believe Your Kingdom and Your reality supersedes this one. I believe Your Truth is the ONLY truth there is and that Your Truth sets me free. I believe You when You tell me I'm Yours, I'm special, and I'm valuable to You. I believe You approve of me as Your child.

I believe I am the apple of Your eye. I believe I make You smile. I believe I carry Your infinite goodness in my heart. I believe peace reigns in my innermost being. I believe joy is my constant companion.

I believe hope prevails. I believe love wins. I believe I am alive to make a difference and my life does just that. I believe my belief in Your sovereign goodness and I doubt my doubts. I believe You are the BEST daddy in the whole wide world, the Universe, and the cosmos.

I believe I am a wanted child held in Your arms for all eternity. I believe I am blessed and highly favored every day of my life. I believe You are on the throne (of my life) and everything is working towards a brilliant fulfillment that you have planned (for me) before the world was created.

I believe nothing can or will change the Truth as You declare it to be. Nothing I do, and nothing I don't do, will change the timeless Truth of Your Love, Your Grace, Your Mercy, Your Tenderness, Your Compassion, and Your ability and desire to care for me and for each and every child of Yours alive on earth and alive in heaven.

I am alive for these Truth encounters. I am alive to love well. I trust You Father God. I trust You Lord Jesus. I trust You Holy Spirit. I love you Abba with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind. Amen.

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