October 15, 2023

What The Devil Meant For Evil, God Said He Would Turn It Around For Our Good. 💖 Trust and Believe. I Receive This Message In The Mighty Name Of Jesus Christ. AMEN! 😊💖 I Love You WORLD!

I love this song and Judy Jacobs encouraging words and passion singing this song. 😊 Listen she has a message for you too.

Boy do I miss these TBN Praise-a-Thons that would last all week. I'm glad they were around when I was barely getting to know the Lord God almighty in the early 2000's. I wish TBN would bring them back for us to enjoy. It felt like TBN brought a powerful spiritual conference right into our home. ❤

You can watch TBN programs 24/7 worldwide on their TBN website or download their TBN app. :) Look for TBN Networks tab and you will see United States and Other Countries with programs in your native language. :)
Yes, the Lord God Almighty will turn it around. Don't listen to people who say that prayer doesn't work or is for weak people. I'm here to tell you that it does work, most especially when you're feeling weak and at your most vulnerable caused by dark forces at work against you. The Supernatural spiritual world does exist. There are dark forces at work who do pray and do rituals casting spells and curses on people the entire night for 12 hours straight to wreak havoc on people's lives. You can choose not to believe. That's fine. But I want you to know if that day ever comes when you desperately need help and you have no one to turn to, you have God aka El Shaddai, and all of heaven waiting to hear you cry out asking God for help and God will respond. Keep praying every day until you see the breakthrough you so desperately need. I have prayers you can use I've shared with you on the upper right side of my blog. You can also send prayer requests to Christian ministries to ask them to help pray for you. You don't know the dark forces that the angels dispatched to answer your prayers had to fight to reach you. It's kind of like this 'We Are Here' scene from Horton Hears a Who in the two videos I shared above.

God Said He Would Turn It Around
~ by Pastor Judy Jacobs

God said He would turn it around
God said He would turn it around
What that devil meant for evil
God will make it good
Turn around, Turn around, Turn around

I know it may be midnight
But Joy is soon to come
I know it may be midnight
But Joy is soon to come
I know it feels like midnight
But Joy is soon to come

God said He would turn it around
God said He would turn it around
What that devil meant for evil
God will make it good
Turn around, Turn around, Turn around

Give him all the praise
For God is in control

God said He would turn it around
God said He would turn it around
What that devil meant for evil
God will make it good
Turn around, Turn around, Turn around

He will give you beauty for ashes
Joy for your pain
Praise for your sadness
As you remember his name
Mourning into dancing
Sorrow into Joy
Every day will be sweeter than the day before

God said He would turn it around
God said He would turn it around
What that devil meant for evil
God will make it good
Turn around, Turn around, Turn around
Here is a good picture of angels going to battle with demons who are blocking them from answering your prayers and coming to your help. This is what the Supernatural realm in the heavenlies looks like. Ask God to send giant warring angels to stand guard around you and your home for protection and plead the blood of Jesus Christ over everything you value.
Here is a short prayer I say:

Lord Jesus please cleanse my mind, body and soul from all impurities. Wash me in your blood Lord Jesus. Purify me. Cover me and protect me against all evil. Amen and amen.

You can replace my and me with whomever it is you want to pray for. Just insert their name or label like mom, dad, brother, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, friend, or name of your pet(s). (emphasis mine)

Rest assured God WINS in the end!
God is Alpha and Omega... the beginning and END.
Amen. 💖

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