January 16, 2024

SERBIA: Free Trade Agreement. Eastern Serbia Has Large Gold And Copper Deposits. Chinese State-Run Firms Are Building Mines At Lighting Speed And Bringing Their Chinese Labor Force With Them.

Sooooo, while the media and politicians worldwide had everybody focus their attention on Israel, this major economic move was happening behind the scenes. Slight of hand. There are many reasons why Israel allowed Hamas terrorists to invade Israel and cause atrocities for 7 hours. I mean come on, who let's their enemy hurt their own people without sending any help for 7 hours? And then you have Conservative influencers like Mark Levine and Ben Shapiro make absurd statements that Israel has a powerful military. Really? I think the Israelis who were blood sacrificed by their own government would definitely not agree with that declaration.

China's big moves is one of the reasons for the timing of Israel war. You see now that I know Netanyahu's Israeli government is allied with the World Economic Forum who has great admiration for Communist China. WEF Founder, Klaus Schwab told CGTN on November 22, 2022 that China could be a role model for many other countries. Now please take note that the WEF and their members hate human beings and want us dead. They want to put us in 15-minute cities, eating fake food, and as they've promoted "you will own nothing and be happy" for the remaining 500 million human beings that they allowed to live with them on this planet.

I also want to remind everyone that WEF Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari refer to themselves as Transhumanists. Knowing this, can we deduce that the rest of their tribe, meaning corporate members that pay up to $500,000 a year are also Transhumanists or believe in Transhumanism aka THE BORG.  I recommend watching Chronicles of Riddick movie that is another example of transhumanism. For those of you who don't know who The Borg are: (emphasis mine).
Fandom.com: The Borg were a pseudo-species of cybernetic humanoids, or cyborgs, from the Delta Quadrant known as drones. No single individual truly existed within the Borg Collective (with the possible exception of the Borg Queen), as all Borg were linked into a hive mind which connected all of them and allowed information from every drone who were brought into the collective to be shared. Their ultimate goal was the attainment of 'perfection' through the forcible assimilation of diverse sentient species, technologies, and knowledge which would be added and absorbed into the hive mind. As a result, the Borg were among the most powerful and feared entities in the galaxy, without really being a true species at all. Even the powerful Q Continuum were wary of provoking the Borg.
"We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." – Borg Collective
DW Documentary published January 14, 2024: China's growing influence in Europe - Serbia and the New Silk Road. China is increasingly active in Europe. Serbia has a particularly close relationship with China: Since 2010, the Chinese have invested some $8.5 billion there. But who are the people who keep things running on the ground?

When it comes to implementing China’s giant "New Silk Road" project, Serbia came in second place worldwide in 2022. But the story is complex: While Chinese companies are buying up the eastern part of the country around the Bor copper mine and extracting raw materials there on a large scale, second-generation Chinese in Serbia are beginning to realize their dreams.

Take Weiya Chen, a 25-year-old Chinese woman who wants to open her own café. Her family initially earned money thanks to a shoe store in Belgrade's Chinatown. Weiya has managed to rise to the middle class, but still remains Chinese at heart - at least when it comes to politics. Danilo Krivokapic, on the other hand, views the political opinions of his fellow Chinese with concern. Belgrade is in the process of installing cameras throughout the city - up to 8,000 are planned - that can be upgraded with Chinese facial recognition software. While Krivokapic fights to maintain European standards in data protection, the business world is pouncing on attractive offers from Chinese companies. Then there is 36-year-old Goran-Liu, who has made it his mission to mediate between Chinese and Serbian businesses - and offer the best deals.

Anna Tillack and Nikolaus Neumaier portray the people involved in this global project on the ground, ask about their motivations and dreams and offer a rare look behind the scenes of the otherwise closed community.

The Diplomat
written by Maja Bjeloš, Nils Resare, and Wawa Wang
Saturday December 23, 2023

In October, the Serbian Parliament adopted an 850-page bilateral trade agreement with China. Drowned out by other global events – foremost the breakout of violent conflict in Israel and Palestine – the deal was barely noticed by European media.

Signed on the eve of the country’s upcoming elections, Serbian leaders promoted the deal as a major opportunity for economic growth, while the defense aspects were minimized or not mentioned at all.

Yet buried within the agreement’s mountain of statutes are developments that warrant serious attention. The negotiations covered a variety of products, including weapons, copper, and agricultural goods, that Serbia has agreed to import from China and vice-versa. Custom tariffs on these products will decrease each year for the following 15 years.

Most alarming are the armament portions of the deal. Serbia will benefit from a growing discount every year if it buys Chinese missiles, bombs, torpedoes, tanks, and other defense-related products listed in the agreement. Customs tariffs for these Chinese manufactured weapons will fall from a 25 percent custom tariff to 2.5 percent at the end of the 15-year period, according to the agreement.

Serbia first announced plans to buy arms from China in 2019. Since then, the EU candidate country has received deliveries of battle drones and the air defense system FK-3 , as well as large medical donations from Chinese defense companies during the COVID-19 pandemic. For its part, Serbia has allowed special Chinese security forces to drill in the town of Smederevo, an hour’s drive from Belgrade.

The free trade agreement is likely to lock Serbia into a more involved, long-term strategic relationship with China, while further distancing the Balkan nation from the rest of Europe. All Chinese defense companies have direct links to the Chinese Communist Party and to the party’s military wing, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

Some of the Chinese firms operating in Serbia are sanctioned by the United States and other Western countries. For example, the Poly Group Corporation, which is in discussions to establish a joint venture agreement with Serbia to develop night vision missile systems and anti-terror equipment, has been accused of delivering arms to Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

Chinese civilian companies with ties to the PLA may also find greater opportunities to expand their presence in Serbia. One such firm, the China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC), made a deal with Serbia last year to handle the wastewater in Belgrade. CMEC is involved in arms trades with regimes and entities in conflict areas or countries in war and has been sanctioned by the United States.

The new trade agreement may also be harmful to Serbia’s domestic economy. As Chinese competitors flood into the country’s market, many small and medium-size Serbian enterprises may fail to keep up and be forced to close. China is already Serbia’s single largest contributor of foreign direct investment, pumping $737 million into the country in 2021.

Serbia’s deepening links with China have been criticized by both the United States and the EU. A resolution from the European Parliament warned that Serbia’s warming relationship with China “raises questions about the country’s strategic direction” and hinders the country’s “economic and political development.”

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, applied a touch of soft diplomacy when she recently commented on the new trade agreement: “We want Serbia to join the EU. Being a part of the union is a unique opportunity that no one else can match. Serbia should take the next steps to get closer to us, including in foreign policy.”

But so far, Belgrade has shown no signs of taking a more cautious approach toward China. Instead, Serbia’s long-volatile flirtation with China is smoothing into a long-term marriage.

European lawmakers must recognize that dangling the promise of EU membership has proven ineffective in curtailing Serbia’s growing ties with China. The same goes for EU attempts to put more diplomatic and economic pressure on the country. For years, Serbia’s ruling elite have changed legislation in order to facilitate greater capital flows from China, even as Chinese investors have repeatedly flouted demands for greater transparency. In addition to representing a clear security threat, Chinese investments in Serbia have wreaked devastating impacts on the country’s climate, environment, and human rights.

It is time for Serbia’s neighbors and EU member countries to act, before Europe is exposed to even more harm from China’s investments into new coal power and other polluting industries. A more efficient strategy than simply applying diplomatic pressure on Serbia would be to introduce and promote much-needed European investments into the country. It is time to include the Western Balkans in the EU’s single market and provide the region with more sustainable, long-term economic opportunities.

Otherwise, China will.
CGTN published January 11, 2024: China-Serbia cooperation on the up and up.

China and Serbia have developed what has been hailed as an "ironclad friendship" after decades of cooperation and partnership. In this special edition of the Hub from Serbia, Wang Guan travels across the country to witness firsthand some of China's infrastructure projects and talk to those behind those projects. He also sat down with Li Ming, the Chinese ambassador to Serbia, to discuss the three pillars of China-Serbia cooperation and look at the deepening economic and trade ties between the two countries, exemplified by the recent signing of the Free Trade Agreement in October 2023. Ambassador Li says Western accusations of China's political motives in Serbia are "groundless" and that Serbia's decision to align with China's initiatives is based on its own free will.

written by Seb Starcevic
Wednesday October 18, 2023

Serbia and China signed a free trade deal on Tuesday, bringing the two countries closer together at a time when much of Europe is seeking to “de-risk” trading ties with China.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, who attended the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing on Tuesday, told reporters in Beijing the agreement was “a big step forward” for Serbia.

"I am grateful to President Xi Jinping for the importance he gives to Serbia," Vučić wrote on Instagram.

The Serbian leader said he hoped the agreement would enter into force by May or June next year.

It is the fourth free trade deal China has struck with a European country, after Switzerland, Iceland and Georgia.

Though the details of the agreement have not been made public, it will particularly benefit Serbian producers of honey, Vučić said, as well as the country's winemakers.

It comes as the European Union, which does not have a free trade agreement with Beijing, is seeking to "de-risk" from China and deploy more of its trade armory against what it sees as China's unfair trading practices.

According to Chinese state media, President Xi Jinping called Serbia an "ironclad friend" of China.

The two countries also signed a raft of commercial agreements with Chinese companies to build infrastructure in Serbia, including a high-speed motorway.

In 2022, China was Serbia's second largest trade partner, with trade between the two countries amounting to $6.15 billion.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Russian President Vladimir Putin also attended the forum. Vučić said he spoke “very briefly” to Putin but gave no further details of what was said.

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