November 30, 2010

I'm Alive... ♥

I'm Alive by Celine Dion

Mmm mmm mmm
I get wings to fly
Ooohhh I'm alive

When you call on me
When I hear you breathe
I get wings to fly
I feel that I'm alive

When you look at me
I can touch the sky
I know that I'm alive

When you bless the day
I just drift away
All my worries die
I'm glad that I'm alive

You set my heart on fire
Fill me with love
Made me women
I got your back

I couldn't get much higher
My spirit takes flight
'Cause I am alive

When you call on me
(When you call on me)
When I hear you breathe
(When I hear you breathe)
I get wings to fly
I feel that I'm alive
(I am alive)
When you reach for me
(When you reach for me)
Raising spirits high
God knows that

That I'll be the one
Standing by
Through good and through trying times
And its only begun
I can't wait for the rest of my life

When you all on me
(When you call on me)
When you reach for
(When your reach for me)
I get wings to fly
I feel that
When you bless the day
(When you bless you bless the day)
I just drift away
(I just drift away)
All my worries die
I know that I'm alive
I get wings to fly
God knows that I'm alive

I'm Too Excited To Sleep... LOL!!! ;)

It's My 41st Birthday And I'm Going To Disneyland!!! WooHoo!!! I Am So Excited, I'm Already Waiting At My Front Door With My Jacket On Let's GO! LOL! ;)

bday disney Pictures, Images and Photos
I personally took this picture same day last year! ♥

Birthday Card From Mom... ♥

Hi everybody! Today is my birthday......

I just have to share the birthday card I received from my mom at midnight. It brought tears to my eyes. I love my mom so much! I chose to spend my birthday with my mom at Disneyland. Because the time I spend with her is more valuable than anything material she would have bought me. I will be taking this memory and experience with me to the afterlife. Whereas anything material I could not. What do you treasure most? and why?

For a Very Special Daughter

If you could see
all the flowers
in the world...

if you could hear
all the laughter
in the universe...

if you could make
all the dreams
that ever
were wished
come true...

...then you would know
a little part of the joy
of having and loving
a daughter like you.

Happy Birthday
with Love
your Mom

November 28, 2010

7 things God wants for your life

7 things God wants for your life
[source: The Total Man]

1. God wants you to have a bright future

God doesn’t want you to hold onto the past but rather He wants you to move forward in your future. Your human nature will make you focus on all your shortcomings and mistakes. But God’s will is that you would forget your mess-ups and push forward to what He has in store for your future. Even if your life was a real mess right now that doesn’t really matter. What’s important is not so much how you started but rather how you finish the race. “…forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead” Phil 3:13

2. God wants generations to be positively affected through you

There are purposes that your parents may have missed in their life and God has graciously passed them onto you so that the blessings contained in those purposes would work for you. “The counsel of the Lord stands forever. The plans of His heart to all generations.” Psalm 33:11 There are even gifts that God passes down through generations that can work for you “I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother” 2 Tim 1:5

3. God wants you to know and understand Him

God doesn’t just want you to wonder about Him. He wants you to know and understand Him. “…let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the LORD.” Jeremiah 9:24 The more you get to know God, the more you will put your trust in Him. You get to know God by seeking Him in prayer and action and putting His word and commands to the test.

4. God wants you to live life to the full

Jesus came so that you could live a life free from shame and regret and walk empowered by His wisdom, principles and God’s Spirit. “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 It’s almost a really simple equation if not for the deception of Satan. Listen to Jesus and everything will be ok! God wants us to enjoy life. “…who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” 1 Timothy 6:17

5. God wants you to know that He is on your side

When you genuinely go to God for assistance and help He will truly be on your side to help. “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 6:14 The Father is a God of love and mercy and would much rather pour His grace on your life rather than get angry. God is a patient, loving, caring and compassionate God. He wants the best for you and is daily trying to get your attention through creation, through people and in circumstances. ”The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.” Psalm 19:1-2

6. God wants you to have a future of peace and prosperity

God’s thoughts towards you are that of peace and not of evil. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 When God gives you instructions and commands for your life it’s not to hurt you but to prosper you. Always ask yourself “This thing I believe God wants from me, what could be the possibilities for the future?”

7. God wants your body and mind to be in good health

Does God want you to be in good health and have a sound mind? You bet He does. He also wants you do prosper in ALL things. That means your endeavours in life and your relationships. That includes your finances and your career. God loves you. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”3 John 1-2

God bless and protect

Quote of the week:
“May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, and fulfill all your purpose.” - Psalm 20:14

Jesus' Heart For You Revealed... ♥

This is another AWESOME message! I love Joseph Prince. His sermons are most definitely DIVINELY INSPIRED! I have taken the following from the youtube description:

If there's an Old Testament character that best typifies Jesus, it is Joseph in the Book of Genesis. Follow this young man's dramatic story in this must-hear message by Joseph Prince, and be greatly encouraged as you see the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of Jesus for you revealed. Find out how His grace is greater than any mistake you have committed and greater than any lack in your life. You'll be strengthened as you learn how Jesus does not hold your sins against you, but draws you near to Him so that He can banish all your fears, regrets and anxieties!

[His presence gives you FREEDOM. "I have come that you may have LIFE, and that you may have it more ABUNDANTLY." John 10:10 (emphasis mine)]

Speak God's Language Of Faith

This is an AWESOME message! I love Joseph Prince. His sermons are most definitely DIVINELY INSPIRED! I have taken the following from the youtube description:

Ever wondered what the language of faith sounds like? Join Joseph Prince in this exciting exposition of what God's language of faith is. Learn how, like God, you can speak good things into existence and see the miracles you are believing for manifest in your life. Understand the importance of acknowledging that you already have what you ask God for in prayer even when you still can't see or touch it. This powerful message will help you to receive the breakthrough you need as you begin to comprehend and speak God's language of faith!

The Crazy Wisdom of Francis of Assisi

The Crazy Wisdom of Francis of Assisi
[source: Osho International]

The heart has its own reasons, which the mind cannot understand. The heart has its own dimension of being, which is completely dark for the mind. The heart is higher and deeper than the mind, beyond the reach of it. It looks foolish. Love always looks foolish because love is not utilitarian. Mind is utilitarian. It uses everything for something else-- that is the meaning of being utilitarian. Mind is purposive, end-oriented; it turns everything into a means--and love cannot be turned into a means, that is the problem. Love in itself is the goal.

Fools always have a subtle wisdom in them, and the wise always act like fools. In the old days all great emperors always had one fool in their court. They had many wise men, counselors, ministers and prime ministers, but always one fool.

Why?--because there are things so-called wise men will not be able to understand, that only a foolish man can understand--because the so-called wise are so foolish that their cunningness and cleverness closes their minds. A fool is simple, and was needed because many times the so-called wise would not say something because they were afraid of the emperor. A fool is not afraid of anybody else, he will speak whatsoever the consequences.

This is how fools act--simply, without thinking what the result will be. A clever man always thinks first of the result, then he acts. Thought comes first, then action. A foolish man acts; thought never comes first.

Whenever someone realizes the ultimate, he is not like your wise men. He cannot be. He may be like your fools, but he cannot be like your wise men.

When Saint Francis became enlightened he used to call himself "God's fool." The pope was a wise man, and when Saint Francis went to see him even the pope thought this man had gone mad. He was intelligent, calculating, clever; otherwise how could he be a pope? To become a pope one has to pass through much politics. To become a pope diplomacy is needed, a competitive aggression is needed to put others aside, to use others as ladders and then throw them.

It is politics... because a pope is a political head. Religion is secondary, or nothing at all. How can a religious man fight and be aggressive for a post? They are only politicians.

Saint Francis came to see the pope, and the pope thought this man was a fool. But trees and birds and fishes thought in a different way. When Saint Francis went to the river the fishes would jump in celebration that Francis had come. Thousands witnessed this phenomenon--millions of fishes would jump simultaneously; the whole river would be lost in jumping fishes. Saint Francis had come and the fishes were happy. And wherever he would go birds would follow; they would come and sit on his leg, on his body, in his lap. They understood this fool better than the pope. Even trees that had become dry and were going to die would become green and blossom again if Saint Francis came near. These trees understood well that this fool was no ordinary fool--he was God's fool.

Right Now, If You Believe, God Will Work A Miracle For YOU! ♥

Right Now Medley by Judy Jacobs

Right Now
If you believe
God will work a miracle for you.

Right Now
If you believe
God will work a miracle for you.

He’ll take your feet out of the miry clay
On the rock to stay
He’ll turn your life around
He’ll place you up on higher ground.

I know that God will work a miracle for you
If you believe, that’s just what he’ll do.
He opened the sea for the Israelites
With gideon’s 300, the battle he did fight
The walls of Jericho, he did pull down
After 7 days of marching around
He took the heat out of the flames, for the Hebrew 3
And I believe God will do the same for me.

Right Now
If you believe
God will work a miracle for you.

Right Now
If you believe
God will work a miracle for you.

He’ll take your feet out of the miry clay
On the rock to stay
He’ll turn your life around
He’ll place you up on higher ground.

Have faith, in God
Just have faith in God
Trust in him and never doubt
I know the Lord will work it all out
If you’ll just have faith in God.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for
The evidence of things not seen
Just and upon his promise
Believe in your heart and you shall receive.

Have faith, in God
Just have faith in God
Trust in him and never doubt
I know the Lord will work it all out
If you’ll just have faith in God.

Not by might, not by power
But by my Spirit saith the Lord
Not by might, not by power
But by my Spirit saith the Lord
Not by might, not by power
But by my Spirit saith the Lord
It is a supernatural power, of the Holy ghost.

Laughter Came from Every Brick, A Poem

Laughter Came from Every Brick
from Love Poems from God, by Daniel Ladinsky

Just these two words He spoke
changed my life,
“Enjoy Me.”
What a burden I thought I was to carry -
a crucifix, as did He.
Love once said to me, “I know a song,
would you like to hear it?”
And laughter came from every brick in the street
and from every pore
in the sky.
After a night of prayer, He
changed my life when
He sang,
“Enjoy Me.”

Tips to help you put more laughter in your life:
* Figure out what makes you laugh and do it (or read it or watch it) more often.
* Surround yourself with funny people — be with them every chance you get.
* Develop your own sense of humor but never at anyone else’s expense.

Celebrating the Gift of Laughter

Celebrating the Gift of Laughter
[source: CBMidwest]

"A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken." [Proverbs 15:13]

Recent research has demonstrated what our grandmothers always knew: LAUGHTER is GOOD MEDICINE. Humor and laughter make a significant contribution to both our physical and mental health. Learning to adopt a lighter attitude and see the funny side of everyday situations gives us the resilience we need to cope on the tough days.

Let us pause and recall that the God of joy and laughter is always abiding with us and filling us with life, with hope, with creativity and with a thirst for union with Him. We are God’s people, alive in the Spirit and called to continually celebrate His presence in our lives. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

"There is a season, and a time for every matter under heave, a time to laugh, a time to dance, a time to embrace." [Ecclesiastes 3:1,4,5]

Humor is both God’s gift and a life-saving medicine.

"There’s nothing like a good laugh. It tickles our very souls. Laughter is an activity of the heart. We scrunch our souls with negativity and a lack of enthusiasm, but laughter smoothes them out. Laughter makes a noise so others can hear our feelings.” [Tickle Your Soul, Anne Bryan Smollin]

An aspect of a child-like spirit is joyful glee. Jesus invites us to enjoy life, to nurture our sense of humor. Our faith, and especially our prayer life is enriched through this God given gift. One of the reasons I love being around children and teenagers is that they find delight in so much of life. They find delight and wonder in so many things, and notice that which we adults often times either take for granted or simply do not see. Children then usually react without the inhibitions that we adults place upon ourselves. This reaction often takes form in laughter, joyous, bubbly laughter. The humor of life is fresh and easily accessed in the childlike spirit.

Laughter cleanses us from discouragement, anger, apathy, and grief, making room for new feelings and thoughts. Laughter frees us from self-consciousness, anxiety, and stress. Laughter helps heal our physical ailments – it massages internal organs and strengthens the life force flowing through us. Laughter teaches us to take our troubles lightly, releasing our spirits from the weight of the world and of ourselves. Laughter unites what has been separate, connecting us to one another and to our true selves. Laughter calls forth our desire to live. Laughter, then, is a source of miracles. Surely, it’s one of the places where we can meet our God. [“Glad Day,” Joan Larkin]

That our hearts may always be filled with joy and thanksgiving, we pray…
For those who see no joy in life, we pray…
For those who are able to lift up our spirits, we pray…
That we realize the importance of taking care of our mental and physical health through the gift of laughter, we pray…

Let us pray:
Loving Father,
Lord of clowns and smiling saints,
we rejoice that You are a God of laughter and tears.
Blessed are You, for You have rooted within us
the gifts of humor, lightheartedness and mirth.
With jokes and comedy, You cause our hearts to sing
as laughter flows out of us.
We are grateful that Your Son, Jesus, the Master,
daily invites us to be Fools for Your sake,
to embrace the madness
of Your prophets, holy people and saints.
We delight in that Holy Madness
which becomes medicine to heal the chaos of the cosmos
since it calls each of us
from the hum-drumness of daily life
into joy, adventure,
and most of all, into FREEDOM.
With circus bands and organ grinders,
with fools, clowns, court jesters and comedians,
with high spirited angels and saints,
we too join in the fun and foolishness of life,
so that Your holy laughter
may ring out to the edges of the universe.
Blessed are You, O Lord, our God,
Who invites us to be filled with holy laughter.
♥ AMEN ♥

A Faith To Imitate Child-Like Qualities And Its Blessings part 2 of 2

A Faith To Imitate Child-Like Qualities And Its Blessings

In working through this text I came across a poem that provides a fitting conclusion for what we’ve been talking about today. It’s actually a prayer, so in simple, humble and trusting faith I’d ask that you bow your heads and fold your hands. We pray:

Make me, O Lord, a child again. So tender, frail and small.
In self, possessing nothing. In Thee, possessing all.

O Savior, make me small once more. That downward I may grow
And in this heart of mine restore, The faith of long ago.

With Thee may I be crucified, No longer I that lives.
O Savior, crush my sinful pride. By grace, which pardon gives.

Make me, O Lord, a child again. Obedient to Thy call;
In self, possessing nothing. In Thee, possessing all. Amen.

A Faith To Imitate Child-Like Qualities And Its Blessings part 1 of 2

A Faith To Imitate Child-Like Qualities And Its Blessings

“People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant.” If you took a walk through the hallways and the various rooms of our school you’d see them hanging on the walls. They also adorn the walls of many Christian homes. In the world of Christian art are many, many pictures of Jesus with little children.

The Gospels make this abundantly clear: Jesus dearly loved little children. He held them up as examples of faith, as He does in our text for today. He watched them at play and drew lessons from them. And He gave a stern warning to anyone who might cause them spiritual harm. You may recall this pronouncement from last week’s Gospel lesson: “If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck.”

Yes, Jesus loved the little children. Perceiving this, parents would bring their children to Jesus so that, as we are told in our text, He might touch them – meaning that He might favor them with a special prayer or blessing.

But the disciples apparently didn’t see it this way. When the parents come with their children in tow (by the way, the Greek word used in the corresponding account in the Gospel of Luke indicates that among them were the very young, or infants), the disciples shooed them away. As they saw it, Jesus was a first century VIP and they didn’t want themselves or the Savior bothered with such unimportant or trivial matters.

However, Jesus viewed things quite differently. We are told that He became indignant.

That’s a pretty strong term. It clearly conveys that Jesus was angry and upset with the behavior of His disciples. And the reason He became justifiably angry (or as we sometimes say, “righteously indignant”) was because, in a sense, they had mistreated the little ones He loves so much.

What the disciples considered a nuisance Jesus clearly considered an infraction. So in response to their actions: “He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will not enter it.’”

His point: The faith of a child – the kind of faith that takes Jesus at His word and believes the message of salvation and all the other promises of God without a hint of hesitation – that is what our Lord holds up as a faith to imitate. Let’s talk about this kind of faith on the basis of these three descriptions: Simple… Humble… Trusting…

A child-like faith is first of all SIMPLE. As you observe the faith of a child you’ll find this to be true. Ask one of our lower level Sunday School or Lutheran Elementary School teacher and they’ll tell you. Because my wife and I both worked there in our college years, this aspect of child-faith also reminds me of the residents of Bethesda Lutheran Home for the developmentally disabled in Watertown. Spend some time working there – or in any kind of similar situation with a similar clientele – and you’ll understand both the meaning and depth of simple faith.

And you will also learn quite quickly not to mistake a simple faith for a shallow faith. Shallow faith is often a mile wide but an inch deep. Simple faith is just the opposite.

What I mean is this: Neither a young child raised in a Christian home nor the devout resident of Bethesda will be able to give you a thumbnail sketch of each book of the Bible, and it is highly unlikely that you’ll find a Greek or Hebrew Bible on their nightstand as they pour through Scripture in the original. They will not possess that kind of academic knowledge.

But what they do know is this: Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

What they do know is that long ago on a hill outside of a city they’ve never been to named Jerusalem Jesus died on a cross to take awake all their sins. And they know why: So they would be clean and pure in the eyes of God and someday live with Him forever in heaven.

What they also know is that Jesus didn’t stay dead, but that He rose from the grave. And they know Him to be their invisible but living friend who listens intently to them when they talk to Him in their prayers.

Those are the elementary, rudimentary truths of Scripture. Nothing complicated or complex about them. The child Jesus holds up as an example simply takes at face value the truths God tells us in His Word. A child-like faith is SIMPLE.

Likewise, A child-like faith is HUMBLE. When problems come it looks upward rather than inward for solutions. We live in a world which instructs us to look deeply “inside ourselves” for answers to our difficulties. And certainly we do have a responsibility to apply the Word of God we’ve been taught to our various situations in life.

But those with a child-like faith know that the power to change things comes not from within, but from without. Not from inside us, but from above us.

Children don’t let things go that far. Child-like faith humbly approaches the throne of grace well before the crisis point, recognizing that God is good and God is great and God is ever-present to help us in every situation. A child-like faith is HUMBLE.

Finally, a child-like faith is TRUSTING. Think once more of a child, this time at prayer. Hands folded, head bowed, eyes purposely shut. This is a picture of trust, because that is what they do. They trust that the Lord will hear them and that He is capable of doing everything they ask of Him.

Simple… humble… trusting. These are the elements of a child like faith. These are the components Jesus holds up before us when He speaks about the “little ones who believe in me.” In this same child-like way Jesus invites, counsels and asks us to trust Him, His Word, His promises and His offer of salvation.

And we say, yes, we really ought to do that. But we say it more in the wistful terms of a wish or a dream, as if it would be nice, but it’s really not possible. Too simplistic, we may think. Trust Jesus and everything will work out. Sounds great, but life is bit too complicated to reduce handling it in such an uncomplicated way…

And that, friends, is our biggest mistake. It is the mistake of not taking Jesus at His Word. Because when it gets right down to it, taking Him at His Word is what Jesus means by “child-like faith.”

Let me give you a Scriptural example of this. At the very outset of this sermon we mentioned the name of King David as one of the “Great Cloud of Witnesses” we looked at this summer...

Well, if anyone can lay claim to having a complicated life, it would be him. As the ruler of Old Testament Israel in its golden age of power and influence, every decision, problem and concern eventually came to roost at his doorstep. Nonetheless, listen to the inspired words this man wrote in Psalm 131. It’s only three verses long, but the child-like attitude of this hero of faith is one we’d do well to imitate.

1 My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.

2 But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

3 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore.

These are the words of a man who did not question the Lord; a man who came before the Lord in humility, confidence and trustfulness. They are words for us all.

So, do we find ourselves worried? Are we anxious about life? Are we scared of what that great unknown we call the future might bring? If and when we are, our primary problem is probably this: we’re acting altogether too much like adults.

Jesus says when it comes to matters of faith, be a child. Trust. Believe. Then relax in the confidence that no matter how things may look or how things may go, God has them under control.

Back to the Playground... I Was Led To This Wonderful Description About Enjoying LIFE With Childlike Simplicity And Humility That I Want To Share With You! ♥

Back to the Playground
[source: Theology Essay]

I’m spending a lot more time at playgrounds lately. My grandchildren are coniseurs of playgrounds. When they come to visit, I usually ask them what they want to do. Invariably, they excitedly sing out, “Let’s go to the park!” Park to them means a playground. They can’t conceive of a park without a playground. I’ve learned some valuable lessons at the playground.

On our last trip to a playground, two of my grandchildren came along. They had just put clean clothes on and it had rained during the night. So I was a little apprehensive about the puddles of water on the playground. It wasn’t long before I spotted Kaitlyn on the playground digging through the rocks and mud. Just before I was about to scold her for getting her clothes dirty, she came running toward me with an outstretched arm and a smile on her face. When she got to me she handed me a little heart-shaped rock and said, “Here PaPa! Here is a heart for you – just because I love you! Keep it!” With tears in my eyes, I thanked her.

Did I scold her for getting her clothes muddy? What do you think? No way! And, yes, I still have that little heart-shaped rock given to me by my four-year-old granddaughter. It is one of the best gifts that I have ever received. I realized that many times we miss out on so much when we sweat the small stuff.

We need to spend a lot more time at the playground. Jesus said, “Except you be converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever, therefore, shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3-4).

What are some things we can learn on the playground to help us live simple, stress free lives?

First – SIMPLICITY enables us to relax and have peace. Jesus revealed that those who live in humility as a little child are the greatest in the kingdom of God. Children enjoy the simple things in life. We often take things too seriously. Prolonged seriousness will kill. It will kill your joy and, worse, it will kill your child-likeness.

As adults, we tend to make things too complicated. When David was a shepherd boy, he dared to believe with childlike faith that God would deliver the giant Goliath into his hands. He spurned all of the body armor and weapons that King Saul gave him. Instead, he met the giant on the battlefield with his simple sling and five smooth stones. He figured it was simple – the giant was so big he couldn’t miss! Who won? That’s simple – God plus one is always the majority. (See I Samuel 17.)

Second – SING. Sing a silly song sometimes. Children love to sing. The Bible says, “A merry heart doeth good like medicine” (Proverbs 17:2). (See Proverbs 15:13 and Ephesians 5:18-19.) Have you lost your song? Ask God to give you a new song to sing. (See Psalm 98:1.)

Third – STAY LOOSE. Children are not normally uptight and worried about life. Ask yourself, “Will this matter a year from now?” I picked up a great little book the other day that had an intriguing title – Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and it’s all small stuff by Richard Carlson PhD. It is Dr Carlson’s premise that whenever we’re dealing with bad news or troublesome situations, most of us get into certain habits, ways of reacting to life that don’t serve us very well. We overreact, tend to blow things out of proportion, hold on too tightly, and focus on the negative. We live our life as if it was one huge emergency! Stay loose – don’t sweat the small stuff. (See Matthew 6:25-34.)

Fourth – SHARE. Children usually love to share. Giving is fun and it doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate. Have you ever seen the delight of two children sharing an ice cream cone or simply jumping through mud puddles or dancing in the rain? I saw a wonderful bumper sticker not too long ago. It said, “Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty”. Practicing random or spontaneous acts of kindness is an effective way to get in touch with the joy of giving without expecting anything in return. It’s even more rewarding when you don’t let anyone know what you are doing. Remember that Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. Also, why not take time each day and think of someone to thank?

Fifth – SPRITIUAL VITALITY brings everlasting and abundant life. Children are naturally attuned to the spiritual. Only as people grow older do they become hardened and insensitive to the spiritual. That’s why we need to go back to the playground and become as little children. Jesus warns us, “I assure you, unless you turn from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:3 NLT). Perhaps you need to sing that old children’s song again, “Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves. Yes, Jesus loves me.”

Do you need to go back to the playground of childlike simplicity and humility? In childlike faith ask Jesus Christ to come into your life. “For as many as received Him gave He power to become children of God even those who believed on His name” (John 1:12).

November 27, 2010

Somewhere In Time: My Favorite Movie! I Am An Avid Fan! I Know Every Little Bit Of Minutia About This Cult Classic. Highly Recommended...

This is one of my favorite scenes from this movie, "Somewhere In Time". This movie was not a big hit when it was first released. In fact, it was a flop. But years later, those who were deeply touched by this movie turned it into a cult movie and now have a huge following. Avid fans meet annually at The Grand Hotel in Mackinac Island, Michigan where this movie was filmed. The soundtrack is AMAZING too! I still want to cry when I hear Rhapsody by Rachmaninov. In this scene one of the main characters named Elise Mckenna has re-written the entire first scene from the play she is acting in.

"The man of my dreams is almost faded now. The one I have created in my mind. The sort of man each woman dreams of in the deepest and most secret reaches of her heart. I can almost see him now before me. What would I say to him if he were really here? Forgive me. I've never known this feeling, I've lived without it all my life. Is it any wonder, then, I failed to recognize you? You've brought it to me for the first time. Is there any way that - that I can tell you how my life has changed? Any way at all to let you know what sweetness you have given me? There is so much to say. I can't find the words, except for these... I love you. And that's what I'd say to him if he were really here."

I'll be watching this tonight for the gazillionth time. It's been a while. But after listening to this beautiful music, I've been inspired to watch again. :)

November 26, 2010

12 AWESOME Quotes By Thomas Paine

Thomas "Tom" Paine (February 9, 1737 [O.S. January 29, 1736[1]] – June 8, 1809) was an author, pamphleteer, radical, inventor, intellectual, revolutionary, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He has been called "a corsetmaker by trade, a journalist by profession, and a propagandist by inclination."

Born in Thetford, in the English county of Norfolk, Paine emigrated to the British American colonies in 1774 in time to participate in the American Revolution. His principal contributions were the powerful, widely read pamphlet Common Sense (1776), advocating colonial America's independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and The American Crisis (1776–1783), a pro-revolutionary pamphlet series. His writing of "Common Sense" was so influential in spurring on the Revolutionary War that John Adams reportedly said, "Without the pen of the author of 'Common Sense,' the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.” [source: wikipedia]

12 AWESOME Quotes By Thomas Paine

  1. Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it.

  2. Character is much easier kept than recovered.

  3. A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.

  4. It is an affront to treat falsehood with complaisance.

  5. A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.

  6. Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property... Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them.

  7. Every science has for its basis a system of principles as fixed and unalterable as those by which the universe is regulated and governed. Man cannot make principles; he can only discover them.

  8. To say that any people are not fit for freedom, is to make poverty their choice, and to say they had rather be loaded with taxes than not.

  9. Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best stage, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.

  10. He that rebels against reason is a real rebel, but he that in defence of reason rebels against tyranny has a better title to Defender of the Faith, than George the Third.

  11. The instant formal government is abolished, society begins to act. A general association takes place, and common interest produces common security.

  12. When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.

The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.


I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.

Control - If You Don't Stand For Something, You'll Fall For Anything

Control - If You Don't Stand For Something, You'll Fall For Anything

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. That's what Dr. Phil says on his TV show. I think that is so profound.

It takes away your lackadaisical response to something, doesn't it? The "I don't care. What happens, happens" attitude.

Because you actually want to be the one in control, don't you? You don't want to fall for just "anything".

In order not to fall for just "anything", YOU have to make a decision. If you don't make a decision, you have actually made a decision not to decide. Therefore, someone else will make the decision for you.

We say things to ourselves like "But I don't know what to do." Well, guess what? You certainly aren't going to learn what to do by not doing it.

YOU have to stand up and take control. You have to choose. Because you actually have a vested interest in the outcome. Because if you don't take a stand, someone is going to make the decision for you. And you will "fall" for it, won't you?, I ask, eyebrows raised.

It's a law of nature. You either do what you know you should, or you "fall" for something someone else wants.

Some people live their lives like that. They think, "Oh well, if I don't do it someone else will." Great, huh? They are letting someone else live their life, aren't they? Someone else will do whatever needs to be done, instead of them. Right or wrong that someone else is learning, instead of them.

Because everything we do is a learning process. If someone else learns, well . . .

If someone else does it, they reap the profits, good or bad. Those are profits YOU should have been reaping, either way. Because life is what? A learning process. You need to make it a point to keep learning.

You should want to reap the benefits of all experiences -- badly. You should want to reap the benefits of all experiences -- very badly. We learn most of our most valuable lessons from our mistakes.

You have to know what you stand for, so you'll know what you won't fall for. If you don't know right now, figure it out right now -- it makes life a whole lot easier. Learn what you stand for. Start a list and add to it daily.

This Is It... The Time Is Now! We Either Stand For Something That Has GREAT VALUE For All Of Us (FREEDOM) Or We Don't Stand At All.


WOW! I woke up with this song playing in my spirit. I'd like to share this AWESOME song with all of you!!! Listen to the lyrics... Pretty profound MESSAGE to heed. Enjoy! ;)

This Is It ~ by Kenny Loggins

There have been times in my life
I've been wondering why
Still somehow I believed
We'd always survive

Now I'm not so sure
You're waiting to hear
One good reason to try
But what more can I say
What's left to provide

You think that maybe it's over
Only if you want it to be

Are you gonna wait for your sign,
your miracle
Stand up and fight

This is it
Make no mistake where you are
This is it
Your back's to the corner
This is it
Don't be a fool anymore
This is it
The waiting is over

No room to run
No way to hide
No time for wondering why
It's here
The moment is now
About to decide

Let him believe
Or leave him behind
But keep me near in your heart
And know, whatever you do
I'm here by your side

You said that maybe it's over
NOT if you don't want it to be

For once in your life, here's your miracle
Stand up and fight

This is it
Make no mistake where you are
This is it
You're going no further
This is it
Until it's over and done

No one can tell you what you know
Who makes the choice of how it goes
It's not up to me this time
You know
There comes a day in every life

This is it
Make no mistake where you are
This is it
You're going no further
This is it
Until it's over and done
This is it
One way or another
This is it
No one can tell what the future holds
This is it
Your back's to the corner
This is it
You make the choice of how it goes
This is it
The waiting is over
This is it
No one can tell what the future holds
This is it
You're going no further

November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Poems... ♥

Thanksgiving Day Poems... ♥
[source: Poem Source]

More Than A Day
written by Karl Fuchs

As Thanksgiving Day rolls around,
It brings up some facts, quite profound.
We may think that we're poor,
Feel like bums, insecure,
But in truth, our riches astound.

We have friends and family we love;
We have guidance from heaven above.
We have so much more
Than they sell in a store,
We're wealthy, when push comes to shove.

So add up your blessings, I say;
Make Thanksgiving last more than a day.
Enjoy what you've got;
Realize it's a lot,
And you'll make all your cares go away.

Thanksgiving Delights
written by Joanna Fuchs

On Thanksgiving Day we’re thankful for
Our blessings all year through,
For family we dearly love,
For good friends, old and new.

For sun to light and warm our days,
For stars that glow at night,
For trees of green and skies of blue,
And puffy clouds of white.

We’re grateful for our eyes that see
The beauty all around,
For arms to hug, and legs to walk,
And ears to hear each sound.

The list of all we’re grateful for
Would fill a great big book;
Our thankful hearts find new delights
Everywhere we look!

Thanksgiving Day Humor!

Happy Thanksgiving Day Everybody!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Day everybody! May your day be filled with tons of love, joy and laughter! Look around you and you will find many many things to be thankful for... the most basic is thanking God for the air that you breathe and that you are conscious.

I would like to publicly thank God first and foremost for loving me unconditionally, for never giving up on me, for always believing in me and for taking care of all of my needs. I also thank God for blessing me with a great mom, great meow's, great friends, great neighbors, a creative mind, a free spirit and a loving heart. I can't forget to thank all of my readers from all around the world for all of your love and support. You are greatly appreciated. ♥♥♥

This may be a national holiday for giving thanks, a day of reflecting. Nevertheless, we must make it a point to give thanks to God every day of our lives for even the most basic needs fullfilled daily. Here are a few examples of what we could be thankful for daily: clean running water, a toilet that flushes, electricity, a refrigerator to store food, a stove to cook, a microwave, a television, a radio, a computer, the internet, a phone to communicate with others, paved roads, traffic lights, the kindness of others, smiles, laughter, music, entertainment, the Twilight Zone... you get the picture don't you?

November 23, 2010

Dancing With The Stars, I'm Dancing On The Ceiling!!!

WooHOOOOOO!!!! I am sooooo EXCITED! Yes, I am literally dancing on the ceiling! Congratulations Jennifer and Derek!!! You gave the most GORGEOUS performances throughout the season. You had me mesmerized. Here are some phrases I used to describe your performances every week; they took my breath away or they knocked my socks off or Ah-OOOOH-ga!

I would also like to thank the rest of the dancing teams. All of you were amazing! Seriously, this show is about entertainment and that is precisely what all of you delivered. So merci beaucoup! ♥

Dancing on the Ceiling ~ by Lionel Richie

Man what in the world is happening down
At the end of the hall?
I don't have a clue?
Let's check this thing out!

What is happening here
Something's going on that's not quite clear
Somebody turn on the lights
We're gonna have a party
It's starting tonight

Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling

The room is hot and that's good
Some of my friends came by from the neighborhood
The people startin' a climb the walls
Ooh it looks like everybody is having a ball

Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling

Come on!

Everybody start to lose control
When the music is right
If you see somebody hangin' around
Don't get uptight
The only thing we want to do tonight
Is go 'round and 'round
And turn upside down
Come on! Let's get down!

So come on! Let's get loose
Don't hold back
'Cause ain't no use
Hard to keep your feet on the ground
'Cause when we like to party
We only want to get down

Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling

(Scream, whistles) Say what?
Can't stop now
Just getting started
Everybody clap your hands
Come on
Everybody let's dance

(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Baby, baby
We gonna dance all night
Till the broad daylight
Keep on movin', keep on groovin'
Oh yeah
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
(Begin fade)
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling...

November 21, 2010

Alive, A Poem


Today is alive
with a breath not my own.
It comes to me now,
even me,
even now.
As a gift,
it comes,
this life that I breathe.
As a gift,
it comes
not from me
and I live.

Out of love,
out of love,
has the Giver breathed life.
This gift, this life,
is now mine,
even mine.
Who am I,
to have life?
Who am I?
I am loved.

Love brings me life
from the One Who gives all.
This gift has no price
it is free, just of grace.
From the Best,
life flows down,
now for me.
I am blessed.

I give thanks,
simple thanks,
in the face of my debt.
I lift praise
to the Giver of life.
For in thanks of this love,
I can breathe.
I can live.

Our Heavenly Father the Artist, A Poem

poem written by Jeremy Hagy at GodKind

Artist, our Father is the most ultimate artist.
Painting with His mouth the words of being.
Speaking the universe into existence.
Speaking the world out of nothing,
light out of darkness,
sky and land in a breath
breathing the pieces of eternity.
Just look around . . . .

God created all you feast your eyes upon,
all out of nothing,
laying the kanvas of earth drenched puddles,
painting the picture of today.
His hand moved with a swift stroke,
to form the dust of the ground.
You are His most precious portrait,
hand carved and sculpted to perfection,
fearfully and wonderfully made,
made in the fashion and likeness and image of the Creator
created to be creative, as God played in the dirt
all you need is dirt!

Artist, an artist of beauty, an artist of passion,
whose hand hung the sky and stretched the stars across the milky way
who hung the earth on nothing,
galaxies and light years away,
He's still the same artist,
all the colors bursting forth.
When He said "Let there be light"
His manifold wisdom in it's many sided splendor
a motley creation, colorful and radiant
splendid to the truth,
all the textures blending together in harmony,
in unison with the beam of light
envision the rainbow, flowers, snow, the sun
in all it's beautiful array,
in all the power, in all His glory
creating the most vivid picture
the one with the deepest metaphors,
as deep calls unto deep He strengthens the sea,
looking like diamonds and crystals sparkling avast an ocean
purple in motion, perpetual, forever
stars glimmering and glistening, glowing,
brighter than the moon in all it's radiance
trees, mountains, hills, animals, people,
His moving pictures
fiery fire in all orange nectar and matter
yellow gold in bright beauty and grace

Yes, our Father is the most ultimate artist.
You, as His precious portrait, you are also His pencil,
He's drawing life with you at His center.
Nothing's traced but all planned out,
as He sketches the purpose across the land,
how all exists and plants and seeds and sprouts up
His pictures come to life!
Look again, you're living it!

God is the most ultimate artist!
Of course the Artist begat artists
Imitate your Father!
It's now your turn to create

As the white fluffy clouds collect the drops of water
and send the droplets of rain to produce
Be inspired!
Be what He's made you to be!
With His magnificent brush He gently painted us
a living, breathing, moving, speaking picture
created for His glory-

Deep Calleth Unto Deep

Deep Calleth unto Deep
[source: Benny Hinn]

To experience a deeper dimension of God's presence, your soul must hunger and thirst for God in the same way a deer pants for the safety and sustenance of water. Only a small percentage of believers ever really experience this kind of intimacy with God because of the price.

Psalm 42:1-2 declares, "As the hart [male red deer] panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?"

In the natural, the panting of the deer is an audible agonizing for the safety the waters provide when pursued by a predator. When the deer runs into the water, the predator can no longer detect its scent. In addition to finding safety from its enemies, the deer finds relief from thirst in the waters.

“Intimacy with God is found only in the realm of the spirit.”Spiritually, your process of discovering a deeper dimension of God's presence involves longing, thirsting, and seeking. David wrote, "O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary" (Psalm 63:1-2).

Intimacy with God is found only in the realm of the spirit. There is a place of deep anointing, deep presence, and deep intimacy with God Almighty where "deep calleth unto deep" or spirit calls unto spirit.

It is a place that is so pure that every part of your being is consumed by the presence of Almighty God; a deep place where there is perfect communion between your spirit and every dimension of God's presence.

Your soul is stirred and there is a breakthrough in the spirit as "deep calleth unto deep" (Psalm 42:7).

It is at times like these that words become inadequate, because spoken words are the expression of the mind and not the soul. Words cease, and you stop asking. Only your heart can speak as it erupts in worship.

There is perfect harmony, perfect oneness. As you bask in the glory of His awesome presence, your spirit begins to fellowship with Him, crying out, "Oh, that I might know Him! Not the things He gives, or what He imparts, but Him!"

Deep Calls Unto Deep: Created For God's Purpose

Deep Calls Unto Deep
[source: Watchman Nee]

Psalm 42:7 says, "Deep calls unto deep." Only a call from the depths can provoke a response from the depths. Nothing shallow can ever touch the depths, nor can anything superficial touch the inward parts. Only the deep will respond to the deep. Anything that does not issue from the depths cannot touch the depths. Others can respond deep within to only what issues from deep within us. When we go to a certain place and listen to a message, the only thing that touches us is something that has issued from the depths of others. If nothing comes from the depths, the help we receive is just superficial. We have to see the importance of the depths. Anything that is not from the depths will never reach the depths of others. If we have never received help or benefit in our depths, we will never have anything issuing from our depths. If we want to render spiritual help to others, something must issue from our depths. If we do not dig deep, we can never gain others. Unless our utterance is from the depths, we will not touch the depths in others, even though we gain their emotions and thoughts and make them cry or be happy or excited for a while. Only deep calls unto deep. Superficial expressions will not touch the depths of others.

Deep Roots

One principle in preaching and receiving the word is found in the Lord's parable of the sower. While the sower sowed, some seeds fell beside the way, some on the rocky place, some into the thorns, and some into the good earth. This shows us four different ways for man to receive the word. The Lord Jesus tells us that among these different conditions, one is the rocky place. There is a little earth on the surface, but underneath there are rocks. When the seed falls into this kind of ground, it springs up quickly, but as soon as the sun comes out, it withers because of the lack of root.

What is a root? It is growth that occurs beneath the soil. What are the leaves? They are growth that occur above the soil. In other words, roots are the hidden life, whereas leaves are the manifest life. The trouble with many Christians is that, while there is much apparent life, there is very little secret life. In other words, there is the lack of a hidden life. You have been a Christian for a number of years, have you not? Then let me ask: How much of your life is hidden from view? How much is unknown to others? You stress outward works, Yes, good works are important; but apart from that manifest expression of your life, how much of your life remains hidden: If all your spiritual life is exposed, you do not have any root. Are all your virtues before God manifested before man, or is there something more that is unknown to man? If all your experiences are manifested, then all your growth is upward; there is no downward growth. If this is the case, you are a person who has only leaves without root, and you are on shallow ground.

In our Christian life it is necessary that we learn the meaning of the Body of Christ; we must learn to have a life of the Body. On the other hand, we must learn that the life given to each member of His Body by the Lord is distinctly individual. The measure that has been given to you personally by Him needs to be guarded; otherwise, it will lose its specific character and will be of no particular use to God. If that which has been specially committed to you is exposed, it will wither.

The discourse of the Lord Jesus on the Mount was most remarkable. On the one hand He said, "You are the light of the world. It is impossible for a city situated upon a mountain to be hidden" (Matt. 5:14). It is open. On the other hand He said, "When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret;...when you pray, enter into your private room, and shut your door and pray to your Father who is in secret" (Matt. 6:3-4, 6). On the one hand, if you are a Christian, you must come right out into the open and make a public profession; on the other hand, there are Christian virtues which you should preserve from the public gaze. The Christian who parades all his virtues before men and who does not have anything in the depth of his being has no root; he will not be able to stand in the day of trial and temptation

We have been the Lord's children many years; may the Lord open our eyes and show us the extent to which our experiences have been hidden from public view. How much would be left if what is known by man was taken away? May God work in us so that we can take root downward.

As we extend ourselves deeper and take root downward, we will discover that "deep calls unto deep." When we can bring forth riches from the depths of our inner life, we will find that other lives will be deeply affected. The minute our inner being is touched, others will receive help and be enlightened. They will know that there is something beyond their knowledge. When deep touches deep, deep will respond to deep. If our life has no depth, our superficial work will only affect other lives superficially. We repeat yet again--only "deep calls unto deep."