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FBI raided an ABC journalist’s home & his co-workers say no one’s seen him since.
He was working on a book about Afghan withdrawal.
“Independent observers believe the raid is among the first—and quite possibly, the first — to be carried out on a journalist by the Biden admin.” pic.twitter.com/i6z7idPiEr
ABC News’ James Gordon Meek has not been seen for months after the FBI raided his home and seized classified documents, according to a report.
Meek, a national-security investigative producer, made his last public post just before 5:00 a.m., on Apr. 27 when he quoted a tweet about U.S. intelligence gathering on Russian military operations. Meek added the comment, “FACTS.”
Meek was responding to Marc Polymeropoulos, a former CIA agent, who had tweeted that the Ukrainian military was performing well against Russian forces with the help of the U.S., which had spent the previous eight years of conflict in eastern Ukraine studying Russian tactics. Polymeropoulos was responding to a tweet from Washington Post Pentagon reporter Dan Lamothe, who reported that the U.S. was gaining a “bonanza of information” about the Russian military by observing the invasion.
Meek has not been heard from since, according to Rolling Stone. Within days of the post, heavily armed federal agents raided Meek’s Arlington, Virginia, penthouse apartment, according to the report. During the raid, authorities claimed they found classified information on his computer, according to the report, which cited “sources familiar with the matter.” Meek’s attorney, Eugene Gorokhov, has denied allegations that Meek was in possession of classified material.
“Mr. Meek is unaware of what allegations anonymous sources are making about his possession of classified documents,” he reportedly said. “If such documents exist, as claimed, this would be within the scope of his long career as an investigative journalist covering government wrongdoing.”
If authorities sought to seize records, the raid would’ve required U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco to give her signature, as a new policy prohibits federal prosecutors from seizing journalists’ records without authorization from the deputy attorney general, according to Rolling Stone.
A spokesperson for ABC News told Rolling Stone that Meek “resigned very abruptly and hasn’t worked for us for months.”
Neighbors told the outlet they’ve not seen him and witnesses reportedly said his apartment appears vacant.
It remains unclear why authorities targeted Meek, who has broken several high-profile stories.
Meek broke a major story in 2017 about the Pentagon covering up the deaths of U.S. servicemen in Niger, which later served as the basis for the Hulu documentary 3212 Un-Redacted.
Brian Epstein, an ABC News investigative journalist who worked on 3212 Un-Redacted alongside Meek also abruptly left the network months before Meek was last heard from. Epstein told Rolling Stone he would not comment on the story.
Another person who worked on 3212 Un-Redacted told the Rolling Stone “I just want to know what happened.”
“[Meek’s situation] is making me nervous. I’m just gonna deadbolt my door,” the unnamed person added.
But the strange story doesn’t stop there.
Meek was also in the middle of writing a book with Lt. Col. Scott Mann for Simon & Schuster called “Operation Pineapple Express: The Incredible Story of a Group of Americans Who Undertook One Last Mission and Honored a Promise in Afghanistan,” according to the report. Meek had frequently promoted the upcoming book on social media, but after the raid, the book-jacket photo that was once on his Twitter page suddenly disappeared, according to Rolling Stone. Simon & Schuster also removed Meek’s name from all press materials, according to the report.
The book jacket, which once reportedly read, “In April, ABC News correspondent James Gordon Meek got an urgent call from a Special Forces operator serving overseas,” now reads, “In April, an urgent call was placed from a Special Forces operator serving overseas.”
Mann told Rolling Stone he is unsure what happened to Meek.
“He contacted me in the spring, and was really distraught, and told me that he had some serious personal issues going on and that he needed to withdraw from the project,” Mann reportedly said, noting he hasn’t heard from Meek since.
Where's James Gordon Meek? FBI Raided ABC Journalist's Home in April, Hasn't Been Seen Since https://t.co/1NqAVqrMkt
Remember when the establishment media took former President Donald Trump’s comments about the media being the “enemy of the people” to mean that he wanted them shut down and not able to report even though he never once weaponized the Department of Justice (DOJ) to go after a reporter? Well, it seems that for the Biden regime and leftists alike, projection is the sincerest form of flattery, because there’s a longtime ABC producer who hasn’t been seen in months since the FBI raided his home back in April.
In a very rare bit of actual journalism by the far-left music rag Rolling Stone, they documented the peculiar case of former ABC News producer James Gordon Meek.
This gist of the story was summed up in a tweet by independent journalist Greg Price.
“Last April, the FBI raided the home of ABC journalist James Gordon Meek, who was finishing up a book about Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan,” Price wrote in the tweet. “He’s been charged with no crime, abruptly resigned from his job, and nobody has seen him since.”
Wild story:
Last April, the FBI raided the home of ABC journalist James Gordon Meek, who was finishing up a book about Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan.
He's been charged with no crime, abruptly resigned from his job, and nobody has seen him since.https://t.co/43lgfw0M0Z
In fact, Meek’s presence — or lack thereof — was the focal point of the Rolling Stone article. They talked to the landlord of the apartment Meek had been living in for 10 years — nothing. They spoke to colleagues of Meek — nothing.
It was as if they were searching for Bobby Fischer, essentially a ghost.
“With nine years at ABC under his belt, a buzzy Hulu documentary poised for Emmy attention, and an upcoming book on the military’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, the 52-year-old bear of a man seemed to be at the height of his powers and the pinnacle of his profession,” writer Tatiana Siegel wrote.
So where did a man with so much going for him simply disappear to? Once the FBI raided Meek’s home and got a hold of him, it was as if he vanished.
What seems to be the only possible conclusion as to why Meek disappeared —outside of actual evidence — was the possibility of his possession of classified materials that could’ve been used towards an upcoming book he was writing on the Biden regime’s bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.
Price brought up another point of Meek's story that has a very interesting caveat concerning who would've had to sign off on the raid had they been targeting personal and/or classified information.
This story is legit crazy. The guy was an Emmy award winning national security reporter at the top of his profession and all of a sudden fell off the face of the Earth after the FBI raided his home. Source in the story just says he had "classified information" on his computer.
Another interesting angle of the story: If the raid was for the personal documents of a journalist, it would have had to be personally signed off on by U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco.https://t.co/43lgfvICMR
Even stranger, in the months before he vanished, Meek was finishing up work on a book for Simon & Schuster titled Operation Pineapple Express: The Incredible Story of a Group of Americans Who Undertook One Last Mission and Honored a Promise in Afghanistan, which he co-authored with Lt. Col. Scott Mann, a retired Green Beret. Meek even featured a picture of the soon-to-publish book in his bio on social media and frequently tweeted about his involvement. But post-April 27, the book-jacket photo disappeared from his bio, and Simon & Schuster has scrubbed his name from all press materials. The first sentence of the jacket previously read: “In April, ABC News correspondent James Gordon Meek got an urgent call from a Special Forces operator serving overseas.” Now it says: “In April, an urgent call was placed from a Special Forces operator serving overseas.”
And just like that, Meek was scrubbed. There was no conclusion as to the whereabouts of Meek, and a person that worked with him in the Hulu project “3213 Un-Redacted” voiced concern for Meek and themselves.
“I just want to know what happened,” said the source. “[Meek’s situation] is making me nervous. I’m just gonna deadbolt my door.”
That's not a very reassuring take for the future of the freedom of the press.
Glenn Beck published October 20, 2022: Is the FBI involved in this reporter's DISAPPEARANCE?
‘Emmy-winning producer James Gordon Meek had his home raided by the FBI. His colleagues says they haven’t seen him since,’ writes a recent Rolling Stone report about an American reporter’s mysterious disappearance. Though some details remain murky, in this clip, Glenn explains everything we know so far. This is something 'I've never seen before in America,' Glenn says, and it raises several PRESSING questions: Could the FBI possibly be involved in this? Where is Meek, and why have no friends or family publicly expressed concern? What was on his laptop, and why did one of his colleagues refuse to answer Rolling Stone’s questions…?
UPDATE 2/7/23 at 2:58pm: Added info below.
Former ABC News Producer Arrested for Transportation of Child Pornography
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