"The City of Vancouver announced last week that, starting next year, it will no longer provide Rape Relief with a nearly $34,000 annual grant, saying the charitable group doesn’t meet its trans-equality and inclusion criteria, adopted in 2016." https://t.co/xZin0uZ8Bt— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) March 25, 2019
That is so mean. My goodness. ๐ฆ— Global Awareness 101 (@Mononoke__Hime) March 25, 2019
Vancouver Sun, Canada
written by Camille Bains, Canadian Press
Thursday March 21, 2019
A transgender woman whose case against Canada’s oldest rape-crisis centre was dismissed by the courts says she hopes the City of Vancouver’s decision to refuse the shelter funding will help change policies.
Kimberly Nixon, 61, filed a human rights complaint against the Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter in 1995 after she was refused training to work as a volunteer peer counsellor on the basis that she didn’t share the life experience of someone born female.
“The organization is not bad,” said Nixon. “It just means that attitudes have to change.”
Nixon’s complaint was upheld by the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal with a $7,500 reward from Rape Relief, but the B.C. Supreme Court found discrimination hadn’t occurred. The B.C. Court of Appeal dismissed Nixon’s appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed her request to appeal that decision in 2007.
The City of Vancouver announced last week that, starting next year, it will no longer provide Rape Relief with a nearly $34,000 annual grant, saying the charitable group doesn’t meet its trans-equality and inclusion criteria, adopted in 2016.
“While (the Vancouver Rape Relief Society) services have been and are very important, staff identified concerns about the organization’s position on trans-women in relation to the full intent of grant criteria,” the city said in a statement.
Hilla Kerner, spokeswoman for Rape Relief, said women who are born female and socialized to submit to male domination don’t feel comfortable around women who may appear and sound like men and don’t share the same life experience.
“More often than not, being born female still means we are born as an oppressed class. We haven’t achieved liberation for women yet,” she said.
Rape Relief doesn’t turn transgender women away and often connects them to other services, Kerner said. She said the group is no different from other organizations that serve people with specific needs, including those who are Indigenous, disabled or migrants.
Morgane Oger, who chairs the Trans Alliance Society, said she has been advocating since 2013 for Rape Relief’s municipal funding to be stopped.
“Vancouver Rape Relief and other organizations that are publicly funded are responsible for keeping up the highest standard of inclusion,” Oger said, adding the group helps only a subset of women.
Adrienne Smith, a human rights lawyer in Vancouver, said all of Smith’s clients are transgender and some of them have said they have been turned away from Rape Relief after a sexual assault.
“Rape Relief takes the position that transgender women are men in dresses and that there’s something inauthentic about them,” Smith said. “Their followers repeat this messaging and it’s fundamentally hurtful to my clients and to trans- and non-binary people.”
Smith said Rape Relief has stuck to the same message even as society has changed.
Trans-women are sexually assaulted at four times the rate of non-trans-women, often by other women, Smith said.
“The Nixon case was wrongly decided and I think it would be decided very differently if it were argued today because decision-makers have a much more clear understanding that transgender women are women,” Smith said.
B.C. provides about $600,000 in annual funding to Rape Relief, which has a budget of about $1.1 million and opened its doors in 1973.
Nixon said provincial funding should also be reconsidered.
“If the province continues to fund them they are basically enabling their treatment of trans-women or trans-people in general,” said Nixon, who recently spoke at an International Women’s Day event at Ryerson University in Toronto. “I hope the society has reached a point where they can recognize what is right and what is wrong. So this is just another opportunity for them to make the necessary change.”
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) March 25, 2019Please donate to this important resource for women and victims of sexual assault.
Due to the lawsuit of a transwoman from 1995 she continued pursuing, the city has dropped funding.
Vancouver Rape Relief & Women's Shelter @VanRapeReliefhttps://t.co/BFEU1ec7T2
Bullying women who’ve been raped & denying their BC Supreme Court and Supreme Court of Canada upheld rights to a sex-segregated space to heal is vile and the Vancouver Sun should not play along with that brand of misogyny— Sizzle ๐ฅ (@palladianblue) March 21, 2019
They are lying. For transwomen to be attacked at 4 times the rate of women, 742,344 transwomen are attacked per year only in Canada. pic.twitter.com/OSjbPNuKlk— Grace O'Malley (@you_know_nuttin) March 26, 2019
It’s certainly sent the message that Trans women such as Morgane Oger don’t give a shit about women and what they need. They may identify AS women but they don’t identify WITH women!— 3 owls in a raincoat (@3owls1raincoat) March 25, 2019
It certainly sent a message across the world that trans activism is most often concerned with removing important protections for women for purposes of gender validation rather than seeking to improve provision of services for trans people. That came over loud and clear.— ktTuscany (@KtTuscany) March 25, 2019
So once again due to trans, Women get screwed over and where the hell did they get a stat like this: "Trans-women are sexually assaulted at four times the rate of non-trans-women, often by other women, Smith said." C'mon— Samantha ๐บ Bronx Girl (@samantha3050) March 25, 2019
Imagine being so selfish, so vindictive, that you would see to it victims of rape were unable to get counseling......... disgusting.— Nicole Parsons (@MAGA_Princess_9) March 25, 2019
UPDATE 3/26/19 at 2:41pm: I added tweet below.
It's related news happening in Canada. ๐
Parents, please read this thread & be mindful of what your kids are learning about gender in school.— Dr. Debra Soh (@DrDebraSoh) March 25, 2019
This case is in Nova Scotia, but the ideology will reach your child if it hasn't already. https://t.co/ZpHu5zENOq
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