February 26, 2008

Explaining The Democratic Delegate Math!

This is a 2 minute video with John King and Anderson Cooper of CNN briefly explaining how the remaining delegates will affect each of the candidates for the Democratic nomination. Let us ALL be inspired by the New York Giants tenacity during the 4th quarter at the SuperBowl to persevere and WIN this election by supporting Hillary!

This is a MUST SEE video if you have been confused how the next crucial voting day will play out. It is important to make an INFORMED decision for your future and the future of OUR country.

Please click here to send a brief note to local automatic delegates telling them WHY you support Hillary, and WHY you think she will be the BEST leader for our party and our nation.

Let us ALL take back OUR country and hire a President who will SERVE 'The People'. Please spread the WORD... Thank you!

1) A candidate needs 2208 delegate votes to secure the nomination with Florida and Michigan included.

2) After weeks of voting, the race is a virtual tie, with Hillary and Senator Obama now separated by little over 2% of all the delegates to the Democratic Convention.

3) Both Hillary and Senator Obama will need automatic (super) delegates to win the nomination.

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