June 9, 2024

FRANCE: In A Desperate Move, Commie NWO French President Macron Calls Snap Parliamentary Election After France First Candidate Marine Le Pen's Far-Right Wins EU Vote. It Took Everyone By Surprise.

I added th map above to this post.
DW News June 9, 2024: France's Macron calls snap parliamentary election after Le Pen's far-right wins EU vote.

French President Emanuel Macron announced Sunday he was dissolving the National Assembly and calling a snap election after his centrist alliance was trounced by the far-right National Rally in the European Parliament elections. According to the first exit polls, the National Rally won around 32%, more than double Macron's pro-EU coalition, which received 15% of the vote. The first round of France's parliamentary election will be held on June 30 and a second round is scheduled for July 7.
FRANCE 24 English published June 9, 2024: 2024 European elections: President Macron dissolves French parliament. French President Emanuel Macron on Sunday announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, calling for new legislative elections after his camp heavily lost to the far right National Rally party in the country's EU election. 
FRANCE 24 English published June 9, 2024: Macron's call for new elections 'caught the room by surprise'. French President Emmanuel Macron’s call for new legislative elections after announcing the breakup of the French Parliament caught members of the National Rally unsuspected, FRANCE 24’s Claire Paccalin said, reporting from party headquarters.

DW News, Germany local
written by Staff and Reuters, AFP, AP, dpa
Sunday June 9, 2024

French President Emmanuel Macron has dissolved the lower house of parliament and announced fresh elections after his party's poor performance in the EU elections. His party was defeated by the far-right National Rally.

French President Emanuel Macron announced Sunday he was dissolving the National Assembly and calling a snap election after his centrist alliance was trounced by the far-right National Rally in the European Parliament elections.

According to the first exit polls, the National Rally won around 32%, more than double Macron's pro-EU coalition, which received 15% of the vote.

The first round of France's parliamentary election will be held on June 30 and a second round is scheduled for July 7.

Exit polls on Sunday have shown the far-right making substantial gains in other member states in the European Parliament election, including in Germany and Austria.

What did Macron say about the snap election?

"I've decided to give you back the choice of our parliamentary future through the vote. I am therefore dissolving the National Assembly," Macron said in an address to the nation.

Macron said that the EU parliamentary election result was "not a good result for parties that defend Europe."

"Far right parties ... are progressing everywhere in the continent. It is a situation to which I cannot resign myself," he said.

"This is an essential time for clarification ... I have heard your message, your concerns, and I will not leave them unanswered," France's president said.

"The decision is serious and difficult, but it is above all an act of trust, trust in you, my dear compatriots," he said, stressing that he cannot "pretend nothing has happened."

He encouraged citizens to "vote massively" in the election, saying that "France needs a clear majority."

National Rally celebrates result

National Rally leader Marine Le Pen welcomed Macron's call for new elections.

"We are ready to take over the power if the French give us their trust in the upcoming national elections," she said.

The National Rally's lead candidate for the European Parliament elections, Jordan Bardella, called Macron a "weakened" leader.

"Emmanuel Macron is a weakened president, already deprived of an absolute majority in the French parliament and now restricted in his means of action within the European Parliament," he said.

Macron won in two run-off elections against Le Pen but will not be able to run again after two terms in office.

France's next presidential election is expected to be held in 2027.

Macron's centrist alliance lost its majority in parliament after elections in June 2022.
Sky News published President June 9, 2024: Emmanuel Macron dissolves French National Assembly and calls snap election. French President Emmanuel Macron has dissolved France's National Assembly and called a snap election after his party suffered a calamitous result in elections to the European Parliament. Marine le Pen's hard right National Rally party won about 32% of the vote - a 10 point increase on the last EU election in 2019. It is more than double the 15% taken by Mr Macron's centrist, pro-European Renaissance party, according to exit polls.
Imagine referring to France first candidates wanting to preserve French culture and put French people first and keep them safe as "nationalist parties present a danger to France." That's what Commie NWO French President Macron said. (emphasis mine)
I added this screenshot from Statista.com
click the screenshot to enlarge to read it.

France24 News, France local
written by Benjamin DODMAN
Sunday June 9, 2024

Macron’s decision represents a major roll of the dice, coming three years before the end of his presidency and as the country prepares to host the Olympic Games this summer.

It follows a bruising defeat in Sunday’s EU elections, in which the far-right National Rally (RN) of Marine Le Pen won 31.5 percent of the vote, according to Ipsos projections – more than double the support for Macron’s party.

In an address to the nation, the French president said he could not ignore the warning from voters, noting that in total far-right parties in France had won almost 40 percent of the vote. He said elections for the National Assembly would be called for June 30, with a second-round vote on July 7.

“This is an essential time for clarification,” he said. “I have heard your message, your concerns and I will not leave them unanswered ... France needs a clear majority to act in serenity and harmony.”

The announcement was naturally welcomed by Le Pen, whose National Rally will have its best chance yet of seizing power in the upcoming parliamentary vote – at a time when virtually all other parties are in disarray.

“We are ready to take power if the French people have confidence in us in these forthcoming legislative elections,” said the runner-up in the last two presidential elections. “We are ready to put the country back on its feet.”

Should Le Pen’s anti-immigrant party win a shock majority in the National Assembly, the prime minister’s job would likely go to her protege Jordan Bardella, the telegenic 28-year-old who led the far right to its highest ever score in the EU elections.

In such a scenario, Macron would still direct defence and foreign policy, but he would lose the power to set the domestic agenda – and be remembered as the president who let in the far right.

A humbling for Macron

The outcome of Sunday’s elections means France, a founding member of the EU, will send to Brussels the largest contingent of far-right, Eurosceptic lawmakers among the 27-member bloc.

The National Rally has traditionally done well in European elections, topping the vote in 2014 and in 2019. Its massive 15-point margin of victory on Sunday – up from just 1 percent five years ago – suggests both that Le Pen’s party is at a historic high and that Macron’s camp is in a position of unprecedented weakness.

The result marks a stinging rebuke of France’s Europhile president, who rose to power in 2017 on a promise to ensure French voters would “no longer have a reason to vote for extreme parties”.

Macron had upped the stakes during the campaign, warning that “Europe is mortal” and recently flagging the threat to the continent from a resurgent far right at D-Day commemorations.

His defeat is also a crushing blow to the country’s youthful prime minister, Gabriel Attal, who was appointed less than six months ago to breathe new life into Macron’s second term in office. “Don’t be like the British who cried after Brexit,” Attal told voters days before the election, suggesting they would regret placing their future in the hands of Eurosceptics. Such dire warnings appear to no longer hurt Le Pen’s party, which abandoned its calls for “Frexit” long ago.

According to an Ipsos survey on Sunday, 68 percent of the RN’s backers said they voted “first and foremost to voice their opposition to the president and his government” – against 39 percent nationwide. And while the broader electorate said they voted predominantly based on EU issues, a massive 73 percent of Bardella’s voters said national concerns took precedence.

The same survey said immigration and the cost-of-living crisis – RN’s main vote winners – were the dominant issues on voters’ minds. Such topics are likely to remain high on the agenda as parties now scramble to prepare for parliamentary polls in just three weeks’ time.

Left divided and beaten

For the country’s fractious left, the European polls provided another sobering reminder of the pitfalls of division, just two years after the NUPES alliance came second in parliamentary polls behind Macron’s ruling coalition – raising hopes of an end to the factionalism and bickering that has hampered left-wing candidates over the years.

Those hopes were dashed in the run-up to the EU polls, leaving five separate lists to fight over a diminishing share of the electorate. At roughly 33 percent, their combined tally is three points shy of the far right’s cumulative score.

Tellingly, the main casualties of division were the Greens, the first party to announce it would stand alone rather than under the banner of the NUPES. That decision backfired spectacularly, with the Greens now projected to win just 5.5 percent of the vote, down from 13 percent in 2019, thus barely passing the 5% threshold to send lawmakers to Brussels.

France Unbowed, the radical left party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, fared better than five years ago with 8.7 percent of the vote – a higher-than-expected tally that partially vindicates its decision to put the war in Gaza at the heart of its campaign. But its dominance on the left will now be challenged by a resurgent Socialist Party, which is projected to win 14 percent of the vote.

It helped, perhaps, that the moribund Socialists were not led by one of their own, but rather by European lawmaker Raphaël Glucksmann, a former writer and commentator who emerged as the campaign’s third man – and a potential new champion for centre-left voters desperate for an alternative to Mélenchon.

Glucksmann and LFI were at loggerheads throughout the EU elections campaign, meaning chances of reviving the NUPES alliance in time for the June 30 polls look bleak, though left-wing politicians rushed to call for unity following Macron’s announcement.

‘Russian roulette’

Glucksmann said he was “flabbergasted” by Macron’s gamble, accusing the French president of bowing to the National Rally’s calls for a snap vote. He added: “This is an extremely dangerous game with democracy and institutions.”

Conservatives in the opposition were equally scathing, slamming a rash move that leaves them ill-prepared for battle after bruising European elections.

“Dissolving without giving anyone time to organise and without any campaign is playing Russian roulette with the country's destiny,” said Valérie Pécresse, a former presidential candidate for the centre-right Les Républicains, which took just over 7 percent of the vote on Sunday, their lowest-ever score.

There are ominous precedents for Macron.

The last French president to call a snap election was Jacques Chirac in 1997 – and his gamble is remembered as one of the greatest own goals in modern French politics.

Chirac’s rash move only further angered already disgruntled voters, who stripped the conservative president of his majority and forced him into a “cohabitation” with a left-wing government headed by Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.

While voters today are arguably just as disgruntled, France’s political landscape is radically different.

Macron and the far right have effectively blown up the traditional left-right divide, making it more difficult for mainstream parties to alternate in government. And while two-round elections have so far barred the far right from power, voters have become increasingly weary of rallying behind the anti-Le Pen front – making the outcome of the upcoming election highly unpredictable.

He screwed his own French people by raising their retirement age because he claimed France didn't have enough money to fund their retirement pensions. BUT BUT BUT he can find money to send billions to Ukraine. And let's not forget how Totalitarian French President Macron handled the covid scamdemic. The French farmers have been fighting back against Macron's Commie NWO anti-human Climate Change agenda being used to make it harder on them to force them to shut down.
(emphasis mine)
Daily Record News, UK local
written by Staff
Friday February 4, 2022 👈

Here is all the latest information if you’re planning a trip to France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany and Greece.

🚨👇 FRANCE 👇🚨

France's rules changed last month, with UK travellers now allowed to visit without an essential reason - so long as they are fully vaccinated. 👈

Travellers must show a negative lateral flow test for travel.

However, UK tourists no longer have to complete a period of isolation after arriving in France.

It is recommended for the fully vaccinated that they bring proof of their booster jab 👈, as this grants you a “pass sanitaire,” which is widely used for access to restaurants and bars. 👈

👉 The French government recognises vaccination certificates which conforms to the EU Digital Covid Status Certification framework, illustrating that you are fully vaccinated with a vaccine authorised by the European Authority. 👈

👉 This means seven days after a second dose of Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, 28 days after a single dose of Johnson & Johnson or seven days after a single injection for those able to demonstrate they have already been infected (though this only applies to those vaccinated in France). 👈

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