April 6, 2024

CHILE: I'm Posting For The Record. The Psycho NWO Globalists Claim Fires Were Caused By "Climate Change". However, Locals Witnessed Men Starting The Fires. 3,000 Homes Burned. 120 People Died.

The massive fires in Chile happened when I wasn't able to access my GlobalAwareness101 website due to someone trying to hack my account. When I finally did get access. So many new events happened that the train in my head took off causing this news to get further and further away. I did manage to share this news on all my social media platforms in real time though. I shared these videos with my previous post about the Virgina fires because I believe there is a correlation. As with all of the other massive fires they keep blaming on "Climate Change" or "Global Warming". (emphasis mine)
GlobalAwareness101 published CHILE: Raging Fires Lit Burned 64,000 Acres Similar To Lahaina Fire. Locals witnessed men setting fires throughout the neighborhood. Hawaii Maui Lahaina 2.0. The cars were incinerated the same way.

Mint, 2/5/24: Chile Wildfires: The confirmed death toll from deadly wildfires in Chile rose to 112, an Interior Ministry official has said, as reported by AFP. According to Interior Minister Carolina Toha, the weekend blazes have been "without a doubt" the deadliest fire event in Chile's history. By Sunday, some 26,000 hectares (64,000 acres) had burned in the central and southern areas, AFP has reported citing SENAPRED, the national disaster service.
GlobalAwareness101 published CHILE Former President Died 2/6 By Drowning In Helicopter Crash In Lake. This was very suspicious.

BBC 2/6/24: Sebastián Piñera: Chile ex-president drowns after his helicopter crashes in lake.

Chilean ex-President Sebastián Piñera, who served two terms and was also a billionaire businessman, has died in a helicopter crash at the age of 74.

Three other people aboard the aircraft survived when it came down in a lake near the southern town of Lago Ranco.

A post-mortem carried out on Piñera's body, which had earlier been recovered from the submerged helicopter, showed he had drowned. National mourning has been declared and tributes have poured in. Piñera was spending his holidays with his family in the lakeside resort of Bahía Coique, 920km (570 miles) south of the capital, Santiago.

The ex-president often used his private helicopter to travel around the area and officials have confirmed he was piloting it when it crashed on Tuesday.
ANC 24/7 News published February 7, 2024: 'Lots of wind, big balls of fire': Chile wildfire survivors recount harrowing moments of escape. On The Scene: Residents of Villa Independencia in Vina del Mar, Chile began returning to devastation, clearing rubble and bodies from what's left of their homes on Monday (February 5).
Here's an excerpt from the interviews in ANC video above. A female survivor says, "It burned like gasoline was thrown on the houses. I don't understand what happened."

This Chile fire was identical to the Lahaina, Maui, Hawii fire as well as the California, Oregon, Washington, Texas, Virginia, Canada, and Greece fires. Just look at the cars completely melted. These were not natural fires as they want everyone to believe. (emphasis mine)
DW News published February 4, 2024: Wildfires claim dozens of lives in Chile. In Chile, at least 64 people have died and more than 1100 homes have been destroyed in the worst wildfires to hit the country in a decade. The deadliest fires occurred in the central Valparaiso region. The blazes are being driven by a summer heatwave and drought influenced by the El Nino weather phenomenon.
written by James Attwood, Andrea Jaramillo, Bloomberg news
Sunday February 4, 2024

Authorities in Chile’s Valparaiso region extended stay-at-home orders as forest fires continue to rage after killing at least 56 people in the country’s deadliest disaster since a massive earthquake in 2010.

Blazes that began on Friday spread through bushland and into populated areas on the edge of the coastal city of Viña del Mar, about 120 km (75 miles) northwest of Santiago, fed by blustering wind and high temperatures.

Power and water services have been disrupted, causing Chile’s second largest oil refinery to halt operations. As firefighters continued to battle the blazes, authorities said the fires may have been intentionally lit.

“It’s evident that there was intentionality” when four separate fires start simultaneously in the same forest, Valparaíso Governor Rodrigo Mundaca told reporters on Sunday.

President Gabriel Boric declared a state of emergency in the Valparaiso region late Friday. In a televised address on Saturday, he said that the death toll could still rise. Boric is traveling there again on Sunday.

The government estimates that between 3,000 and 6,000 hectares (7,413-14,826 acres) and 1,000 homes have been razed so far, with at least 1,600 people occupying shelters as authorities and NGOs start relief efforts. More than 300 people are still unaccounted for, according to officials.

Enap, Chile’s state-owned energy company, halted operations at its second-biggest oil refinery after wildfires caused power cuts. The Aconcagua plant on the country’s central coast was placed in a what’s known as a safe position to begin gradually restarting operations, a company official said in text messages late Saturday.

The transport of copper from the large Los Bronces mine in central Chile has been unaffected by the fires, according to operator Anglo American Plc. Codelco didn’t immediately provide comment when asked about any logistical impact on its nearby Andina mine.

CBS News published Feb 5, 2024: Massive wildfires in Chile kill more than 120. Chile's central coastal region is reeling from the world's third-deadliest wildfire this century. More than 120 people are confirmed dead as officials continue their search for the missing. Ricardo Nanning, a reporter with Chilevisión, joins CBS News with the latest.

CBS News
written by Patricia Luna and Miguel Rueda, AP
Monday February 5, 2024

SANTIAGO, Chile — Volunteers in central Chile tried to remove charred metal, broken glass and other debris Monday from neighborhoods devastated by wildfires over the past several days, as officials raised the death toll to 123. Hundreds of people remain missing.

The fires appeared to have diminished by Monday morning after burning intensely since Friday on the eastern edge of the city of Viña del Mar. Two other towns in the Valparaíso region, Quilpé and Villa Alemana, also have been hit hard, and President Gabriel Boric said Sunday that at least 3,000 homes had been burnt down in the area.

An additional 10 victims were added to the death toll on Monday afternoon, said Marisol Prado, the director of Chile’s Forensic Medical Service.

Prado said that many bodies were in bad condition and difficult to identify, but added that forensic workers would be taking samples of genetic material from people who have reported missing relatives.

Viña del Mar’s Mayor Macarena Ripamonti said that at least 370 people have been reported missing in the city of about 300,000 residents.

The fires ravaged several neighborhoods that had been precariously built on the mountains that loom to the east of Viña del Mar, which is also a popular beach resort.

Officials have suggested that some of the wildfires around the city could have been intentionally provoked. Dry weather, strong winds and low humidity helped the fires spread faster, Boric said.

Priscila Rivero, a chef from the neighborhood of Alto Miraflores, said that it took about 15 minutes for the flames to travel from a neighboring hill to her home.

She said she rushed her children to safety when she saw the fire approaching, but by the time she returned to salvage some of her posessions her house was burning, with licks of flame emerging from the windows.

“It’s the place where we have lived all our lives” Rivero said. “It’s so sad to see it destroyed, and to lose our memories, our photos, the pictures from my parents’ wedding, but some of that will remain in our hearts.”

Later Monday, a statement from U.S. President Joe Biden said “Jill and I are deeply saddened by the loss of life and devastation caused by the ongoing wildfires in Chile.”

“My administration is in contact with our Chilean partners, and the United States is ready to provide necessary assistance to the Chilean people,” he said.

Schools and other public buildings in Viña del Mar and in the capital city of Santiago are currently serving as depots, where people are taking donations of water, food, candles and shovels for the victims of the fires.

In Viña del Mar and the nearby towns of Villa Alemana and Quilpé, police have asked people who have not been affected by the fires to stay at home so that rescue crews can move around with more ease.

Hundreds of people affected by the fires returned to their homes on Monday to search through the debris. Many have said they prefer to sleep near their homes in order to prevent looters from taking what is left of their possessions, or from claiming the land their homes were built on.

In the neighborhood of Villa Independencia, on Viña del Mar’s eastern periphery, Marco Delgadillo tried to clear rubble from his home, which he built 25 years ago, when the area was first settled haphazardly by workers without construction permits.

The furniture in Delgadillo’s house had been devoured by the flames and the walls were blackened by smoke, but they still stood.

The construction worker said he would rebuild and urged the municipal government to help him fix the collapsed roof of his home before winter starts in the southern hemisphere.

“We don’t have any other choice,” Delgadillo said. “Buying a new plot of land is unaffordable right now.”

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