August 26, 2024

WORLD: Zionist Paramilitary Militant Says, "Arabs will not stay in the Gaza Strip." She Said The Zionist Communist Land Grab Planned "Is From Euphrates River To The Nile." So It Doesn't End With Gaza.

GlobalAwareness101 published Daniella Weiss, Zionist paramilitary militant (that's how Wikipedia refers to her), "Arabs will not stay in the Gaza Strip."

She makes it clear their plans for land grabbing does not end with Gaza. She said the promise is from Euphrates river which is Jordan, half of Iraq and half of Syria, taking huge chunk of Saudi Arabia, and Turkey to the Nile River from Egypt down several nations in Africa.

So what the hell is the world going to say when Israel instigates another planned attack on their people so they have an excuse to pursue more land grabs THAT THEY HAVE NO PROBLEM BRAGGING ABOUT IT.

It's not a "theory" when they tell you directly what their goals of conquest are!

I put this video together for you, customized the background, took the screenshots for good measure.

She was born in Palestine 3 years before Israel was handed over land by the Luciferian UN in 1948. Her mother moved to Palestine with her parents when she was 1 years old. So I'm guessing around 1920.

So her radical Zionist grandparents referred to as "Zionist paramilitary militants" were welcomed there to the nation of Palestine by the local Palestinian Muslims, Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Christians who lived peaceably together before 1948... that they ended up massacring after 1948 and continue terrorizing to this day. Literally pulling Palestinian families from their homes. There are videos I have posted on my GlobalAwareness101 channel on Rumble that prove this, but Israel censors these videos on social media because they want us to believe their lie that they are a free and fair "democracy". 

Anyone who does not support their Zionist Communist Luciferian CULT, is their enemy. They sound worse than Scientology. You are forbidden to say anything negative about Israel or even people who were born Jewish and have done horrible things. And just like what we've learned from Leah Remini and others about what Scientology does to people who speak negatively about them or tell the truth about them, Israel uses the same ruthless tactics to silence any opposition.

They were exiled FOR 2,000 YEARS by God almighty for a reason. They are Kabbalist Talmudic Jews who do not worship the God of Abraham or King David. That's who created this unholy land of Israel.

Zionism is a political movement not Judaism and it is antisemitic to say that it is. Zionism was started in 1897 by an Atheist Communist Jewish man in Switzerland, you know the same place Klaus Schwab also an Atheist Communist Jewish man, started WEF of "You will own nothing and be happy." And the author of the Communism Manifesto, Karl Marx was also an Atheist Communist Jewish man who came from a long line of Kabbalist Talmudic Jewish Rabbis. Are you starting to see a pattern here? The pattern they work so hard to not be seen by the general public. 
This is what he thought before 1948. ๐Ÿ‘‡
and this was part of his 1948 speech. ๐Ÿ‘‡
They are still doing this today to Muslims, Christians, and Jews
who oppose their brutal Zionist Theocractic regime.
From the Struggle Between Communism and Zionism: Long before Jewish immigrants from Western Europe and the United States arrived in large numbers, several generations of immigrants from Eastern Europe and Russia laid the groundwork for building the Israeli State, founded its first agrarian settlements and many of its institutions such as the Histadrut, the Israeli Trade Union. Countless of its leaders, among them David BenGurion, Golda Meir or Moshe Sharett, were born in the Russian Empire and experienced to some extent the beginnings of the revolutionary period. They arrived in Palestine not only as Zionists but as fervent Socialists. How did they adopt and reconcile these two ideologies in the first place? How did their worldview evolve after having arrived in Palestine, more specifically vis-ร -vis the Yishuv, the Arab population, and the Communist International? And does this Socialist-Zionist history still matter today? (emphasis mine)
From Jerusalmen Post, Marxist Zionism: Israel's often forgotten socialist past: Al HaMishmar, the MAPAM daily newspaper read in Kibbutz Artzi, proclaimed on its front-page logo a commitment to “Zionism, Socialism, and the Comradeship of Nations.” When Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin died in March 1953, its banner headline declared “The Progressive World Mourns Stalin’s Death.”

Across Kibbutz Artzi events were held in honor of the deceased Bolshevik tyrant. Stalin’s praises were sung, especially for his victorious leadership of the Red Army over the Nazis in World War II. The Soviet Union’s diplomatic and military support for the newborn Jewish state was also lauded. Stalin’s antisemitism, obvious by then, was seen as a blemish on his otherwise proud socialist legacy. (emphasis mine)
From The Left Voice, How Joseph Stalin Helped Create the State of Israel: The Soviet Union gave diplomatic recognition to Israel on May 17, 1948, just three days after its declaration of independence. It was the first state in the world to do so — long before the United States.

In 1947, however, the Soviet Union surprised the world by announcing that it would support the UN plan for partitioning Palestine and creating a Jewish state.

Stalin’s shift to support for Zionism was vital — one could say that Israel might not exist in its current form had the Soviet Union not offered its backing. Historians suspect that Stalin hoped to weaken the position of British imperialism in the region — perhaps he saw the Jewish colonists as a kind of national liberation movement. But in reality, the prediction of all serious Marxists came true: the new Jewish state became a gendarme for imperialism.

Soviet support for Israel was not limited to diplomatic means, either. Via Czechoslovakia, the Soviet block sent arms to the Zionist militia Haganah, which used them to begin the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. In other words, Stalin gave material support for the Nakba. The Soviet-aligned Communist Party, the MAKI, became an important conduit of support for establishing the Zionist state.
Theodor Herzl, Austrian Zionist leader (Atheist)
[source: Enclyclopedia Britannica]

Theodor Herzl (born May 2, 1860, Budapest, Hungary, Austrian Empire [now in Hungary]—died July 3, 1904, Edlach, Austria) was the founder of the political form of Zionism, a movement to establish a Jewish homeland. His pamphlet The Jewish State (1896) proposed that the Jewish question was a political question to be settled by a world council of nations. He organized a world congress of Zionists that met in Basel, Switzerland, in August 1897 and became the first president of the World Zionist Organization, established by the congress. Although Herzl died more than 40 years before the establishment of the State of Israel, he was an indefatigable organizer, propagandist, and diplomat who had much to do with making Zionism into a political movement of worldwide significance.

Early years

Herzl was born of well-to-do middle-class parents. He first studied in a scientific secondary school, but, to escape from its anti-Semitic atmosphere, he transferred in 1875 to a school where most of the students were Jews. In 1878 the family moved from Budapest to Vienna, where he entered the University of Vienna to study law. He received his license to practice law in 1884 but chose to devote himself to literature. For a number of years he was a journalist and a moderately successful playwright.

In 1889 he married Julie Naschauer, daughter of a wealthy Jewish businessman in Vienna. The marriage was unhappy, although three children were born to it. Herzl had a strong attachment to his mother, who was unable to get along with his wife. These difficulties were increased by the political activities of his later years, in which his wife took little interest.

Herzl was not the first to conceive of a Jewish state. Orthodox Jews had traditionally invoked the return to Zion in their daily prayers. In 1799 Napoleon had thought of establishing a Jewish state in the ancient lands of Israel. The English statesman Benjamin Disraeli, a Jew, had written a Zionist novel, Tancred. Moses Hess, a friend and coworker of Karl Marx, had published an important book, Rom und Jerusalem (1862), in which he declared the restoration of a Jewish state a necessity both for the Jews and for the rest of humanity. Among the Jews of Russia and eastern Europe, a number of groups were engaged in trying to settle emigrants in agricultural colonies in Palestine. After the Russian pogroms of 1881, Leo Pinsker had written a pamphlet, “Auto-Emanzipation,” an appeal to western European Jews to assist in the establishment of colonies in Palestine. When Herzl read it some years later, he commented in his diary that, if he had known of it, he might never have written The Jewish State.
According to Britannica: Moses Hess (born January 21, 1812, Bonn [Germany]—died April 6, 1875, Paris, France) was a German journalist and socialist who influenced Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and who was an important early proponent of Zionism.

Hess’s first published work, Heilige Geschichte der Menschheit von einem Jรผnger Spinozas (1837; “The Holy History of Mankind, by a Young Spinozist”), exhibited the sharp imprint not only of Benedict de Spinoza’s but also of G.W.F. Hegel’s transcendental philosophy. Hess saw a material application of his beliefs in an idealistic, somewhat anarchic socialism, and he organized workers’ groups while propagating his ideas in the radical newspaper Rheinische Zeitung (“Rhinelander Gazette”), for which he served as Paris correspondent from 1842 to 1843. After Karl Marx joined the newspaper, Hess influenced Marx’s thinking appreciably, and they collaborated on several works. Later, however, Marx rejected Hess’s type of utopian socialism, specifically mocking Hess in The Communist Manifesto (1848). Hess himself gradually changed his idealistic views and became more pragmatic in his beliefs. During the Revolution of 1848 in Germany, Hess was forced to flee the country, and, after wandering through Europe, he settled in Paris in 1853. (emphasis mine)
Herzl’s first important Zionist effort was an interview with Baron Maurice de Hirsch, one of the wealthiest men of his time. De Hirsch had founded the Jewish Colonization Association with the aim of settling Jews from Russia and Romania in Argentina and other parts of the Americas. The 35-year-old journalist arrived at the baron’s mansion in Paris with 22 pages of notes, in which he argued the need for a political organization to rally the Jews under a flag of their own, rather than leaving everything to the philanthropic endeavours of individuals like the baron. The conversation was notable for its effect on Herzl rather than on the baron de Hirsch, who refused to hear him out. It led to Herzl’s famous pamphlet The Jewish State, published in February 1896 in Vienna. The Jewish question, he wrote, was not a social or religious question but a national question that could be solved only by making it “a political world question to be discussed and settled by the civilized nations of the world in council.” Some of Herzl’s friends thought it a mad idea, but the pamphlet won favourable response from eastern European Zionist societies. In June 1896, when Herzl was en route to Constantinople (Istanbul) in the hope of talking to the Ottoman sultan about obtaining the grant of Palestine as an independent country, his train stopped in Sofia, Bulgaria, and hundreds of Jews were present at the station to greet Herzl and to hail him as a leader. Although he remained in Constantinople for 11 days, he failed to reach the sultan. But he had begun the career as organizer and propagandist that would end only with his death eight years later.

The First Zionist Congress

Herzl went to London in an effort to organize the Jews there in support of his program. Not all the Jewish leaders in England were happy to see him, because his political approach was not in tune with their ideas, but at public meetings in the East End he was loudly cheered. He was a tall, impressive figure with a long black beard and the mien of a prophet. Despite his personal magnetism, he found that his efforts to influence Jewish leaders in England were of little avail and therefore decided to organize a world congress of Zionists in the hope of winning support from the masses of Jews in all countries.

He proposed to hold the congress in Munich, but, as the Jews there—who were mostly assimilated—opposed it, he settled upon Basel, Switzerland. The congress met at the end of August 1897, attended by about 200 delegates, mostly from central and eastern Europe and Russia along with a few from western Europe and even the United States. They represented all social strata and every variety of Jewish thought—from Orthodox Jews to atheists and from businessmen to students. There were also several hundred onlookers, including some sympathetic Christians and reporters for the international press.

When Herzl’s imposing figure came to the podium, there was tumultuous applause. “We want to lay the foundation stone,” he declared, “for the house which will become the refuge of the Jewish nation. Zionism is the return to Judaism even before the return to the land of Israel.” One of Herzl’s most faithful supporters was the writer Max Nordau, who gave a brilliant address in which he described the plight of the Jews in the East and in the West. The three-day congress agreed upon a program, henceforth to be known as the Basel Program, declaring Zionism’s aspiration “to create a publicly guaranteed homeland for the Jewish people” in Palestine. It also set up the Zionist Organization with Herzl as president.

Later accomplishments

The seven remaining years of his life were devoted to the furtherance of the Zionist cause, although he remained literary editor of the Neue Freie Presse in order to earn a living. He established a Zionist newspaper, Die Welt, published as a German-language weekly in Vienna. He negotiated unsuccessfully with the sultan of Turkey for the grant of a charter that would allow Jewish mass settlement in Palestine on an autonomous basis. He then turned to Great Britain, which seemed favourable to the establishment of a Jewish settlement in British territory in the Sinai Peninsula. When this project failed, the British proposed Uganda in East Africa. This offer, which he and some other Zionists were willing to accept, aroused violent opposition at the Zionist congress of 1903, particularly among the Russians. Herzl was unable to resolve the conflict. He died of a heart ailment at Edlach, near Vienna, at the age of 44. He was buried in Vienna, but, in accordance with his wish, his remains were removed to Jerusalem in 1949 after the creation of the Jewish state and entombed on a hill west of the city now known as Mount Herzl.

I added the pictures quote above. All of these Zionists are Atheist.

Karl Marx and Moses Hess
written by Sydney Hook, (December 1934)

NO ACCOUNT of the intellectual development of Marx would be complete unless it considered Marx’s relationship to an Influential group of German radical thinkers who called themselves “true” or “philosophical” communists. So important and dangerous did Marx regard their views that for years both he and Engels carried on a fierce polemic against them in the radical periodicals of the time. This was brought to a climax and finish in the special section of the Communist Manifesto devoted to Der deutsche oder der wahre Sozialismus (IIIc) in which after a short summary and refutation of their views, Marx accused the “true” socialists of being allies of the feudal reaction.

The understanding of the situation is complicated by the fact that the leading figures of “true socialism” stood closer to Marx and Engels than any other radical German group in the ’40’s. We know that Moses Hess, the chief theoretician of the movement, converted Engels to communism, and Zlocisti, Hess’ biographer, claims that Hess was not without influence on Marx, too. More interesting is the fact that Hess collaborated with Marx in writing Die deutsche Ideologie (1845); part of the manuscript is in his handwriting. Hess was also an ally of Marx in his struggles against Bruno Bauer, Ruge, Stirner, and Feuerbach. After the first critical writings of Marx and Engels against “true socialism” appeared, Hess avowed himself convinced by their arguments, forswore his past literary habits and plunged into a study of political economy (Letter to Marx, July 28, 1846). His essay – Die Folgen der Revolution des Proletariats (1847) – published before the Communist Manifesto was written, is Marxian in tone and analysis, save on some organizational issues. Yet the Communist Manifesto published early in 1848 unmistakably concentrates its fire on Hess, making allowances neither for the actual development of Hess’ views nor for his revolutionary integrity.

Another factor which has made it difficult for some to understand Marx’s criticism is the general acknowledgment that, personally, Moses Hess was a man of singular purity of character. He was sensitive to every form of injustice, passionate in his devotion to principles, and almost saintly in his everyday behavior. He was unable to hate even those who had harmed him. Although subjected to a life-long poverty, even more grinding than that of Marx, he never wavered in his allegiance to revolutionary ideals. He was very active in the First International where he joined forces with Marx against Bakunin. Early in life he broke away from his orthodox Jewish home and married a prostitute – “in order to atone for the evil society had done” – with whom he lived in happy marriage until his death. His friends nicknamed him “the communist rabbi”.

Both the vehemence and justice of Marx’s denunciation of the “true socialists” have been challenged by students of the period. Koigen, Hammacher, and Zlocisti [1] have maintained that Marx himself was at one time a “true socialist” (about Engels’ “philosophical socialism” there is no question at all), and that historically there is no more justification for believing Hess to be a precursor of Marxism than for accepting Marx’ characterization of him.

Mehring, Bernstein, and G. Meyer [2] do not maintain that Marx was a “true socialist” but they are unequivocal in stating that Marx and Engels did less than justice to “true socialism” in general and to Hess in particular. Riazanov takes a middle ground; but Lukacs [3] defends Marx in every particular and even asserts that far from being a “true socialist”, Marx was not even a genuine Feuerbachian.

For our purpose it is immaterial whether Marx was a “true socialist” or whether Hess was a forerunner of Marx. That they shared a great many positions together is indicated by their common derivation from Hegel and Feuerbach on the one hand, and their common struggles against other oppositional tendencies on the other. More important are the differences which manifest themselves between them. Even if it should turn out that Marx was a “true socialist” and that the views he argued against were those that he himself had earlier embraced, it would still be necessary, in tracing Marx’s intellectual biography, to consider his criticism of “true socialism” as self-criticism.


UPDATE 8/26/24 at 8:43pm: Not all Jewish people are Illuminati Kabbalist Talmudic Jews those of which were behind the creation of Israel in 1948. There are Jewish people who strictly follow the Torah and worship the God of Abraham and no other god, then there are non-practicing Jewish people looking for the meaning of life like most of humanity, and there are Jewish people who are called Messianic Jews because they believe in Jesus Christ and worship Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and there are Jewish people who are Atheist who don't care about anything and want to be left alone to live out their lives as they please.

THEN there are those born Jewish but DO NOT worship the Lord God almighty aka the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob like those who practice Jewish Talmud Kabbalah esoteric mysticism. They worship Lucifer aka Satan, Baal, Remphan, Moloch like the infamous Rothschild's who head the Illuminati Kabbalists, and the famous occultist Nostradamus who wrote prophecies using a bowl of water called a "magic mirror" getting help "seeing" from the dark underworld, and the famous master of darkness British occultist Aleister Crowley "who was a practitioner of “magick” (as he spelled it) and called himself the Beast 666", and Anton LaVey, creator of the Church of Satan and who wrote The Satanic Bible, etc. So please don't lump all Jewish people together. That is what the Kabbalist Talmudic Jews want. They make you to believe they worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with their outward presence. It's all a pretense. We've all been lied to about many important things.

Bob Larson explains Lilith demon is mentioned in the Zohar, Kabbalistic movement of occult mystical Judaism. Their adaptation of the original Torah. They perverted, blasphemed the holy scriptures of the Torah. The God of Abraham created Eve from Adam's helix curve to be Adam's wife. But these psychos believe the demon Lilith is Adam's rightful wife. They also don't believe the God of Abraham parted the red sea for Moses to help the Hebrews escape the Egyptian army. They say just the wind not God.

"According to the legend of Kabbalistic Judaism (escoteric black magic), the true wife of Adam was Lilith. But Eve sexually seduced Adam to begin the human race and therefore she took the place of Lilith. And those in occult Satanism and Kabbalism Judaism want to restore Lilith to her rightful place." ~Bob Larson

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