So let us examine what the difference is between oppression, suppression, and repression and how they're being used against us right now by the Obama administration, the democratic party, democratic mouthpieces in the media, the labor unions and Obama supporters. They want us to wear out so that the American public acquiesces; which means to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; consent: to acquiesce halfheartedly in a business plan, fiscal policy or accept new form of government they have intended for us.
For those of you who are reading this and saying to yourselves that this is a bunch of hogwash, I have this to add, you are welcomed to remain blind to this reality. But the truth of the matter is that the democratic party and labor unions have been taken over by the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Socialist Party USA (SPUSA) and the Green Party USA (GPUS) which is an extension of the other two operating under the false pretense of saving our planet. Please do your own research folks. These three groups have nothing to do with FREEDOM. These three groups don't give a crap about humanity (the people) and they don't give a crap about our planet. The one thing these three groups have in common is CONTROL of the general population.
I would also like to add that the republican party has some of these folks deeply embedded amongst them. These representatives are otherwise known as RINO's which is an acronym for Republicans in name only.
For those of you who are reading this and saying to yourselves that this is a bunch of hogwash, I have this to add, you are welcomed to remain blind to this reality. But the truth of the matter is that the democratic party and labor unions have been taken over by the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Socialist Party USA (SPUSA) and the Green Party USA (GPUS) which is an extension of the other two operating under the false pretense of saving our planet. Please do your own research folks. These three groups have nothing to do with FREEDOM. These three groups don't give a crap about humanity (the people) and they don't give a crap about our planet. The one thing these three groups have in common is CONTROL of the general population.
I would also like to add that the republican party has some of these folks deeply embedded amongst them. These representatives are otherwise known as RINO's which is an acronym for Republicans in name only.
Oppression is like offensive action against a body (of people/a person)
Suppression is like trying to quiet a body
Repression is a body quieting itself
[source: Encarta ® World English Dictionary ©]
op·press [ə préss] (past and past participle op·pressed, present participle op·press·ing, 3rd person present singular op·press·es)
1. dominate harshly: to subject a person or a people to a harsh or cruel form of domination
2. inflict stress on: to be a source of worry, stress, or trouble to somebody
[14th century. < French oppresser < Latin oppress- , past participle of opprimere "press against" < premere "to press"]
-op·pres·sion, , n
-op·pres·sor, , n
sup·pres·sion [sə présh'n]
1. forceful prevention: conscious and forceful action to put an end to something, destroy it, or prevent it from becoming known
2. state of constraint: the state of being forcefully restrained or held back
3. psychology avoidance of thoughts and feelings: conscious avoidance or inhibition of memories, desires, or thoughts
4. electronics diminishing of oscillation: reduction of unwanted noise or oscillation in a circuit or of unwanted frequencies in a signal
5. biology developmental failure: the failure of an organ, tissue, or part to develop
6. physiology cessation of body function: the reduction or stoppage of a normal bodily function such as secretion or excretion. See also immunosuppression
7. medicine removal of symptoms: the lessening or abolition of a symptom or the outward signs of a disease
8. genetics reversal of mutation: the cancellation or reversal of the effect of a gene, especially of one genetic mutation by another
re·pres·sion [ri présh'n]
1. being kept down by force: the process of suppressing a population, or the condition of having political, social, or cultural freedom controlled by force [the passing of new laws/policies that infringe on our individual freedom (emphasis mine)] or military means
2. psychological protective mechanism: in Freudian psychology, a mechanism by which people protect themselves from threatening thoughts by blocking them out of the conscious mind
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