May 11, 2008

The Obama Effect...

I want to close this weekend with a story I would like to share with you. As I mentioned before, I spent Saturday with my mom and other family member's celebrating an early Mother's day together.

I began talking with my 27 year old cousin I have not seen in a while. He asked me what have I been up to lately. I said, "Other than working and posting messages on my blog, I've been actively campaigning for Hillary Clinton." He was very surprised and responded with, "I can't believe you're for Hillary Clinton. I thought you were much smarter than that." I was taken back. Because he asked me a question and I answered him honestly. I was not in any way instigating anything.

So I turned it around. Curious, I asked, "Okay, so convince me that Barack Obama is the right person to help us all through the coming economic storm and other global issues." His response was, "Obama is about change. We are all tired of the Bush/Clinton dynasty's. Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton." "Okay", I said, "Tell me what kind of change Obama is proposing?" NO ANSWER! I then went on to ask, "Tell me what kind of change Obama has already made?" NO ANSWER! I finished with, "If you know nothing about the candidate you have already voted for, how can you justify that he is the RIGHT candidate for the JOB as President of the United States of America?"

After that I began probing about his knowledge of the state of the economy. He was oblivious. I cannot believe that the American Idol generation and many others who have never attempted to participate in shaping our country with a vote are deciding who will help us BRAVE the storm. Every Barack Obama supporter I have talked to or debated with in the election blogs ALL PARROT the same nonsense. It is as if the Obama Presidential campaigners passed out subliminal tapes to ALL of their supporters with the same message.

As a friend at work so eloquently put it, "If that is the case, I would much rather have a good dynasty, one that genuinely cared about ALL of us and made ALL of our lives so much more better for 8 years, than a bad dynasty that didn't give a crap about us and made our lives a living hell for 12 years."

Where do you stand? Are you well informed about all of the candidates? Have you interviewed them enough to feel confident that they are the right person for the job? Are you well informed about everything happening all around us today? YES, you and I can make a difference. However, there is a difference between making an informed decision and making a decision based on peer pressure. This is not a popularity contest. We, all of us combined, are HIRING a person to become the next President of the United States of America.

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