July 2, 2023

USA: Commie Far-Left Psychos Lied About Far-Right Extremists Making Bomb Threats Against Target For LGBTQ Merchandise. It Was Actually An LGBTQ Psycho Pissed Off Target Removed Merchandise.

I searched and searched the internet to get an update on the FBI investigation into this matter. I found no updated news regarding the FBI locating the LGBTQ psycho who sent the threatening email to bomb Target retail stores in several states because they removed LGBTQ merchandise. So is the FBI going to just sweep this federal crime under the rug and pretend it never happened because the Transgender Supremacist cult is a protected class? (emphasis mine)

According to WTAE4 News, Pittsburg 5/27/23: "Police are investigating bomb threats at several Target stores, including one in Beaver County. The threats were sent via email to a news station in Cleveland. They mentioned four stores in Ohio and one in Pennsylvania, on Wagner Road near Monaca.

The threats come after the retailer recently moved its Pride merchandise to the back of the store.

The FBI is working to identify the person who sent the threatening email. 👈

Sending a hoax call or message is a federal crime. 👈
KLFY News 10 published June 10, 2023: LPD Investigate Bomb Threat at Lafayette Target Stores.
The Daily Mail, UK
written by Will Potter
Tuesday June 13, 2023

Target stores in at least five states have been targeted with disturbing hoax bomb threats amid backlash to its LGBTQ+ Pride product decisions.

The retail giant's market cap has plummeted over $15 billion in the wake of its Pride release, leading the brand to pull some of its controversial products in the face of 'threats' to staffers.

But the decision to remove the items reportedly fueled the bomb threats, with some reportedly saying Target 'betrayed the LGBTQ+ community'.

According to the Washington Post, the hoaxes were reported in Oklahoma, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont and Louisiana, although no explosives were found.

Several local news outlets have claimed they have received the threatening emails, which claim bombs were placed inside their local Target stores.

This included Louisiana news outlet KLFY, which reported the hoax threat was motivated by backlash to Pride merchandise and corporate decisions to cave to the pressure.

'You have betrayed the LGBTQ+ community,' the email reportedly said.

'You are pathetic cowards who bowed to the wishes of far right extremists who want to exterminate us.

'We will not tolerate intolerance nor indifference. If you are not with us then you are against us. That is why we placed a bomb in each of your locations, evacuate now as this is only to cause economic damage.'

This was followed by another threat made in Oklahoma, where KFOR said they received an ominous message that began: 'We are going to play a game'.

The email included the addresses of multiple Target locations, adding: '2 of these Target locations have bomb in them. We hid bombs inside some product items.

'The bombs will detonate in several hours, guess which ones have the bombs. Time is ticking.'

The message signed off with '4/19/1995' - the same date of the Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people and injured 680 more.

Target has joined several other major brands including Bud Light and Adidas in facing scrutiny for its LGBTQ+ product releases.

The criticisms came initially from conservative groups, who took issue with items such as Target's 'tuck friendly' female swimwear line.

Amid mounting calls for boycotts and a plummeting bottom line, Target said it was removing some of the more unpopular items due to 'volatile' complaints.

'Since introducing this year's collection, we've experienced threats impacting our team members' sense of safety and wellbeing while at work,' Target said in a statement.

'Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior,' crisis communications manager Kayla Castaneda said.

While pointing to employee safety as the reason for the move, many have attributed the decision to an attempt to stop the financial repercussions to the backlash. The brand's market cap plummeted at least $15 billion in the aftermath of the release.
Clevenland19 News published May 26, 2023: Cleveland 19 News receives bomb threat against 5 Targets as stores face LGBTQ+ controversy.

written by Staff
Saturday May 27, 2023

Reports of bomb threats made to several Target stores over three different states have now been classified as a hoax -- and it seems someone was trying to plant a false flag.

Target locations in Utah, Ohio and Pennsylvania -- spanning the greater Cleveland, Salt Lake City and Pittsburgh areas -- reportedly received correspondence Friday threatening to blow up several sites ... and all the emails sent referenced the Pride Month display controversy.

At first, it seemed the threats were coming from folks boycotting Target for supporting Pride Month -- but, Cleveland 19 News published a screenshot of the email in question, and it actually appeared to come from an LGBTQ+ ally angry about Target's decision to back down.

The note -- which was sent by someone named Alsan Akhmedov -- reads in part, "Target is full of cowards who turned their back on the LGBT community and decided to cater to the homophobic right wing redneck bigots who protested and vandalized their store."

It continues, "We won't stand idly by as the far right continues to hunt us down. We are sending you a message, we placed a bomb in the following targets." Four Targets in OH and one in PA were referenced ... the Utah stores were not mentioned in this specific message.

All of those stores -- plus some in Utah, which also received bomb threats -- were evacuated ... but after preliminary investigations, cops are now saying this whole thing is fake.

Some law enforcement agencies have reportedly said the email looks to have originated from overseas, and that there was no credible threat upon inspection at the Targets mentioned. Cops in Utah -- where the stores also appear to have been sent a similar email -- said the same thing ... calling the bomb threats "bogus." In other words, disinformation.

As you know, Target has opted to yank some of its Pride merch amid the ongoing backlash.

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