August 17, 2023

USA: Former FBI Agent In Charge Of The New York FBI Counterintelligence Division Who Investigated President Trump For "Colluding With Russia" Is Set To Plead Guilty For Colluding With Russia. ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿค“

NewsNation published Jan 23, 2023: US: Ex-FBI counterintelligence agent aided Russian oligarch. A former high-ranking FBI counterintelligence official who investigated Russian oligarchs has been indicted on charges he secretly worked for one, in violation of U.S. sanctions. The official was also charged, in a separate indictment, with taking cash from a former foreign security officer. Charles McGonigal, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s counterintelligence division in New York from 2016 to 2018, is accused in an indictment unsealed Monday of working with a former Soviet diplomat-turned-Russian interpreter on behalf of Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire they purportedly referred to in code as “the big guy” and “the client.”

Washington Free Beacon  
written by Chuck Ross
Monday January 23, 2023

A former FBI official involved in the investigation of the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia was charged Monday for violating sanctions on behalf of a Russian oligarch sanctioned by the U.S. government.

Charles McGonigal, who led the FBI’s counterintelligence division in New York, is accused of violating U.S. sanctions on behalf of Oleg Deripaska, a Russian aluminum magnate with close ties to Vladimir Putin. According to prosecutors, McGonigal and a former Russian diplomat conspired to have sanctions removed from Deripaska in 2021. They also investigated another Russian oligarch "in return for concealed payments" from Deripaska. Their effort was unsuccessful as Deripaska remains under sanctions. McGonigal, who was arrested on Monday, allegedly received $225,000 from a former Russian intelligence officer while he was still employed by the FBI.

The indictment marks a surprising twist given McGonigal’s involvement with the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s links to Russia. As a top counterintelligence official, McGonigal was one of the first individuals at the FBI to learn that a Trump campaign adviser had discussed Hillary Clinton’s emails with a foreign diplomat. The FBI opened its investigation of the Trump campaign based on that conversation, but later found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

McGonigal, who left the FBI in 2018, was involved in the bureau’s probe of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page ๐Ÿ‘‡, according to text messages released by Senate Republicans. "Our Team is currently talking to [Carter Page] re Russia," he wrote on March 16, 2017, to an FBI colleague.

It is unclear what other involvement McGonigal had in the Trump-Russia probe. But that investigation also scrutinized Deripaska’s relationship with former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort ๐Ÿ‘‡. Manafort and Deripaska had business dealings in Ukraine and maintained contact during the 2016 campaign.

Deripaska also has ties to former British spy Christopher Steele ๐Ÿ‘‡, who alleged in an infamous dossier that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election. The FBI relied heavily on Steele’s dossier for its investigation, but failed to verify the collusion allegations. Deripaska once hired Steele to work on a "research project" on his behalf.
๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿ‘‡ MANAFORT 2018 ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿšจ
written by Dan Mangan and Kevin Breuninger
Wednesday August 1, 2018

Manafort was sent to jail in June, when a judge revoked his bond after allegations he tried to tamper with witnesses. He’s been held in solitary confinement since then.

Mueller is investigating possible collusion by Trump campaign officials with Russians trying to interfere with the 2016 election. But the charges against Manafort, to which he has pleaded not guilty, are unrelated to that issue. Instead he is charged with crimes related to income earned for consulting work performed in Ukraine from 2005 to 2014.

New York Post
written by Aaron Feis
April 18, 2019

The long-awaited Mueller Report was released for online download Thursday morning by the federal Department of Justice.

A redacted version of the 448-page document recounting of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s two-year probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and suspected links to President Trump was pushed live shortly after a copy was delivered to Congress.

Attorney General Bill Barr said in a press conference earlier Thursday that while Mueller confirmed that Russia tried to influence the hotly contested race, his findings included NO EVIDENCE that Trump or anyone in his orbit was complicit.

Barr also said that Mueller found no evidence that Trump attempted to hinder the investigation, despite frequently decrying it as a “witch hunt.”

The Justice Department revealed Wednesday night that select members of Congress will be given a version of the report with fewer redactions than the publicly released version.

written by Andrew Desiderio and Kyle Cheney
July 24, 2019

‘We focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not."

Former special counsel Robert Mueller pushed back against U.S. President Donald Trump’s characterizations of his 22-month investigation, telling lawmakers on Wednesday that he did not evaluate “collusion” with the Russian government, and confirming that his report did not conclude that there was “no obstruction” of the probe.

“The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed,” Mueller told the House judiciary committee, adding that Trump could theoretically be indicted after he leaves office.

“We did not address ‘collusion,’ which is not a legal term,” Mueller added. “Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not.
In layman's terms, Mueller FOUND NOTHING TO NAIL TRUMP. You don't think if Mueller found a teeny tiny piece of evidence, he would have stretched it so much like silly puddy for charges to stick and nail Trump to the wall. Mueller had no evidence. That's what his, "it was not" means. (emphasis mine)

The Daily Wire
written by Ryan Saavedra
January 27, 2023

A spurned ex-lover of Charles McGonigal, former Special Agent In Charge Of The New York FBI Counterintelligence Division, allegedly turned him into the Bureau after he told her that he was not going to leave his wife and dumped her.

Insider reported that Allison Guerriero, McGonigal’s apparent lover, discovered a bag full of cash in McGonigal’s New York City apartment, comprised of large denominations, in October 2017. When she confronted him over the matter, he claimed that he won the money by gambling on a baseball game.

McGonigal told Guerriero that he had two high-school-age children and an “ex-wife” back in Maryland, where he visited a couple of times per month.

She claims that their affair lasted over a year and that he lavishly spent large amounts of cash that he had on her.

The Southern District of New York unsealed a five-count indictment against McGonigal and Sergey Shestakov on Monday.

The two men were charged with allegedly violating and conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (“IEEPA”) and with conspiring to commit money laundering and money laundering. Shestakov was also charged for allegedly lying to the FBI.

The DOJ said that McGonigal, who retired in 2018, “supervised and participated in investigations of Russian oligarchs, including Deripaska,” during his time at the FBI. Shestakov is a former Soviet and Russian diplomat who later moved to the U.S. and became a government interpreter.

One of the most stunning allegations contained in the Insider report was that McGonigal allegedly was bribed to open an FBI investigation into a U.S. citizen who lobbied for an opponent of the Albanian prime minister.

Guerriero claimed that McGonigal used FBI resources for their relationship, including having sex in one of the Bureau’s vehicles and having a junior-level agent give her rides. She claimed that he was “caring, loving, and concerned” while she battled cancer.

When the two broke up in 2018, she claims that she got an anonymous hate note in the mail and that McGonigal later told her that he was married and was not going to leave his wife.

“I was shocked,” she said. “I was very much in love with him, and I was so hurt.”

She says that she hit rock bottom and began to drink heavily following the breakup, and that she later harassed his family, which led to a restraining order.

One day, after she consumed a large amount of alcohol, she says that she emailed another top FBI official and encouraged him to look into McGonigal’s dealings in Albania.

FBI agents later showed up and interviewed Guerriero over McGonigal’s business dealings, and she later received a grand-jury subpoena requesting communication records and other financial information related to him.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said that both men “should have known better” and that the Southern District of New York would “continue to prosecute those who violate U.S. sanctions enacted in response to Russian belligerence in Ukraine in order to line their own pockets.”

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