March 30, 2008

Ain't NO Stoppin' Us NOW!!!

I took a break this afternoon from the SodaHead Hillary vs. Obama forum, went outside to my yard to unwind and asked God what was going on with the Democratic process, Michigan and Florida, etc. When I came back into my home I turned on the radio and this song came on. This was His answer to me! How appropo... You're going All the WAY Hillary! Hillary you will WIN Pennsylvania by a landslide with at least a 60% lead against Obama! Like Bishop T.D. Jakes always says, "Get ready, Get Ready, Get Ready"....

This is a classic 1970's song by McFadden & Whitehead titled, 'Ain´t No Stopping Us Now'. Here are the lyrics! Thank you God!!! This song can also apply to your life. Do NOT let anybody stop you from pursuing YOUR DREAMS!

  • Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
  • We're on the move!
  • Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
  • We've got the groove!
  • There's been so many things thats held us down.
  • But now it looks like things are finally coming around.
  • I know we've got, a long long way to go,
  • and where we'll end up, I don't know.
  • But we won't let NOTHING hold us back,
  • we're putting ourselves together,
  • we're polishing up our act!
  • If you've ever been held down before,
  • I know you'll REFUSE to be held down anymore!
  • Don't you let NOTHING, NOTHING,
  • Stand in YOUR way!
  • I want YOU to listen, listen,
  • to every WORD I say, every WORD I say!
  • Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
  • We're on the move!
  • Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
  • We've got the groove!
  • Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
  • We're on the move!
  • Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
  • We've got the groove!
  • I know you know someone that has a NEGATIVE VIBE,
  • and if you're trying to make it they ONLY PUSH YOU ASIDE!
  • They really don't have, NO WHERE TO GO.
  • Ask them where they're going, THEY DON'T KNOW.
  • But WE won't let nothin' hold us back,
  • we're gonna put our selves together,
  • we're gonna polish up our act!
  • And if you've ever been held down before,
  • I know you'll REFUSE to be held down anymore!
  • Don't you let NOTHING, NOTHING,
  • Stand in YOUR way!
  • I want YOU to listen, listen,
  • to every WORD I say, every WORD I say!
  • Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
  • We're on the move!
  • Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
  • We've got the groove!
  • Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
  • We're on the move!
  • Ain't No Stoppin Us Now!
  • We've got the groove!

The Four Noble Truths parts 3 & 4 of 4

My thoughts and prayers have been with the Dalai Lama, the monks of Tibet and all of the people involved fighting for JUSTICE on behalf of the people of Tibet against The Communist RULED China! Darkness can NOT exist where there is LIGHT! God WILL give you JUSTICE! If China knows what's good for them they better re-think their actions. God SHALL restore Tibet to its RIGHTFUL owners, in Jesus Mighty name AMEN! With that being said, I would like to introduce my readers to the Buddhist teaching called 'The Four Noble Truths'. I have taken the following description of 'The Four Noble Truths' from the Buddhapia website.

The Buddha first preached the Four Noble Truths immediately after his enlightenment. These truths are accepted by all schools of Buddhism and are considered the essence of Buddhist doctrine. Understanding the Four Noble Truths is essential to understanding Buddhist doctrine and practice.

3. Cessation of Suffering (Nirvana) - The Third Noble Truth:
Nirvana literally means “extinction” or “quenching.” In Buddhism it refers to the complete cessation of suffering. Nirvana is the extinction of the fires of attachment, hatred and delusion which burn in the minds of sentient beings. It is freedom from birth, ageing and death and the cycle of reincarnation. Nirvana is a state in which suffering has been extinguished and complete freedom is attained. (this quote is does not directly address nirvana and may confuse reader. Will try to find a quote which fits in more directly. Perhaps can search on the computers at Buddhapia sometime soon.)

Seon Master Daehaeng said, “The thought of “I” results in anxiety and fear. If it ceases to exist, there will be no fear. Nor can death exist. From the viewpoint of the discriminating mind, birth and death appear to exist. But the truth is that neither birth nor death (or cessation) exists in reality. But they appear to exist in our eyes, because they manifest themselves from moment to moment. Everything is not fixed and always changing, thereby manifesting itself in different shapes and forms from moment to moment.

”Nirvana is difficult to fathom because it is beyond the limits of all ordinary categories of thought. It has been likened to an island amidst the flood of delusions. It is “unconditioned” and transcends both time and space. When delusions completely fade away, joy arises and there will be no sufferings. This is the Third Noble Truth of Cessation.

4. The Path - The Fourth Noble Truth:
The Path is the way leading to enlightenment and nirvana. The Buddha followed the Middle Path which transcends all extremes. Like the Buddha, practitioners of the Middle Path seek to maintain balance between body and mind by transcending self-indulgence and self-mortification. One can achieve this goal by gaining insight into impermanence. (would be nice to include a quote from Master Daehaeng about the inclusiveness of the Buddhist path.)

The path leading to the end of suffering is called the Eightfold Path.

The Four Noble Truths parts 1 & 2 of 4

My thoughts and prayers have been with the Dalai Lama, the monks of Tibet and all of the people involved fighting for JUSTICE on behalf of the people of Tibet against The Communist RULED China! Darkness can NOT exist where there is LIGHT! God WILL give you JUSTICE! If China knows what's good for them they better re-think their actions. God SHALL restore Tibet to its RIGHTFUL owners, in Jesus Mighty name AMEN! With that being said, I would like to introduce my readers to the Buddhist teaching called 'The Four Noble Truths'. I have taken the following description of 'The Four Noble Truths' from the Buddhapia website.

The Buddha first preached the Four Noble Truths immediately after his enlightenment. These truths are accepted by all schools of Buddhism and are considered the essence of Buddhist doctrine. Understanding the Four Noble Truths is essential to understanding Buddhist doctrine and practice.

1. Suffering (duhkha) - The First Noble Truth:
What does suffering mean in Buddhist terms? The Sanskrit word duhkha is usually translated as “suffering” or “sorrow.” But the word conveys a much more comprehensive meaning than its standard English rendition.

Duhkha is perhaps best expressed as “unsatisfactoriness.” It encompasses a whole range of perceived imperfections including impermanence, and unease at the inherent fragility of life. All pleasurable experiences in life inevitably end, often in sorrow and longing. All living beings are doomed to die eventually. This “unsatisfactoriness” of life is identified as the First Noble Truth and expressed in the common Buddhist phrase “life is suffering.” Suffering may arise from the following four main conditions and causes.

1. Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death. 2. Being separated from your loved ones or experiencing financial loss. 3. Failure to get what you want or expect. 4. Meeting someone you dislike, living somewhere you dislike, or having to do work you dislike.

A primary reason for the persistence and universality of suffering is the mistaken belief in “I.” Because of excessive attachment to the thought of “I”, sentient beings experience desire leading to suffering. As the Korean Zen Master Daehaeng said, “As long as the thought of ‘I’ remains, the mind habit also tenaciously lingers on. But if the thought of ‘I’ ceases to exist, the mind habit will not be able to go anywhere. Anyone who is ignorant of the truth cannot avoid delusions and sufferings."

2. The Origin (samudaya) - The Second Noble Truth:
The Sanskrit word samudaya means “cause” or “origin”. The origin elucidated in the Buddha’s Second Noble Truth is the “origin of suffering.” The Buddha knew sentient beings must understand the origin of suffering to bring about its complete cessation. Thus the teaching of Second Noble Truth is likened to a doctor determining the source of an illness before deciding on a specific treatment. The Buddha explained that the origin of suffering can be found in attachment to the thought of “I.” Ignorance is when people mistake their conception of “I” for the truth. Such mistaken thoughts of “I”, give rise to cravings.

These cravings for pleasure and love become attachments which lead to rebirth and the endless cycle of reincarnation. It is said vast crowds of delusions arise when we thirst for love, pleasure, and other delights. The body of one who craves after pleasure is likened to damp rotting ground where delusions spring up like weeds. Delusion arises from the thought that my physical body is “I.” Attachment to thoughts of “I” cause ceaseless strivings for pleasure and sense-objects which inevitably end in suffering. Thus mistaken thoughts of “I” and self-centeredness become the root cause of all kinds of sufferings. Only when we can take control of our minds can we shape our lives as we want.

March 29, 2008

The Boss by Diana Ross!

This is a 7 minute video compilation made by FrednSF an obvious huge fan. This video he created is AMAZING showing Diana's accomplishments in all of her glory! My mom is also a huge Diana Ross fan. I grew up listening to her albums with my mom. I was also fortunate enough as a child to experience Diana Ross live in concert with my mom on several occasions. Diana Ross would always wear the most beautiful elaborate gowns on stage and change gowns after every set. She would also walk out into the audience and shake everybody's hands. Diana is an AWESOME entertainer!

I spent the day with my mom listening to her favorite albums. When this song came on we both became overwhelmed with joy while we were dancing around the living room. But it also brought tears to her eyes because that decade held great memories for her. This is the reason why I am posting this song and video to remind you that memories are precious. However, it is so very important for us to continue creating new memories. This is actually a very spiritual song if you really listen, God is The Boss! God is LOVE! Love to you all. Enjoy this song and lyrics!

  • Fancy ME
  • Thought I had my degree
  • In life and how love
  • Ought to be a run
  • I had a one step plan to prove it
  • Guide in my pocket for fools
  • Folly and fun
  • LOVE had to show me ONE thing:
  • I was so right
  • So right
  • Thought I could turn emotion
  • On and off
  • I was so sure
  • So sure (I was so sure)
  • But LOVE taught ME
  • Who was who was who was The Boss!
  • (Taught me who was who was The Boss)
  • I'd DEFY
  • Anyone who claimed that I
  • Didn't control whatever moved in MY soul
  • I could tempt
  • Touch delight
  • Just because you fell for me
  • Why should I feel uptight
  • LOVE had to show me one thing:
  • I was so right
  • So right
  • Thought I could turn emotion
  • On and off
  • I was so sure
  • So sure (I was so sure)
  • But LOVE taught ME
  • Who was who was who was The Boss!
  • (Taught me who was who was The Boss)
  • LOVE taught ME
  • Taught ME
  • Taught ME
  • Taught ME
  • I was so right
  • So right
  • Thought I could turn emotion
  • On and off
  • I was so sure
  • So sure (I was so sure)
  • But LOVE taught ME
  • Who was who was who was The Boss!
  • (Taught me who was who was The Boss)

March 25, 2008

New Pakistani Prime Minister Sworn In Today!

The shift has occurred in Pakistan FINALLY! At least Benazir Bhutto's life was NOT taken in VAIN! May she rest in peace. At least NOW we have one LESS Military Dictatorship Regime in power... Click here to read what I wrote about Benazir Bhutto the day she was assassinated!

Understand that we must allow this NEW democratic government to represent their country INDEPENDENTLY and lead their people to become a more unified nation. President Bush should have waited at least a day or two before he sent his U.S. convoy into Pakistan to begin meddling! How can this NEW democratic government work effectively against the terrorist if the U.S. is standing right in front of them?! It is NOT our country. Pakistan is a sovereign NATION! Even INDIA is happy with the new political changes that are taking place in Pakistan. Now that is a beautiful thing...

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — President Pervez Musharraf swore in a loyalist of slain ex-leader Benazir Bhutto as prime minister Tuesday, while two top American envoys held talks with Pakistan's old and new leaders in what some viewed as an ill-timed visit.

Yousaf Raza Gilani, who will front a new government vowing to cut back the U.S.-backed president's powers, took the oath from Musharraf at a stiff ceremony in Islamabad.

Members of Gilani's party chanted "Long Live Bhutto!" after the formalities were complete.

The new government will include the party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who was ousted when Musharraf first seized power in a military coup in 1999.

The coalition partners have vowed to shift power from the presidency to parliament and review Musharraf's counterterrorism policies. Many Pakistanis resent his support of Washington's aggressive campaign against al-Qaida and the Taliban — which are believed to operate in Pakistan's tribal and border regions — claiming it has stoked a bloody backlash.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Richard Boucher arrived in Islamabad early Tuesday and held talks with Sharif just as the new premier was being sworn in. They then visited Musharraf at the presidential palace.

Their presence on the day when the new prime minister was inducted would signal to both Islamic extremists and moderates that "here are the Americans, right here in Islamabad, meeting with senior politicians in the new government, trying to dictate terms," Abbas said.
"The problem with the Americans is they don't understand the domestic pressure on the new government," Abbas said. "People are expecting this government to explore other possibilities for a solution to what's happening in the tribal areas."

The new civilian rulers have said they would negotiate with some militant groups, rather than rely on military force. Parliament elected Gilani as premier on Monday, five weeks after the opposition swept parliamentary elections supposed to return Pakistan to democracy after eight years of military rule under Musharraf. Bhutto's party, now led by her widower Asif Ali Zardari, earned the most votes.

In a move that heralds a showdown with the former army strongman, Gilani immediately prompted authorities to release senior judges ousted and put under house arrest when Musharraf imposed emergency rule last year.

March 24, 2008

Obama Economic Controller Is Skull And Bones Member! Austan 'The Ghoul' Goolsbee, Yale '91

WASHINGTON DC -- Barack Obama's top economics adviser is a member of the super-secret Skull & Bones society of Yale University, of which George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and John Kerry are also members, reliable sources confirmed tonight.

Goolsbee is widely reported to have told Obama not to back a compulsory freeze on home mortgage foreclosures to help the struggling middle class in the current depression crisis, as demanded by former candidate John Edwards. Hillary Clinton has advocated a one-year voluntary freeze on foreclosures. Obama has offered counselors to comfort mortgage victims as they are dispossessed, citing the 'moral hazard' of protecting the public interest from Wall Street sharks.

By adding the infamous Skull & Bones secret society to his campaign roster, Obama, who bills himself as the candidate of change and hope, has attained a prefect trifecta of oligarchical and financier establishment backing for his attempt to seize the nomination of the Democratic Party for 2008.

Obama's main overall image adviser and foreign policy adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski, the co-founder of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, and the mastermind of the disastrous Carter administration. Obama's wife Michelle is reputed to be closely linked to the Council on Foreign Relations. Behind the utopian platitudes dished up by the Illinois senator, the face of the Wall Street money elite comes into clearer and clearer focus.

NOW MEET Obama’s Foreign Policy Brain: Zbigniew Brzezinski...... Obama foreign policy adviser sanctioned creation and support of militant Islam tied to al-Qaeda.

Apparent Democratic party presidential front-runner and supposed anti-war candidate Barack Obama has obtained the endorsement of and foreign policy advice of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who once endorsed the creation and support of militant Islamic forces in Afghanistan, that were directed by accused 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden. Brzezinski has admitted to the provocation of a Soviet-Afghan war that claimed the lives of 1 million people in Afghanistan during the 1980’s. Brzezinski also sanctioned the support of a Southeast Asian regime that claimed the lives of up to 2 million during the 1970’s, through execution, starvation and forced labor.

Brzezinski is confirmed to be an Obama adviser:

Obama Defends Pastor Wright, Jr. BUT has the NERVE to Blasts Don Imus: Double-Standard Obama and HYPOCRITE!

Here is a 1 minute video of Obama re-canting this article I am posting for you today written by Newsmax Wednesday, March 19, 2008 8:47 AM! Don Imus causes Obama to be concerned about his two young daughters HOWEVER it is OKAY for his two daughters to LISTEN to the RACIST pastor J. Wright, Jr. every SUNDAY! Obama was outraged by Don Imus' ONE comment HOWEVER it is OKAY for his Pastor to use RACIALLY divisive overtone toward Hillary Clinton, AmeriKKKa and all WHITE people in general! Yeah, it's Double-Standard Obama! GUILTY of Reverse Discrimination and Reverse Racism!

"It took Barack Obama more than a year to repudiate his former pastor's racially charged anti-American tirades, but when it came to denouncing Don Imus for his racial slurs against the Rutgers girls basketball team, it took Obama only a week to demand the shock jock be fired, Fox News notes.

In a major speech Tuesday, Obama condemned the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's shocking verbal assaults against the U.S. dating back to 2001.

But in April of last year, Obama was quick to demand Imus' ouster for making a racially insensitive remark.

“There’s nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude,” Obama told ABC News in an April 11 interview demanding Imus' resignation.

Obama told ABC in the interview he would never appear again on Imus’ show after Imus set off a firestorm of outrage when he called members of the women’s basketball team at Rutgers University “nappy-headed hos” on his popular morning talk show.

“He didn’t just cross the line,” Obama raged then. “He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America.”

Obama has downplayed Wright for Wright's insensitive remarks, saying he has done good work with the poor and AIDS victims. Yet Obama did not afford the same respect to Imus, who has devoted considerable energy to helping children with cancer, wounded war veterans, and others."

Barack Obama says My Grandmother Is A "Typical White Person" ~ AMERICA WHY IS THIS OKAY?

Obama: Grandma Is 'Typical White Person'
Thursday, March 20, 2008 9:14 PM

On Thursday, Sen. Barack Obama described his grandmother's racial attitudes as those of a "typical white person." During his speech on race Obama said his grandmother was "a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world," but he then qualified that description by noting she was also "a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."

Here is HOW Obama responded to that reverse racist generalization!

During a morning interview with Philadephia's WIP and its host Angelo Cataldi, Obama was asked about his reference to his white grandmother in his recent speech on Reverend Wright.

Obama responded: "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction that's been been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society. We have to break through it."

Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright, Jr. in ALL of his RACIST GLORY!!!

Here is Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright, Jr. in ALL of his RACIST GLORY!!! This is a compilation of several racist sermons given by this Pastor! This is the man with whom Obama had a 20 YEAR personal friendship with, whom he had 20 YEARS of influence with, whom he received 20 YEARS of counselling from!

Newsmax article wrote: It’s one thing for Barack Obama to have a minister, friend, and sounding board who supports and admires Louis Farrakhan and whose church gave him an award. It’s another thing for Obama to dissemble about it.

In fact, the award, named for Obama’s minister Jeremiah Wright Jr., was given for “lifetime achievement” and for Farrakhan’s “influence on the African-American community.” The presentation of the award last December and the accompanying article in Trumpet, Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ magazine, never mentioned ex-offenders.

On the contrary, the article in the November/December issue of Trumpet begins by calling Farrakhan — who refers to Jews as bloodsuckers and whites as blue-eyed devils — an “icon.” It ends by saying that he “truly epitomized greatness.”

Hailing Farrakhan’s “integrity and honesty,” Wright went on to say, “His love for Africa and African-American people has made him an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change, and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose.”

I want to know WHY this is being TOLERATED?!?!?! Obama does NOT represent ALL of America! How can ANYONE believe that he can become President of the United States and pursue EQUALITY for ALL of the PEOPLE of this Nation?!?! Obama uses stereo-typical generalizing terms about race in America. How does this make Obama FIT to become Commander-In-Chief of the United States? These are NOT qualities of a UNITER or a LEADER for us ALL!

March 22, 2008

Clouds Without Water by Paula White p. 2 of 2

This is the final 2 minutes of Pastor Paula White's message 'Clouds Without Water'. I have typed a transcript for those who can not watch this video and my readers who need to translate using Babel Fish.

Clouds Without Water by Paula White p. 1 of 2

This is a 4 minute video of Pastor Paula White's message titled, 'Clouds Without Water'. This message is timely for many who are wondering why they are having to go through a particular situation and when the rain will come. God's message for you today is that the Drought is OVER! An Abundance of rain will soon be showering down upon you and you WILL reap a bountiful HARVEST! As Bishop T.D. Jakes would say, "Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready!"

I have typed a transcript below for those of you who can not watch the video and my readers who need to translate using Babel Fish.

I'm not here for everybody, because some people all they are hearing is thunder right now. All they hear is what sounds like an angel. But there is a remnant that can hear the Word of the Lord and they can discern the prompt things. You are a royal priesthood and a chosen generation. You will worship God in spirit and truth to usher in his Glory. In first Samuel 2:35, God says "I will raise me up a faithful priest, that you'll do according or in harmony to that which is in harmony with my heart and my mind. I will build him a shorehouse and he shall walk before my annointed forever." Because Eli represented a ministry that is going blind and refuses to restrain his sons. But is being replaced by the answered prayers of a woman in travail.

Do you want to know why you went through the hell you went through, you had to birth some things because there is a new era and order coming in 2008. And for that to be laid down, there had to be a Hanna who was grieved in her soul, who was vexed, she was a woman in travail. 1 Samuel 12:1-2. Because Hanna is a woman who pours out her soul to the Lord. By the way, it is from her sore trouble. Because what causes you to pour out your soul to the Lord is your trouble becomes an incubator to release the greatest of God.

Do you know what trouble means? It means a place of agitation. A place of narrowness restrictive places and tight places. When you are in a place of restriction and a tight place, you don't have anywhere to turn ONLY the Lord can get you out of there. You thought it was a set-back, but it was a set-up! Because you would have walked yourself out and would have said look at what I got myself out of and look what I did. But God said I'm going to allow this thing to happen because only then will you know that you've been delivered by Almight God.

You would then say, had the Lord NOT been with me where would I be, Because ONLY God did this I WAS in a tight place. I didn't have the education, I didn't have the money, I didn't have the people, I didn't have the charisma, I didn't have the resources, I didn't have the labor backing me, I didn't have the people believing in me, I didn't have the history behind me. But look at what the Lord has done.

Because God will LIFT one up and SET another down. Promotion comes NOT from the south, the east, the west. But God is raising UP an order after Him. That is a people with His heart and with His mind. There is a remnant that can HEAR the sound of abundance of RAIN and knows that the greatest days are AHEAD of you and NOT behind you. God is releasing His Glory on the earth today!

March 16, 2008

The Om

This is a 5 1/2 minute video interpretation of the meaning of The Om. It is my intention to introduce and expose you to other spiritual teachings from around the World. It is about respecting all religions. Because they are all essentially leading us to the same place, awakening the Divine Source within our Spirits. The Om is interpreted as The Word. The message and the music is amazing! I have typed only 3 minutes of the message below for those of you who can not watch the video and my readers who need to translate using Babel Fish. Enjoy!

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. ~ Gospel of John, The Bible.

'Om' is the Sacred and mystical Sanskrit word. According to tradition, every 'thing' manifest comes from Primordial Vibration, which is symbolized by The 'Om'. All material objects, all living beings, including each of us, all spiritual teachings, all language, including Sanskrit and all other Sacred text.

'Om' has been seen as the first manifestation of the unmanifest Brahman (God). 'Om' is the eternal world of Brahman the Supreme unmanifest Divine Being. 'Om' is the sound of all creation and is a prayer itself. 'Om' appears in Vedic Sanskrit as a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali state that 'Om' is the Supreme name of God and it cannot have any meaning other than God. Also it states that remembering Aum and its meaning will make the devotee happy, focused and his enlightened 'Om' (pro-nounced ohm) represents the Supreme Being.

The past, present and future are all included in this one sound. A timeless mantra. Whosoever meditates this one syllable obtains all that he desires. We are spiritual beings conceived through the sound of Creation. Born from the sound of the spheres. We are One with all Creation. The Way we view ourselves can broaden our sense of who we are and help us appreciate ourselves as brave spirits on an important mission to learn and grow here on earth.

Remembering that we are spiritual beings is part of the work that we are here on earth to do. Each of us, however, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. We are One with the Universe. Remembering who We are can give us the patience to persevere when we become overwhelmed or frustrated. In this way We realize that 'Om' symbolizes the infinite and Divine Being and the entire Universe!

We are made of Light and Pure Energy. All humans are beings of energy, vibrating at unique and beautiful frequencies. Like Divine notes in the Symphony of The Universe.

I beseech the wisdom of ALL enlightened beings, past and future. May the four immeasurable Minds (love, compassion, joy and equanimity) grow in the hearts and minds of ALL beings. May WE know the TRUE, clear light of Liberation! May You Be Blessed! OM Shanti OM...

Anonymity and the Ego

This message perfectly describes why I have chosen to remain anonymous. This blog does not belong to me, it belongs to you. This blog is what it is. I hope you enjoy the following message and 1 1/2 minute video.

These teachings are presented anonymously to avoid the interference of ego. Ego is our concept of self, which we define as "who we are." The concept of self is a natural result of human evolution, but it is not always useful. In the context of spiritual teachings, ego can obscure the message.

When we see and hear other people, we make judgments about them based on our own self-image. These judgments are generally useful in daily life. However, they can interfere with our ability to accept spiritual teachings, because we tend to confuse the message with the messenger.

In negationism and the traditions it is derived from, the messenger is not important. Skillful teachers will minimize opportunities for ego dynamics to occur between the messenger and his or her audience. The electronic age creates an opportunity to do this effectively.

We do not offer commercial products or services. We have no interest in encouraging viewers to continue engaging with us indefinitely. We are not gurus, swamis, coaches, or masters. We are simply guides, pointing you toward a direct experience of what you already are.

Our identity is not important. Identification with any concept, including the concept of self, is what we must negate and neutralize in order to free the mind from its own confusion. We are what you are. You are what we are. We are all anonymous in the eyes of Nature.

The True Tao and the Tao of Convenience

Again, my thoughts are with the Dalai Lama and those fighting to re-claim Tibet from China. Therefore, my spiritual theme for this weekend shall remain in Buddhism, The Tao, Zen, The Om, etc. I have taken the following message from the 1 1/2 minute video and the YouTube description:

Anytime we form concepts or beliefs about what the world "really is," we are already practicing negationism. We are negating the direct experience of reality by substituting a thought in its place. We are negating our own experience by confusing it with a concept of experience.

Whether we call it God, Brahman, Nature, The Void, Buddha, or Nothingness, reality is not affected by our concepts of it. Only we are affected. We become confused when reality contradicts our concepts of it. A great deal of conflict and suffering arises from this confusion.

If Nature is everything, then Nature is nothing, because everything is not a thing. All things depend on other things for their existence, because a thing that has no relation to other things is nothing at all. But if Nature is nothing, then it is everything, because nothingness is infinite.

Zenless Zen must say "neti neti," which means "not this, not this." Reality is not everything, it is not nothing, it is not both, and it is not neither. It simply is what it is. It has no need of a name. The Tao that can be told is not the true Tao. It is only a Tao of convenience.

Spiritual liberation is not about magic, super-powers, superior wisdom, or any other ego-based motivation. It is about waking up to the emptiness of all concepts, and the concept of a separate self in particular. We do not become "one" with the Infinite. We become none with it.

March 15, 2008

Zenless Zen (Negating the Negation)

This is a 1 1/2 minute video describing Zenless Zen a much advanced teaching of our ultimate goal towards Nirvana and detachment to existence itself. Christianity refers to this as 'Letting Go and Letting God' or connecting with the Divine Source and just Being.

When we talk about non-attachment to all ideas and concepts, we should always include non-attachment to the concept of negationism itself. Zen, Dao, and similar words are used as a path to letting go of the mind's confusion. Negationism, like Zen, is simply a term of convenience.

The ego, which is our concept of self, desires only to expand its sense of existence to include all things within itself. Spiritual teachings are often welcomed by the ego, because they offer it an opportunity to identify itself with grandiose concepts such as infinity, God, etc.

In order to negate this final desperate attempt by the mind to attach its own concepts to reality, we must negate the concept of negationism itself. Our Zen must become non-zen, our Buddhism non-buddhism, and our Dao non-dao. Only by taking this final step can we free ourselves.

However, you may wonder, what self is freed when the concept of self is negated? The answer is the non-conceptual self. But do not become attached to the words, "non-conceptual self." It is only a term of convenience, pointing directly to our ineffable ordinary experience.

When all concepts are negated, what remains is the non-conceptual. This is all there really is, but the mind has confused itself with thoughts, ideas, and beliefs about it... Negationism is simply a way to stop chasing our tails mentally and make room for direct, wordless experience.

The Eight Chakra: The Seat of the Soul

This is a 4 minute video describing the 8th Chakra that is the Seat of our Souls. I have typed a transcript of this message below for those of you who are unable to watch the video and for my readers abroad who need to interpret the script. I thought it was appropriate to reflect on these teachings since the people of the World are now fighting to re-capture Tibet for the Dalai Lama and ALL of the exiled Buddhist monks. My prayers are for China to relinquish control of Tibet and give it back to its rightful owners.

I've been feeling a strong shift in human conscioiusness. Those that have long been asleep are now awakening and overpowering their captives and oppressors. Truth is being revealed. Darkness can not exist where there is LIGHT! Freedom is your birthright.

March 11, 2008

I'm a Survivor by Destiny's Child

I just heard this song playing while driving around in my car. I immediately felt extremely pumped up! The warrior in me suddenly stood up! I dedicate this song to ALL of my readers! I hope this song's lyrics inspire you to go after whatever it is that you desire with all of your heart! And it shall be YOURS!!! Go Hillary all the WAY!

  • Now that you are out of my life,
  • I'm so much better,
  • You thought that I'd be weak without ya,
  • But I'm stronger,
  • You thought that I'd be broke without ya,
  • But I'm richer,
  • You thought that I'd be sad without ya,
  • I laugh harder,
  • You thought I wouldn't grow without ya,
  • Now I'm wiser,
  • You thought that I'd be helpless without ya,
  • But I'm smarter,
  • You thought that I'd be stressed without ya,
  • But I'm chillin'
  • You thought I wouldn't sell without ya,
  • Sold nine million.

  • I'm a survivor (what),
  • I'm not gonna give up (what),
  • I'm not gon' stop (what),
  • I'm gonna work harder (what),
  • I'm a survivor (what),
  • I'm gonna make it (what),
  • I will survive (what),
  • Keep on survivin' (what),
  • I'm a survivor (what),
  • I'm not gonna give up (what),
  • I'm not gon' stop (what),
  • I'm gonna work harder (what),
  • I'm a survivor (what),
  • I'm gonna make it (what),
  • I will survive (what),
  • Keep on survivin' (what).

  • Thought I couldn't breathe without you,
  • I'm inhalin'
  • You thought I couldn't see without you,
  • Perfect vision,
  • You thought I couldn't last without ya,
  • But I'm lastin'
  • You thought that I would die without ya,
  • But I'm livin'
  • Thought that I would fail without ya,
  • But I'm on top,
  • Thought it would be over by now,
  • But it won't stop,
  • You thought that I would self-destruct,
  • But I'm still here,
  • Even in my years to come,
  • I'm still gon' be here.
  • [Chorus]

  • I'm wishin' you the best,
  • Pray that you are blessed,
  • Much success, no stress, and lots of happiness,
  • (I'm better than that)
  • I'm not gonna blast you on the radio,
  • (I'm better than that)
  • I'm not gonna lie on you or your family, yo,
  • (I'm better than that)
  • I'm not gonna hate you in the magazine,
  • (I'm better than that)
  • I'm not gonna compromise my Christianity,
  • (I'm better than that)
  • You know I'm not gonna diss you on the Internet
  • Cause my momma told me better than that.
  • [Chorus]

  • After all of the darkness and sadness,
  • Still comes happiness,
  • If I surround myself with positive things,
  • I'll gain prosperity.
  • [Chorus] x 2

March 10, 2008

A Quick Look at Myanmar/Burma!

This is a 3 1/2 minute video brought to you by Rocketboom. They give you a brief and concise explanation of the recent political and economic history in Burma! Get informed and become a Global Participant and NOT just an innocent bystander .... I have taken the following from the YouTube description.

Myanmar (Burma), Aung San Suu Kyi, Monks killed and left in jungle, Jim Carrey, using satellite imagery to track atrocities, Facebook group for world-wide action (oct 6), free burma day action for bloggers (oct 4), U.S. Campaign for Burma.

Get To Know Who is Daw Aung San Suu Kyi of BURMA!

I have taken the following biography of Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma directly from the U.S. Campaign for Burma website! I want for you to get to know her and her passionate struggle wanting to save the people of her country and the savage opposition against her!

About Her
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (pronounced Daw Aung Sawn Sue Chee) is one of the world’s most renown freedom fighters and advocates of nonviolence, having served as the figurehead for Burma’s struggle for democracy since 1988. Born on June 19th, 1945 to Burma’s independence hero, Aung San, Aung San Suu Kyi was educated in Burma, India, and the United Kingdom. Her father was assassinated when she was only two years old.

In 1988, while living in London, she returned to Burma to nurse her dying mother, and was plunged into the country’s nationwide uprising that had just begun. Joining the newly-forming National League for Democracy political party, Aung San Suu Kyi gave numerous speeches calling for freedom and democracy. The military regime responded to the uprising with brute force, shooting and otherwise killing up to 10,000 demonstrators — student, women, children, and others — in a mater of months. Unable to maintain its grip on power, the regime was forced to call for a general election in 1990.

As Aung San Suu Kyi began to campaign for the NLD, she and many others were detained by the regime. Despite being held under house arrest, the NLD went on to win a staggering 82% of the seats in parliament. The regime never recognized the results.

Aung San Suu Kyi has been in and out of arrest ever since. She was held from 1989-1995, and again from 2000-2002. She was again arrested and placed behind bars in May 2003 after the Depayin massacre, during which up to 100 of her supporters were beaten to death by the regime’s cronies. She has moved from prison back into house arrest in late 2003 and has been held there ever since.

She has won numerous international awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize, Sakharov Prize from the European Parliament, United States Presidential Medal of Freedom, and Jawaharlal Nehru Award from India. She has called on people around the world to join the struggle for freedom in Burma, saying “Please use your liberty to promote ours.”

Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma Meets UN Envoy, What Happened?

I received this email today updating me on the situation in Burma, Myanmar. I feel that it is important for you to be aware of developments happening in other countries. Our media chooses to isolate all of us from the world and does NOT report very much on issues outside of the United States. For those of you not familiar, Aung San Suu Kyi was elected President by an overwhelming majority and then immediately placed under house arrest by the Military Dictator Regime who refuse to be shamed. She has remained under house arrest since the 1990s!

Dear [my real name]:
We typically use this email list to distribute calls for action on how you can help the world's only imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize recipient Aung San Suu Kyi and the people of Burma. However, many of you have been asking us what happened in Burma over the past weekend, so we wanted to send a special note.

Aung San Suu Kyi was seen in public when the United Nations Secretary General's envoy to Burma, Ibrahim Gambari, traveled to Burma.

His trip was the 35th trip by a UN envoy to Burma since 1990, but his mission was the same: to convince Burma's generals to participate in peaceful negotiations with Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma's ethnic groups. In one form or another, 31 consecutive UN resolutions have called for these "talks" to start for nearly two decades. The goal of the "talks" is to create a framework for a transition to democracy.

Like previous trips by UN envoys, the military regime rejected all the UN proposals. The UN trip failed. Frankly, we expected this to happen. We have watched how the military regime defies the UN at every turn for quite some time, and this trip was no different.

The main reason the regime is able to refuse to honor UN calls for change is that they know there will be no consequences from the UN. The only body at the UN that is capable of enforcing resolutions is the UN Security Council, but China has completely paralyzed the Security Council with its veto power. 10 Nobel Peace Prize recipients have called for the UN Security Council to impose a ban on all arms sales to Burma, but because of China's threat of a veto, the Council has only issued a non-binding, weak statement. Meanwhile, China has provided the military regime with billions of dollars in weapons and hundreds of millions of dollars in aid.

As a result, the UN is making the same mistakes the world made on Rwanda, Darfur, and elsewhere. In the meantime, the regime has carried out awful human rights abuses against the people of Burma, which you know about. It is shameful that in todays' world one single country can hobble the entire United Nations, but that is exactly what is happening.

What You Can Do
Clearly, we need to be doing more to focus attention and pressure on China. That is one reason why we are asking Americans to turn off their televisions and not watch the Beijing Olympics. China very much cares about the Olympics and its reputation, and it appears that the only way we can get China's attention is to call for everyday American people (and others throughout the world) to signal our frustration by refusing to watch the Olympics. You can sign up here today to pledge to become one of 1 million people that will turn off your televisions and do something instead of watching the Olympics. We have an easy online tool that allows you to ask your friends and family to refuse to endorse the Beijing Olympics as well.

Feel free to write to us with any questions or ideas you have. We have to do a lot more to convince China to support peace instead of underwriting tyranny in Burma. If we work together, we can make it happen.
Aung Din, Jeremy Woodrum, Jennifer Quigley, Thelma Young

March 9, 2008

Your LOVE Keeps Lifting Me Higher and Higher!!!

I just have to share this song that has been playing in my SPIRIT all day!!! I can't seem to wipe this smile off of my face and I most certainly wouldn't want to! It's such an AMAZING feeling to be surrounded by God's love. The song is called 'Higher and Higher' by Jackie Wilson. I found this great 2 1/2 minute video with the song adapted to the movie titled 'Spirit'. How appopriate eh! ;) I hope this song lifts your spirit higher and higher!

  • Your love, keeps lifting me higher
  • Than I've ever been lifted before
  • So keep it it up
  • Quench my desire
  • And I'll be at your side, forever more
  • You know your love (your love keeps lifting me)
  • Keep on lifting (love keeps lifting me)
  • Higher (lifting me)
  • Higher and higher (higher)
  • I said your love (your love keeps lifting me)
  • Keep on (love keeps lifting me)
  • Lifting me (lifting me)
  • Higher and higher (higher)
  • Now once I was down hearted
  • Disappointment was my closest friend
  • But then you came and it soon departed
  • And you know he never
  • Showed his face again
  • That's why your love
  • You know your love (your love keeps lifting me)
  • Keep on lifting (love keeps lifting me)
  • Higher (lifting me)
  • Higher and higher (higher)
  • I said your love (your love keeps lifting me)
  • Keep on (love keeps lifting me)
  • Lifting me (lifting me)
  • Higher and higher (higher)
  • I'm so glad, I've finally found you
  • Yes, that one, in a million girl
  • And now with my loving arms around you
  • Honey, I can stand up and face the world
  • You know your love (your love keeps lifting me)
  • Keep on lifting me (love keeps lifting me)
  • Higher (lifting me)
  • Higher and higher (higher)
  • I said your love (your love keeps lifting me)
  • Keep on (love keeps lifting me)
  • Lifting me (lifting me)
  • Higher and higher (higher)

3 a.m. Phone Call Brought to you by the GREAT Saturday Night LIVE!

I could NOT stop cracking up watching this skit last night on Saturday Night LIVE! The joke is about Obama receiving a 3 a.m. call, doesn't know what to do and has to call Hillary for advise! This is a MUST SEE video if you missed it last night and if you are also in dire need of good laugh! Remember LAUGHTER is the greatest medicine to heal whatever is ailing you!!! Enjoy.

The Obama Files Brought to you by the GREAT Saturday Night LIVE!

I woke up in great spirits this morning! I'm feeling comedy right now. This is a great cartoon created by the GREATS of comedy satire on Saturday Night Live. If you are in dire need of a good laugh than this little snipit will no doubt satisfy that need! Enjoy!

March 7, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama's Trinity Church of God 20 year membership and Louis Farrakhan!

Okay, I think it is time that this issue about Barack Hussein Obama's affiliation with Louis Farrakhan be DISCUSSED! It seems that NO ONE in the media wants to touch this subject, so I will. I received an article link via an email with some very disturbing information regarding Obama's church and their published dignified respect for Louis Farrakhan! The fact that Obama has still remained a member knowing his mentor/preacher thinks of Farrakhan as an 'ICON' speaks volumes about Obama himself! My grandmother used to always say, "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who YOU are". Birds of a feather flock together!

When a leader of a church uses its pulpit to promote their own personal agenda and self-interest such as Black separatist and Black coalition and Black power as a means to segregate the congregation from the WHOLE of society THAT IS NOT a Church of God! God represents inclusion and NOT exclusion!

The fact that Obama belongs to THIS particular so-called Christian Church says alot about HIS CHARACTER to the rest of us who are NOT black! The fact that Obama has remained a member of this Church indicates that he condones their racist views! This in itself should NOT be TOLERATED at all... If a Presidential candidate belonged to a Church with a mostly white congregation and that Church praised the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) everybody would be OUTRAGED! I want to know WHY is this any different?!?!

Here is an excerpt from the article that was written by a Republican website called NewsMax:

"It’s one thing for Barack Obama to have a minister, friend, and sounding board who supports and admires Louis Farrakhan and whose church gave him an award. It’s another thing for Obama to dissemble about it. In fact, the award, named for Obama’s minister Jeremiah Wright Jr., was given for “lifetime achievement” and for Farrakhan’s “influence on the African-American community.”

The presentation of the award last December and the accompanying article in Trumpet, Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ magazine, never mentioned ex-offenders. On the contrary, the article in the November/December issue of Trumpet begins by calling Farrakhan — who refers to Jews as bloodsuckers and whites as blue-eyed devils — an “icon.” It ends by saying that he “truly epitomized greatness.”

Hailing Farrakhan’s “integrity and honesty,” Wright went on to say, “His love for Africa and African-American people has made him an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change, and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose.” Obama has said he found religion through Wright in the 1980s and consulted him before deciding to run for president. He prayed privately with Wright before announcing his candidacy last year."

Trinity United Church of Christ adopted the Black Value System written by the Manford Byrd Recognition Committee chaired by Vallmer Jordan in 1981. We believe in the following 12 precepts and covenantal statements. These Black Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Blacks are gathered. They must reflect on the following concepts:

Obama’s Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago espouses what it calls the Black Value System. While the Black Value System encourages commitment to God, education, and self-discipline, it refers to “our racist competitive society” and includes the disavowal of the pursuit of “middle-classness” and a pledge of allegiance to “all black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System.”

The Black Value System defines “middle-classness” as a way for American society to “snare” blacks rather than “killing them off directly” or “placing them in concentration camps,” just as the country structures “an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.”
[Said Condoleezza Rice]

Lou Dobbs CNN topic U.S. is Outsourcing our Defense Systems! UNBELIEVABLE...

This is crazy! I just watched this newsflash last night and I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Thousands of MORE jobs lost in America! Click here to watch the video. Sorry I was not able to embed the video to this blog! This is a MUST SEE 5 1/2 minute video. Lou Dobbs NAILS it with his commentary! I couldn't have said it better myself. This is soooo WRONG on every level. What is happening to our country? Geez!

"The U.S. Air Force’s decision to award a major defense contract to a European company is unconscionable, short-sighted and borderline treasonous. These decisions show our overwhelming lack of real leadership in Washington, DC, and it’s time our elected officials stand up and demand this be reversed. The Machinists and Aerospace Workers Union is justifiably outraged at the Air Force tanker deal, and Lou interviewed union president Thomas Buffenbarger last night." ~ Lou Dobbs, CNN

March 6, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama's Plans For Our Nation Should He Become President! Unbelievable...

This is a 5 minute video of Barack Hussein Obama giving his plans for our Nation should he become President of the United States! This MAN can NOT become President and this is why. This man really does have NO idea how the internation game is played. It's not enough our current President Bush has terrorized us all from within and allowed an economic catastrophe to occur on our shores! NOW this bozo wants to reduce our defense systems. From one bozo to another I don't think so! Bush has already brought this NATION to her KNEES. We, The People, will NOT allow you Senator Obama to put a gun to her head!

I have typed a transcript for those of you who do not have time to watch the video...

"I am the only major candidate who has opposed this war from the beginning. And as President I will end it. Second I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending. I will cut investments in un-proven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development in future combat systems and I will institute an independent defense priorities board to ensure that a defense review is not used to justify unnecessary spending. Third I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal I will NOT develop new nuclear weapons. I will seek a goal to BAN on the production of missile material and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off their trigger alert and to achieve DEEP cuts in our nuclear arsenals!

Don't Let the Bush Administration and Telecom Companies Spy on Us! NO Immunity For Them!

I am sure everybody has seen and heard President Bush whining to the media regarding the bill granting immunity to all of the telephone companies that have enabled Bush to spy on each and every one of us! The Bush Administration has also released a commerical urging the public to contact Congress to get this bill passed. What a joke this man is in every way! Click here to read the latest news from Democracy NOW regarding the Democratic Congress possibly caving into Bush's bullying pressure! This man is too much. What a maroon! What an imbecile!

Well I received this PETITION today. I urge every U.S. citizen to please sign it to protect our civil liberties! I have taken the following directly from the petition site:

The Bush administration has been trying with all its might to force Congress to grant the President broad spying powers.

Luckily, the House stood up to bullying from President Bush and rejected his administration's lies. They made a wise decision to let his reckless and unconstitutional spying bill expire.

Now, it's up to Congress to decide if the government can eavesdrop on Americans without a warrant, and whether or not telecommunications companies will get away with illegally helping the administration spy on us over the past six years.

For far too long, President Bush has been trying to expand his power at the expense of our freedom and the Constitution. The House of Representatives made a wise decision to let President Bush's reckless and unconstitutional spying bill expire. Now, they must stand strong and continue rejecting the administration’s fear mongering tactics.

Help protect our constitutional rights! Urge the House of Representatives to reject any legislation that does not restore judicial review and protect the privacy rights of innocent Americans.

GreenPeace Whales Petition Makes a Splash in Japan! Thanks to the GLOBAL Community!

Hi everybody! Sorry for not keeping up with my blog this week, I've been a little caught up with the U.S. Presidential election. Nevertheless, I am very happy to bring you some pretty terrific news regarding the GreenPeace Whaling petition all of you signed WORLDWIDE! I received the following email from GreenPeace updating me on the delivery of this email and Japan's reaction!

Dear [my real name]:

We've delivered our whaling petition to the Japanese authorities. Fifteen-year-old anti-whaling campaigner Skye Bortoli from Port Stephens presented the 131,965 strong petition to the Japanese authorities in Tokyo. Immediately afterwards, the opposition Japanese Democratic Party (DPJ) called a committee meeting on whaling. That was quick!

Indeed, the Japanese accepting the petition was a victory in itself - past international efforts have been totally rejected. The committee's chair, Mr. Tsutsui said, "Our stance is not the same as yours but we are willing to consider the issue seriously." And, in a major concession, they admitted the market for whale meat was not viable and that Japan's international reputation was at stake.

Read more about Japan's reaction to our petition here!

While the political ground appears to be shifting, the fact is that the Japanese people do not support whaling. Earlier this month, we commissioned a special independently conducted poll which found that 71 per cent do not support their country whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. And astonishingly, 87 per cent were surprised to learn that their tax money was actually being used to help pay for the outrageous whaling operation.

While the political ground appears to be shifting, the fact is that the Japanese people do not support whaling. Earlier this month, we commissioned a special independently conducted poll which found that 71 per cent do not support their country whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. And astonishingly, 87 per cent were surprised to learn that their tax money was actually being used to help pay for the outrageous whaling operation.

The focus of Greenpeace's campaign is now exposing the Japanese people to the facts on whaling - so they can exert political pressure on their leaders, who won't like to be out of step with public opinion for long. Our petition, developed together with the Daily Telegraph and the Today Show has helped build the momentum for change. Watch a video wrap of our recent anti-whaling work in the Southern Ocean.

Once again, thanks for signing; together we are making a difference. Our campaign continues and we'll keep in touch about further ways for you to be involved.

Rob Nicoll, Whales campaigner
Greenpeace Australia Pacific

March 5, 2008

The CITIZENS of Michigan and Florida NOT Allowed to VOTE for their Democratic Nominee!

This is UNBELIEVABLE! Totally against each citizens Constitutional RIGHT to vote in an election. This is a 9 minute news clip given by CNNs Wolf Blizter's Situation Room segment. MUST SEE video! Shame on the U.S. Democratic Party for allowing this to be approved!

To ALL of my Michigan and Florida readers, I URGE you to DEMAND your VOTE to be included in this PRESIDENTIAL race! YOU are paying Federal and State taxes for heavens sake. YOU have every right for your VOICES to be heard loud and clear with your voting priviledge granted to ALL of you by our U.S. Constitution. YOU can start by contacting your local NEWS and make this PUBLIC! Click here to sign a PETITION to allow these states to vote!

What is happening is soooooo WRONG on every level...

Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall NOT be DENIED or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

March 4, 2008

I Can See Clearly Now The Rain is GONE! Hillary R. Clinton WILL Become The Next President of the United States of America!

I AM SOOOOO HAPPY and ELATED right now I'm beside myself! It's SUCH an amazing feeling! Hillary R. Clinton has WON three more KEY states!! Thank you soooo much God. I know that your Word can not return back VOID! I WILL continue to put MY Trust and Faith in You Heavenly Father with regard to my life, the future of this Country and the REST of this World!

I Can See Clearly Now by Johnny Nash

  • I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
  • I can see ALL obstacles in my way
  • GONE are the dark clouds that had me blind
  • It's gonna be a BRIGHT (bright),
  • BRIGHT (bright) Sun-Shiny day!

  • I think I can make it now the pain is gone
  • All of the bad feelings have disappeared
  • Here is the RAINBOW I've been prayin' for
  • It's gonna be a BRIGHT (bright),
  • BRIGHT (bright) Sun-Shiny day!

  • LOOK all around, there's nothin' but BLUE skies
  • LOOK straight ahead, there's nothin' but BLUE skies

  • I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
  • I can see ALL obstacles in my way
  • Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
  • It's gonna be a BRIGHT (bright),
  • BRIGHT (bright) Sun-Shiny day.

March 3, 2008

U.S. Health Care Gets Boost From 3rd World Charity Called 'Remote Area Medical'

This is a 13 minute news clip I watch last night on CBS 60 minutes titled 'Lifeline'. I was astonished to discover that a charity like 'Remote Area Medical' finds themselves NOW needing to help middle class working Americans with HEALTHCARE, VISION and DENTAL. This is so sad, we are supposed to be the wealthiest nation in the WORLD and now has an organization that normally helps 3rd World nations with Medical care! This is the TRUTH about what our country is facing today and it must be exposed!

This is NOT right at all. The rich are get supremely rich and the middle class are evaporating right before our very eyes. The United States is one of the few nations left in this World that does NOT have Universal Health Care. How progressive does that make us to not care for our very own citizens! All of those BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars WASTED in Iraq, Afghanistan and WASTED saving the banks that are going to go under anyway.

I have included a short transcript of this video below. However, I do recommend that you take the time to watch this video documentary of the crisis our COUNTRY is facing today! You can read the rest at the 60 minutes website click here.

"One of the decisive issues in the Presidential campaign is likely to be health insurance. Texas and Ohio vote on Tuesday and those states ALONE have nearly 7 million un-insuranced residents. Nationwide 47 million have NO health insurance. But that's just the start, because MILLIONS more are under-insured, unable to pay their deductibles or get access to dental care. Recently we heard about an American Relief Organization that air drops doctors and medicine into the jungles of the Amazon, it's called 'Remote Area Medical' or RAM for short.

Remote Area Medical sets up emergency clinics where the needs are greatest. These days that's NOT the Amazon. This charity founded to help people who can't reach medical care NOW finds itself throwing AMERICA a lifeline!

In a matter of hours, Remote Area Medical set up its massive clinic, for a weekend, in an exhibit hall in Knoxville, Tenn. Tools for dentists were laid out by the yard, optometrists prepared to make hundreds of pairs of glasses, general medical doctors set up for whatever might come though the door. Nearly everything is donated, and everyone is a volunteer. The care is free. But no one could say how many patients might show up."

March 1, 2008

WE CAN Do The Impossible!! Go Hillary!

This is a 3 1/2 minute music video of Leann Rimes singing "We Can" from the movie "Legally Blonde 2". I woke up this morning playing and singing this song in my head! I am in the best mood, inspired, confident and excited about the wonderful changes that are coming our way. There is NO doubt in my mind now that Hillary R. Clinton WILL become the next President of the United States of America!

  • They'll try to stop the dream we're dreamin'
  • But they can't stop us from BELIEVING
  • They will fill your head with doubt
  • But that won't stop us now
  • So let them say we can't do it
  • Put up a road block
  • We'll just RUN right through it.. Cause...
  • WE CAN, do the impossible
  • We have the POWER in our hands
  • And we won't stop 'cause we've got
  • To make a difference in this life
  • With one voice, one heart, two hands, we can
  • They say the odds are stacked against us
  • But that can't hold us back, WE WILL be relentless
  • There's a VOICE they're gonna hear
  • A voice so LOUD and CLEAR!
  • So let them say we can't do it
  • Give us a mountain, and we're gonna MOVE it.. cause..
  • WE CAN, do the impossible
  • We have the POWER in our hands, and we won't stop
  • Cause we've got to make a difference in this life
  • With one voice, one heart, Two hands, we can
  • We're gonna make a change today (make a change today)
  • Because we've got the FAITH it takes
  • To WIN this RACE, so let them say we can't do it
  • Put up a road block
  • And we'll just RUN right through it cause..
  • WE CAN, do the impossible
  • We have the POWER in our hands and we won't stop
  • Cause we've got to make a difference in this life
  • With one voice, one heart Two hands, we can
  • I CAN (oh I can) Do the impossible (do the impossible)
  • I have the POWER in my hands, and I won't stop
  • Cause I've got to make a difference in this life
  • With my one voice, one heart, two hands, WE CAN