October 8, 2023

IRAN: Historical Connection Between Hitler, Nazis, Progressive Left And Right, The Shah Changed Persian Name To Iran (Aryan), And Iran Ayatolla, Nazi, Progressive Islamic Revolution.

[source: Tell the Children the Truth]

I. A Little Background on Iran

Deep Memories of A Great Persian Empire. 560-334 BC The Achaemenid Empire was the Great Persian Empire, which flourished under King Cyrus and then King Darius, until its fall under Alexander the Great. Cyrus and Darius are legendary symbols of Persian Imperialist power and strike deep chords inside the Iranian psyche. Hitler admired the Persian Empire as an example of expansionist Germanic genius. 637 AD Muslims invade Iran. By the 11 th century AD, 100% of the population is Muslim.

II. The Volkisch Movement and the rise of the fascist left: Germany 1920

Back to 1920 Germany: Germany is defeated and humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles, which marks the end of WWI. The winds of fascism are blowing in Germany and the Volkisch movement takes hold of defeated Germany.

Volkisch Movement, Romantic Nationalism, The Birth of German Fascim 1920: The Volkisch movement develops the idea of an occult force, which ties into the glory of the Aryan past. It claims to be a mystical faith, which worships nature, emphasizing the connection between the Aryan race and German soil. The superiority of Aryan blood cannot be proved scientifically but rather through intuition. Modernity and science are seen as a threat to national identity. Urban materialism, rationalism and science are seen as an evil conspiring to destroy the Aryan spirit.

From The Thule Society To the Nazi Party: The Thule Society (1919) becomes a bastion for the occult radical right and Volkisch ideology. It concerns itself with Aryan origins and rapidly focuses on racism and combating Jews and Communists. The Nordic peasant is seen as the superior being. Thule is a mystical Nordic location, seen as the Aryan Atlantis.

In 1919, Anton Drexler combines the Thule Society with radical right worker's organizations and eventually, with Adolf Hitler, forms the National Socialist German Workers' Party, generally known as the "Nazi Party".

Germany for Germans, The Sanctity of Nature: The Volkisch movement has 2 major consequences.
  1. America and the Jews are not Aryan. America's multiculturalism is a threat. They are seen as the importers of modernity, and as the evil city-dwellers and scientists who are conspiring to destroy the Aryan land and race. They have no place in a Germany for Germans.
  2. The sanctity of nature and the animal kingdom are paramount since the Aryan race mystically finds its superiority in nature. This purity must be preserved and the impure elements of society must be destroyed. The very fabric of society must be purified.
III. Hitler's Rise to Power; From Romantic Nationalism to Nazi Imperialism

Volkisch Propaganda, Hitler the Ecologist, Promises to re-establish the Great Aryan Empire.

The Weimar, democracy, which governs Germany after WWI, is perceived as a pawn of the Allied victors.

Hitler preaches that Weimar threatens the German soil and spirit with urbanization. Hitler praises the irrational character of Aryan superiority over science. He empowers the German public with an ideology of natural superiority and promises to re-establish the great Aryan empire.

He presents himself as a strong advocate for ecology and the preservation of nature.

1933 Hitler Comes to Power, Industrial Capitalism and the Jews are the enemy:

Hitler comes to power. He passes laws regulating the slaughter of animals and the cooking of lobsters. Meat-eating is associated with industrial capitalism. An international conference is held in Berlin over animal and environmental protection. Hitler becomes a vegetarian and Goering sets up natural reserves for animals. Himmler turns to Buddhism and describes the shooting of birds as “murder”.

In contradistinction to the purity of nature and of the animal kingdom, the Jews are portrayed as ‘city-dwellers' and ‘meat eaters'. They represent American industrialism and nature's enemy.

In this way, Hitler skillfully unites the broken German people and empowers them with an irrational sense of superiority and a common enemy. The winds of WWII were gaining strength.

IV. Hitler Forms Ideological and Commercial Alliance with Iran

1933 Foreign Affairs Bureau Hitler makes contact with Iran: Hitler establishes Germany's Foreign Affairs Bureau. The mission of the bureau is to send envoys to other countries to initiate strategic alliances with Germany. It is met with great success in Persia (Iran today).

1935 Iran's Alliance with Hitler's Germany Business Partners:
  • Reza Shah Pahlavi seizes power in Persia in 1925 and develops close ties with Hitler's Germany in 1933.
  • Seduced by Hitler's ideology of racial purity, he draws attention to the fact that both Germans and Persians are from the Aryan (Indo-european) race.
  • He renames Persia and calls it Iran (in reference to Aryan). A change suggested by Hitler's banker Hjalmar Schacht to Iran's embassador to Germany.
  • Reza Shah seeks to diminish Britain's monopoly over Iranian oil reserves and draws closer economic ties with Nazi Germany.
  • Between 1933 and 1939, Germany's trading with Iran increases five-fold, and by 1939, Iran has the greatest trade turn-over with Germany than any other country.
  • The Foreign Affairs Bureau establishes many institutions in Iran. Nazi Gestapo agents are sent to Iran, which becomes a major center for Middle Eastern agitation against the British.
Fritz Grobba is Hitler's envoy. Called the ‘German Lawrence of Arabia', promised a pan-islamic state stretching from Casablanca to Tehran.

V. Amin Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, acts as mediator between Nazi Germany and Iran. The War for Oil

1939 WWII Hitler and the Mufti: WWII breaks out. Hitler seeks to take-over the world and establish his Aryan empire. Amin Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, is by his side in Berlin and is considered to be the Fuhrer of the Arab world.

He shares with Hitler a virulent anti-Semitism. Amin al Husseini seeks to establish an Islamic empire with Jerusalem as its capital. He pushes for the eradication of European Jewry and establishes Muslim SS Nazi troops in the Balkans, which participated in the ethnic cleansing of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies.

1941 Failed Pro-Nazi Coup in Iraq, War for Oil, Iraq: Amin Al-Husseini instigates a pro-nazi coup in Baghdad, Iraq. Kharaillah Tulfah is his right-hand man. Tulfah is Saddam Hussein's mentor and uncle. Germany sends weapons and aircrafts to Husseini. Coup fails and the British secure their hold on Irak and its oil.

Amin Al Husseini's intention was to provide Iraqi oil to fuel Hitler's war machine. He flees to neighboring Iran.

October 1941 The Mufti relocates in Tehran, Third Reich backs Islamic Jihad, War for Oil, Iran, The British Triumph:
  • Forced to flee Iraq, Amin Al Husseini relocates in Iran. He once again tries to funnel Iranian oil to Hitler's army in Czekoslovakia and Austria using the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co.
  • Amin Al Husseini arranges deal with Germany in exchange for permission to launch Islamic Jihad against the Jews and the Allies and obtains guarantee from Nazi Germany of a Pan-Arab state, which would include full control over Palestine.
  • Sensing the threat, Britain and the Allied Forces invade Iran and cut the Mufti's oil supply to Hitler in October 1941.
  • Amin Al Husseini hides in the fascist Italian Embassy of Tehran and flees to Egypt, disguised as an Italian delegate. He then finds his way to Berlin, where he broadcasts his vision of a Pan-Islamic empire on a daily radio show. He founds and leads the Hanzar Division of Muslim Nazis in the Balkans.
VI. 1941 The Allies Appoint a New Monarch, Mohamed Reza Shah

1941-1978 The Allies appoint a new monarch, Mohamed Reza Shah, The Shah of Iran, White Revolution: Britain has no confidence in Reza Shah Pahlavi, in light of his allegiance to Hitler's Germany. He is replaced by his son, Mohamed Reza Shah as leader of Iran.

The new leader, also known as the Shah of Iran, embraces close ties with the West. After WWII, he pushes for reform and favors Western capitalism. He calls it the ‘White Revolution'. Although popular at first, his economic favoritism towards Britain and America become increasingly unpopular throughout his reign.

His regime becomes increasingly oppressive, as he imposes more and more restrictions on the Iranian people, limiting their freedom and offending their attachment to traditional values. He is eventually denounced as a puppet of the West.

1953 Shah ousted by the people, CIA and British MI6 launch Coup d'Etat, Monarchy restored: The Shah is driven out of power and secular Prime Minister Mossadeq is voted in by the people. Mossadeq had promised to nationalize the oil fields of Iran and re-empower the people by fighting against US and British exploitation and special interests.

Prime Minister Mohamed Mossadeq

In light of this, the CIA and the British MI6 conspired with the Shah to overthrow Mossadeq and re-establishes the monarchy. Praised as a great ally of the US for 25 years, the Shah was accused by the Iranian people of being a brutal and corrupt dictator, who had sold out to the Americans. He was helped by his brutal secret police called the Savak.

VII. Ayatollah Khomeini's Rise to Power, From Romantic Nationalism to Islamic Imperialism

1963 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeni:
  • Khomenei, the future Ayatollah of Iran, opposed the Shah's White Revolution.
  • He denounces Industrial capitalism as an enemy to Iran traditional values.
  • He opposed universal suffrage for women, the fact that religious minorities could hold office and equality for women in marital affairs.
He is placed under house-arrest for 8 months and then exiled for 14 years by the Shah. He spends those years in the holy Shia city of Najjaf in Iraq.

1975 Aspen Conference, Persepolis, Iran, Professor Ali Shariati, The Soul of the Revolution:
  • A symposium is held 👉 by the Aspen Conference 👈, which lays the ground work for the Iranian Revolution against the Shah.
  • It outlines a path to reverse the Shah's industrialization program and return Iran to a pre-modern Islamic state. It is attended by prominent Europeans, many from👉 the Club of Rome 👈 (a global think-tank).
  • Professor Ali Shariati becomes the main voice of the Muslim Brotherhood in Iran. He had a huge influence on the youth and led an anti-materialist rebellion based on Sufi concepts mixed in with Marxist ideology. The revolution would not have had its popular appeal without him.
  • The War on Modernity and America, Volkisch Undertones, Martyrdom for Islam: Professor Shariati preached a mystical, irrational anti-materialism, pitting a nature-loving Islam against an evil industrialist America.
  • He praised martyrdom as the ultimate act, claiming that the ‘willing acceptance of death is the only legitimate escape from the material world'. He was the spokesman Khomeini needed to fire up his Islamic Revolution.
  • He was assassinated before the Revolution even took place.
1971-1979 The Fall of the Shah, Khomeini Calls for a Revolution: From 1971 to 1977, the Iranian economy falls into a recession under the Shah and the Iranian people become increasing unhappy with the level of governmental corruption and oppression. Khomeini's influence grows.

September 1978. Khomeini comes out of exile and returns to Iran. Civil unrest erupts as he preaches for the fall of the monarchy and the establishment of an Islamic Republic. He is forced to leave and France offers him political refuge.

Khomeini Exile in Paris Sponsored by Hitler's Swiss Banker:
  • Khomeini spends 8 months in a luxurious Paris hotel. He continues to push for the establishment of an Islamic Republic.
  • He draws international attention to his cause with the help of the French media and becomes a media sensation.
  • Francois Genoud, Hitler's Swiss banker, covers all his expenses. His influence continues to grow.
VIII. The Iranian Revolution 1979 to today

1979 The Iranian Revolution Khomeini Supreme Leader, Sharia Supreme Law: Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran and the Shah is forced out and goes into exile. Khomeini declares himself Supreme Leader of the new Islamic Republic. Sharia law now officially rules Iran.

As the Supreme Leader, he has absolute power over the country's military, internal affairs and foreign policy.

Nov 1979 US Embassy in Tehran Hostage Crisis: Ayatollah Khomeini makes a demonstration of strength in November 1979. In response to the US helping the Shah, Khomeini holds 52 Americans hostage at the Tehran embassy for 444 days, causing an international crisis and emboldening the Iranian Revolution.

Pan-islamism was uplifted throughout the world by Iran's act of defiance.

1980-1989 Iran-Iraq War: Saddam Hussein of Iraq attacks the Iranian Republic in its infancy in order to seize the oil-rich Arab provinces of Khuzikstan. Iran fights back and regains the land at considerable expense.

In 1982, Saddam Hussein offers a truce but Khomeini refuses to stop fighting until Iraq becomes an Islamic Republic. Over one million people will die in the name of Jihad martyrdom. The war ends with no winners but Iran finds itself unified and Khomeini has more control over Iran.

1982 Hezbollah Party of God, Imad Mughniyeh: The Revolution Begins to export itself as part of its imperial aspirations.

Hezbollah created with headquarters in Syria. Aka Islamic Jihad, Jihad Islami. Call themselves “Party of God”. Radical Shi'ite Muslim group, backed by and based in Iran. Created at time when Iranian Islamic Revolution actively exporting itself. Directed from Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria.

Also inspired by Amin Al-Husseini's original vision of Pan-Islamic domination.

Will join Arafat in War against the Jews and the Christians. 👈

Hezbollah becomes active force in destroying Lebanon and attacking Israel from Lebanon border. Imad Mughniyeh, who originally trained under Arafat's Force 17 militia, heavily trained in Husseini's ideas, becomes number one man in Hezbollah organization.

1983 240 US Marines killed in Hezbollah suicide attack, US Embassy Beirut, Lebanon: Hezbollah sends suicide truck on US embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. Two hundred and forty (240) American marines and diplomats die in attack. Also, many instances of Western hostage taking.

Imad Mughniyeh heads the operation. He will later become prime suspect with Osama Bin Laden in organizing September 11 th 's attack on America.

The Islamic Republic and Europe's Radical Right (really are Marxist aka Far-left Progressives): Iran maintains close ties with Europe's radical right underworld. Iran becomes a major center for Revisionist ideology, which seeks to deny the magnitude and occurrence of the Jewish holocaust. It continues to be a major center for ‘Volkisch' ideas of anti-science and anti-Americanism. Two important figures are Roger Garaudy and Ahmed Huber.

Roger Garaudy, Islam and The West Project, Attack on Progress, Roger Garaudy, Holocaust Denier, Ties to the Republic: Roger Garaudy is a French intellectual with communist beginnings who converted from Catholicism to Islam. He was active in the Aspen Conference, from which he received millions of dollars.

He subsequently establishes the International Institute for Dialogue of Civilizations and participates in the Muslim Brotherhood project called ‘Islam and the West'. The goal is to create a zero-growth version of Islam to infiltrate the West in order to draw recruits for the coming empire.

‘Islam and the West' declared: "We have to return to a more spiritual conception of life. . . . The first lesson of Islamic science is its insistence on the notion of a balanced equilibrium which would not destroy the ecological order of the environment, on which collective survival finally depends." This argument was used to attack "Western" science and technological progress in Europe and North America.

1995. Garaudy authors a book called ‘The Foundation Myths of Israeli Politics', which denies the magnitude and truth of the holocaust. He is fined 160,000 francs by the French authorities and gets 9 months parole.

1998. He is greeted as a king in Iran and personally welcomed by President Khatami of Iran and the Ayatollah Khameini himself.

Other revisionists have found friend and refuge in Iran, for instance: Jurgen Graf , Wolfgang Frohlich, Ahmed Rami, David Irving, Ernst Zundel and the Institute for Historical Review in California.

Ahmed Huber, Hitler Admirer, Muslim Brotherhood Egypt Safe Haven for Nazis, Contact with Amin Al Husseini, Francois Genoud, Johannes Van Leers, Avalon Gemeinschaft, Secret Society, Al Taqwa Bank Financing Al Qeida and Hamas:
  • Albert Freidrich Ahmed Huber (aka Ahmed Huber), born in 1927, is a Swiss journalist, who became a major financier of radical Islam and pan-arabism.
  • He is an avid admirer of Hitler and highly active in Europe's radical right elite.
  • After his involvement with the radical left Algerian rebels against the French in the 1950's, Huber converted to Islam through the offices of the Muslim Brotherhood.
At first he followed into the path of Pan-arabism with President Nasser of Egypt, whereby Nasser promised safe-haven for former SS officers in exchange for help on ‘Jewish affairs'. When President Sadat of Egypt made peace with Israel, Huber left and joined Ayatollah Khomeini.

He meets Amin Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, as well as Francois Genoud, Hitler's Swiss banker.
  • While in Egypt, he also befriends Johannes Van Leers, former chief of Nazi propaganda under Hitler.
  • He actively funds an anti-American and Anti-Israel agenda through his leadership of a secret fraternity called Avalon Gemeinschaft.
  • This group unites former SS officers with younger radicals such as Horst Mahler, Jurgen Graf and Ahmad Rami.
Finally, Ahmed Huber establishes the Al Taqua Bank with Muslim Brotherhood members Youssef Nada and Ali Gholib Himati. The Bank was since shut down by authorities for transacting with groups such as Al Qeida and Hamas and financing terrorist acts.

Ahmed Huber is thought to be the main financier and instigator of the holocaust denial movement in Iran.

2006 Second Lebanon War July 12 th to August 14th 2006, Hassan Nasrallah Leader of Hezbollah, UN Resolution 1701, Mughniyeh the Martyr: The July War or Second Lebanon War. Hezbollah launches ‘Operation True Promise' under the guidance of Hassan Nasrallah and most likely chief of operations Imad Mughniyeh. Hezbollah troops cross into Israel and attack a patrol killing 3 Israeli soldiers and kidnapping 2, while diversionary rockets are launched into Israel.

Israel calls this an act of war and responds with a devastating series of airstrikes. Hezbollah launches over 4,000 well prepared rockets into Israel from Southern Lebanon. Weapons are supplied by Syria and Iran.

The war last 33 days with no clear victor but extensive damage to Lebanon's infrastructure. Hezbollah is emboldened by the conflict.

On 11 August 2006, the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved UN resolution 1701 in an effort to end the hostilities. It was approved by both Lebanese and Israeli sides:
  • disarmament of Hezbollah
  • withdrawal of Israel from Lebanon
  • the deployment of Lebanese soldiers and an enlarged UN force (UNIFIL) in southern Lebanon.
February 13, 2008. Imad Mughniyeh is assassinated by a car bomb in Damascus, Syria. He was Head of Special Operations and master terrorist. Hezbollah accused Israel of his murder. Israel denied any involvement.

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