January 16, 2008

U.S. Navy vs. Iran Speed Boat Border Patrol Supposed Confrontation ~ You decide!

This is a 5 minute clip of the Iranian side, video taped by the Iranian Speed Boat border patrol.

This is a 4 1/2 minute video clip taken by the United States Naval Ships supposedly in International waters. More spoon feeding by Mainstream Media to scare the public!


Now watch these two clips very carefully. Think about this for a moment... why on earth would three HUGE Navy Ships be afraid of these three little teeny weeny speed boats??? Think about this for a moment... If three HUGE foreign ships were any where near our borders WE would be on them like white on rice!!! So, with that being said, do you blame the Iranian patrol to be any more curious as to WHY U.S. Naval ships were approaching their borders? Most especially after our esteemed President George W. was making threats of WWIII against them last year!

Have you notice that George W. has been antagonizing Iran, intentionally provoking them and trying to scare the public. Now I'm no fan of Mahmoud Amahdinajad of Iran. However, I do feel that George W. et al have something else up their sleeve for us, We The People, by the end of this year!


Mammoth said...

"why on earth would three HUGE Navy Ships be afraid of these three little teeny weeny speed boats???"
Um...Don't you remember the damage that a 'teeny weeny' boat did to the USS Cole?

But your point IS clear in the rest of your post:

What is the REAL TRUTH behind this incident?

Princess Mononoke said...

LOL... I totally forgot about the USS Cole, thanks Mammoth for that little reminder.

Real Truth??? We just have to keep our senses open to all the clues 'they' put out.