January 20, 2011

Who Wrote the United States Constitution?

Who Wrote the United States Constitution?
written by Gaynor Borade

The United States of America is a nation with a history as rich as its people. The country stands tall today on the principles enumerated by the representatives of the first thirteen colonies. The U.S. Constitution is an institution in itself. It has successfully helped countries that earned their freedom from colonial powers later, to develop systems that challenge adversity and welcome change.

American history bears witness to a nation that has survived the ills of World War I and World War II and even the Great Depression with determination and passion. The will to survive and the legacy of great heroes who freed the country from British colonization have given its people a sense of pride and a humbleness that makes every other nation look dwarfed. The role of the United States Constitution in all this cannot be ignored.

When was the United States constitution written?

A roadmap to the United States Constitution involves the correct understanding of the time and era in which it was drafted. After raising an army of amateurs to fight the British colonial masters, and letting the might of the spirit reveal its glory, the Federal Convention convened in the Independence Hall, Philadelphia on May 14, 1787. The purpose was to revise the previous Articles since only two states had sent their delegations. The United States Constitution power comes from this very decision – action only when a quorum of seven states was obtained. The resultant independent discussion, debate and deliberation manifested in the form of an entirely new government framework. The following sessions led to the drafting and redrafting of articles for the United States Constitution Bill of Rights.

United States Constitution Bill of Rights:

The United States Bill of Rights comprises ten amendments promised by supporters of the constitution during the deliberation of 1788. The need for jury trials and the right to access arms are among the many issues covered in it. The bill also included clauses like prohibition of excessive bail in the case of unusual punishments and enumerated liberties. On September 17, 1787, the United States Constitution text was completed in Philadelphia. The Federal Convention concluded with a speech by Benjamin Franklin and on March 4, 1789, the United States Constitution history reseeded. The chief issues that found expression in the constitution were the role of the central government, state representation within the Congress, method of presidential elections and senator elections etc. The United States constitution is the collective work of the people and the state legislators – a perfect example of cooperative statesmanship.

Who wrote the constitution?

The United States Constitution is an assimilation of ideas from many minds. It is the joint effort made by the people, the Native Americans as well as the settlers, who were intolerant towards suffering and accommodating towards values that bound them together. The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme US law since it provides the framework for the working of the US government. Benjamin Franklin and George Washington are two of the great minds that went into the design. However, it was the collective effort of representatives of all the thirteen colonies then.

United States Constitution Preamble:

The preamble represents the true spirit of the American Civil War and is designed as a statement of purpose. The promise of equality, fraternity and unity amidst difficulty are some of the major features of the preamble. The US Constitution is the embodiment of the values of its people and their collective belief.

The United States Constitution clauses:

The clauses specified and ratified within the United States Constitution include:

•The three main branches of the government - United States' Federal System of Government
•Regular adjustments to improve commerce
•A national legislature that could veto state laws

The constitution was ratified at different points in time and over a period of three years, 1787 to 1790. It was influenced by the experiences of the 13 states and the European experience of the need to have balanced forces to do away with tyranny. The United States Constitution was also based on the value of ‘common law’ extolled in the Magna Carta of 1215. There is no doubt that the content of the Constitution of the United States may have been assimilated from other European influences, but the result is a great nation that stands tall today as an example in brotherhood and resilience.

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