July 14, 2023

USA: Georgia State Representative Mesha Mainor Announced She Is Switching From The Democratic Party To Become A Republican. She Said Her Voters Deserve To Live In Safe Communities Not WarZones

Newsnation published July 12, 2023: Georgia representative switches from Democratic Party to Republican. Georgia state Rep. Mesha Mainor recently left the Democratic Party to become a Republican. Mainor tells “On Balance” host Leland Vittert why she flipped political parties.
ABC7 News, Georgia local
written by Zachary Rogers
Tuesday July 11, 2023

ATLANTA (TND) — Georgia state House Representative Meisha Mainor, who was elected as a member of the Democratic Party to serve the state's 56th district, announced Tuesday she is switching to the Republican Party.

Mainor recently angered her Democratic Party colleagues after she showed support for a school choice bill, according to several reports.
When I decided to stand up on behalf of disadvantaged children in support of school choice, my Democrat colleagues didn’t stand by me," Mainor told Fox News. "They crucified me. When I decided to stand up in support of safe communities and refused to support efforts to defund the police, they didn’t back me. They abandoned me."
"For far too long, the Democrat Party has gotten away with using and abusing the black community," Mainor reportedly added. "For decades, the Democrat Party has received the support of more than 90% of the black community. And what do we have to show for it? I represent a solidly blue district in the city of Atlanta. This isn’t a political decision for me. It’s a moral one."

Mainor also said in a social media post that she "didn’t leave the Democrat Party," but rather "The Democrat Party left ME when it embraced left-wing radicalism, lawlessness, and put the interests of illegal aliens over the interest of Americans."
I have nothing to apologize for," Mainor said in her tweet.
Mainor reportedly added that she fully intends to work across the aisle with both major political parties in her state. The lawmaker told Fox News that she has "never hesitated to work across the aisle to deliver results for my community and the people I was elected to represent."

Education and the " importance of school choice" are both key issues Mainor reportedly says she will continue to focus on. Mainor also told Fox News she expects pushback from the Democratic Party over her decision.

Mainor also tweeted that her opposition to efforts to defund the police led to pushback from Democratic Party colleagues.
When I opposed efforts to defund the police, many of my colleagues called me a sell out," Mainor said on Twitter. "I laughed at them."
The only group I have EVER sold out to is my constituents who deserve to live in safe communities, not war-zones," Mainor added in the tweet.
Mainor has since enjoyed a warm reception from Republican lawmakers in the state of Georgia following her announcement.
We welcome Representative Mainor to our party and look forward to working with her on issues for the benefit of hardworking Georgians," said Georgia Governor Brian Kemp in a tweet.
written by Hannah Bleau
Tuesday July 11, 2023

A Georgia Democrat state representative announced that she is switching parties after her leftist colleagues “crucified” her when she chose to support school choice, adding that the Democrat Party has “gotten away with using and abusing the black community.”

State Rep. Mesha Mainor, who represents District 56 in the Peach State, announced on Tuesday that she is officially switching her party registration from Democrat to Republican following a tumultuous relationship with her colleagues.

“…today I made the decision to leave the Democrat Party. I represent a blue district in the city of Atlanta so this wasn’t a political decision for me. It was a MORAL one,” she said in a social media post.

“I will NEVER apologize for being a black woman with a mind of my own,” she added.

“When I decided to stand up on behalf of disadvantaged children in support of school choice, my Democrat colleagues didn’t stand by me,” Mainor told Fox News Digital, asserting that her Democrat colleagues “crucified” her for supporting school choice and standing against efforts to defund police. She said she has always stood as the type of politician who will “work across the aisle to deliver results for my community and the people I was elected to represent.” But her leftist colleagues did not support her.

“They abandoned me,” she said, explaining again that her decision to leave the Democrat Party is not a political decision but a moral one.

“For far too long, the Democrat Party has gotten away with using and abusing the black community,” Mainor said.

“For decades, the Democrat Party has received the support of more than 90 percent of the black community. And what do we have to show for it? I represent a solidly blue district in the city of Atlanta. This isn’t a political decision for me. It’s a moral one,” she continued.

This decision has been a long time coming, as Mainor posted a video in May, revealing she found herself “in the crosshairs of my Democratic caucus in the Georgia House of Representatives.” In the caption, Mainor explained that the “Democrat Party Establishment is looking to take me out.”

“I represent a solidly blue, highly diverse district. And I had never hesitated and will never hesitate to vote for the best interest of the communities I represent over party politics,” she said.

That includes “school choice, parent rights and opportunities for children to thrive, especially those that are marginalized and attend to fail in school,” she said in the video, revealing that “Democrats at the Capitol took a hard position and demanded every Democrat vote against children and for the teachers union.”

“I voted yes for parents and yes for children, not failing schools,” she said, declaring that she will not apologize to her colleagues for refusing to bow to their demands.

“Well, my community loves the fact that someone is finally sticking up for them and holding the system accountable,” she said, explaining that Democrats were upset with her for not doing what they demanded “like a good little girl.”

“Every election year, I hear black lives matter. But do they? I see every other minority being prioritized except black children living in poverty that can’t read,” she added, blasting Democrats for prioritizing new immigrants over the black community.

“But do they? I see every other minority being prioritized except black children living in poverty that can’t read. We’ll send a million dollars to the border for immigrant services. But black communities? Not even a shout-out. I’m sorry, I don’t agree with this. I’m not backing down. I’m actually just getting started,” she added.

Mainor told Fox News Digital that it is “humbling to be embraced – for the first time in a long time – by individuals who don’t find fault in a black woman having a mind of her own and be willing to buck the party line.” She added that she would not be surprised if she received backlash from Democrats, adding, “The most dangerous thing to the Democrat Party is a black person with a mind of their own.”

“So, it wouldn’t surprise me,” she said.

Further, Mainor said she will continue to focus on her key issues — education and school choice — while also working to “help grow the Republican Party, helping us not focus — not just on preaching to the choir, but growing the congregation.”

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