February 27, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama Suggests That HIS Supporters Won't Vote for Hillary!

Okay now I have personally had enough of this man! Barack Hussein Obama is NOT fit to become President of the United States of American now or NEVER! He is a disgrace to this country and what he expresses in this video reveals his TRUE character! I would NEVER vote for this man.

I have typed a transcript for my national readers and also my readers from other countries who need to translate:

David Broday from the Christian Broadcasting Network ask Senator Obama, "Will Senator Clinton be a drag for down ticket races as a Presidential Candidate".

Obama says, "I think there is NO doubt she has higher negatives than any of the remaining democratic candidates, that is just a FACT. There are some who will NOT vote for her. I have NO doubt that once the democratic nomination contest is over I will get the people who voted for her. The question is can she get the people who voted from me!"

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