February 7, 2008

Mother and Calf caught and KILLED together! Japan Scientific Whaling Program called JARPA (Japanese Research Program in Antarctica) IS Responsible!

I wrote about this issue back in January when two protestors were captured and held hostage on a Japanese fishing vessel. Thank you Mammoth for the referral to the recent atrocity committed by these Japanese murderers!!! They have absolutely NO conscience or respect for LIFE... Warning I couldn't stop crying watching this video!

UNBELIEVABLE ~ The YouTube user community has FLAGGED this video as inappropriate content. How convenient, IRCWhale.org does NOT want you to watch a video of them committing this heinous crime! You can double click this screen and log onto YouTube to view or go to the World Against Whaling website. There is so much other obscene stuff on YouTube that has never been flagged. ~ I URGE you to boycott Japanese products ~

The video clip is 3 minutes long and references a website we can go to sign a petition to get Japan and other pirate fisherman to stop whaling. But to my surprise the United States of America is NOT even on the fricken list!!! However, you can still sign several international petitions the World Against Whaling website has and get much more information regarding this subject. Just go to the section titled, 'how you can help' for the list of petitions. We need to contact the White House and get the U.S. on this list. I will find out how to do this. I'll keep you informed...

How many more Whales need to be killed in the name of research!!! Hasn't Japan killed enough whales to find out whatever knowledge they have been seeking? Murder is murder no matter how much Japan tries to justify their actions. This must stop for our sake!

This is a 3 minute video of a mother whale and her baby calf loving each other in their natural habitat...


SurferGirl said...

I live in Maui, HI and have swam with the Dolphins. I have also watched the Dolphins assist the Mother Whale and her calf. These are the most beautiful creatures.

Sometimes I think they are more intelligent and more compassionate than the human species!!! These whalers make me sick! I too couldn't stop crying watching this video. They ARE murderers and should be prosecuted and condemned for these atrocious acts!!! They are unfit to be part of the human race...

Thank you Princess for bringing this to everybody's attention.

Mahalo and God Bless!

SurferGirl said...

Oh and I forgot to mention Princess that I signed all the petitions at that website.

Princess Mononoke said...

I also went swimming with a school of Dolphins while vacationing in Kauai. It was such a magical experience I will never forget! My group also watched in amazement dolphins swimming beside the mama Whale lifting the baby calf to give her a break.

I agree these fisherman and their governments for approving these atrocious acts should all be condemned!

Thank you Surfergirl for signing those petitions. We don't need money to make a difference, although it does help. However, each signature is a raised voice demanding change! This is our contribution. By saying ENOUGH is ENOUGH together we truly CAN and WILL make a difference! Please help spread the word...

Darkness can NOT exist where there is LIGHT!

Anonymous said...

These fisherman need to be taught a lesson or two about what is WRONG and what is right! They need to pay for their crimes. This is shameful!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for using my video on your site, it was so distressing making it, seeing it over and over was horrible. but i felt the world needed to see it.

Don’t forget to write to your local governments expressing your outrage, and sign all the petitions you see.

On my site:


I got a few petitions and activities you can do to help end whaing.



Princess Mononoke said...

I will do everything I can to raise awareness on this issue!!! I do intend to write the White House. I have already signed all the petitions. I'm hoping all of my readers do the same...

Thank you Fred for making this video to help raise awareness. I can't imagine having to watch it as many times as you must have. I only watched it three times and each time my soul was crying out for them! These companies MUST be STOPPED. You can count on my help!

Princess Mononoke said...

Fred, I also added your website link to my list of Organizations on the right side of my blog so my readers can help make a difference!

Thanks again Fred for your contribution!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Princess Mononoke, good to know there are more supporters out there. let us know the reply of your white house message

The daily telegraph petition (about to finish) has 100,000 signatures!

We all here in Australia are protesting hard, many are boycotting Japanese products. SANYO has been put under so much presure they have started a campaign against the Japanese government.

the problem is the citizens of japan don't know what is happening, i'm sure if they knew it was conducted in australian waters they would also protest it.

The planned international court will be in a few months, so far the whaling company has broken 2 IWC laws - one UN law - 3 australian - and 2 Antarctic treay regulations.

This must end, killing this one year old calf was the last straw. its sickening that one person orders all this... the CEO of ICR has 10,000's deaths on his hands.


Anonymous said...

I have listed two new petitions on my site:


Both are towards the United States Government urging them to take a stand against whaling.


Anonymous said...

This is so disgusting! I hope they rot in HELL!!!! These humans are parasites, they don't deserve to LIVE. They are NOT contributing to the world, they are destroying it!