June 24, 2023

USA: Biden White House’s Former ‘Disinformation Czar’ Nina Jankowicz Registered As A Foreign Agent And She Announced Last Month That She Is Suing Fox News For Hurting Her Career.

The Jimmy Dore Show published March 24, 2023 TRUE Stories About Vaccines CENSORED On Twitter.

In the latest installment of the Twitter Files, journalist Matt Taibbi reveals the far too cozy relationship between a variety of government agencies and Twitter that led the social media platform to censor even information deemed accurate about COVID vaccines if it was determined the information might encourage vaccine hesitancy. In their zealousness Twitter even went so far as to censor jokes that were deemed dangerous or tweets that might hurt Anthony Fauci’s credibility.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the rest of the media’s unwillingness to engage with the dangerous implications of the Twitter Files stories.
The Daily Caller
written by James Lynch
November 28, 2022

Former head of the Disinformation Governance Board at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Nina Jankowicz has registered as a foreign agent, records show.

Jankowicz submitted registration documents required by the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which show she now works for the UK-based Centre for Information Resilience. The documents register the specific foreign principle employing Jankowicz, the written agreement between the two parties and the reasons she is working for the foreign principal. It also includes basic information about the foreign principal and Jankowicz’s role there.

Jankowicz wrote on the form that she “supervises research, executes business strategy, oversees the establishment of CIR’s research, communicates with the media, and briefs individuals and officials on CIR’s research” in her role. She began working with the Centre as a consultant in September of 2022 and will go until September of 2023, according to the documents.

The Centre describes itself on its website as “an independent, non-profit social enterprise dedicated to countering disinformation, exposing human rights abuses, and combating online behaviour harmful to women and minorities,” which appears in similar language on the letter of engagement in Jankowicz’s registration. The letter of engagement specifies the Centre works “frequently with UK government colleagues” on its areas of focus and receives UK government funding from the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Offices.

Jankowicz held her position as ‘disinformation’ czar from late April until her resignation in early May when the Department of Homeland Security “paused” the board. After her resignation, Jankowicz slammed DHS, telling former CNN host Brian Stelter, “they weren’t able to defend me” and “just rolled over, to the critics, who had completely spun this narrative out of control based on absolutely nothing in reality.”

It was discovered Jankowicz herself spread disinformation about the Hunter Biden laptop story, calling it a “Trump campaign product” on ABC News and amplifying a report claiming the laptop was a “Russian influence op” during the 2020 presidential campaign.

She expressed her belief at a speaking event in 2021 that Republicans are “disinformers” who are “engaged with disinformation for profit” on hot-button issues like Critical Race Theory. Her comments came 28 minutes into a speech and Q&A session held by the City Club of Cleveland at its October 2021 event titled “Disinformation and Democracy: Civic Discourse in the Digital Age.”

Additionally, she claimed Republicans funded the debunked Steele Dossier in a 2017 tweet and shared a false Clinton campaign allegation about former Trump adviser Carter Page working for the Kremlin. The dossier was compiled by opposition research group Fusion GPS, which received $1 million from a law firm working for the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

The contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop have been verified by The Daily Caller News Foundation and several large news outlets since the New York Post’s initial report.

In August, the DHS officially shuttered the board following a panel recommendation, the department announced in a press release.

Everyone involved in censoring the Hunter Biden laptop before the 2020 election in order to help benefit Joe Biden their preferred presidential candidate ARE GUILTY OF ELECTION INTERFERENCE. (emphasis mine)
MRC Newsbusters.org
written by Joseph Vazquez
November 23rd, 2022

The former head of President Joe Biden’s defunct Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board found a new gig by registering as a foreign agent to fight so-called “disinformation."

Former DGB Executive Director Nina Jankowicz said in a Nov. 18 “foreign agents” filing with the Department of Justice that she would be hired as a “disinformation expert” with the U.K.-based Centre for Information Resilience. Jankowicz’ role involves acting as an “ambassador for CIR on the Hill, within the Federal Government, media, among tech companies / Silicon Valley, on ‘K Street’, and among potential philanthropic organisations.” It appears the self-proclaimed “Mary Poppins of disinformation” may have turned out to be a Benedict Arnold. The filing states that Jankowicz appeared as a CIR ambassador on the taxpayer-funded National Public Radio on Election Day to "[d]iscuss Russian disinformation ahead of the 2022 midterms." But this is the same Jankowicz who parroted Biden’s talking points that the now-verified New York Post Hunter Biden laptop bombshell story was a “Russian influence op."
[Will] Act as a spokesperson for CIR, appearing on US media organisations, in consultation with the Head of Media / co-founders. Develop relationships with key US outlets, and advise the Head of Media on where specific investigations may land / be appropriate for partnerships.
Jankowicz resigned from the DGB following the Department of Homeland Security’s pause on the board’s efforts due to widespread backlash against its reported coordination with Big Tech companies and targeting of Americans. The DHS would later dismantle the DGB entirely in August, but its underlying work is still ongoing. “[U]nfortunately and ironically we were undone exactly by a disinformation campaign coming from folks who apparently want to put our national security behind their own personal political ambitions,” Jankowicz later whined on the May 19 edition of CNN Tonight. Apparently Jankowicz’ virtue-signaling didn’t preclude her “personal ambitions” to work with a foreign entity in the U.K. to target so-called “disinformation” in the U.S. Go figure.

Biden’s former disinfo czar is also ironically on the record supporting the curtailing of free speech in the U.K in the name of protecting women from criticism, according to a transcript of a September 2021 meeting in the UK to consider the Draft Online Safety Bill. Jankowicz suggested to the Joint Committee on the Draft Online Safety Bill at the time that it would be a “useful starting point” for Ofcom (the UK Office of Communications) to punish Big Tech platforms with “fines” for not censoring users enough.
LA TI DO Productions published Dec 10, 2015: Nina Jankowicz - "My Simple Christmas Wish (Rich, Famous and Powerful)" (David Friedman)

written by Charlie Spiering
April 29, 2022

Before her new job at the Department of Homeland Security, President Joe Biden’s new disinformation chief Nina Jankowicz displayed her musical talent on YouTube.

In one video, Jankowicz sings a version of “My Simple Christmas Wish (Rich, Famous, and Powerful)” by David Friedman.

“I want to be rich famous and powerful! Step on all my enemies and never do a thing,” she sings as a piano plays in the background.

Jankowicz sang an edited version of the song to include “Who do I fuck” to be “famous and powerful,” instead of the original lyrics “who do I have to fake”

The video was first posted in 2015 by LA TI DO productions.

Jankowicz ultimately gave up her musical ambitions to pursue a career in tracking online disinformation and talking about its danger to democracy and national security.

The Department of Homeland Security announced Wednesday she would lead Biden’s “Disinformation Governance Board.”

In January, Jankowicz used her musical talents on TikTok to promote the dangers of misinformation, describing herself as the “Mary Poppins of Misinformation.”

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