September 20, 2013

USA: Like Nearly All Other Mass Shooters, Ex-Navy Shooter Aaron Alexis Was Also Being Treated With Psychiatric Drugs

Natural news
written by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tuesday September 17, 2013

We weren't planning to cover this story until the Associated Press confirmed that Aaron Alexis, the shooter believed responsible for the recent mass shooting at the Navy yard, "had been treated since August by the Veterans Administration for his mental problems."

This is proof that Aaron Alexis was on psychiatric drugs, because that's the only treatment currently being offered by the Veterans Administration for mental problems. Alexis' family members also confirmed to the press that he was being "treated" for his mental health problems. Across the medical industry, "treatment" is the code word for psychiatric drugging.

Nearly every shooter has a history of psychiatric drug use

As Natural News readers well know, the vast majority of mass shooters in U.S. history have all been on mind-altering psychiatric drugs. Those prescription medications create feelings of detachment in people, making them feel like they "playing out a video game" rather than acting out in the real world.

See a list of some of the other shootings where the perpetrators were taking psychiatric drugs in this Natural News article.

Not coincidentally, Aaron Alexis was also "obsessed with violent video games," reports The Telegraph. Violent video games allow potential shooters to "rehearse" their first-person murderous rampage actions, reinforcing the actions in their brain neurology. It makes the act of killing seem normal, if not habitual.

This combination is repeated over and over again in violent mass killings: psychiatric drugs + video games = mass death.

Press once again lies about the AR-15

Of course, a mass shooting also needs to have a firearm present, but even facts surrounding those claims are now proven to be widely and inaccurately reported by the mainstream media -- an institution which has now utterly abandoned the concept of fact checking in its rush to get the story out. Not only has the media had to retract its initial claim of the identity of the shooter, it also turns out that there was no AR-15 used in the shooting at all.

"Federal law enforcement sources told CNN Tuesday that authorities have recovered three weapons from the scene of the mass shooting, including one -- a shotgun -- that investigators believe Alexis brought in to the compound," reports CNN. "The other two weapons, which sources say were handguns, may have been taken from guards at the Navy complex. The sources, who have detailed knowledge of the investigation, cautioned that initial information that an AR-15 was used in the shootings may have been incorrect. It is believed that Alexis had rented an AR-15, but returned it before Monday morning's shootings."

Regardless of the shooter's weapon of choice, it also turns out that once again he chose a "gun-free zone" to carry out his crime, knowing full well that no ordinary citizens would be able to return fire, giving him plenty of time to carry out his mad killing plan.

This is another characteristic of recent mass shootings: they have all taken place in gun-free zones. Such zones are obviously the preferred targets of mass killers who seek to minimize their own risk of being taken out by return fire.

Finally, it is worth noting that the SWAT team which eventually shot and killed Aaron Alexis most likely did so with an AR-15 rifle, proving that AR-15s are extremely useful in protecting the public when deployed in the hands of someone who has the best interests of the public in mind. The actual rifle model used to kill Alexis has not yet been released, so it could have been something else, but there is no question that SWAT team members were well armed with AR-15-style tactical rifles and that such rifles in the hands of those men unquestionably served a positive role of protecting the public.

You can't trust the media to tell you the real story

The bottom line in all this is that when it comes to shooters, psychiatric drugs and firearms, you simply can't trust the mainstream media to tell you the real story. They will often report half-truths or even just invent bizarre new "facts" they want you to believe, but they have no real investment in the idea of getting to the actual story of what happened and bringing that story to the public.

The media is mostly just using this shooting as another way to sell more advertising while pushing a particular political agenda that utterly ignores the far more dangerous chemical holocaust taking place in our nation due to the widespread deployment of psychiatric drugs.

In fact, I am the author of the widely-shared article from 2012 entitled, Gun control? We need medication control!

And I stand by that argument today. A firearm in the hands of a competent, ethical person who protects innocent bystanders is a blessing. But a mind-altering medication in the hands of a violent video game addict with extreme anger issues is a catastrophe waiting to happen.

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