Amazon Selling Child Sex Doll for Pedophiles— An Open Secret (@AnOpenSecret) March 23, 2019
Includes option for “hidden delivery”
Examples include:
child’s undeveloped body with no breasts
teen girl tied up with rope, torn clothes, bloody gag in her mouth
PJ Media
written by Megan Fox
Saturday March 23, 2019
In a stunning discovery, Amazon has sex dolls that look like children for sale on their site. A company called DVKFP has sex dolls, that are clearly meant to target pedophiles and represent children, listed on Amazon including a promise for "hidden delivery."
One clearly shows an underdeveloped child's body with no breasts and little girl headband while another has photos of what looks to be a young teen tied up with rope with torn clothes and a bloody gag in her mouth.
The legality of child-like sex dolls is muddy. On one hand, our obscenity and child porn laws are very strong and include even digital renderings or depictions of children in sexual situations as illegal, but are rarely enforced against Hollywood or the arts community.
Lawmakers in Florida have taken action to attempt to stop the sale of dolls like these with a law called the CREEPER Act (Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots Act) that was passed in the U.S. Congress but died in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Just last week, a similar Florida law headed to the Senate floor for a vote:
Sen. Lauren Book sponsored SB 160 amid an international conversation surrounding child sex dolls and their link to increased sexual preying on children.The bill would make it a first-degree misdemeanor to own, show, lend, sell or advertise child sex dolls. If someone possesses one without the intent to do the above, it would be a second-degree misdemeanor. And if someone does it more than once, it would become a third-degree felony.
Critics of the bill claim that men use these dolls to avoid molesting children, but there is no evidence that it works. Research in the UK has shown that people who buy these dolls are likely to have child porn in their possession, and child porn unquestionably harms children. As reported by The Hill:
In the United Kingdom, which already has a ban similar to [the CREEPER Act], authorities have seized 128 dolls this year. Eighty-five percent of the men who imported them were also found in possession of child pornography. These individuals didn’t use the dolls as a substitute. They used them to supplement their stash of kiddy porn.
And now they're on Amazon. Lawmakers better get busy and get serious about stopping violence against children currently available on Amazon, thanks to Jeff Bezos. Currently, Bezos is allowed to ban books by conservative journalists like Tommy Robinson, and has banned all documentaries and books on the side-effects of vaccines, but thinks it's fine to peddle in child sex dolls. Think about that.
Update 8:22 p.m. Eastern: Amazon has removed the sex dolls that look like children, but I caught the event on video.
Amazon selling sex dolls to pedophiles #pedogate Amazon yanks within minutes of exposure— #BelieveEvidence (@MeganFoxWriter) March 23, 2019
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