UPDATE 12/4/23 at 6:15pm: Added 2 vids below.
GlobalAwareness101 published We Are In A Host Body System.
GlobalAwareness101 published Vatican Means Divining Serpent.
New Ways Ministry
Pope Francis Emphasizes Radical Inclusion, Calls Trans Women “Daughters of God”
written by Robert Shine, Managing Editor
Tuesday August 8, 2023
Pope Francis has made LGBTQ-inclusive remarks in two recent interviews, one released during World Youth Day last week, and one shortly after the event. In both instances, the pope reiterated his constant message that the church must welcome everyone.
During his five days at World Youth Day program in Lisbon, the pope led young people in the chant “todos, todos, todos!” (“everyone, everyone, everyone!”) to emphasize inclusion and welcome. As he often does, Francis took questions from journalists on the return flight to Rome. Given his persistent message of inclusion, one journalist asked the Francis how would explain the “inconsistency between an open Church and a Church not equal for all?”
In other words, this journalist explained, if the church really does welcome everyone, why “at the same time not everyone has the same rights, opportunities, in the sense that, for example, women, homosexuals cannot receive all the sacraments.” Vatican News reported the pope’s response:
“You ask me a question that concerns two different points of view: the Church is open for everyone, then there is legislation that regulates life inside the Church. He who is inside follows the legislation. What you say is a simplification: ‘They cannot participate in the sacraments.’ This does not mean that the Church is closed. Everyone meets God on their own way inside the Church, and the Church is mother and guides everyone on their own path. That’s why I don’t like to say: everyone comes, but you, this one, but the other one… Everyone, everyone in prayer, in inner dialogue, in pastoral dialogue, looks for the way forward.“That’s why I ask the question: Why not homosexuals? Everybody! And the Lord is clear: the sick, the healthy, old and young, ugly and beautiful… the good and the bad!“There is a kind of gaze that doesn’t understand this insertion of the Church as mother and thinks of it as a kind of ‘corporation’ that you have to do this, or do it in this way and not another way, in order to get in to.”
Francis also said that pastoral ministry is different than simply welcoming individuals, for it involves “accompanying people step by step on their way to maturity.” He opposed restrictions or reductions on who could participate in the church by comparing these approaches to an ancient heresy:
“I don’t like reduction. This is not ecclesial; it is gnostic. It is like a Gnostic heresy that is somewhat fashionable today. A certain Gnosticism that reduces ecclesial reality, and that doesn’t help. The Church is ‘mother’ receiving everyone, and everyone makes their own way within the Church, without publicity, and this is very important. Thank you for the courage of asking this question. Thank you.”
The Gnostic heresy flourished in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Gnostics promoted the idea that only certain elite individuals had secret knowledge (gnosis) of God’s ways.
During the World Youth Day event, the Spanish magazine Vida Nueva published an interview it had conducted with Pope Francis. The interview was wide-ranging, covering everything from the war in Ukraine, the pope’s health, seminarians’ formation, and a potential Vatican III.
At one point, the pope referenced his outreach to transgender women as an example of choosing to pursue dialogue and encounter, even though he faces opposition for doing so. The pope explained:
“Dialogue with everyone is something that Jesus taught us. Furthermore, when one closes himself to dialogue, it is a sign of weakness, it reflects that he does not have enough faith to believe in the strength of the Gospel. The power of the Gospel is for everyone. It is a principle that moves me a lot and that is my philosophy. Jesus says: ‘Go and bring everyone to me, healthy and sick, just and sinners.’ To all. And here they all come. If the Church does not do what Jesus taught it, it is not the Church. Everyone has to feel inside, to be welcomed inside. We cannot give up on that, because the Lord taught us.“For this reason, I am not worried that some will throw in my face that I receive [transgender people] in the general audience on Wednesdays. They come from the hand of Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, a French nun of the Little Sisters of Jesus of Carlos de Foucauld dedicated to the circus ministry. The first time [the trans group] came and saw me, they left crying, saying that I shook their hand, gave a kiss… As if I had done something exceptional with them. But they are daughters of God! [God] still loves you just like that, just the way you are. Jesus teaches us not to set limits.”
The joint chant of Pope Francis and thousands of young people for “todos, todos, todos!” sends a powerful message, just as the pope’s meetings with transgender people have done. In less than two months, the church’s next global event will occur as the Synod assembly gathers in Rome. Let us pray that the echoes of “todos, todos, todos!” will reverberate in the Vatican’s halls, too.
—Robert Shine (he/him), New Ways Ministry, April 8, 2023
EWTN Vatican
Pope Francis: "The Church is woman"
written by Marco Mancini
Thursday November 30, 2023
This Thursday, November 30, Pope Francis received members of the International Theological Commission at the Vatican, where he reminded them that the Church is "female" and a "bride." The organism was established by Paul VI within the then Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1969 (it was a proposal of the first assembly of the Synod of Bishops) to assist it in examining the most important doctrinal issues.
Due to suffering from a lung inflammation that impedes his normal breathing, the Pontiff handed over his speech. However, he also offered some impromptu words.
The Pope criticized the scant presence of women in the Commission. "We must progress on this! Women have a different capacity for theological reflection than we men. At the next meeting of the nine Cardinals, we will reflect on the female dimension of the Church."
"The Church is female," Francis reiterated, "and if we do not understand what a woman is, what the theology of a woman is, we will never understand what the Church is. One of our great sins has been masculinizing the Church. And this is not resolved through ministerial means, that's another thing. It is resolved through the mystical, the real way."
"This," the Pope concluded, "is a task I ask of you, please. Demasculinize the Church."
"I've spoken too much, and it has hurt," admitted the Pope, referring to the lung inflammation he is suffering from these days.
Below is the speech delivered by the Pontiff to the attendees.
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
I greet Cardinal Fernández and welcome all of you, expressing my gratitude for your valuable work. Today we are called to dedicate ourselves with all the energy of heart and mind to a "missionary conversion of the Church" (Evangelii gaudium, 30). It responds to Jesus' call to evangelize, embraced by Vatican Council II, which still guides our ecclesial journey: there the Holy Spirit let his voice be heard for our times. The Council stated its purpose by affirming that "it ardently desires, by proclaiming the Gospel to every creature, to enlighten all men with the light of Christ" (Lumen gentium, 1). And, as your Commission has noted, "the implementation of a synodal Church is an indispensable prerequisite for a new missionary impetus that involves the entire People of God" (Synodality in the life and mission of the Church, 9): a missionary impetus that knows how to communicate the beauty of the faith. Coming then to your more specific task, in the Letter addressed to the new Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith I emphasized that today "we need a thought that knows how to convincingly present a God who loves, who forgives, who saves, who liberates, who promotes people and calls them to fraternal service" (July 1, 2023). You are called to take on this need in a qualified way, through the proposal of an evangelizing theology, which promotes dialogue with the world of culture. And it is essential that you theologians do it in tune with the People of God, I would say “from below”, that is, with a privileged look for the poor and the simple, and at the same time staying “on your knees”, because theology is born on your knees, in the adoration of God. I know that you are deepening two current challenges: the anthropological question and the ecological theme. But your work also sees you committed to proposing an updated and incisive reflection on the permanent topicality of the Trinitarian and Christological faith confessed by the Council of Nicea, which we are about to commemorate 1700 years after its celebration, coinciding with the Jubilee called for the year 2025. I would then like to share with you three reasons that make the rediscovery of Nicea so promising. The first is a spiritual reason. At Nicea, faith in Jesus, the only Son of the Father, was professed: He who became man for us and for our salvation is "God from God, light from light." It is not only the light of an unthinkable knowledge, but it is light that illuminates existence with the love of the Father. Yes, there is a light that guides us on the way and dispels darkness, and this light, which dwells in our lives, is springing and eternal: how to testify to it, if not with a luminous life, with a joy that radiates? Even for your ministry of theologians, Jesus' invitation applies to "not light a lamp to put it under the bushel, but on the lampstand, so that it may give light to all those who are in the house" (cf. Mt 5:15). It is up to theologians to spread new and surprising flashes of the eternal light of Christ in the house of the Church and in the darkness of the world. A second reason is the synodal one. At Nicea, the first ecumenical Council was celebrated, in which the Church was able to express its nature, its faith, its mission, to be, as the last Council affirms, "the sign and instrument of intimate union with God and of the unity of all mankind" (Lumen gentium, 1). Synodality is the way, the way to translate into attitudes of communion and into processes of participation the Trinitarian dynamic with which God, through Christ and in the breath of the Holy Spirit, comes to meet humanity. Theologians are entrusted with the great responsibility of unleashing the richness of this wonderful "humanizing energy." You yourselves participate in the works of the Commission coming from various parts of the world, bringing with you the gifts and riches, the questions and sufferings of your Churches and your peoples. Be witnesses, in your collegiate work and in the sharing of your ecclesial and cultural peculiarities, of a Church that walks according to the harmony of the Spirit, rooted in the Word of God and in the living Tradition, and that accompanies with love and discernment the cultural and social processes of humanity in the complex transition we are experiencing. Do not be satisfied with what has already been acquired: keep your heart and mind open to God's semper magis. And finally, an ecumenical reason. How can we not recall the extraordinary relevance of this anniversary for the journey towards the full unity of Christians? Not only, in fact, does the Symbol of Nicea unite the disciples of Jesus, but precisely in 2025, providentially, the date of the celebration of Easter will coincide for all Christian denominations. How beautiful it would be if it marked the concrete beginning of an always common celebration of Easter! Brothers and sisters, let us carry this dream in our hearts and invoke the creativity of the Spirit, so that the light of the Gospel and of communion may shine more brightly.
I renew my thanks for your service and bless you, asking you to pray for me.
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GlobalAwareness101 published King James Outlawed Geneva Bible Made His Bible Only Authorized Version. 1:50 mins.
This is why the Pilgrims fled England to ESCAPE King James religious persecution. I can't believe I'm just finding out about this now. Why do people I trust encourage me to read the King James version as the only trusted version? I'm talking about pastors and preachers. Shouldn't they know about who King James was and what he did? They praise the Pilgrims courage traveling to the unknown land for religious freedom. However, they also exhalt King James temperment and proclivities for debauchery.
GlobalAwareness101 published King James Was A Flaming Homosexual. What the hell! I am so mindblown by the this information right now. Wowie. I just learned the Geneva Bible was written long before King James version and the Pilgrims fled England to escape King James religious persecution after officially banning the Geneva Bible and made his version the ONLY authorized version allowed to be read in church only. Interesting that I knew that the Pilgrims escaped England for that reason. BUT somehow never knew it was King James religious persecution they were escaping from. I never looked it up and no one in the Christian community ever told me or I never heard a pastor lecture on this or made the connection between the Pilgrims and King James. That is so weird to me why there was a veil covering this very important truth that we all should know about. 3:08 mins.
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