November 12, 2023

SWITZERLAND: Former Banker Filed Criminal Charges Against President and Minister of Health For Covid Mandates. Commie Totalitarian Swiss President Makes Surprise Decision To Quit Govt.

UPDATE 11/19/23 at 12:15am: Added video below.

Dr. Drew channel published November 15, 2023: Pascal Najadi, Son Of WEF Cofounder, Says "Arrest Those People Immediately" in New Documentary Short "Cutting off the Head of the Snake in Geneva" w/ Dr. Kelly Victory.

"My father was a co-founder" of the WEF, says Pascal Najadi, who "left Klaus Schwab out of disgust" and now speaks against the globalist organization. "I call on the Swiss authorities and security to arrest those people immediately."

Pascal Najadi is a retired investment banker and the son of Hussain Najadi, and says his father was a co-founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum) who left Klaus Schwab's organization and now speaks against its actions. Watch his film "Cutting off the Head of the Snake in Geneva" at

*******ORIGINAL POST BELOW*********
Two weeks ago, I found out that this former banker announced in December 2022 that he was suing the Swiss President and the Minister of Health and I shared his interview on my Instagram account and my TikTok account. Then TikTok removed my video of his interview because it was reported for misinformation. TikTok did the same removing videos for misinformation I shared of the Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu interviews about the fake 3D printed meat and him bragging about offering all Israelis to big pharma to be guinea pigs test subjects for the covid vaccines. How could the videos be misinformation when they are actual interviews these people gave. Then I found out a week ago about the covid Commie totalitarian president of Switzerland suddenly resigning just like the covid Commie totalitarian Jacina Ardern Prime Minister of New Zealand suddenly resigned in January 2023 and covid Commie totalitarian Daniel Andrews Australian Victorian Premier suddenly resigned in September 2023. They all said they were retiring from government. (emphasis mine)
GlobalAwareness101 published Former banker Filed Criminal Charges Against Switzerland President and Minister of Health.

Rebel News
written by Callum Smiles
February 28, 2023

Former banker Pascal Najadi has filed criminal charges against Swiss President Alain Berset for the government's handling and marketing of the Covid-19 vaccinations.

Friday December 2, 2022: Pascal Najadi makes a police complaint and files criminal charges against Swiss President and Minister of Health, Alain Berset. Mr Najadi has accused Berset of making false statements surrounding the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines.

According to the complaint, the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland is to investigate Berset. As head of the Department of Home Affairs, he was also responsible for the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

Under this complaint, Berset stands accused of abusing his office under Article 312 of the Swiss Criminal Code. On October 2 2021, Berset publicly said the reason for Switzerland’s relatively low vaccination rate against Covid-19 is still unclear, but that if more people don’t get jabbed “we won’t be able to end this crisis”. The investigation is currently undergoing.

A study was published on 3 August 2021, led by Virginie Masserey, head of infection control and vaccines at the Federal Office for Public Health (FOPH) claiming both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can spread the disease.

Nearly three months later, Berset, on Swiss television on 27 October 2021, a month before holding a referendum on extending the Covid certificate requirement claimed: “with the certificate, you can show that you are not contagious”.

Mr Najadi claims the president either deliberately coerced people to take a deadly injection, or negligently encouraged people to take it. Both of which are punishable in Switzerland.
Rebel News
written by Callum Smiles
March 24, 2023

Pascal Najadi has filled a civil case against Pfizer at the New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan for harm done to him allegedly by the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. Mr Najadi believes the Pfizer produced vaccine has damaged his health and potentially shortened his life by 20 years. This is Mr Najadi’s second legal case regarding the Covid 19 vaccinations as he’s already filed criminal charges in Switzerland against Swiss President, Alain Berset for allegedly misleading the Swiss people about the vaccinations.

After taking 3 Covid vaccinations, Mr Najadi had blood tests which allegedly showed he now has an autoimmune disease post vaccination which appears to be terminal. The legal proceedings Mr Najadi has launched against Pfizer at the New York State Supreme Court is currently a civil case but could become a criminal case.

During the Covid-19 pandemic Pfizer, J&J, AstraZeneca and Moderna all made record profits and across the world more than five billion people received a Covid-19 vaccination. Early in the vaccine roll out Pfizer made claims that their vaccine could prevent transmission. This has since been found to have been a false claim and a Pfizer representative was forced to admit in the European Parliament that Pfizer hadn’t tested the vaccines ability to stop transmission.

This isn’t the first time Pfizer have been on trial for their products causing serious harm to people. In the early 2000s, they were taken to court for their drug Bextra which left many dead and even more injured as a result of taking it. They did however manage to escape justice through a legal loop hole which resulted in the shell company Pharmacia & Upjohn being found guilty and having to pay $2.3b.
PTV Philippines published January 17, 2023: Swiss President Alain Berset speaks at the opening ceremony of the 2023 World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.
I took the screenshot of the comments that were made at the WEF video above.

Barron's Financial Economic News
written by Robin Millard, AFP news
June 21, 2023

Swiss President Alain Berset announced Wednesday that he will quit the government at the end of 2023, in a surprise move after more than a decade of ministerial service.

Berset, 51, said he would step down from Switzerland's Federal Council government at the end of year, telling a hastily arranged press conference in the capital Bern that it was "the right time to leave".

The wealthy Alpine country's presidency rotates annually among the council's seven members.

Berset is the youngest and also the longest-serving minister, having joined the government in 2012. He is in his second spell as president, having previously taken a turn in 2018.

"I have the feeling that I've accomplished what is possible. I have given everything," he said.

He told the Federal Council that he planned to leave the government "at the end of the year".

Berset was a critical player in arranging the emergency takeover of the stricken bank Credit Suisse by its larger rival UBS over a weekend in March this year.

He feared Switzerland's second-biggest bank would otherwise have imploded within days, triggering domestic chaos and potentially a global banking crisis.

Berset is Switzerland's interior minister and as the minister in charge of health, he played a key role in the country's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

He admitted in December 2020 that the government blundered in easing restrictions too far, resulting in some of Europe's fiercest infection rates during the pandemic's second wave.

At the height of the crisis, he faced death threats and was put under police protection -- an extremely rare move in Switzerland.

"We were under enormous pressure. I would never have imagined such violence," he said.

He is facing a parliamentary investigation, opened in January, into alleged systematic media leaks from his office of confidential government plans for handling the pandemic, such as vaccination and reopening businesses.

Berset insisted it played "no role" in his decision to step down.

Berset has played a role on the international stage, notably in handling Switzerland's strict military neutrality in the face of war on the European continent following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Switzerland has so far refused to allow countries that hold Swiss-made weaponry to re-export it to Ukraine.

He chaired meetings of the UN Security Council in New York during Switzerland's presidency in May.

Among his achievements in government was raising the retirement age for women to 65.

Berset said he had no plans for what he might do next after leaving the government.

Seats on the Federal Council rarely come up for grabs.

They are shared among the main political parties under a decades-old tacit agreement, known as "the magic formula", which generally remains unaffected by power shifts in parliament but reflects the spirit of compromise that characterises Swiss democracy.
Waaaaay at the bottom of this article...๐Ÿ‘‡ (emphasis mine)
Alain Berset is from the Socialist Party.

Vice-president Viola Amherd, the defence minister, will serve as president in 2024. She is from the centre-right Centre party.


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