Hi everybody! I'm sorry I was MIA. I accidentally fell into another dimension last Friday, I call it 'The Obama Zone" kinda of like 'The Twilight Zone" only this was much scarier. It was the land of Obama make believe that he has everything under control. NOT! President Obama spent three nights on television with every appearance scheduled two days apart. This was very calculated to distract everybody from the REAL ISSUES. President Obama wants you to listen to what he says and NOT pay attention to what he does! President Obama even sent an email blast to all of his supporters so that he could PIMP them out to sell his budget plan. He knows his minions will NOT diligently research his plan for viability and will NOT defy him. That is pretty pathetic if you ask me, when the President knows he is unable to make the sale himself! On his own MERIT!
What was even more hilarious was his cockiness. He knew the markets were going to be manipulated this week. Think about it, with the Federal Reserve loosening the money supply and Citigroup considering a REVERSE SPLIT and the Treasury buying up the common stock, etc. caused the sudden surge. It won't last though. The fundamentals of our economy are completely FLAWED! Everything is being propped up by make believe data.
President Obama has a lot of nerve criticizing the former Bush administration for leaving him with a $1.3 trillion deficit. I wasn't happy with them either. However, let's us examine President Obama's recent expenditures adding to the deficit within his first month in office. First he urgently passed a $787 BILLION Stimulus bill with NO strings attached. Then, his second move was to urgently pass a $410 BILLION Omnibus bill with NO strings attached. Hhmmm, that adds up to $1.197 TRILLION Taxpayer dollars you have already PISSED OUT the window. You didn't even flinch once! How is that for RESPONSIBLE SPENDING! These figures do NOT even include the remainder of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) $350 BILLION and the new Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) $1 TRILLION.
What really puzzles me is why on earth would our government and the Federal Reserve create PRODUCTS IDENTICAL to the ones that got us all into this mess worldwide! They are SECURITIZING all of this garbage JUNK they are taking from the INSOLVENT corporations. What's more they are asking the public to invest in these RISKY PRODUCTS that the banksters don't even want on their balance sheets! If the banksters cannot find buyers for this JUNK, what makes our government think they can? There is NO MARKET for this JUNK! Do any of you remember the "JUNK BOND KING" Michael Milken during the 1980's??? JUNK is considered high RISK for a reason!
The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) allows the United States Department of the Treasury to purchase or insure up to $700 billion of "troubled" assets. In short, this allows the Treasury to purchase nonliquid, difficult-to-value assets from banks and other financial institutions. The targeted assets can be collateralized debt obligations, which were sold in a booming market until 2007 when they were hit by widespread foreclosures on the underlying loans. TARP is intended to improve the liquidity of these assets by purchasing them using secondary market mechanisms, thus allowing participating institutions to stabilize their balance sheets and avoid further losses.
The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) is the name of a program created by the US Federal Reserve (the Fed), announced on November 25, 2008. The facility will support the issuance of asset-backed securities (ABS) collateralized by student loans, auto loans, credit card loans, and loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA). Under the TALF, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) will lend up to $1 trillion (originally $200 billion) on a non-recourse basis to holders of certain AAA-rated ABS backed by newly and recently originated consumer and small business loans.
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