October 16, 2011

Intimate Union: Bride of Christ part 5 of 9 Re-Post 10/18/09

I was awakened from a deep sleep earlier this week. When I awoke, I reached for the remote, turned on the television and changed the channel to Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Just at that moment, barely awake, Benny Hinn's program was just starting. As I laid there in bed, I asked God what it was he wanted me to know. This was the message Benny Hinn was sharing that very morning. I was in AWE the entire time. Benny Hinn perfectly describes the beautiful personal relationship I share with my heavenly Father and how this nirvana reached me. It's an ongoing process. Benny Hinn has described this union in a way that I could never put into words the way he has. It's a way of living I wish everyone could truly know deep down in the core of their being. Would you please take a moment out of your day to listen to this most beautiful 9 part message that God wants you to know. God loves you soooooooo much! You have always been His precious precious child and He is just waiting for you to embrace Him right where you are. Open your heart, mind, body and spirit to Him and watch your life be trasformed in total amazement. I have typed a transcript of the first 5 minutes for my international readers who need to translate.


Song of Solomon 1:2, "Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth. For Thy LOVE is better than than wine." That's awesome. So now your spirit is completely completely completely united. And like I said there is two kinds of union, one that is for moments or hours and one is permanent. But when you get into that place where His LOVE is stronger than wine, His LOVE begins to control everything you say and do. This is where your spirit becomes completely fruitful. Unfruitfulness and barrenness are not known in that realm. You know what happens when people drink wine. It controls them. But the LOVE of God can take hold of you in such a way that suddenly you are pulled into it, every word you speak is because of it, every act because of it, you are emmersed in it all in that realm.

And look what it says here, Solomon 1:3, "Because of the savour of thy good ointments Thy name is as ointment poured forth therefore do the virgins love Thee." Awesome. Now that LOVE that begins to control you better than wine, pulls you into His fragrances. Remember last time I taught on the fragrance of Christ? And do you remember when I taught first on the mire His love and the cinnamon His jealously over you and calamus His brokenness that you'll experience? And the case that now you are worshipping Him here. That's what this means here. Because of the savour of Thy oinment, I begin to experience the full fragrance of the Master. I begin to experience His love, His jealousy over me, I begin to experience His brokenness. And I begin to experience His Holiness where I am now prostrate in worship. That's what the fragrance is all about. So He says, "because of the savour of Thy oinments, Thy name is oinment poured forth." So now Your name is oinment poured forth therefore the virgins love Thee. What this says is the sweetness of your presence, it's so precious to me, it begins to penetrate my soul and spirit. So much so that your name begins to heal my being. Your name is healing to my soul. Your name is healing to my being. That's what it means by His name is as oinment. Oinment is used for healing. There is TOTAL HEALING for your total being in the presence of the Son of God. My God that is glorious. It happens in that realm where you are WHOLE COMPLETELY.

When I say whole I don't mean you will be physically healed. Because it has nothing to do with the physical realm. It has to do with wholeness of spirit, wholeness of soul where even though sickness may still be in your body, it is completely unimportant. Where you are ALIVE because of Him. His name heals your being. Why? Because now you are totally emmersed in Him, you have become ONE with Him, your overcome by Him. His very name brings Him on the scene. The name of Jesus brings Jesus. You are so emmersed in Him that His name penetrates your being with wholeness. Therefore the virgins, the church love Thee. You are the church. It is now not only given, it is love returned. Therefore the virgins love thee, it's a love relationship. I get into this deep presence and He loves me and He pulls me into that presence like the waterspouts on the ocean. And like those waves bringing me deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. It's that psalms 42:7 where I become so deep in Him I can't talk, my words are inadequate, and I am completely emmersed in Christ Jesus and it's just love love love love that just penetrates my being. And penetrates my being like wave upon wave upon wave upon wave upon wave and suddenly His name makes me whole and the next thing I know I am returning that same love towards Him and it is a marriage.

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