October 22, 2023

USA: Defense Secretary Issues Prepare-to-Deploy Orders for U.S. Troops To The Middle East Sunday After Speaking With President Biden. To Assist In The Defense Of Israel, U.S. Forces In The Region.

Ugh ๐Ÿ˜’ Israel allowed the initial Hamas terrorists breach of their border on land and air. Then allowed families inside Israel to be raped, massacred, slaughtered, and kidnapped by Hamas terrorists FOR SEVERAL HOURS without sending immediate help to stop it.

Imagine the Mexican Cartel breaching our US border en masse. Then raping, and brutally slaughtering families at the US border city San Ysidro or Calexico and NO ONE CAME TO RESCUE THEM FOR SEVERAL HOURS. Wouldn't you be outraged, shock, and appalled?

Well that is what happened in Israel and no one is outraged by Israel Defense initial response. Israel was not surprised by Hamas terror attack on land and in air. Why do you think we, the USA gives Israel billions of dollars to fortify their defense PRIMARILY to guard against attacks from Hamas terrorists and Hezbollah terrorists. So if Israel doesn't give a shit about their defense why the hell should we keep giving them money, billions that is being wasted on a COUNTRY WHO DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THEIR DEFENSE OR PROTECTING THEIR PEOPLE. That is their NUMBER ONE PRIORITY TO PROTECT THEIR PEOPLE.

Has Hamas terror group changed at all? NO. They are always plotting how to kill the Jewish people INSIDE Israel. Hamas terror group ultimate goal is to annihilate Israel. So who the f*** dropped the ball? ISRAEL OFFICIALS IN CHARGE OF PROTECTING PEOPLE INSIDE ISRAEL from a terror attack Israel already knows is imminent. That's why USA gives Israel billions for defense against these KNOWN terrorists. AND THEY WANT US TO BELIEVE THIS WAS A SNEAK ATTACK! Israel was caught off guard. Israel wasn't prepared. F*** off.

I heard people on TV and talk radio like Mark Levin say the head of IDF was sleeping when the sneak attack happened and that we should understand that it takes awhile for him to get dressed and get over there. My jaw dropped. Those defending Israeli officials in charge of protecting the Israeli population tell us they are investigating the slow response, so basically get over it, move on, it's not for us to be concerned about. REALLY? There is no way I would feel safe living there after this grotesque transgression against those families that were slaughtered by their known enemy. Just like I would not feel safe in Hawaii after what officials did before, during, and after the Lahaina, Maui fire.

Well imagine if the fire department acted like the head of IDF and the rest of Israel defense team and take f***ing 4 to 6 hours to arrive to help put out the fire. Your house would have already burned down. So what would be the point in keeping a useless fire department?

Everyone in charge of protecting and defending Israel from the terrorists should be immediately fired. STOP SAYING IT'S OKAY... GET OVER IT WE'RE INVESTIGATING WHY THEY TOOK HOURS TO COME TO THE RESCUE TO STOP THE MASSACRE INSIDE THEIR COUNTRY. Nobody in Israel is taking responsibility on why their response was so slow and why they allowed this massacre to happen in the first place. Why they didn't move their asses to stop families from being slaughtered by their known enemy.

This is like the officials in Lahaina, Maui not warning people to evacuate, shutting off the water, and deliberately blocking the roads that lead to safety. Then those same officials shamed everyone exposing them for their crimes against humanity causing all of those deaths.

I keep getting replies that I'm blaming the victims for Hamas terror attack in Israel. No I'm not at all. I'm blaming OFFICIALS WHO WERE IN CHARGE OF PROTECTING THOSE VICTIMS.  Why is that so hard for people to understand? Why is nobody questioning Israel?

AND before you come at me that I am being anti-Semitic, I have a collage of pictures of a Jewish woman on my wall. Her name is Barbra Streisand. (emphasis mine)
ABC News published October 22, 2023: US ‘will not hesitate’ to take further action in the Middle East: Sec. Lloyd Austin. ABC News’ Jon Karl interviews Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on “This Week.”
U.S. Department of Defense
Issued October 21, 2023

Following detailed discussions with President Biden on recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces across the Middle East Region, today I directed a series of additional steps to further strengthen the Department of Defense posture in the region. These steps will bolster regional deterrence efforts, increase force protection for U.S. forces in the region, and assist in the defense of Israel.

First, I redirected the movement of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group to the Central Command area of responsibility. This carrier strike group is in addition to the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group, which is currently operating in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. It will further increase our force posture and strengthen our capabilities and ability to respond to a range of contingencies.

I have also activated the deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery as well as additional Patriot battalions to locations throughout the region to increase force protection for U.S. forces.

Finally, I have placed an additional number of forces on prepare to deploy orders as part of prudent contingency planning, to increase their readiness and ability to quickly respond as required.

I will continue to assess our force posture requirements in the region and consider deploying additional capabilities as necessary.
written by Kristina Wong
Sunday October 22, 2023

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin placed additional U.S. troops on prepare-to-deploy orders to the Middle East Sunday after speaking with President Joe Biden.

“I have placed an additional number of forces on prepare to deploy orders as part of prudent contingency planning, to increase their readiness and ability to quickly respond as required,” he said in a statement.

The number of forces put on prepare-to-deploy orders was not specified, but the Pentagon has previously confirmed the number was roughly 2,000. Some troops would come from the U.S. and some from within Europe or other areas of operation.

Austin said he has also activated the deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery as well as additional Patriot battalions to locations throughout the region to increase protection for U.S. forces.

Iranian proxy forces have recently launched attacks against U.S. facilities in Iraq, Syria, and fired rockets from Yemen, which were shot down by a U.S. guided missile destroyer.

Austin also said in his statement the decision came after detailed discussions with Biden on “recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces across the Middle East Region.”

He said the steps were to “bolster regional deterrence efforts, increase force protection for U.S. forces in the region, and assist in the defense of Israel.”

The Pentagon has also previously indicated the troops would not be engaged in fighting, and Israel has also said it has not requested U.S. troops to fight.

The move follows the deployment of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group to the Middle East, as well as deploying the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

“I will continue to assess our force posture requirements in the region and consider deploying additional capabilities as necessary,” Austin said.
60 Minutes published October 15, 2023: Biden: Saudi Arabia-Israel normalization not dead. In an interview with 60 Minutes, President Biden says the effort to normalize relations between the two countries can ultimately withstand Israel’s on-going war with Hamas.

Reuters News  
written by Aziz El Yaakoubi and Parisa Hafezi
Friday October 13, 2023

RIYADH - Saudi Arabia is putting U.S.-backed plans to normalise ties with Israel on ice, two sources familiar with Riyadh's thinking said, signalling a rapid rethinking of its foreign policy priorities as war escalates between Israel and Palestinian group Hamas.

The conflict has also pushed the kingdom to engage with Iran. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman took his first phone call from Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi as Riyadh tries to prevent a broader surge in violence across the region.

The two sources told Reuters there would be a delay in the U.S.-backed talks on normalisation with Israel that was a key step for the kingdom to secure what Riyadh considers the real prize of a U.S. defence pact in exchange.

Until Iran-backed Hamas sparked a war on Oct. 7 by launching a devastating attack on Israel, both Israeli and Saudi leaders had been saying they were moving steadily towards a deal that could have reshaped the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Islam and home to its two holiest sites, had until the latest conflict indicated it would not allow its pursuit of a U.S. defence pact be derailed even if Israel did not offer significant concessions to the Palestinians in the their bid for statehood, sources had previously said.

But an approach that sidelined Palestinians would risk angering Arabs around the region, as Arab news outlets broadcast images of Palestinians killed in Israeli retaliatory airstrikes.

Hamas fighters killed more than 1,300 Israelis in their Oct. 7 attack and more than 1,500 had been killed by Friday in Israel's ongoing strikes on Gaza in response.

The first source familiar with Riyadh's thinking said talks could not be continued for now and the issue of Israeli concessions for the Palestinians would need to be a bigger priority when discussions resumed - a comment that indicates Riyadh has not abandoned the idea.

The Saudi government did not respond to emailed requests for comment on this article.


The Saudi rethink highlights challenges facing Washington's efforts to deepen Israel’s integration in a region where the Palestinian cause remains a major Arab concern.

"Normalisation was already considered taboo (in the Arab world) ... this war only amplifies that," Saudi analyst Aziz Alghashian said.

Washington wants to build on the Abraham Accords when Gulf states, including the United Arab Emirates, normalised ties.

U.S. National Security advisor Jake Sullivan told a White House briefing this week that the normalisation effort was "not on hold" but said the focus was on other immediate challenges.

The first source familiar with Saudi thinking said Washington had pressed Riyadh this week to condemn the Hamas attack but said Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan pushed back. A U.S. source familiar with the issue confirmed this.

The regional conflict has also prompted the Saudi crown prince and Iran's president to speak for the first time after a Chinese-brokered initiative prompted the Gulf rivals to re-establish diplomatic ties in April.

A Saudi statement said the crown prince told Raisi "the kingdom is exerting maximum effort to engage with all international and regional parties to halt the ongoing escalation", underling Riyadh's move to contain the crisis.

A senior Iranian official told Reuters the call, made by Raisi to the crown prince, aimed to support "Palestine and prevent the spread of war in the region".

"The call was good and promising," the official said.

A second Iranian official said the call lasted 45 minutes and had the blessing of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


The Saudi government did not provide further details on the call but the statement said the crown prince stated the kingdom's "opposition to any form of civilian targeting and the loss of innocent lives" and expressed Riyadh's "unwavering stance in standing up for the Palestinian cause".

Saudi Arabia has been seeking to ease tensions elsewhere in the Middle East, including seeking to end a conflict Yemen, where Riyadh has led a military coalition in a war against the Iran-aligned Houthis.

Asked about Raisi's call with the crown prince, a senior U.S. State Department official said Washington was in "constant contact with Saudi leaders". U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has held several calls with his Saudi counterpart.

The official said Washington was asking partners with channels to Hamas, Hezbollah - a Lebanese armed group aligned with Tehran that fought a war with Israel in 2006 - or Iran "to get Hamas to stand down from its attacks, to release hostages, keep Hezbollah out (and) keep Iran out of the fray."

The first source familiar with Saudi thinking said Gulf states, including those with Israeli ties, were worried Iran could be drawn into a conflict that would affect them.

Alex Vatanka, director of the Iran Program at the Middle East Institute in Washington, said the last week showed how the Saudi and Iranian visions for the region diverged.

"The Saudis are still convinced the region, and Saudi Arabia itself, needs to shift toward regional cooperation and economic development. Iran seems to think the priority is to take the fight to the Israelis first," he said.

From US Department of State: Although relations between the Soviet Union Russia and the United States had been strained in the years before World War II, the United States - Soviet Russia alliance of 1941–1945 was marked by a great degree of cooperation and was essential to securing the DEFEAT of Nazi Germany. (emphasis mine)
GlobalAwareness101 published October 22, 2023: Roseanne Barr on the Nazis in Ukraine.

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