written by Tania Gabrielle
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A fabulous and fun NEW MOON in Aries on April 5th is fills your Soul with confidence and a desire to begin again.
- Aries is the FIRST Sign and New Moons signal a fresh start.
- Aries is a FIRE sign and represents going for it — nothing is going to hold you back from fulfilling your deepest desire.
A new era has begun.
And you are totally free to choose the direction of your journey, be independent and strong.
It’s great energy for initiating anything new and a following through with your desire to be more independent.
This Aries New Moon is also perfect for…
- Breaking a Negative Habit, and getting empowered with a Healthy New Habit.
- Not giving your power away.
- Setting yourself FREE by focusing on what Fires you up!
This energetic forward momentum is reinforced by Mercury having just moved direct again last week – and by now Mercury is happily moving in its natural flowing motion. By mid April Mercury will move from Pisces into Aries allowing your mind to synchronize with your new goals.
Also, throughout April Pluto and Saturn are only 3 degrees apart!
(It’s the closest they'll come until later in the year.)
This means your attention is focused on manifesting your Divine mission.
What you experience now regarding your career is taking you in a new direction – just embrace it!
Live your life at a whole new level of leadership.
- Pluto is the leader, transformational energy that results in tremendous empowerment.
- Saturn, the planet which governs Capricorn, is associated with career – the 10th house of astrology.
So you’ll have more opportunities to fulfill your Divine Mission at a HIGHER vibrational LEVEL.
Use this invigorating and passionate Aries energy to ignite your internal fire!
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
PS. *FREE Masterclass!* Discover Your Divine Blueprint: How to read any person's birth code in the STARS and NUMBERS!
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