November 25, 2023

ARGENTINA: 53yo Economist And Avowed Libertarian Won Presidential Election. Argentinians Had Enough Of Commie Socialism That Destroyed Their Country's Economy And Quality Of Life.

Remember, everything that is on the right side of far-Left Communism is now considered far-Right. (emphasis mine)

UPDATE 11/25/23 at 10:18pm: I came back to elaborate on the point I made above. Pretty much any person who does not think like the far-Left are considered far-Right fascist nazis. So even if you're a Liberal tree hugging hippie on the Left who kindly disagrees with the psychopath NWO globalist anti-human agenda, you are considered a far-Right fascist nazi to the far-Left totalitarian pscyhopaths whose Agenda 2030 goal is based on a anti-human depopulation eugenics strategy. But the interesting thing is that there are politicians that are not far-Left, but are members of the globalist Luciferians and secretly aligned with far-Left Commies that we must acknowledge and vote out of office. The Commies are on the Left and on the Right side too. (emphasi mine)
Global News published November 20, 2023: Argentina President-elect Javier Milei pledges new political era in victory speech. Argentina elected right-wing libertarian Javier Milei as its new president on Sunday, rolling the dice on a political outsider with libertarian views to fix an economy battered by triple-digit inflation, a looming recession and rising poverty.
NBC News published November 20, 2023: Argentina elects Javier Milei as new president after polarizing election. After a polarizing election, right-wing economist and TV personality Javier Milei won the presidential race in Argentina after a heated runoff with economy minister Sergio Massa. The nation has been plagued by soaring inflation, an issue Milei campaigned on and promised to tackle once in office. NBC News’ Steven Romo takes a look into Milei’s plans for the country’s future.
NBC News reports in vid above, "Supporters flooding the streets of Buenos Aires hopeful for change at a time when the [Argentina] poverty rate has reached 40%." WOW that's insane the poverty rate was even allowed to reach 40%. ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Sky News Australia published November 21, 2023: Argentinian president inheriting ‘burning dumpster fire’ from former socialist government. Sky News host Liz Storer says the new Argentinian President Javier Milei is inheriting a “burning dumpster fire” from the former socialist government. Ms Storer said he won because the country is “sick of living in poverty”. “This guy is a 53-year-old economist turned president,” Ms Storer said. “He is an avowed Libertarian. “He has already sworn to shut down Argentina’s central bank.”
Learn Economics published June 18, 2023: The economy of Argentina can be saved by one man. The economy of Argentina is as volatile as a football match between Boca and River. High inflation, high unemployment and political instability have taken a toll in the country's economy after 2 centuries in which Argentina went from the most prosperous country on earth, to one of the poorest nations in South America. In the upcoming election, a presidential candidate named Javier Miliei, a renown economist with experience on Wall Street and Academic Research, is giving a strong blow of fresh air to a new generation who is finally finding a candidate with the capacity to turn around the problems inside the economy from the Pampa. Today we discover who is Javier Milei.
Explained with Dom published October 15, 2023: Argentina Could Have Been a Superpower. Now, It's Falling Apart. 100 years ago, Argentina was one of the wealthiest places on the planet. But then something went wrong and Argentina started a long economic downfall that has been getting worse, worse and worse ever since. But how does a country go from a future superpower to one of the most messed up economies in the world?
TheDC Shorts published September 14, 2023: Tucker Carlson interviewed Argentinian presidential candidate Javier Milei. 
Forbes published November 20, 2023: Steve Forbes: This Is Why Javier Milei's Win In Argentina Presidential Election Is Great News. Steve Forbes celebrates the election of Javier Milei to Argentina's presidency, stating that is welcome news amidst the socialist swing of Latin America.

Reuters News
written by Nicolรกs Misculin, Lucinda Elliott and Walter Bianchi
Sunday November 19, 2023

BUENOS AIRES - Argentina elected right-wing libertarian Javier Milei as its new president on Sunday, rolling the dice on an outsider with radical views to fix an economy battered by triple-digit inflation, a looming recession and rising poverty.

Milei, who rode a wave of voter anger with the political mainstream, won by a wider-than-expected margin. He landed some 56% of the vote versus just over 44% for his rival, Peronist Economy Minister Sergio Massa, who conceded.

"The model of decadence has come to an end, there's no going back," Milei said in a defiant speech after the result, while also acknowledging the challenges that face him.

"We have monumental problems ahead: inflation, lack of work, and poverty," he said. "The situation is critical and there is no place for tepid half-measures."

In downtown Buenos Aires hundreds of Milei supporters honked horns and chanted his popular refrain against the political elite - "out with all of them" - as rock music played from speakers. Some people set off fireworks as excitement spread.

"We came to celebrate this historic triumph," said Efrain Viveros, a 21-year-old student from the province of Salta. "I'm honestly ecstatic. Milei represents change, for the better. With Massa we'd have had no future, our future has returned."

Milei is pledging economic shock therapy. His plans include shutting the central bank, ditching the peso, and slashing spending, potentially painful reforms that resonated with voters angry at the economic malaise.

"Milei is the new thing, he's a bit of an unknown and it is a little scary, but it's time to turn over a new page," said 31-year-old restaurant worker Cristian as he voted on Sunday.

Milei's challenges are enormous. He will have to deal with the empty coffers of the government and central bank, a creaking $44 billion debt program with the International Monetary Fund, inflation nearing 150% and a dizzying array of capital controls.

Some Argentines had characterized the vote as a choice of the "lesser evil": fear of Milei's painful economic medicine versus anger at Massa and his Peronist party for an economic crisis that has left Argentina deeply in debt and unable to tap global credit markets.

Milei has been particularly popular among the young, who have grown up seeing their country lurch from one crisis to another.

"Perhaps not everything Milei says I agree with or can identify with but he is our future," said Irene Sosa, a 20-year-old student celebrating outside his election bunker. "Milei represents a future for young people like me, Massa was everything that is wrong with our country."

Milei's win shakes up Argentina's political landscape and economic roadmap, and could impact trade in grains, lithium and hydrocarbons. Milei has criticized China and Brazil, saying he won't deal with "communists," and favors stronger U.S. ties.

Despite that, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva wished Milei luck and success after the result was announced, adding that it was important democracy was respected.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump congratulated Milei and said the libertarian would make Argentina great again.

Leftist Colombian President Gustavo Petro, meanwhile, said it was a "sad day" for the region.


The victory of Milei, a 53-year-old economist and former TV pundit, has broken the hegemony of the two leading political forces on the left and right - the Peronists that have dominated Argentine politics since the 1940s and its main opposition, the Together for Change conservative bloc.

"The election marks a profound rupture in the system of political representation in Argentina," said Julio Burdman, director of the consultancy Observatorio Electoral, ahead of the vote.

The campaign of Massa, 51, an experienced political wheeler-dealer, had sought to appeal to voter fears about Milei's volatile character and plans to cut back the size of the state.

"Milei's policies scare me," teacher Susana Martinez, 42, said on Sunday after she voted for Massa.

Milei is staunchly anti-abortion, favors looser gun laws and has criticized Argentine Pope Francis. He used to carry a chainsaw in a symbol of his planned cuts but shelved it in recent weeks to help boost his moderate image.

After October's first-round vote, Milei struck an uneasy alliance with the conservatives. But he faces a highly fragmented Congress, with no single bloc having a majority, meaning that he will need to get backing from other factions to push through legislation. Milei's coalition also does not have any regional governors or mayors.

That may temper some of his more radical proposals. Long-suffering voters are likely to have little patience, and the threat of social unrest is never far below the surface.

His backers say only he can uproot the political status quo and economic malaise that has dogged South America's second-largest economy for years.

"Milei is the only viable option so we do not end up in misery," said Santiago Neria, a 34-year-old accountant.
GlobalAwareness101 published Meet Argentina's New President: 53yo economist and avowed Libertarian Javier Milei explains how he is going to get rid of the deep state swamp monsters that have been destroying Argentina's economy and everyone's quality of life.

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