If you think upholding the American Constitution is the same as fascism, maybe you don't know what fascism means
— Lauren Chen (@TheLaurenChen) October 29, 2020
— N.F. Singh ✪ (@SinghManSpeak) October 27, 2020
A textualist justice is swearing in an originalist
A black justice is swearing in a woman
An Uncle Tom is swearing in a Handmaid
The Left keeps repeating this idiotic arg: “Ha! Ha! If you’re an originalist, you can’t amend the Constitution.”
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 20, 2020
No, Art VII of the Constitution lays out the process of amendments (eg, Bill of Rights). Following that process is HOW you do it—not judges just rewriting the text. https://t.co/5KBbsg1bkx
Originalism is the 13th Amendment. Originalism is the 14th Amendment. Originalism is the 19th Amendment. https://t.co/Y9NHTFckkE
— Payton Alexander (@AlexanderPayton) October 27, 2020
What are you talking about? The original text of the Constitution contains an amendment procedure?
— RakishHalloweenHeadDandy (@RakishDandy) October 27, 2020
Originalism has turned out to be more than a legal doctrine. It is the common ground of American conservatism. My column @FreeBeacon https://t.co/jNtEFCyBTr
— Matthew Continetti (@continetti) October 16, 2020
Senator and History Professor Team Up for Astoundingly Incompetent Attack on Originalism https://t.co/O9mXl2Pl4c
— Ed Whelan (@EdWhelanEPPC) October 26, 2020
Imagine being an academic and setting out to write a piece outside your area of specialization having made *zero* effort to familiarize yourself with the literature. I seriously couldn’t imagine doing something like that
— Francis Adams (@fpadams10) October 26, 2020
Originalism ACTUALLY means that a law says exactly what it said at the time it was enacted. To change the law, you have to change the law via the legislative process; the law neither “evolves” on its own nor can be changed by judicial fiat.
— Can of Spam (@iDoLikeSpam) October 26, 2020
It’s value-neutral.
Follow-up comment - WHY would a member of the Senate NOT advocate for originalism? Do you REALLY want members of the judiciary changing the laws you write and pass while cutting you out of that process?
— Can of Spam (@iDoLikeSpam) October 26, 2020
Clarence Thomas is an originalist, he is black. Amul Thapar is an originalist, he is Indian American. Amy Coney Barrett is an originalist, she is a woman. Patrick Bumatay is an originalist, he is gay. This is a dumb argument. https://t.co/7dPGBWjRxc
— Garrett Ventry (@GarrettVentry) October 26, 2020
— Spencer A. Klavan, Mansplainer-in-Chief (@SpencerKlavan) October 16, 2020
No, it isn't. https://t.co/D864BOhB5B
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 26, 2020
The good thing is, we had Amendments and a Civil War to make Democrats behave better.
— Fuzzy Chimp (@fuzzychimpcom) October 26, 2020
Originalism is the stick in the spoke of progressivism. https://t.co/vN3HkS52bg
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) October 27, 2020
Inspired by how so many millions of people are able to freely vote in the United States despite living in what we were told was a fascist dictatorship
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 26, 2020
If Trump were a tyrant dictator all of you assholes on the Left publicly attacking him 24/7 WITHOUT FEAR for 4 yrs would be in prison or dead.
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) October 26, 2020
That's what dictators do, kill all opposition like the Left teaches they're followers is okay to kill Trump supporters @SachaBaronCohen
Wait... so you want Trump, the guy you regularly call a tyrant and unhinged, to take complete control of your freedom by locking the entire country down?
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) March 21, 2020
Exactly. :/
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 21, 2020
It's a mind f-g game to them. Because then they can all collectively say, "You see, didn't we tell you Trump was a dictator. We need to vote him out."
Trump-Russia collusion hoax failed, Kavanaugh hoax failed, Covington Kid hoax failed, Impeachment hoax failed. pic.twitter.com/5IsPdPW0XW
This is not a joke. And unfortunately it’s true. pic.twitter.com/n5hzUURPmn
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) September 12, 2020
What the heck is wrong with you? If Trump were a dictator all of you assholes on the Left attacking him 24/7 for 3 years would be in prison or dead.
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 12, 2020
That's what dictators do, kill all opposition like the Left teaches is okay to kill Trump supporters.https://t.co/wtLjfbp5uQ
BLM rioters NOT PROTESTERS burned that historic St John's Episcopal church down.
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 12, 2020
Plus, these same BLM RIOTERS were attacking police and breaking barriers.
Stop portraying these domestic terrorists as innocent people.pic.twitter.com/lqm1YSfdbB
These BLM ahole rioters in Washington D.C. are proud one of them stole a shield from a police officer GUARDING THE WHITE HOUSE.https://t.co/iiD2Zu0n17
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 12, 2020
Here's another example of the BLM Antifa Resistance domestic terrorists who are the paramilitary wing for the Marxist Democrat party.
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) September 12, 2020
BLM Antifa Resistance domestic terrorists have caused Americans so much pain over the past 4 months. It's disgusting.https://t.co/TKxP9YNgtV
Markey’s comments are deeply insulting to the many citizens, judges, and professors who hold originalist views. It is further evidence of the creeping irrationality in this age of rage where it is not enough to disagree with others on legal questions. https://t.co/Yy3khcVVce
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) October 27, 2020
...You must now label those with differing views as racists or bigots. Sen. Mike Lee was right to call upon Markey to withdraw his comments but such civility and such responsibility is now a distant memory in American politics.
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) October 27, 2020
So if your mortgage, car loan, or rental agreement is written by only white men YOU BELIEVE IT SHOULD BE INVALID?
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) October 29, 2020
Are you seriously that stupid?
A contract or agreement is just that, a contract or agreement. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO WROTE THE DAMN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT. My gosh!
๐ THE MARXIST DEMOCRATS SURVIVE ON LIES. ๐Insults from the senator who wants to rehabilitate a convicted spy for Stalin. https://t.co/d9PKJRpPJd @EdMarkey
— J Michael Waller (@JMichaelWaller) October 28, 2020
Sen @TimKaine Claims The United States Created Slavery & Maintained It Over Centuries
— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) October 9, 2020
The term slave has its origins n the word slav. The slavs who inhabited a large part of Eastern Europe were taken as slaves by the Muslims of Spain during 9th century ADhttps://t.co/Xji9RF3ZHD
You do know the 1619 project was false history, it’s full of lies. Lies intended to alter American history. https://t.co/4Ebr0NRYU9
— Eric Swart (@Eric_DD_Swart) October 20, 2020
The New York Times Deceptively Edits False Claim At The Center Of 1619 Projecthttps://t.co/pLDCTfaB7c
— The Federalist (@FDRLST) September 21, 2020
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