March 22, 2008

Clouds Without Water by Paula White p. 1 of 2

This is a 4 minute video of Pastor Paula White's message titled, 'Clouds Without Water'. This message is timely for many who are wondering why they are having to go through a particular situation and when the rain will come. God's message for you today is that the Drought is OVER! An Abundance of rain will soon be showering down upon you and you WILL reap a bountiful HARVEST! As Bishop T.D. Jakes would say, "Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready!"

I have typed a transcript below for those of you who can not watch the video and my readers who need to translate using Babel Fish.

I'm not here for everybody, because some people all they are hearing is thunder right now. All they hear is what sounds like an angel. But there is a remnant that can hear the Word of the Lord and they can discern the prompt things. You are a royal priesthood and a chosen generation. You will worship God in spirit and truth to usher in his Glory. In first Samuel 2:35, God says "I will raise me up a faithful priest, that you'll do according or in harmony to that which is in harmony with my heart and my mind. I will build him a shorehouse and he shall walk before my annointed forever." Because Eli represented a ministry that is going blind and refuses to restrain his sons. But is being replaced by the answered prayers of a woman in travail.

Do you want to know why you went through the hell you went through, you had to birth some things because there is a new era and order coming in 2008. And for that to be laid down, there had to be a Hanna who was grieved in her soul, who was vexed, she was a woman in travail. 1 Samuel 12:1-2. Because Hanna is a woman who pours out her soul to the Lord. By the way, it is from her sore trouble. Because what causes you to pour out your soul to the Lord is your trouble becomes an incubator to release the greatest of God.

Do you know what trouble means? It means a place of agitation. A place of narrowness restrictive places and tight places. When you are in a place of restriction and a tight place, you don't have anywhere to turn ONLY the Lord can get you out of there. You thought it was a set-back, but it was a set-up! Because you would have walked yourself out and would have said look at what I got myself out of and look what I did. But God said I'm going to allow this thing to happen because only then will you know that you've been delivered by Almight God.

You would then say, had the Lord NOT been with me where would I be, Because ONLY God did this I WAS in a tight place. I didn't have the education, I didn't have the money, I didn't have the people, I didn't have the charisma, I didn't have the resources, I didn't have the labor backing me, I didn't have the people believing in me, I didn't have the history behind me. But look at what the Lord has done.

Because God will LIFT one up and SET another down. Promotion comes NOT from the south, the east, the west. But God is raising UP an order after Him. That is a people with His heart and with His mind. There is a remnant that can HEAR the sound of abundance of RAIN and knows that the greatest days are AHEAD of you and NOT behind you. God is releasing His Glory on the earth today!

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