November 28, 2010

Jesus' Heart For You Revealed... ♥

This is another AWESOME message! I love Joseph Prince. His sermons are most definitely DIVINELY INSPIRED! I have taken the following from the youtube description:

If there's an Old Testament character that best typifies Jesus, it is Joseph in the Book of Genesis. Follow this young man's dramatic story in this must-hear message by Joseph Prince, and be greatly encouraged as you see the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of Jesus for you revealed. Find out how His grace is greater than any mistake you have committed and greater than any lack in your life. You'll be strengthened as you learn how Jesus does not hold your sins against you, but draws you near to Him so that He can banish all your fears, regrets and anxieties!

[His presence gives you FREEDOM. "I have come that you may have LIFE, and that you may have it more ABUNDANTLY." John 10:10 (emphasis mine)]

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