UPDATE 7/21/24 at 6:16pm: I know her video is gone. It was such a great powerful video. It's sad that she either was forced to take it down or threatened to take it down. I just checked and The AgapeKind channel on YouTube is gone. But I see another channel that has uploaded AgapeKind powerful prayer videos named, Power of God for Nation channel. It appears to be the same ministry operating this new channel under a different name. I could not find this prayer uploaded however. Thank goodness I copied the prayer for us to be able to read it.
You must stay strong, vigilant in the Lord, and know that God is with you always by way of the Holy Spirit that is inside of you. God will give you strength by way of the Holy Spirit. God will always have the last word. Hand God, surrender, every situation in your life. God will never leave you nor forsake you. Use your power and authority given to us in Christ Jesus. Be prepared to watch in amazement how the Supernatural power of the Holy Spirit works miracles in and through your life. I'm still in awe. I can attest that Jesus Christ is real. I don't even want to imagine my life without Him. Call on His name if you want to be set free from this world spritually speaking. Jesus Christ was God made flesh to walk among us and He said He came to set the captives free. Who are the captives? ALL OF HUMANITY.
Please visit her YouTube channel AgapeKind: 27 Prayer and Fasting Plan. Scroll through her prayers to help you in whatever area you need help in right now. Sending you lots of love and I'm giving you a great big hug. ❤
UPDATE 1/2/23 at 12:03am: Added info below.
She shares this prayer in the description of this video. I have copied and pasted into a Word document and printed it so that I could read it out loud in my home when I need it. I recommend you do the same for easy access. When I was first led to these prayer videos in 2015, I would listen to her pray on my behalf when I was feeling weak and oppressed in the spirit. She prays in tongues and I would let her powerful words permeate my environment. I would say, "Father God, I come in agreement with this mighty anointed woman of God who is praying on my behalf."
When you are praying on your own, always end your declaration with, in the name of Jesus Christ, or start with through the blood of Jesus Christ, or start and end with both. I felt a great oppressive spiritual weight lifted off of me within a week when I first started using these prayers in 2015. Which came as a great relief. But then weeks later the spiritual attacks came at me like a swarm of locust descending upon me every which way imaginable. I would grab these prayers that I have printed, and I would read them with tears in my eyes. I would keep pushing through reading these prayers, and by the third prayer, my eyes would start to dry up, and I would feel stronger in the spirit. My home environment would also feel lighter. Of course, it's different for everyone. I'm merely sharing my personal experience.
I have provided several prayers for you to use listed on the upper right side of my website. Use them and watch Father God work on your behalf. I am so grateful for these prayers. They helped me keep my thoughts on God's promises for my life and away from negative thoughts resulting from situations caused by outside negative forces that were trying to keep me engulfed in. That's what these prayers will do for you too. Trust and Believe that the Lord God almighty will lead you out of your negative situations. I am amazed at what my God in heaven has done for me this past 8 years and where I am today. I am still standing strong because I knew in my heart that my God said He would never leave me nor forsake me and to trust in Him. I proudly proclaim that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I have been redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. I am protected by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Everything that is important to me is protected by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
I do want to add that I started reading this prayer in October 2015 almost every day and I woke up on January 3, 2016 and said to myself, "I'm done" with cigarettes. Then the Holy Spirit laid me down to sleep for three days straight to detox. I would wake up to drink water, go to the bathroom, and then back to sleep. I am happy to report that I have been smoke-free now for 7 years. I quit this pack a day 36-year-old habit cold turkey and I still have no desire to smoke. I know in my heart that this prayer led the Holy Spirit to help break this spiritual stronghold in my life that I wasn't able to do on my own. ❤ I wasn't even trying to quit smoking. I really enjoyed smoking cigarettes. It wasn't a New Years resolution either. It just happened the way I described. It's still wild to me how the Holy Spirit killed that cigarette smoking stronghold spirit. I know I put my effort in, I did my part by reading this prayer almost every day. But I was desperately wanting to be set free of the spiritual oppression I was feeling. Never once prayed to help me quite smoking cigarettes. I know I called it in and the Holy Spirit saw fit to kill that one super stronghold that had me from the age of 10.
When you are praying on your own, always end your declaration with, in the name of Jesus Christ, or start with through the blood of Jesus Christ, or start and end with both. I felt a great oppressive spiritual weight lifted off of me within a week when I first started using these prayers in 2015. Which came as a great relief. But then weeks later the spiritual attacks came at me like a swarm of locust descending upon me every which way imaginable. I would grab these prayers that I have printed, and I would read them with tears in my eyes. I would keep pushing through reading these prayers, and by the third prayer, my eyes would start to dry up, and I would feel stronger in the spirit. My home environment would also feel lighter. Of course, it's different for everyone. I'm merely sharing my personal experience.
I have provided several prayers for you to use listed on the upper right side of my website. Use them and watch Father God work on your behalf. I am so grateful for these prayers. They helped me keep my thoughts on God's promises for my life and away from negative thoughts resulting from situations caused by outside negative forces that were trying to keep me engulfed in. That's what these prayers will do for you too. Trust and Believe that the Lord God almighty will lead you out of your negative situations. I am amazed at what my God in heaven has done for me this past 8 years and where I am today. I am still standing strong because I knew in my heart that my God said He would never leave me nor forsake me and to trust in Him. I proudly proclaim that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I have been redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. I am protected by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Everything that is important to me is protected by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
I do want to add that I started reading this prayer in October 2015 almost every day and I woke up on January 3, 2016 and said to myself, "I'm done" with cigarettes. Then the Holy Spirit laid me down to sleep for three days straight to detox. I would wake up to drink water, go to the bathroom, and then back to sleep. I am happy to report that I have been smoke-free now for 7 years. I quit this pack a day 36-year-old habit cold turkey and I still have no desire to smoke. I know in my heart that this prayer led the Holy Spirit to help break this spiritual stronghold in my life that I wasn't able to do on my own. ❤ I wasn't even trying to quit smoking. I really enjoyed smoking cigarettes. It wasn't a New Years resolution either. It just happened the way I described. It's still wild to me how the Holy Spirit killed that cigarette smoking stronghold spirit. I know I put my effort in, I did my part by reading this prayer almost every day. But I was desperately wanting to be set free of the spiritual oppression I was feeling. Never once prayed to help me quite smoking cigarettes. I know I called it in and the Holy Spirit saw fit to kill that one super stronghold that had me from the age of 10.
UPDATE 1/1/23 at 3:13pm: I want to add and make perfectly clear that I do not hate people who smoke cigarettes. Neither am I disgusted with people who smoke cigarettes. I do not in any way judge people who smoke cigarettes. I can actually stand in a crowd of people smoking cigarettes and not be tempted to smoke a cigarette. That's how I know I have been completely set free from this stronghold by the power of the Holy Spirit. I can't stand people who quit something and then are digusted by the people who are doing whatever they quit as if they were never in the same position those people are in. They have replaced the spirit they quit with a self rightous spirit that is worse than the one they quit. The spirit of self righteousness means you feel you are now morally superior to those you are now judging. This kind of people wouldn't bother going after the one sheep that strayed in the same way Jesus left the 99 to search for the one sheep that is lost. How are others going to be saved if you are sitting in the judgement seat that belongs to God alone?UPDATE 1/1/23 at 4:57pm: I had to come back to say to you God loves you right where you are and as you are. I was saved in 2003 when I had my personal encounter with Jesus Christ and I continued smoking cigarettes. Jesus never made me feel condemn for smoking cigarettes. Satan condemns you, stresses you, rushes you. Jesus Christ loved me as I was and continues to love me into wholeness. Jesus Christ never said you have to quit smoking cigarettes in order for me to save you or love you. As you can see clearly I smoked cigarettes for another 13 years after I was saved enjoying every cigarette until I began reading these prayers that unbeknownst to me would end up killing that cigarette smoking stronghold. God loves you so much and wants to have a personal releationship with you. Tell God to show you that He is real. Tell God you're afraid of letting go. Jesus will tell you to Trust and Believe in Him when you let go of holding on for dear life.Satan knows your name but he calls you by your sin.
God knows your sin but He calls you by your name.
To personally experience God's power in my life time and time again is evidence enough for me to know God is real and the evil realm has to OBEY the Lord God almighty.
You must stay strong, vigilant in the Lord, and know that God is with you always by way of the Holy Spirit that is inside of you. God will give you strength by way of the Holy Spirit. God will always have the last word. Hand God, surrender, every situation in your life. God will never leave you nor forsake you. Use your power and authority given to us in Christ Jesus. Be prepared to watch in amazement how the Supernatural power of the Holy Spirit works miracles in and through your life. I'm still in awe. I can attest that Jesus Christ is real. I don't even want to imagine my life without Him. Call on His name if you want to be set free from this world spritually speaking. Jesus Christ was God made flesh to walk among us and He said He came to set the captives free. Who are the captives? ALL OF HUMANITY.
Please visit her YouTube channel AgapeKind: 27 Prayer and Fasting Plan. Scroll through her prayers to help you in whatever area you need help in right now. Sending you lots of love and I'm giving you a great big hug. ❤
Prayer For Supernatural Breakthrough And Increase
In the mighty, most powerful, wonder-working name of Jesus Christ. Let the words that I speak be prophetically loaded and launched as Holy Ghost missiles into any and every area of my life that requires Holy Ghost fire explosion and disintegration of demonic deposits, debris and poison.
Oh lord, because you are my beginning and my end, I start my day strong and end triumphant with you by my side.
I double-doze my intellect and faculties with your word and inject my memory with every single bit of refreshment that your word provides.
I charge the atmosphere with your glory and dissolve every dirty and filthy thoughts projected against my mind.
I pull down every evil imagination that stands against the knowledge of Christ Jesus and destroy the work of the devil over my mind, my spirit, my soul and my body by your blood Lord Jesus, by your word, your fire and your anointing upon my life. Right now, I, prophetically claim these words and I speak them over myself, my household, and my loved ones. Now let the heavens bear me witness and let the earth hear and respond to the words that I speak into the atmosphere even now… In the mighty name of Jesus Christ:
I am unresponsive to demonic manipulation.
I am unresponsive to demonic oppression.
I am unresponsive to demonic suppression.
I am unresponsive to demonic attack.
I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
I refuse to be defeated or intimidated.
I have the mind of Christ x3 and I love God with all of my heart, all my soul, and all my mind.
I am a terror to the enemy and his cohorts.
I am strong, I am rich in every aspect of the term.
I am patient, I am kind, I have the nature of Christ in me and therefore I cannot be defeated.
(*I ADDED the following*)
I am a child of the Most High God.
I am God's perfect creation.
No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
He that is in me is greater than he that is in this world.
I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me and supplies my every need according to His riches and glory in heaven.
God said, I am the head and not the tail.
I am above and not beneath.
I am a victor and not a victim.
I am the lender and not the borrower.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ x3.
I am blessed and highly favored because I AM His beloved.
(*I ADDED the following*)
I am a child of the Most High God.
I am God's perfect creation.
No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
He that is in me is greater than he that is in this world.
I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me and supplies my every need according to His riches and glory in heaven.
God said, I am the head and not the tail.
I am above and not beneath.
I am a victor and not a victim.
I am the lender and not the borrower.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ x3.
I am blessed and highly favored because I AM His beloved.
Glory be to God in the Highest.
Father God, by your mighty power, by the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ, Fire of Holy Ghost, scatter and destroy any hindering spirit around me and around my home environment, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, scatter and destroy the power of devouring spirit and limitation assigned against me and my loved ones, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, any decree made upon my feet because I have come to Christ, let it be revoked in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, let my feet be anointed and washed by your blood Lord Jesus to lead me to peaceful places, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, release the spirit of carpenter upon me to destroy the horns of all of my enemies and adversaries working against me, in the name of Jesus Christ.
I added, Lord God Almighty, release Your glorious power against all of my enemies and adversaries. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I added, Father God, let the power of Your anger be released against the powers of darkness assigned against me and my loved ones (replace or add with what you want to protect). In the name of Jesus Christ.
I added, Father God, release Your powerful angels on my behalf to fight my battles in the heavens. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Any decree to cause satanic road-block in my way of breakthrough, be scattered by Fire and die, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, come and be our shepherd, to keep us together and save us from thieves, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Every Islamic, Judaic Kabbalah Satanic worshiping, Luciferian occult practicing, demonic collective power that wants to scatter what I have gathered, I command you to fall down and die, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Islamic, Judaic Kabbalah Satanic worshiping, Luciferian occult practicing, demonic association of evil gang-up or witchcraft power to cause derailment in my life; scatter by Fire and die, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Any Islamic, Judaic Kabbalah Satanic worshiping, Luciferian occult practicing, demonic power put in place to supervise and confirm failure in my life, die by Fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Anything in me contradicting the word of God to cause error, die by Fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Any power making a decree to affect my standing in the Lord, break by Fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Evil decree or curse over my life, spiritually, physically, financially, matrimonially and educationally, I break you, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Anything in me, around me, within me, contesting with the presence of Holy Spirit in me, are you still alive? die forever and perish, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Spirit of the Living God, arise and take me to my place of blessing now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, whatever weapon or tricks of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy my life, destroy them with their weapon forever and ever, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, connect, correct and direct my helpers to me anywhere, anywhere they may be, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Spirit of the Living God, arise and remove any evil veil covering my face, every scale upon my face fall off of me now so I can see, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Power to succeed in life, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Power to see and discern, come upon me, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Power to over-come, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
I seal this prayer by the blood of Jesus Christ. I claim my breakthrough. I claim my victory. In the mighty, most powerful, glorious, wonder-working name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
Whatever weakness that stands as a barrier, that is holding me down, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, be broken!
Whatever spirit that is not of Jesus Christ, get out, that has been tormenting my life every which way, get out!
Holy Ghost fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, wherever you are, you unclean spirit, I command you to GET OUT!
I seal this prayer by the blood of Jesus Christ. I claim my breakthrough. I claim my victory. In the mighty, most powerful, glorious, wonder-working name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
Whatever weakness that stands as a barrier, that is holding me down, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, be broken!
Whatever spirit that is not of Jesus Christ, get out, that has been tormenting my life every which way, get out!
Holy Ghost fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, wherever you are, you unclean spirit, I command you to GET OUT!
By the power and authority vested in me through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, I reverse any curse, spell, hex or vex, hoodoo or voodoo, any evil encantation, all black magic, and blood sacrifice ritual done against me I send it back to the senders head one thousand fold. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God will curse those who curse me and God will bless those who bless me. Amen.
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