July 30, 2012

HAPPY Monday! :) ♥

July 29, 2012

The Whole Armor of God

[Ephesians 6:10-18 NLT]

10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth (buckled around your waist) and the body armor of God’s righteousness (the breastplate of righteousness). 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News (the gospel of peace) so that you will be fully prepared. 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil (to defend against personal spiritual attacks). 17 Put on salvation as your helmet (the helmet of salvation), and take the sword of the (Holy) Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

My Daily Prayer... ♥

I would like to share two of my daily prayer's with you. The first is one I received from Paula White Ministries 5 years ago. While the second is one that I personalized for myself. You are welcome to use these prayers. Soon your spirit will personalize one for you. You shall know the Truth when you seek God's face daily. I don't mean in the traditional sense. I mean spending time getting to know Him. You can start by talking with Him like you would a friend. He will guide you on your spiritual path as you grow closer and closer to Him. Allow God's LIGHT to permeate every fiber of your being and transform you from the inside out. "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind." [Romans 12:2] This has nothing to do with religion. This is about God, your Heavenly Father wanting to have a "personal" relationship with you. ♥

God is God all by Himself. The same is true for Jesus (Yahshua), the living breathing WORD of God and the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. God doesn't need a religious group or organization to make Him so. ♥

The Power Of Prayer from Paula White Ministries

Dear Heavenly Father, I give You praise for my life and all that is in it. You are my Creator, my Provider, my Comforter and I worship You from the depths of my soul. My desire is to know You... to truly know You in an intimate way. Please grant me a mind filled with Spiritual wisdom and a heart that continues to long for You.

This is my prayer personalized...

Thank you God for loving me unconditionally. Thank you God for never giving up on me. Thank you God for always believing in me. Thank you God for taking care of all of my needs. I am an instrument of Your will LORD, use me for Your greater good. I am ready, willing and able to effect change on Your behalf. Awaken Your Spirit within me LORD. Lend me Your strength, Your courage and Your wisdom. I will continue to abide in Your WORD as your WORD continues to abide in me. You are my ROCK and my foundation! Your presence makes me feel unspeakable love and joy. Direct my steps LORD and connect me to the right people that are in line with Your will for my life. I will continue to Trust and Believe in You LORD. I love you. In Yahshua's precious name, AMEN!

I go on to pray, Jesus (Yahshua) please cleanse my spirit from all impurities, please purify me Lord, wash me in Your blood, cover me and protect me against all evil. Please fill my spirit with Your love and Your peace and Your joy. Please lend me Your strength, Your courage and Your wisdom. AMEN!

God's Divine favor surrounds me like a shield! Amen. ♥

Knowing the Favor of God. AWESOME Message! ♥

When you walk in God's unstoppable favor and His amazing grace no matter what comes your way- with the right attitude you can make it become a pathway to destiny! God SENT His Spirit in you to break the mold and SOAR free in Christ... sealed with the kiss of the Almighty God!

Rest In Jesus' Faith For Miracles

Do you blame yourself for not having enough faith for miracles? Are you frustrated with your wavering faith? Well, you don't have to anymore because you can rest in Jesus' faith that never wavers or fails! In this revelatory and encouraging message by Joseph Prince, see how it is not you, but Jesus, who always believes. Learn how you can simply latch your limited faith onto His perfect faith and see the miracle you need happen. Rest easy—Jesus has all the compassion and faith for any miracle. That's all you need to believe!

Joseph Prince Speaking At Hillsong Conference 2012

POEM: I Did The Best I Could Today. Beautifully Expressed... ♥

I Did The Best I Could Today
written by Wendy Box

I did the best I could today;
I stumbled and I fell;
I cried and I yelled;
But I didn't stay down;
I released the pain, through tears;
I prayed to my God for strength to go on;
Then I dusted myself off and finished the day;
I know it's all as it should be;
For my God knows exactly what I need;
I will sleep tonight in comfort;
In peace and harmony;
Because today, I did the best I could;
And that's good enough for me!

Sleep in the arms of the Angels my friends;
Hope all is well with you each and everyone;
Sweet Dreams
(((hugs & love)))

Growth Quote

I'd like to share a brief exchange I had with a friend after I posted this picture on my facebook profile.

@Tracy: amen sista... very true... easier said than done, but AM working on it!

@Josette (Me): Me too... it should be a lifelong experience. Only way to keep growing. :) ♥

The Life Trade... ♥ Nice! :)

The Prayer of an Atheist

The Prayer of an Atheist
written by Rabbi Noah Weinberg
[source: Aish]

Here is a true story about a young man who got his prayers answered:

Many people who visit Jerusalem are tourists who come to get a sense of Jewish culture and history. One day, a young tourist named Jeff was brought in to meet me at Aish HaTorah.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm working for my MBA at Harvard University. And I'm an atheist."

"Fantastic! A real atheist! Whoever was able to convince an atheist like you to speak to a rabbi like me deserves a medal."

"Nah," Jeff says, "he doesn't deserve anything. I'll tell you how I came..."
Jeff had been in Norway, visiting his Norwegian fiance. And he decided it was now or never: either he is going to come to Israel or he'll never make it.

So he headed for Jerusalem and the Western Wall. He figured he would stop by the Wall to see some old stones. Yet upon his arrival he was amazed. He felt something heavy. He was moved.

Jeff stood before the Wall, and made up an atheist's prayer. He looked at the stones and said:
"God, I don't believe in You. As far as I know, You don't exist. But I do feel something. So if I'm making a mistake, I want You to know, God, I have no quarrel against You. It's just that I don't know that You exist. But God, just in case You're really there and I'm making a mistake, get me an introduction."
Jeff finished his prayer, and one of the Aish HaTorah students who happened to be at the Wall, saw Jeff and thought, "Perhaps he'd be interested in learning some Torah."

He tapped Jeff on the shoulder, startling him so much that he jumped three feet in the air. Jeff whirled around and shouted,

"What in the blankety-blank-dash-bang do you want?!"

"I'm sorry. I just want to know if you'd like to learn about God."

That question hit Jeff like a two-by-four right between the eyes. He had just finished asking God for an introduction, and immediately someone was offering to introduce him to God.

Jeff learned at Aish HaTorah for the next six weeks. He was a very serious student, and went back to the States with a commitment to continue learning. A year later, Jeff came back to Israel and told me the end of his story.

During that previous summer he had been meandering through the cobblestone alleyways of the Old City when he saw a pretty, sweet, religious girl walk by. He said to himself, "Look at the charm of this Jewish woman. May the Almighty help me meet someone like this."

One Shabbos morning during the next year, Jeff entered a synagogue in Boston for prayer services. Standing there was the same young woman he had seen in the Old City. He made his way over to her and said:
"Excuse me, but I believe I saw you last summer in Jerusalem."

She answered, "You're right. I saw you, too."

They are now married and living in New Jersey.
Remember Jeff's prayer. If you know any atheists, you can teach it to them. Because when you are sincere with God, your prayers are answered.
The Almighty is near to all those who call unto Him in truth. (Psalms 145:18)

Five Tools Of Being Sincere With God

Five Tools Of Being Sincere With God
written by Rabbi Noah Weinberg
[source: Aish]

Tool #1: Expect The Good

Anticipate that God wants to help you. Anything that you could ask Him for is infinitesimally small compared to what He has already given to you.

If you don't expect the good, God is not going to invade your space. He wants you to connect to your Father in Heaven. Yet He wants you to work for that understanding.

By not answering you, God is telling you that you've got a problem, that you need to change. That's doing us a big favor. Because if He wouldn't do that, we'd just remain stuck in our illusions, unclear on the idea that God can do it all.
You're 22-years-old and driving through Manhattan in rush hour in the middle of July. Red lights... Gridlock... Honking... Summer heat... A-g-g-r-a-v-a-t-i-o-n.

What if your father was in charge of all traffic lights in New York City and was able to track your location at any given time? He would arrange for green lights all the way! Green light! Zing... green light! Ding... green light!
The Almighty can arrange it for you. He created the universe. Traffic in Manhattan is not overly taxing for Him.

So here you go. Green light, green light, green light, green light. You say to yourself: This is too good to be true. I don't deserve this.

Red light.

If you don't anticipate God's help, then you have lost sight of God as your Father. So God breaks the flow in order to realign your focus.

Focus on the fact that the Almighty wants everything good for you. When you do that, He'll move mountains to answer your prayer.

Tool #2: Be Shocked If You Don't Get It

Nothing God does is by accident. If things don't go smoothly for you, your first reaction should be: "What's going on? Why is God doing this? Why is He trying to get my attention?"
An uncle wrote newsy letters to his nephew at college. After six months and numerous letters, the nephew hadn't written back once.

In the next letter, the uncle wrote his standard letter. But this time, he added a P.S.: "I've enclosed a hundred dollar check for you." Then he deliberately mailed the letter without a check.

The nephew received the letter and (of course) couldn't find the check. As expected, the uncle immediately got a letter in return: "College is great... I like my dorm room... I'm taking physics. By the way, you forgot to enclose the check. Love, your favorite nephew."
The Almighty knows how to get our attention. When we forget that He loves us, He sends a red light to refocus us.

But there's one big difference between the uncle and God: God is not hurt when we ignore Him. We are. God has no needs and doesn't need a relationship with us. It is we who need a relationship with Him. Our greatest pleasure is being in touch with God. That's why He arranges small mishaps to get our attention. All for our own benefit.

Tool #3: Listen To God's Lessons

If you are serious about a relationship with God, then you understand that God is always teaching you.

When life is suddenly full of inconveniences thrown your way, stop and ask: Why is He trying to get my attention?

When the problems are larger than minor inconveniences - i.e. an auto accident or financial stress, then God is calling out to you on a different level. There is something deep within yourself that you need to rectify.
A young man came into Aish HaTorah to meet with me. "Rabbi," he said, "I've got news for you. I don't need a yeshiva. You see, God and I are very close. God does miracles for me."

I looked at him a little suspiciously. "Would you mind illustrating a miracle or two?"

"Sure. Once I was riding my motorcycle up a winding mountain road. A truck came around a curve and swerved into my lane. My only choice was to either smash into the side of the mountain, or to go off the cliff. Next thing I know, I'm flying through the air with nothing but rocks beneath me. I screamed out, 'God! Help!'

"I hit the ground and it was a miracle. My bike landed between two rocks, which acted like shock absorbers and cushioned the impact. I was gently tossed off my bike into a hedge of bushes. I didn't get a scratch! So you see, God does miracles for me."

I looked at him and said, "Tell me, my friend. Who do you think pushed you off the cliff?!"
God is not Superman. He doesn't wait until you stumble off a cliff so He can fly in at the last moment to save you. He controls everything in your life: the troubles and the solutions.

Don't wait for God to push you off a cliff and catch you. Pay attention now and ask: "What do you want from me, God? What is the message? And if You want to get my attention, please do so without too steep a cliff!"

Tool #4: Focus On What You Want

To get our prayers answered, we have to be clear that what we are requesting is really the right thing ? and not just some momentary whim.
When I was 8-years-old, the World's Fair came to New York. My whole class decided they were going to play hooky one day and go to the World's Fair. But there was one condition: Everyone had to bring a dollar. No freeloaders allowed. If you didn't have a dollar, you couldn't come.

I didn't have a dollar, and the only way I could get a dollar from my father was to learn a chapter of Mishna by heart. But there was no way I could pull off a whole chapter on such short notice. So I figured I might as well go to school that day. I'd be the only one there ? a hero!

I started walking to school, when it suddenly occurred to me: Keep your eyes on the pavement, Noah, maybe you'll find a dollar!

I started looking. One block. No dollar. Two blocks. No dollar. I started to pray, "Almighty, a dollar bill... You have them around the street all the time. Just this one time, let me find a dollar bill."

Two more blocks, no dollar. I thought maybe God wants something from me. So I said, "Almighty, I'll take out the garbage. And I won't fight with my sister." I was determined to strike a deal.

No dollar.

Finally, I round the corner and the school is in sight. The moment of truth. "Almighty, give me one dollar, and I'll never, ever do anything wrong again for the rest of my life."

And then I caught myself. "Noah, who are ya kidding? If you find the dollar, you're gonna play hooky!"
Many times the Almighty sends us what we truly need, but we don't recognize it because we haven't done the work of clarifying our needs! God's answer ? whether yes or no ? always tells you something important about yourself.

So before you ask, make sure it's good for you.

Tool #5: Make An Effort

Prayer is not an escape from personal effort or responsibility. It is a vehicle for us to refine our choices, and to realize that God is the source of all that we accomplish.

Prayer focuses us on reality, and keeps us in touch with where our life is heading. It's not just a pipe dream. You have to work for what you want. If you're half-hearted, you're not serious about it.

When you pray, reevaluate every step of the way:

Do I really want to accomplish this?

How much am I prepared to sacrifice for it?

Is it worth the price?

Are my goals realistic and right for me?

Am I getting there?

The purpose of life is growth. Prayer is not a magic button to escape that process. By compelling us to make an effort, God gives us the means to truly grow.

God is always waiting for your call. The lines are open. Toll-Free. Pick up the phone today.

How To Get Your Prayers Answered

How To Get Your Prayers Answered
written by Rabbi Noah Weinberg
[source: Aish]

Let's get one thing straight: God wants to answer our prayers. He is our Father in Heaven, and we are His children. He loves us unconditionally.

So why does it seem that God ignores so many prayers? And if He already knows what we want, why is prayer necessary in the first place?

The Infinite Love

Even those who stay far from a synagogue intuit the existence of God. As the saying goes, there are no atheists in a foxhole. When a guy is dug in and the enemy is coming, he will cry out: "Almighty, get me outta here! I want to live!"

What is he really saying?
"Dear God: Although I have ignored You for all these years, denied Your existence, and not appreciated all You have done for me, I'm in trouble now. And I know You're the only one Who can help."
To pray properly, you have to understand that not only God loves you, but His love for you is infinite.

God has given you eyes, ears, intelligence, life itself! Every morning, a Jew recites blessings of thanks to God for all the gifts He has bestowed upon us. These blessings remind us of how deeply God loves us.

If we appreciate what God can do for us, it is crazy not to stay in touch.

Why Do We Need To Pray?

When we pray, of course, we are not pointing out anything new to God. He does not need us to remind Him of our needs. So why doesn't God just give without our asking?

Because we need to pray. Prayer helps us refine and affirm what we want out of life. It's a process of maturity.

If a billionaire father handed over unlimited cash on a silver platter, his child would grow up spoiled and irresponsible.

So too, if God gave us everything automatically, we may never define for ourselves what we want in life. True, life would be easy. But we would not grow.

Since God has our best interests at heart, He wants us to earn it. Because that's what will make us great.

Why Do We Have Problems?

God has all the right connections. He can find you the right spouse. He can solve your financial problems. So why in the world do we have all these problems?

Because no matter how brilliant or powerful you are, you will never be able to live your children's lives for them. In fact, part of genuine love for your children is to allow them to branch out on their own, to be independent.

If we were just robots, mechanically following every instruction, the world might be neat and tidy. But life would have neither significance nor meaning.

God wants us to be independent, to think and make our own choices.

We have the "free will" to make decisions that are eternally meaningful. We can choose to move away from God ? and He will let us do that. Not because He wants that to happen, but because He wants us to have independence ? even at the risk of it being misused. We may suffer the consequences, but it keeps our independence intact.

Answer To Your Prayers

Have you ever had a prayer answered?

Stop for a moment and consider the implications...
You live in a small town in Midwestern America. There is an extremely large and unsightly pothole in front of your house. For the last four months the local municipality has ignored your insistent requests to have it fixed. Finally, in an act of frustration, you call the White House and ask for the president. (Hey, it's worth a try.)

To your utter amazement, the president himself gets on the phone. You quickly explain your problem. The president listens for a minute and then hangs up. You don't really expect anything to be done about it.

The next morning you look out your window and, lo and behold, the army corps of engineers is busy at work fixing your road. The President of the United States took your request seriously and sent in the troops to help!
That is what it means to get your prayer answered.

Now who is the one person who can always get through to the president?

The president's son, of course.

That is our relationship with God ? Father and child. Just as a parent fulfills a child's request, so too God answers prayers. The Infinite Genius Who created every molecule on this earth, can alter the course of existence in order to answer your prayer.

To really talk to God, you need to know He is willing and able to do it all. Otherwise, you're only talking to your finite concept of God ? and not to our true Father in Heaven.

Three Keys To Answered Prayer

Three Keys To Answered Prayer
written by Craig von Buseck, Ministries Director
[source: CBN]
And I say to you ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you (Luke 11:9).
Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with God. Yet, too often we neglect this vital bridge of communication with heaven. In many cases, we don't pray because we don't know exactly how to pray -- or how often.

Jesus' disciples clearly saw the effect that prayer had in His life. He spent large amounts of time in prayer, often by Himself. The disciples soon realized that the demonstration of God's power and wisdom flowing from Jesus' life directly resulted from the intimate fellowship He enjoyed with His Father.

When they asked Him to explain more to them about prayer, Jesus told them this story:
"Suppose one of you shall have a friend, and shall go to him at midnight, and say to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him;' and from inside he shall answer and say, 'Do not bother me; the door has already been shut and my children and I are in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything.' "I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs. "And I say to you ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it shall be opened." (Luke 11:5-10)
The three keys Jesus gives for seeing answers to prayer can be summed up as: Be persistent, be purposeful and be personal.

Be Persistent

The first key to answered prayer is persistence -- which means "to hold fast to," or hold onto tightly. God wants us to hold on tightly to His promises in prayer. Don't let disappointment cause you to let go of your faith.

The man in the parable didn't give up when his neighbor turned down his initial request. Jesus pointed out that the neighbor wouldn't get up and give him anything just because he was the man's friend. But because of his persistence, he would eventually get up and give him what he needed.

The Greek language in Luke 11:10 can be translated, "ask and keep on asking and it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you."

If we call on God, He promises to answer! But we must wait on the Lord and let Him answer our prayers in His perfect timing. Many times the greatest trial comes just before the answer arrives; it often seems darkest just before dawn.

Be Purposeful

The Bible says one of the reasons we haven't received God's best is that we haven't asked Him (see James 4:2). But God wants us to share our hearts with Him. He wants children who are willing to dream His dreams.

The man in this story knew what he wanted and asked with a definite purpose.

Take your needs and concerns to the Lord in prayer. Dare to ask God for your desires. Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart." Allow God to expand your vision, and spend time in prayer so you'll be prepared to receive the good things He has in store for you.

Maybe you are dealing with a broken relationship, overwhelming financial burdens, the frustration of ill health, or the salvation of a loved one. The Lord wants you to come to Him in faith about whatever is on your heart. And don't just stop with your own needs. Ask God for a vision for your community, this nation and the world. Then, begin praying about the situations He impresses on your mind. Remember, the more you pray for the concerns on God's heart, the more you will find your own needs being met.

Be Personal

The most important key to effective prayer is a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. The man in the parable went to his friend when he needed help.

Two men in the Bible who are known for their great faith are Abraham and Moses. Both men enjoyed an intimate friendship with God. James 2:23 says of Abraham, "...he was called the friend of God," and Exodus 33:11 says, "...the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend." Both men saw God do great miracles in their lives.

But remember, it takes time to develop a close friendship. You can start by involving God in the details of your life and learning to recognize His faithfulness even in little everyday challenges and events. Develop a plan of Bible reading and prayer that works for you. Pray for family and friends who may not know Jesus. And be sure to thank Him when the answers come!

What a comfort to know that God loves us so deeply that He has given each of us an "open line" directly to Him whenever we need direction, comfort or strength. And His continuing promise to us is that He will answer our prayers!

Three Ways God Answers Prayers

Three Ways God Answers Prayers
written by Cyprian Henry
[source: Cy Motivations]
‘He never sleeps; He never slumbers, He never tires of answering our prayers’ - Don Moen
There are many questions that bother every young Christian. Does God truly answer prayers? If yes, why has He never been able to answer my prayers? Why did I fail that examination in spite of the fact that I put in all my best? Why did He refuse to provide for my parents so I could travel out of this frustrating country? Why has He not granted my heart desires? Why? Why? Why? Why? This has been the questions that have bothered many Christians at one point or the other. No matter how strong you think you have grown in your Christian faith, you have definitely come to a crossroad in your life where you almost, if not doubted God. I heard of a very funny story that better explained this issue. There was a young boy who had prayed to God for a heart desire for too long a time. After some months, the boy stopped praying and screamed to God ‘Dear Jesus, are you deaf?

The bible records great men and prophets who almost lost there faith and trust in God. Daniel asked God ‘Dear God why have you forsaken me? Jeremiah screamed ‘Is there is no balm in Gilead? There are numerous recounts of strong men of God who at one point in their lives began to have shaky faith. But despite the fact that at some point in our lives God seems to be 'slow' in answering our prayers, we know well that He still answers prayers. We know well that he is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He also said in his words that ‘If you ask anything in my name I will give it to you’. Despite my little knowledge about God, I am not still blind to His Goodness and generosity.

For you to understand God, you must understand that His ways are not our ways and that His thoughts are not our thoughts. He is the Omnipotent i.e.almighty, the beginning and the end. He was there when the foundations of the earth was casted. This is to say that he is ‘all understanding’. He knows every thing and what is best for us. Where we have problems is our inability to understand what He is trying to say. Like a young minister once noted ‘Prayer is a dialog .When we pray, then we have to listen to what God is trying to say’. All we want is for God to listen to us and we turn our ears deaf to what He has to say. As a result, we complain, scream, and begin to doubt if truly he hears us when we pray. I have come to understand that there are three ways God answers our prayers. Which are explained briefly?

1. YES: God says yes to our requests in prayers only when He has fully scrutinized our prayers. When He has gone through it and conclude that, of a truth we are worthy of the request. Here He is sure that granting us that request will do us not harm or land us into any problem whatsoever. When he says YES! To our prayers nobody, no forces, no prince of Persia can stop us from receiving it.

2. NOT YET: When God says ‘Not yet to our prayers’ He is trying to make us understand that He has not fully trusted us. He is trying to allow us undergo some more test and training of our faith. He is trying to work something out and as soon as he is done He will answer us. Probably he knows that if He grants us that request we may turn our back on him or land ourselves in some kind of danger. Because he loves us and would not afford to miss us he would delay us a bit. He may be trying to tell us to repent first from some kind of sins before He can commit our requests to us. So He says ‘my son, my daughter NOT YET’

3. I HAVE A BETTER PLAN FOR YOU: God will always seem to delay the answers to our prayers when he has a better plan for us. He may want to really give us a surprising package that will ‘wow’ our mind. So he will say to us ‘My son I have a better plan for you I know you have lost that opportunity, but don't worry I will work something better for you’. Do not forget that God’s plans will not always be our plan. My friend Obagidi Victor is a young man that understands how God works. And I come to understand also that when we know how God operates or does His things, then we will not always be worried. Victor taught me a secret while praying. He said ‘After my prayers and requests to God, I always end my prayers with these words ‘All the same, let your will be done’. The truth remains that after we have prayed only God’s will, must be done. If He says ‘Yes! Then that is it. If He says ‘Not yet’, then that is it, if He says ‘I have a better plan for you’ then we have no other choice than to wait patiently. I have been oblivious of this truth through out my life but today God has given me this little understanding. Remember when Jesus was weighed down about the death he was to face at Golgotha. He ran to His father and said ‘Lord take this cup away from me, but at the same time let your will and not mine be done’.

How will I know God’s answer to my prayer?

How will I know God’s answer to my prayer?
written by Dr. Charles Stanley

God often answers prayer in the following ways:
  1. “Yes, you may have it.”
  2. “No, that is not good for you.”
  3. “Wait, I have something better for you.”
  4. “My grace is sufficient for you” (2 Cor. 12:9).

When He answers yes, it’s easy to say, “Praise the Lord!” But when He says otherwise, we have a hard time finding reasons to praise Him.

Sometimes we don’t take “no” for an answer, and we keep praying! Or we look for a reason why He didn’t answer our request. But Scripture never says God will give us exactly what we ask for every time. He is sovereign. He has the right to say “no” according to His infinite wisdom. Oftentimes, it’s for our protection.

Sometimes, God wants to answer our prayer, but the timing isn’t right. As I reflect on my life, I realize that if God had answered certain prayers according to my schedule, I would have missed His best in every single case. He may have been waiting for me to grow spiritually in some area so that I could more fully experience the blessings He had in store (Eph. 1:3). Again, He is sovereign, and His timing is perfect.

God also answers “My grace is sufficient.” We may pray for years, yet our circumstances remain unchanged. God seems unresponsive and heaven is silent. In many cases, the problem isn’t the length, intensity, or nature of our prayers. Oftentimes, God is up to something we don’t know about, something much bigger than we were expecting. Something that may require a different answer than the one we anticipated.

But rest assured that if God isn’t removing your particular “thorn,” His grace is sufficient. By an act of our will, we can decide to trust that God knows what He’s doing, even when there’s no logical or rational explanation for our circumstances. The Father is not offended when we ask, “Why?” But He’s overjoyed when we trust Him, even though He may choose not to explain.

God always answers the prayers of His children. As we learn to pray, we will learn to discern His methods.

Thanking God For Taking Care Of Our Needs

My fb friend shared this picture message on his facebook profile that's making its rounds on facebook.

This was my reply: "The prayer people say at each meal is thanking God for the food. We are giving thanks and praise for taking care of our needs. Did you know that the people in the poorest of nations are totally ignored by their government even after their government receives billions of dollars from the USA and are only fed and clothed by Christian missionaries from around the world? Yep. So God is answering their cries and prayers.

If you look closely, the child in the picture is standing in line holding a plastic plate that was given to him. These children are waiting in line to be fed by a non-profit organization. Whomever made this photo with caption is very angry at God. The person does not realize that the picture itself shows how God is taking care of their needs because they are standing in line to be fed nutritional food. So how can this person who created the caption say, "If God won't even give them food."?

A word of advice, you need to be able to see and hear the truth. Because there are so many messages designed to decieve and mislead you. So don't take everything you see, read and hear at face value. This picture that's being spread around the internet wants people to believe that God doesn't care or God doesn't exist. But God does care and loves each and every one of His children on this planet. God is counting on us to show His love to those in need. We are His angels on earth.

I'd like to share the exchange I had with the fb friend who posted this picture.

@Brian: Every minute 15 children die around the world, 21,000 a day to poverty, this isn't counting the millions that are aborted every day, under the watchfull loving eye of this god who wants us to grovel and praise him?

@Josette (Me): @Brian, and you think God killed those children? how about giving the responsibility where it is due? the human being. Who aborts those babies Brian? God? or the human mother? and why do those 15 million children die every minute around the world Brian? Could it be that they are being starved to death by a poverty stricken nation RULED by greedy egotistical SOB's who don't give a damn about creating an economy that allows those childrens parents to work and take care of their own family? I can tell you that many non-profit organizations are PREVENTED from entering poverty stricken areas by radical muslim military men in many parts of the world. These militiamen even prevent the poor from going to refugee camps for safety, shelter and food. So are you going to blame God for that too? or evil humans?

Confidence/Strength Message... AMEN! ♥

You Have A Unique Calling To Fulfill In This Lifetime; God Has A Purpose And Plan For You

Unique Calling

"Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny - he or she has something to fulfill, some message that has to be delivered, some work that has to be completed. You are not here accidentally - you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you." ~ by Osho ♥

July 28, 2012

Mulan Is On ABC Family Channel, Just Started At 9pm. Great Inspirational Movie! :)

Mulan Movie Quote
The Emperor gives Shang some advice about Mulan:
"The flower that blooms in adversity
is the most rare and beautiful of all."

I'm Taking A Break From The NonSense Of The World! I'm Going To Get My Dose Of Disney Animated Laughter This Evening! Monsters Inc Is On ABC Family Channel At 7pm. I ♥ Wazowski! L☺L

and at the top of my Dance ur ♥ out Virtual Jukebox Selection=> Deborah Cox ~ Absolutely NOT! ;) Turn The Volume UP!

Follow your dreams and do everything in your power to make them come true! SCREW ALL OF THE NAYSAYERS! Prove them WRONG! You are fully capable of doing anything you set your mind to... ♥

Don't let anybody DEFINE YOU! Don't let anybody CONTROL YOU!

You were CREATED to be WONDERFULLY UNIQUE! Set yourself FREE...

Absolutely NOT! ~ by Deborah Cox

Always waiting for someone
To make me happy, pick me up
What you call life, that ain't living
Bless the child that's got his own
Just thought that I would let you know
Some things you just can't control

Should I wear my hair in a ponytail?
Should I dress myself up in chanel?
Do I measure me by what you think?
If I go to work in a mini-skirt
Am I givin' you the right to flirt?
I won't compromise my point of view

Told myself I won't complain
But some things have got to change
Not going be a victim of
All your social push and shove
Right or wrong, you judge the same
My picture never fit your frame
What you thought, you'll never know
You can't see me with your MIND CLOSED

[Repeat Chorus]

Now I see, life means more to me
More than fancy clothes
All the ugly words that I heard you say
Made me stronger everyday

[Repeat Chorus 3x]

Oh, ooh
Woah, oh, ooh
All my ladies say
Oh, ooh
Woah, oh, ooh
All my ladies say
Oh, ooh
Woah, oh, ooh
All my ladies say

Virtual Jukebox Selection In Honor Of National Dance Day 2012! Created At Playlist.com I Will Be Participating From Home And So Can You! :) Just Have FUN And DANCE Your ♥ Out!

dancing Pictures, Images and Photos
"There is a bit of insanity in dancing
that does everybody a great deal of good."
~ by Edwin Denby :)
Animated Chicken Little Dancing

Hey Everyone It's That Time Of Year Again: National Dance Day 2012 :)

Dizzy Feet Foundation presents...
Saturday, July 28th


We are only a few days away from the big day! To find your local National Dance Day celebration, please visit the events section of our Facebook page.

For information realting to the Los Angeles event, please visit the LA County Grand Park website for all the details.


This year, National Dance Day is Saturday, July 28, and the Dizzy Feet Foundation has partnered with The Music Center and Los Angeles County to present the west coast’s largest National Dance Day celebration. We’re thrilled to hold the event at Los Angeles County’s newest, most exciting outdoor destination, Grand Park, and everyone’s welcome to come out and move!

The Dizzy Feet Foundation has created two new official National Dance Day routines: a Hip-Hop Master Class from SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE all star Lauren Gottlieb, and an Everybody Dance routine from Zumba Fitness®, which has teamed up with Dizzy Feet to spread the message of dance and movement. Learn both routines, submit videos of you and yours performing them (Like DFF’s Facebook page and then click on the National Dance Day tab to submit your video), and show us what you’ve got on National Dance Day!

Join us from 10:00AM-12:00PM on July 28, 2012, at Grand Park in downtown Los Angeles. You’ll witness fabulous dance performances and follow along with some of your favorite dancers from SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE and amazing talent from Zumba Fitness ® as they lead the crowd in the official National Dance Day routines. But the fun doesn’t stop there — plan on sticking around until 2:30PM for fun, free dance classes for all ages and exciting performances by some of the best and brightest young dance talent in Los Angeles!


Don’t miss the dance event of the summer! On Saturday, July 28, National Dance Day, the Music Center and Ovation will present the Dizzy Feet Foundation’s second Celebration of Dance gala, taking place at 7:00PM at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion at the Music Center and followed by a Celebration Supper.

This is your chance to see some of your favorite SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE routines performed live, including Mia Michaels’ “Bench” routine, Tyce Diorio’s breast cancer routine and Napoleon and Tabitha’s hip-hop routine performed by Alex Wong and tWitch — not to mention breathtaking performances by talent from Alvin Ailey, American Ballet Theatre, The LXD, “Dancing with the Stars” and “Step Up Revolution,” among many others.

Performance tickets range from $34-$125. VIP tickets are $400 and include a preferred seat at the performance and dinner and dancing at the Celebration Supper in the Eva and Marc Stern Grand Hall at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit http://dizzyfeetfoundation.org/tickets

The Dizzy Feet Foundation was established in 2009 by Nigel Lythgoe, Adam Shankman, Carrie Ann Inaba and Katie Holmes, among others, to support, improve, and increase access to dance education in the United States. Guided by a board representing all aspects of the American dance community, the foundation’s mission is threefold: To sponsor, fund and/or support dance education programs which expose children in underserved areas to the lifelong benefits of dance education through and with local community organizations; to provide scholarships to talented students studying at accredited or nationally regarded dance schools, studios or institutions; and in conjunction with recognized credentialing organizations, to support and increase the quality of all styles of dance education in the United States.

So get up off the couch and put on your dancing shoes on Saturday, July 28th!

This event is also brought to you by:

July 27, 2012

ENGLAND: London 2012 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony Tonight

The opening ceremony of the London 2012 Summer Olympics will be broadcast on NBC Friday, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Eastern time.


Mother Teresa Life Message I LOVE THIS! :) Great Words Of Wisdom... ♥

Dare To Be Different... RE-POST From 12/14/09

I felt the need to lighten up the mood after all the information I posted this week. This is one of my favorite short films from Pixar. It's only 3 1/2 minutes long. But it's a hoot!

The blue bird represents all of us who are happy and content with who we are and what we have to contribute to this world. We were created to be UNIQUE individuals and I thank God for that. Because if that were not true, then we would ALL be clones! Therefore, dare to be different, dare to question those who attempt to impose their beliefs upon you, dare to look at the world through your eyes and not someone else's, dare to think for yourself, dare to say NO that's not true or NO that's not right, dare to follow your own path this lifetime.

The moral of the story: It doesn't pay to be a sheeple! Don't be a willing CLONE! Don't let anybody DEFINE YOU. Everybody around you will always have their own impression of you. They may even share those opinions of you with others. But don't let that "group think" mindset cause you to comply. Because if you do, you are allowing them to wittle away your self-esteem and then suddenly you will be at their mercy. Don't give anybody that kind of power over you. That's NOT RESPECT, that's manipulation and control. It's not their life, it's yours. They don't pay your bills, you do. You can't control how anybody feel's about you. The ONLY thing you have absolute control over is YOU and how you respond. Nobody can hurt you without your permission. The sooner you realize this fact, the closer you are to liberating yourself. Get to know yourself and learn to love and respect yourself. Once you have achieved this, you will feel confidence in yourself and your abilities. Then you will start blazing new trails these people could never have imagine in their lifetime. You will be surprised to discover that it was never about you, it was about their own insecurities and their own low self-esteem. Be true to yourself.

Reverend Jesse Jackson is a good example of somebody trying to manipulate and control by using "group think". The Rev. Jesse Jackson criticized Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) this past November for voting against the Democrats’ signature healthcare bill. The Rev. Jesse Jackson said, “We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill from Alabama. You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.” This has to be the most absurd statement I've heard to date. So let me get this straight, the 'Reverend' is going to wave his magic wand and change the pigmentation of Rep. Davis' skin? or the 'Reverend' is going to BANISH Rep. Davis from his black kingdom? Now I'm neither white nor black. But if somebody told me that I was going to lose my ethnic heritage if I didn't comply, I would LAUGH in their face. What a joke! Since when did he become God? If the 'Reverend' influenced everybody to shun me because I refused to COMPLY, that would be alright with me. Because I wouldn't want to be hanging around people who WOULD NOT ACCEPT independent thoughts and independent actions. That sounds like being part of a GANG to me. No thank you 'Reverend'. I utterly agree with the late George Carlin when he said that the Reverend Jesse Jackson Jr. has always been part of the problem and never part of the solution. Oh and by the way 'Reverend', Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a FREE MINDED TRAIL BLAZING registered REPUBLICAN.

Oh and how about Rush Limbaugh's ardent fans? Well let's just say that things may be different today had he not encouraged his supporters to follow through with "Operation Chaos". You see Rush Limbaugh asked his Republican listeners to vote for Senator Barack Obama early on in the primaries. Then in March Rush Limbaugh changed his strategy and asked his listeners to vote for Senator Hillary Clinton. Your little game that you and your listeners were having so much fun playing BACKFIRED and NOT only on you, but the rest of us. You see sir that's what happens when you play mischievous games. We are ALL reaping what YOU sowed: Chaos! I honestly wish you had the decency to allow the election process to unfold naturally. It was bad enough to have the Obama campaigners responsible for election mischief. Why did you have to stoop to their level? Now I hear you bitching, moaning and groaning about the current state of affairs. Well sir I have you and your undue influence to thank for that.

The moral of this story should apply to every area of your life... To always be a leader and not a follower. I'd like to share a quote I live by; "Leader's are like eagles, they don't flock, you find them one at a time". WE are the LEADERS that WILL make the necessary changes around the WORLD, NOT the politicians, NOT those in positions of power and most certainly NOT the nutcases attempting to take away our FREE WILL!

Independent, Rational, Objective THINKERS of the WORLD unite!

BREAK TIME: Frostie The Dancing Cockatoo!

Hahahaha! Here is a LIGHT HEARTED video to give you a break from all of the nonsense! Frostie sure knows how to "Get his GROOVE on!" L☺L ;)

For those of you who feel like my Facebook friend Josh, "I'm just having a hard time finding the time to keep up with everything they are doing, let alone fight it."

To which I replied, "I know what you mean. I've been feeling the same lately. It feels like everything has accelerated at a super rate and we're being hit from all sides. This is what I do to stay centered: stay in the know, share what I have learned ie; news, events etc and make sure to take care of me ie; watch something light hearted like cartoons or comedy, listen to feel good music, read inspirational uplifting books or articles. We MUST remain centered. So when you start to feel tilted to that uneasy extreme immediately step away and pull yourself back to the center by doing whatever makes you feel good and puts a smile on your face."

Inspiration To Touch Your Soul... ♥

July 25, 2012

NAMIBIA: Vast 10,000-Year-Old Reservoir With Enough Water To Last Four Centuries Found Under Namibia And Angola! YAY! :D

The Daily Mail UK
written by David Baker
Monday July 23, 2012

One of the driest areas in sub-Saharan Africa is set to benefit from a newly discovered water source capable of supplying the area for 400 years.

According to scientists the aquifer could bolster development in Namibia with the water thought to be cleaner to drink than many of its alternative sources.

For many of the 800,000 residents living close to the Namibian and Angolan borders, the only source of water has been a solitary canal.

But the amount stored in the new source, believed to be enough to cater for north Namibia for 400 years, has been discovered after going unnoticed for up to 10,000 years.

The government has long been trying to deal with the issue by calling in supplies from countries across Europe but have now identified the new aquifer, called Ohangwena II, which flows under the boundary between Angola and Namibia.

According to the BBC project manager Martin Quinger, from the German federal institute for geoscience and natural resources (BGR), said: 'The amount of stored water would equal the current supply of this area in northern Namibia for 400 years, which has about 40 percent of the nation's population.

'What we can say is that the huge amount of stored water is will always be enough for a back up for an area that is currently supplied only by surface water.

'If the water [has spent] 10,000 years underground, it means it was recharged at a time when environmental pollution was not yet an issue, so on average it can be a lot better than water that infiltrates in cycles of months or years.'

The major issue now facing the area, however, is those looking to exploit the new source and look to carry out illegal use.

Namibia has more than 300 days of sunshine per year and average in some coastal areas have an average rainfall of zero, with droughts inevitable, meaning others will possibly look to take advantage of the source.

INDIA: 13-Year-Old Mother, A Rape Victim, Faces Censure From Community

The Times of India
written by Sruthy Susan Ullas & Hetal Vyas
Sunday July 22, 2012

BANGALORE: She's 13 and like any other teenager loves to watch cartoons, play with friends and lead a carefree life. But her innocence is gone. Before she leaves for school every morning at 9, she feeds her three-month-old son. And as soon as she's back from school, she doesn't lounge around; she's with her little one. This is just a beginning of a long battle for this Class VIII student.

In April, life changed terribly for her when she had severe stomach pain. She was rushed to a local hospital where the doctor said she was in labour. The girl delivered a healthy baby boy. The trauma had only just begun for the family. They found out that their daughter was allegedly raped by a neighbour, who is now in jail.

The 13-year-old spent her summer holidays taking care of her son. When she returned to school in June, the new mother faced humiliation. Her friends' parents did not want their girls to share the same bench with her, or even sit in the same classroom. The school, under pressure by the parents' lobby, handed the rape victim her transfer certificate.

Last week, the Karnataka high court ordered the school to readmit the teenager.

Being a mother has changed this child's life. Her son takes up most of her time. "My mother helps me take care of my son. I feed him and when I am not around, my mother gives him bottled milk," said the girl.

"He is my son,'' she says with motherly love, pointing to her three-month old son. Sitting in their two-room house in Ramchandrapura in West Bangalore, the girl's parents have gracefully accepted the new member. "I have a small business of broken tiles. I am raising four children and I don't mind raising the fifth child. I will give him my best till I have the strength," said her father.

PHILIPPINES: 15 Relatives Dead In Road Crash; They Were On Their Way To Visit A Wake Of Another Relative! :o

The Star news
written by AFP staff
Sunday July 22, 2012

MANILA: A truck transporting relatives to a wake crashed into a roadside ditch in the central Philippines, killing 15 people, police and officials said Sunday.

The truck was speeding downhill in a remote village in the island province of Biliran Saturday evening when the accident occurred, provincial police spokesman Chief Inspector Wilfredo Gervacio said.

He said 13 of the victims were crushed and killed instantly, while two others died while in hospital.

There were 28 people in the truck, with the survivors suffering various injuries.

"We are a small community here and people know each other, so we are very saddened by this accident," provincial governor Gerry Espina told local radio.

"The victims were all related to each other and they were on their way to visit a wake of another relative."

Farm and construction trucks are commonly used to transport villagers in remote parts of the Philippines, and road accidents involving these vehicles as well as old passenger buses are fairly common.

In May, 11 people were killed when a speeding bus fell into a ravine in the northern town of Bontoc, while 41 were killed in a similar accident near a mountain resort town in 2010.