July 29, 2023

MALTA: Ex-LGBT Activist Facing Potential Prison Time After Sharing His Testimony With A Local Outlet Of Leaving Behind A Gay Lifestyle To Follow Jesus Christ Is Battling For His Freedom In Court.

All I have to say about this is that so-called Trans "gender affirming care" is a grotesque substitute for conversion therapy. The psycho far-Left LGBTQ alphabet mafia pass these bans on gay conversion therapy YET they are transing the gay away to get people to live a twisted form of heterosexuality where what used to be a masculine Lesbian woman who is attracted to women is now a Transman that is now identifying as a man with a male name dating a woman. So the Transman and biological woman are considered a straight heterosexual couple in the eyes of society. They're transing the gay away. How much more homophobic is that? This is far worse than the "Christian conversion therapy" the psycho far-Left LGBTQ claim is. They're getting females to cut off their healthy breasts and mutilate their arms and legs so the Frankenstein doctor can attach a fake penis that will not function and males to cut off their healthy penises which will prevent them to ever get to enjoy an actual orgasm which is an important part of our human physical existence. How evil is that? That's so much worse than any Christian conversion therapy could ever have done to a gay person.

Malta wants to jail a person because of his new lifestyle the psycho far-Left objects to and because he left a lifestyle the psycho far-Left wants everybody to become like a cult. Cults don't let you leave their organization and when a person does leave a cult, any cult, they are silenced or killed.

Furthermore, the psycho far-Left LGBTQ alphabet mafia are convincing children they were born in the wrong body just because a child likes the color or plays with toys of the opposite gender, how fucked up is that to begin with. Once they get the child living the fantasy of needing to fix the problem God created imposed on them by the psychopaths, they convince the children it's okay to mutilate themselves and sterilize themselves. They actually tell the children not to worry about transitioning to opposite gender because it is reversible when the actual reality is that the hormone therapy and physical mutilation IS NOT REVERSIBLE and they will be phycially fucked up for the rest of their lives which will cause them to feel more psychological pain for the rest of their lives. Mind you, most of these far-Left LGBTQ psychos have not physically transitioned themselves but they want children to fuck up their entire lives to satisfy this trans cult ideation they're being paid to push onto this generation. They want children to start taking puberty blockers and hormone conversion therapy that will STOP THEIR NATURAL GROWTH. How is that okay? One female who is detransitioning explained that because she was put on puberty blockers in her preteens her rib cage never fully developed and now suffers from so many medical complications from stopping the natural growth of her bone structure and organs. How messed up is that? A child can't consent to getting a permanant tatoo BUT the psycho far-Left think a child can consent to life altering physical surgeries and life altering hormone and puberty blockers medication that they can't take back down the road.

Please excuse my foul language. I'm just so over this weird unsettling time we're living in that I see as a combination of the two sci-fi movies, Soylent Green and Invasion of the Body Snatchers. (emphasis mine)
CBN News published July 25, 2023: Ex-Gay Man Could Face Jail Time, Massive Fines After Sharing Journey to Jesus.

An ex-LGBT activist who is reportedly facing potential prison time in Malta after sharing his testimony of leaving behind a gay lifestyle to follow Christ is battling for his freedom in court. Matthew Grech joins CBN's Faithwire to provide an update on his case, the legal ramifications, and why he's fighting back.

Legal problems began when Grech shared his story of leaving the LGBTQ lifestyle and finding Jesus with a local outlet. He said there were two presenters with PMnews Malta who wanted to know more about the nation's crackdown on so-called conversion therapy and his take on the matter. Malta in 2016 became the first European Union country to ban attempts to "change, repress or eliminate a person's sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression," leading to fines or even jail time.

"Last year, I was invited to share my story on a program and answer questions about so-called conversion practices," Grech said. "And I mentioned an organization ... that supports men and women who leave LGBT and an organization that promotes a biblical sexuality." Just days later, he said three people reported him to the police and accused him of breaching the law. Suddenly, he was in legal trouble. "I had to go to the police and I exercise my right to be silent," he said. "And the police pressed charges against me."

Grech, who is back in court this week and is reportedly the first person in his country to be prosecuted in such a way, continued, "If I'm found guilty, I could spend five months in jail or I could ... pay a fine of up to 5,000 euros ... just for really exercising my freedom to be a Christian and to support others who want to move away from unwanted LGBT identities or desires."

In the end, he said he's grateful for the support of Christians across the globe who have offered support and prayer. Grech said he's confident he will be victorious in court, but even if he's not, he has no plans to give up hope or to cede to the state. Listen to him tell his story.
CBN News published March 30, 2023: Formerly Gay Man Could Go to Jail After Sharing Testimony of Finding God, Embracing Bible.

An ex-LGBT activist is reportedly facing potential prison time after sharing his testimony of leaving behind a gay lifestyle to follow Christ. Matthew Grech, who lives in Malta, told CBN's Faithwire about his journey from out of the occult and same-sex relationships and his foray into the Christian faith.

"I was quite interested in New Age. I wanted to become a reiki master," he said of his life before finding Jesus. "So, I was involved in the occult to some extent as well as being fascinated by energy." That lifestyle was obliterated, though, when Grech was invited to church one day and experienced something he had never felt before: "the presence of God" and the love of genuine believers.

He said the impact of that experience was profound, leading him to fully embrace a Christian life.

Problems began, though, when Grech shared his story with a local outlet in Malta. He said there were two presenters with PMnews Malta who wanted to know more about the nation's crackdown on so-called conversion therapy and his take on the matter. Malta in 2016 became the first European Union country to ban attempts to "change, repress or eliminate a person's sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression," leading to fines or even jail time.

His media discussion of his story apparently didn't sit well with some critics who heard it — a fact that became apparent when police got involved. Now, he's on trial and faces jail time and fines. Here's his story.
Becket Cook pubilshed February 9, 2023: Ex-Gay Faces Prison Time: Matthew Grech Interview - The Becket Cook Show Ep. 109.

In today’s episode, Becket talks with Matthew Grech, the ex-gay man turned follower of Christ who faces prison time in Malta for simply telling his story of freedom from homosexuality. Malta, the island in the Mediterranean where the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked and where he preached the Gospel in the first century, is now one of the most tyrannical counties in Europe regarding LGBTQ ideology. Matthew also faces a fine of 5,000 euros. This is a must watch.

UPDATE 7/30/23 at 1:11am: Added info below.

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