June 3, 2013

AFGHANISTAN: India Promises More Reconstruction Aid for Afghanistan; India Has Invested More Than $2 Billion In Afghan Infrastructure. Boy Pres Karzai Is Making Out BIG! Streets Should Be Paved With Gold By Now.

Fars News Agency
written by Staff
Wednesday May 22, 2013

TEHRAN - New Delhi vowed to increase its reconstruction aid to Kabul as Afghan President Hamid Karzai wrapped up a three-day visit to India.

"India is prepared to increase bilateral contribution to institution building, training and equipment to the extent India can," a statement by Indian President Pranab Mukherjee's office said on Wednesday, press tv reported.

The statement came on the third and final day of Karzai's visit to India aimed at seeking more aid, including military assistance, to Afghanistan.

The Indian leader's office did not provide further details about the talks held between the two sides.

India has invested more than USD 2 billion in Afghan infrastructure, including freeways, medical centers, and rural electricity projects.

The visit is Karzai's second trip to India over the past six months.

In October 2011, Afghanistan and India signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) to expand relations in a variety of sectors, including security and defense.

The United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 under the pretext of combating terrorism. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity continues to rise across the country despite the presence of thousands of US-led soldiers.

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