Woohoo! I'm so glad someone posted this video so that I could share it with you. Just in case you missed it yesterday! Way to go Greta! Now that's what I'm talking about confronting this BUFFOON Christopher Dodd Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee regarding LYING about NOT KNOWING how modifications to an amendment got into the stimulus bill allowing for THESE AIG BONUS'!!! You know he sounds ALOT like Blagojevich in this interview. Dodd must have attended the same BUFFOON political school that Blagojevich did! Pay attention to his constant SPIN. I'm telling you I had to replay a dozen times to understand what this BUFFOON was saying to Greta! I have painfully typed a mini transcript below of only the first two minutes.
Greta Van Susteran says, "Senator Chris Dodd Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee is confusing us. Is he responsible for the amendment that opened the gate for the GIANT AIG BONUS' or not. Yesterday Senator Dodd said he did not know how modifications to an amendment got into the stimulus bill allowing for these giant bonus'."
Senator Dodd on Monday said, "When the language left the Senate, the language that I wrote on executive compensation had no dates in it like this at all. I mean this language that went out we think would have covered the kind of fact situation. When the language went to the conference and came back there was different language. Now there were whole sections struck from the bill. Mine wasn't struck. But I think mine there were those that wanted to on the executive compensation. And I can't point a finger at someone who is responsible for altering the language that put those dates in. I can tell you this much, when my language left the Senate it did not include it, when it came back it did.
But today he told us something different. The Treasury came to him and PUSHED for the CHANGE!
Greta asked Dodd, "Alright Senator you're getting alot of heat over this February 11th in the Stimulus Bill. What happened?"
Dodd replied, "Well first of all the debate this evening was why didn't you write any language in the Stimulus Bill of a protective and successive compensation golden parachutes and bonus'. The Dodd amendment, which I wrote wrote all of that into the Senate passed version of the Stimulus bill. It passed unanamously. Although there were many critics of it. In fact, the last month and a half had a lot of critics who thought I went too far. It's ironic that this evening and today, those who thought I went too far now are arguing we didn't go far enough. When the bill was completed and there was a conference between the House and Senate.
Greta clarified, "Meaning a vote passed by the Senate but then go to the conference to reconcile with the House."
Dodd continue, "Right, and so then the administration, which they admit they had problems with my amendment they thought it went to far and they came and said we got a couple of modifications we'd like to make with the amendment."
Greta, "STOP! Who's the administration?"
Dodd replied, "The Treasury Department."
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