written by Dale Osadchuk
[source: Crystal Wind]
The path to the Star Temple was covered with deep snow making it difficult to climb. Fortunately Snowy Owl and Shooting Star had been to visit the Shaman’s cave and he told them to wear their snowshoes so they could reach the Star Temple easily. It was also very cold here in the North Country so they made sure they wore their warmest parkas. As they manoeuvred the path their breath could be seen in the cold air.
The sisters were happy to reach the Sacred Space so they could just sit and relax as they waited for Sister Moon’s message. But Little Owl was waiting for them to arrive. They knew that meant they were going on a journey. Little Owl was Snowy Owl’s spirit walker and he guided them out into the Universe whenever there was a special event taking place. They hurried to the Standing One where their flying capes were hidden and once they had put them on they were following Little Owl into the indigo night.
He led them to the Temple in the sky were the Council of Twelve held their meetings at the New and Full Moons. Usually the table they sat at was round but on this night it was a square table. Sister Moon, Grandfather Sun, Pluto the transformer and Mercury the messenger sat in the South. Sister Moon spoke. “In the far away time the two leggeds are celebrating what they call the New Year. We, the Council of Twelve, are here to tell them it will be a time of personal responsibility and living their Spiritual Vision as Empowered Souls. It is time for their Sacred Contracts to be fulfilled.” Opposite those four sitting in the North was Jupiter, the planet of wisdom. He was also the planet of luck and blessings. “I am here to guide the two leggeds on a journey of spiritual growth and expansion so they will come to know the Wisdom of their Souls.”
On the West side of the square table Mars the Warrior sat. “I am here to guide the two leggeds to become peaceful warriors and to take right action for the good of all.” Opposite him, in the East, sat Uranus, the Awakener. “I am here to help the two leggeds breakthrough to their authentic selves. All of us are here to support the human kingdom to break out of “the box” and transform their world with Loving Kindness.” Venus, the harmonizer, Saturn, the teacher, Chiron, the healer, Neptune, the illuminator, and Mother Earth, the nurturer, all nodded in agreement.
Sister Moon spoke again. “Snowy Owl and Shooting Star, the Council of Twelve wanted to share this message with you so you can also guide the two leggeds on this Sacred Journey to their authentic selves. This New Moon on the first day of their New Year is about stepping onto the Mystical Path with respect and honour for All Their Relations. Go now and share the message.”
The sisters followed Little Owl back to the Star Temple and knew they had a promise to fulfill.
This is a very potent New Moon to begin a powerfully challenging and exciting New Year. 2014 is a Seven year, Mastery Through Change and Stepping onto the Mystical Path. The seventh card in the Tarot is The Chariot. It depicts two horses (power) pulling the chariot but trying to go in different directions. It is up to the charioteer to channel their energy into the horses so they will work in harmony and take him/her (the charioteer) where they want to go. This is very descriptive of the planetary dance for 2014. Mastery through change is the theme.
Our story describes the New Moon Grand Cross that is challenging us to step out of “the Box” and be the change we want to see in the world. When we can transform our thoughts and perspective we change by releasing the old that no longer serves us. We can then become our authentic self guided by our Soul’s Wisdom.
The traditional and Soul Centered rule of this Capricorn New Moon is Saturn in Scorpio. He is supporting us to release what no longer serves us and to transform the foundation of our lives. He is trine (ease and flow) Jupiter in Cancer. Cancer is mastery of the emotions and Jupiter is spiritual growth and expansion. The sign of Cancer is also a symbol for our roots and family of origin. It is time to release the messages of the past and breakthrough to our authentic self.
The Animal Totem who guides us is Snow Goose. She teaches us to follow our dreams and spiritual vision. The Clan Mother for this new Moon is Talks With Relations. She is the Keeper of learning the truth through our connection with all life that Great Mystery has created. She teaches us to respect and honour the Oneness Of All. You can find more of her story in The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams.
Capricorn is found on the Tarot Constellation of The Lovers; relationship and choice. The theme is the urge to unite, the choice to love, ourselves in relation to others or the urge to separate, the choice to fear, ourselves in relation to the world. Let us all hope we choose as the human race at this powerful time to relate to All That Is with Loving Kindness.
This Capricorn New Moon is active on the following Rays; The 7th Ray of invocation and white magic with Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, the keepers of the Violet Flame of Transformation; the 3rd Ray of Divine Mind and Creative Intelligence with Archangels Chamuel and Charity, healing through Divine Love and gratitude, and finally the 1st Ray of Divine Will and Power with Archangels Michael and Faith, trusting in Divine Support and our authentic self as our guides.
On a personal note the last few days are already showing me some challenges I will be experiencing in 2014. If you would like to discover how the planetary dance is influencing you in the New Year I am available for astrology consultations in person or by telephone. Contact me at daleosadchuk@rogers.com for an appointment.
Wishing all of you blessings on your Sacred Journey for 2014,
Here is the outline for the Moon phases and the days she changes signs. All times are 75 west longitude EST. A more detailed description is posted every day or so on my Facebook Timeline. Just send me a friend request and I will add you to my list of friends so you can access the posts. Sorry to all my Moon List people I still cannot send out the articles but you can also access the articles on www.crystalwind.ca
Capricorn Super New Moon- Jan 01, 2014- 6.15am EST- focus on personal empowerment and your Soul Purpose Path
Moon enters Aquarius- Jan 02- 12.03pm EST- focus on your spiritual gifts to give to the Universe
Aquarius Crescent Moon- Jan 04- 10.40am EST- focus on the growth and expansion of your spiritual gifts and share them with others
Moon enters Pisces- Jan 04- 11.58am EST- focus on healing and your connection to The Mystical
Moon enters Aries- Jan 06- 2.45pm EST- focus on inspired new beginnings
Aries First Quarter Moon- Jan 07- 10.39pm EST- focus on making a decision to take action that leads to breakthrough
Moon enters Taurus- Jan 08- 9.24pm EST- focus on what is truly of value and importance
Moon enters Gemini- Jan 11- 7.26am EST- focus on Loving Kindness
Mercury enters Aquarius- Jan 11- 4.35pm EST to Jan 31- 9.29am EST- focus on communicating with sensitivity and Loving Kindness
Gemini Gibbous Moon- Jan 11- 8.51pm EST- focus on finding the balance between logic and intuition
Moon enters Cancer- Jan 13- 7.25pm EST- focus on mastery through change
Cancer/Capricorn Full Moon- Jan 15- 11.53pm EST- focus on your Spiritual Vision and Soul Purpose Path
Moon enters Leo- Jan 16- 8.00am EST- focus on your creativity and be in your compassionate heart center as you create
Mars in Libra square Venus Rx in Capricorn- Jan 16- 12.13pm EST- relationship moves into the First Quarter Phase. Decision, action, breakthrough or break free
Venus Rx rises as Morning Star- Jan 17 to Sept 17- Venus now rises before the Sun as spiritual warrior and bringer of the Light
Moon enters Virgo- Jan 18- 8.23pm EST- focus on mind, body, spirit integration and your spiritual service
Sun enters Aquarius- Jan 19- 10.51pm EST to Feb 18- 12.59pm EST- We now enter the Rest and Cleansing Time with Otter, sharing, as our guide. Focus on sharing with like minded people and giving your Spiritual gifts to the Universe
Virgo Disseminating Moon- Jan 20- 2.34am EST- focus on sharing your wisdom
Moon enters Libra- Jan 21- 7.43am EST- focus on harmony in relationship
Mercury enters retrograde shadow- Jan 22- Mercury will retrograde Feb 06 to 28. Pay attention to what comes up now. During the retrograde it is time for revision.
Moon enters Scorpio- Jan 23- 4.43pm EST- focus on healing and transformation
Scorpio Fourth Quarter Moon- Jan 24- 12.19am EST- time for realignment and revision
Moon enters Sagittarius- Jan 25- 10.13pm EST-focus on your Spiritual Vision
Sagittarius Balsamic Moon- Jan 27- 12.11pm EST- focus on completion and release
Moon enters Capricorn- Jan 28- 12.04am EST- focus on your Soul Purpose Path
Moon enters Aquarius- Jan 29- 11.33pm EST- focus on your spiritual gifts to share with the Universe
Aquarius Blue Super New Moon- Jan 30- 4.39pm EST- focus on sharing and giving with Loving Kindness for all
Mercury enters Pisces- Jan 31- 9.29am EST to Apr 07- 11.35am EST- Because of the retrograde Mercury will also revisit Aquarius Feb 12 to Mar 17. Focus on realigning your spiritual vision
Venus in Capricorn moves direct- Jan 31- 3.49pm EST- focus on being the harmonizer in relationship and the world
Moon enters Pisces- Jan 31- 10.45pm EST- focus on connecting to The Mystical and your Soul’s Wisdom
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