June 24, 2023

USA: Pentagon Announces 'Accounting Error' Provides Extra $6.2 Billion For Ukraine. Meanwhile, A Train Derailed From A Bridge Over The Yellowstone River Carrying Hazardous Materials.

The Daily Wire
written by Michael Whittaker
Tuesday June 20, 2023

The Pentagon has reportedly overestimated the value of weapons and equipment it has sent to Ukraine by $6.2 billion dollars over the last two years, and it intends to make up the shortfall in future shipments.

According to Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh, an internal review found that the military had used the estimated cost to replace the transferred equipment instead of the value recorded in the Pentagon’s books. That discrepancy resulted in a $3.6 billion shortfall this fiscal year, and a $2.6 billion shortfall in FY 2022.

Since that money has already been allocated by Congress, the Pentagon has the authority to make up the difference without further appropriations. Conveniently, this windfall comes as FY 2023 comes to a close and existing Congressional funds for the war effort were running low.

“It’s just going to go back into the pot of money that we have allocated for the future Pentagon stock drawdowns,” Singh said.

The revelation also coincides with the long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive into Russian-occupied territory that began earlier this month. The counter-offensive thus far has largely been exploratory as Ukraine forces begin to probe the Russian line for weaknesses. Russia has responded by launching an increasing number of drone attacks on Kyiv. The Kakhovka hydroelectric dam was demolished early in the fighting, triggering a mass evacuation and an “ecological disaster.”

Over the course of the war, the U.S. has approved $113 billion in aid for Ukraine, and $40 billion in military aid. The last aid package, passed by Congress last December, was meant to last through the end of FY 2023 in September, but unanticipated costs brought on by the counter-offensive may exhaust those funds more quickly.

While President Biden has publicly insisted that the U.S. will support Ukraine for “as long as it takes” to defeat Russia, Republicans in Congress and souring public opinion could limit future aid as the war continues with no clear end in sight.

Last month, Biden approved efforts by the U.S. and its allies to transfer F-16 fighters to Ukraine and to train their pilots to fly them, following a pattern of reluctant escalation in the amount of long range equipment being sent to the war-torn nation.

On Tuesday, Moscow claimed that the Ukrainian military was planning to strike targets in Russian-held Crimea using British and American missile systems, and warned that Russia would retaliate if that happened. Crimea is claimed by Ukraine, but was annexed by the Russian Federation in 2014 after an internationally condemned invasion.

GlobalAwareness101 published June 24, 2023: Pentagon Announced Lost $2.3 TRILLION Day Before 9/11. Lead Stories 👇 is a state sponsored "fact-checking" organization. Meaning they lie for the government. Remember all of the Covid pandemic lies they made and censored true life-saving information? Well I'll never forget how awful these people are who pretend to be helping the public from misinformation when they are the people spreading the misinformation. (emphasis mine)
BubbaLouis published October 25, 2006: 9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon. Pentagon admits $2.3 Trillion missing and Rumsfeld calls it a matter of "life and death." 

The Fiscal Times
written by Michael Rainey
January 23, 2020 👈

While it shouldn’t come as a surprise for an organization that has famously failed to ever pass an audit, the Pentagon was nevertheless able to shock some observers this week with a new batch of financial numbers. According to Bloomberg’s Anthony Carpaccio, the Department of Defense made $35 trillion in “accounting adjustments” in 2019, easily surpassing the $30.7 trillion in such adjustments recorded in 2018. Carpaccio notes that the number “dwarfs the $738 billion of defense-related funding in the latest U.S. budget, a spending plan that includes the most expensive weapons systems in the world including the F-35 jet as well as new aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines.” It’s also “larger than the entire U.S. economy and underscores the Defense Department’s continuing difficulty in balancing its books.” So what are these accounting adjustments? Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and International Studies says they represent “a lot of double, triple, and quadruple counting of the same money as it got moved between accounts” within the Pentagon. “A lot” may be an understatement: According to government data, there were 562,568 adjustments made in the Pentagon’s books in 2018.

NBC News Montana published June 24, 2023: Footage of bridge collapse and train derailment near Reed Point, Montana. A train derailed from a bridge over the Yellowstone River between Reed Point and Columbus early Saturday morning, according to the Yellowstone County Sheriff's Office. Officials say multiple tanker cars were damaged during the derailment and are leaking petroleum products near the Yellowstone River.

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