March 7, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama's Trinity Church of God 20 year membership and Louis Farrakhan!

Okay, I think it is time that this issue about Barack Hussein Obama's affiliation with Louis Farrakhan be DISCUSSED! It seems that NO ONE in the media wants to touch this subject, so I will. I received an article link via an email with some very disturbing information regarding Obama's church and their published dignified respect for Louis Farrakhan! The fact that Obama has still remained a member knowing his mentor/preacher thinks of Farrakhan as an 'ICON' speaks volumes about Obama himself! My grandmother used to always say, "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who YOU are". Birds of a feather flock together!

When a leader of a church uses its pulpit to promote their own personal agenda and self-interest such as Black separatist and Black coalition and Black power as a means to segregate the congregation from the WHOLE of society THAT IS NOT a Church of God! God represents inclusion and NOT exclusion!

The fact that Obama belongs to THIS particular so-called Christian Church says alot about HIS CHARACTER to the rest of us who are NOT black! The fact that Obama has remained a member of this Church indicates that he condones their racist views! This in itself should NOT be TOLERATED at all... If a Presidential candidate belonged to a Church with a mostly white congregation and that Church praised the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) everybody would be OUTRAGED! I want to know WHY is this any different?!?!

Here is an excerpt from the article that was written by a Republican website called NewsMax:

"It’s one thing for Barack Obama to have a minister, friend, and sounding board who supports and admires Louis Farrakhan and whose church gave him an award. It’s another thing for Obama to dissemble about it. In fact, the award, named for Obama’s minister Jeremiah Wright Jr., was given for “lifetime achievement” and for Farrakhan’s “influence on the African-American community.”

The presentation of the award last December and the accompanying article in Trumpet, Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ magazine, never mentioned ex-offenders. On the contrary, the article in the November/December issue of Trumpet begins by calling Farrakhan — who refers to Jews as bloodsuckers and whites as blue-eyed devils — an “icon.” It ends by saying that he “truly epitomized greatness.”

Hailing Farrakhan’s “integrity and honesty,” Wright went on to say, “His love for Africa and African-American people has made him an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change, and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose.” Obama has said he found religion through Wright in the 1980s and consulted him before deciding to run for president. He prayed privately with Wright before announcing his candidacy last year."

Trinity United Church of Christ adopted the Black Value System written by the Manford Byrd Recognition Committee chaired by Vallmer Jordan in 1981. We believe in the following 12 precepts and covenantal statements. These Black Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Blacks are gathered. They must reflect on the following concepts:

Obama’s Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago espouses what it calls the Black Value System. While the Black Value System encourages commitment to God, education, and self-discipline, it refers to “our racist competitive society” and includes the disavowal of the pursuit of “middle-classness” and a pledge of allegiance to “all black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System.”

The Black Value System defines “middle-classness” as a way for American society to “snare” blacks rather than “killing them off directly” or “placing them in concentration camps,” just as the country structures “an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.”
[Said Condoleezza Rice]

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