I added the picture gif above to the message below.
Intro written by Lena Stevens at www.thepowerpath.com
Body written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
New Moon is Wednesday, March 6 at 9:03 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).
This is watery, dreamy, inspiring New Moon with the potential for raising the spiritual bar and anchoring some beautiful new energy. Clear any fear and anxiety and use the New Moon as a reset to your spiritual anchor with the intention of bringing in more confidence and trust in the unknown. Be willing to open and listen to your intuition. Tell the truth about your addictions and set yourself on a course to eliminate them as energy leaks.
Honor your allies on this day as they are the greatest help to you right now. This powerful moon also invites us not to limit our dreams but to set intentions that are far beyond what you can imagine for next week, month or year. What do you want the world to look like, to feel like, to be like in several years? We do this for all our relations and we dream for our ancestors as well as our future.
Take advantage of this new moon and join Anna for a very helpful remote Shamanic Healing Wednesday March 6 at 7PM (link here)
Astrological Notes:
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
Pisces New Moon
Sun and Moon in Pisces ~ 15ยบ
Wed. March 6, 9:03 AM Mountain Standard Time
(Wed. March 6, 4:03 PM Greenwich Mean Time)
PISCES!! That luscious, watery call to the deep dive. Neptune rules Pisces and connects us to the vast expanse of the oceanic worlds that cover our fertile planet. We have been blessed with Neptune in its own sign, Pisces, since February 2012 ~ seven years and it remains there until 2025. Neptune only comes home every 164 year – last seen in Pisces in 1848-1861. In this New Moon chart, it’s at home and expresses most magnificently with the energetic support of the Sun and Moon so close. More spiritual resources are available to us. Accessing the invisible world is more compelling now. We are guided towards acceptance, compassion and away from analyzing, towards allowing trust to flow through our lives, towards staying connected to spirit. Pisces and its ruler Neptune teach us to let go of boundaries, rules, worry, shoulds, confinements, and feelings of entrapment and soar in the transcendental worlds.
New Moon in Pisces with the Sun and Moon at 15ยบ and Neptune and Vesta at 16ยบ Pisces works by dissolving, transcending, merging. We are all emotionally sensitized and opened to psychic impressions under this magnified influence of Pisces/Neptune. Here is where we are invited like the pull of the oceans upon us to seek beyond our small self and become one with our greater Self – our essence always available, always there to guide us. Neptune/Pisces’ realms are the spiritual realms where we learn the value of surrender and unconditional love, and we honor and respect all of the signs as equally necessary to make up the zodiac wheel and human experience.
The Pisces archetype calls down “divinely inspired creativity” and music, literature, poetry, film and all artistic forms benefit when Pisces is prominent. These forms connect us to a story through our imaginations where we visit other worlds and enter places far from our environs. The poetic forms of music, film allow one to break free from this reality for another perhaps more idealized place. The other side of the visionary and artist or even healer is delusion, illusion and deception – getting lost in the fog, dreams and fantasies Neptune creates. Pisces is said to be the sign of self-sustainment (the spiritual side) or self-undoing (the addictive side). When overwhelmed by more human suffering than the heart can bear, addiction results in all its forms – you know what they are both subtle and not so subtle.
Sun, Moon and Neptune are joined by Vesta helping us to direct this flow of intuitive connectivity. Vesta, the energy of the temple priestesses and priests has a need for dedication of the sexual/lower chakra energies to a higher ideal or a commitment to their art or work that is in service beyond self-gain. You may find yourself needing to bring your focus away from your outer responsibilities to narrow your focus to your own health routines, meditation practices or work goals, sacrificing the outer for the inner. A sextile from the Sun/Moon/Neptune/Vesta/Mercury cluster to Saturn in earthy, practical Capricorn provides just enough structure to let us put this symphonic in-flow of intuitive wisdom to use in our lives. We are open to the inspired visions of the jewel in the lotus that these transition times can potentially unfold. This is the Moon to put our visionary abilities to use to call down the future we most desire in the physical plane.
Major movement is afoot at this New Moon reset. Uranus makes a major move into Taurus for the next seven years. Uranus, The Awakener, the Liberator, the bringer of revelation, revolution, disruption and innovation shifts into earthy, fixed Taurus, a sign of stability, productivity and a gatherer of resources. Because of Venus’ rulership of Taurus, we may see upheavals in our economic arenas (currency issues, banking and finance), also agricultural issues (farming, cattle, wheat), and the potential for inspiring breakthroughs in the arts (think animation, music, singing, architecture, sculpture…). Uranus brings a radical, unorthodox quality of thinking in illuminated flashes of genius! Invite that in along with embodying your unique, eccentric self. Here is the seven-year ride we need to rebuild our structures as a reflection of the powerful upgrade in consciousness and frequency available now.
And what is Mercury up to? Expect a three-week retrograde period starting at New Moon with the shift of Uranus to a new sign. Mercury is retrograding from that very last degree of Pisces that means Mercury will be in Pisces for a lengthy nine-week period. Our minds are in for a long, intuitive journey. Our mental sensitivity to the invisible worlds of feeling will be opened and intensified. The mind will practice bowing to the heart.
Mercury turns direct on March 28 and is out of its shadow (degrees it has already traveled) and progressing forward in new territory by April 16. As soon as Mercury goes direct, March 28, we will again have another two weeks of all planets in forward motion like we have had since the first of the year. Is it just me, or are things moving forward at a hefty, intensified pace that inspires thrills, a modicum of overwhelm, and a need for balance on the run!?! This retrograde of Mercury in Pisces may be a welcome turn inward to regroup and refresh our intentions.
We will look forward to Full Moon in Aries 0ยบ on the same day as the Equinox, March 20, when the Sun enters Aries and Spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere (Fall begins in the Southern Hemisphere). Equinox with Full Moon at the zero Aries point! Now that’s a powerful combination for a fertile birthing.
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