August 16, 2023

USA: Would Asylums Help Or Harm Homeless People Facing Mental Illness? AND Did The Emptying Of Mental Hospitals Contribute To Homelessness?

NewsNation published August 14, 2023: Would asylums help or harm homeless people facing mental illness? A growing group of people believe asylums are the answer to mental illness in the homeless population, but some advocates say "involuntary treatment" is not the solution. Correspondent Brooke Shafer joins NewsNation's "Elizabeth Vargas Reports" with the story.
KTLA News published August 16, 2023: Bass’ plan to buy Westlake hotel for homeless housing receives blowback ahead of City Council vote. On Wednesday, the Los Angeles Times called the Mayfair’s time housing people as part of Project Roomkey “a wrenching, tumultuous period,” with the city paying $11.5 million to repair damage done to the building and its 294 rooms.
KTLA News published April 17, 2023: Despite billions spent by CA, homeless numbers went up. 

California lawmakers have agreed to conduct a Bipartisan audit to determine why homelessness has increased in California, despite billions of dollars in spending on programs meant to reduce it. Since 2018, California has spent more than $20 billion on projects like Project Homekey. In that same time, the unhoused population has grown by one third. Legislators want to see how much money is going to administrative costs as opposed to actual services for people in need. One study found that the 10 billion spent between 2018 and 2019, nearly 570,000 people were helped but very few actually were given a roof over their heads. KTLA's Andy Riesmeyer reports.
ABC7 News published June 18, 2023: LA residents given housing 2 years ago told to leave. In Panorama City, people who used to live on the streets before being placed in housing by a homeless non-profit organization called "Home At Last" contracted with the City of Los Angeles could soon be forced out of their homes.
The homeless non-profit should change their name to "It's not your home anymore" or  "We fooled you." Because they received the millions from the City of Los Angeles taxpayers fund and they don't give a shit what happens to these people. They never did. They're just using them for the homeless gravy train created by those Marxists redistributing our personal wealth and making the middle class vile 'bourgeoisie" they hate so much live in nightmarish situations. So they get to profit handsomely from the middle class vile 'bourgeoisie" pain and suffering. The Marxists already destroyed most of our middle class small businesses during the covid lockdowns. Remember, the Marxists decided what businesses were "essential" and "non-essential". They determined that middle class small businesses were "non-essential". The people who claim they hate corporate welfare and hate corrupt crony capitalism were on the side of big corporations and annihilated small business owners. (emphasis mine)
KCAL News published May 31, 2022: CBS2 Investigates: LA City Controller reacts to LAHSA employees trashing food meant for homeless David Goldstein gets reaction from LA City Controller Ron Galperin on a CBS2 investigation that found employees with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority trashing perfectly good food meant for the homeless.

Okay so, it was shocking to finding out that the head of Los Angeles Homeless Outreach is being paid more than the President of the United States of America and more than the Mayor of Los Angeles. LAHSA is a private corporation contracted with the County of Los Angeles. She will be responsible for spreading the wealth amongst the little non-profit organizations that are all benefiting greatly from the homeless crisis. She's getting paid almost a half a million and the homeless non-profits are receiving millions they don't want to give up if we solve the homeless problem.

The idea of LAHSA is obviously NOT WORKING. It needs to be cancelled and that money should be directly used to help get the homeless population off of our streets and sidewalks and parks and freeways. You wonder why there is so much crime in Los Angeles all of a sudden? Well, the Los Angeles Commie Democrat District Attorney legalised crime. No one is getting arrested and if a criminal does get arrested, they receive the Commie get out of jail free card with no bail no jail policies in place. In the same way authorities legalized homeless encampments by allowing them to grow and grow and grow out of control. They stopped enforcing the laws we had in place for ever that kept the public safe. And another thing, the psycho far-Left fought so damn hard to get plastic straws and plastic bags legally banned  because it was "polluting the environment" and now they don't give a shit about the tons, tons of filthy stinky garbage all over the city. (emphasis mine)

UPDATE 8/17/23 at 3:27pm: All of the billions is mostly going towards "administrative costs" like most sham "non-profit organizations" that are not benefiting the cause they claim to care about ONLY ENRICHING THEMSELVES. I bet you if we did an audit, 97% or even maybe 99% of funds meant to solve the homeless crisis goes toward "administrative costs" basically their salaries. Which means ONLY 1% to 3% of our taxpayer money is used to go toward solving the homeless crisis. But that money spent is still misused for temporary fixes. Homeless people that were provided apartment housing are now being evicted by the non-profit organization that received money from homeless "authorities". It's all a money laundering scheme. The far-Left Marxists are using the homeless crisis to redistribute our personal wealth. (emphasis mine)
I added the picture to this post.

Va Lecia Adams Kellum has just accepted one of the toughest jobs in LA County. She’ll be paid generously for it too, earning a base salary of $430,000 per year. ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿšจ

Kellum is the new CEO of LAHSA, which is short for the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority. The agency is tasked with combating homelessness on LA’s streets. So far, it has failed spectacularly in that mission.

Kellum takes over for Stephen Simon, who has led the agency on an interim basis since the very public resignation of Heidi Marston in 2019. Marston earned nearly $200,000 less than what Kellum will be making as CEO. Let’s hope the taxpayers get their money’s worth.
I've been holding on to this article for over a month after hearing a podcast I enjoy listening to blame the homeless crisis on President Regan when he was governor of California. I did a little digging for myself to better understand what actually happened, you know how the situation progressed over time. I came across this article below where they did their own invetigation in their attempt to get to the bottom of this matter. This is the perfect opportunity to tie this article in with the NewsNation report questioning whether it would be better to return people who suffer from extreme mental health illness to be placed in asylums again. But there needs to be auditing done on a regular basis. I believe it would be in their best interest to be taken care of in a facility that would give them a better quality of life with a roof over their head instead of being abandoned on the streets living tortured lives with no food, water, or baths in unsanitary conditions. It's inhumane to dump them on the streets. But the people and "non-profit organizations" are actually financially benefiting from them being dumped on the streets and don't want to lose this gravy train. They don't give a shit about these people at all. They'll look at you with a straight face and tell you they should be living on the streets fending for themselves when they don't even know where they are or who they are or when they last had a meal. These are the same people who hate private businesses profiting from their products or services and hate America but obviously love to receive ill gotten gains from the suffering of other people they don't give a shit about.  Their "non-profit organizations" are getting money from the government taxpayer funds. (emphasis mine)
written by Jessica Placzek
December 8, 2016

After patients were released from mental hospitals, there wasn't always a place for them to go. On this week's episode, we explore if deinstitutionalization was a factor in the Bay Area's homeless crisis. Bay Curious is a new podcast from KQED that’s all about answering your questions about the Bay Area.

Earlier this year, we asked for your questions on homelessness. More than 1,300 of you responded and we answered many of your questions in our first round of reporting.

There was one topic that kept coming up again and again as we sorted your questions. This week on the podcast, we answer listener Debbie Ow’s question:

“Is the situation as bad as it is because of the closure of mental health facilities in our state?”

Click the red play button above for the full story, and look below for a timeline of deinstitutionalization.

Deinstitutionalization: A History

1833 Worcester State Hospital opens in Massachusetts as the first mental hospital fully supported by state funds.

1860 Twenty-eight of the 33 existing U.S. states have state psychiatric hospitals.

1939-1945 During World War II conscientious objectors enter state psychiatric hospitals to replace doctors who were sent away for the war effort.

1946 Life Magazine publishes photos depicting the horrors inside the hospitals.

1954 Chlorpromazine, marketed as Thorazine, is approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It’s the first anti-psychotic drug widely used to treat the symptoms of mental illness. For many, it brought hope that some patients could live among the community.

1955 The number of patients inside public mental hospitals nationwide peaks at 560,000.

1959 The number of patients in California state mental hospitals peaks at 37,000.

1963 President John F. Kennedy signs the Community Mental Health Act. This pushes the responsibility of mentally ill patients from the state toward the federal government. JFK wanted to create a network of community mental health centers where mentally ill people could live in the community while receiving care. JFK could have been inspired to act because his younger sister, Rosemary, was mentally disabled, received a lobotomy and spent her life hidden away.

Less than a month after signing the new legislation, JFK is assassinated. The community mental health centers never receive stable funding, and even 15 years later less than half the promised centers are built.

1965 The U.S. Congress establishes Medicaid and Medicare. Mentally disabled people living in the community are eligible for benefits but those in psychiatric hospitals are excluded. By encouraging patients to be discharged, state legislators could shift the cost of care for mentally ill patients to the federal government.
Governor Reagan worked with the ๐Ÿ‘‰Democratic majority ๐Ÿ‘ˆ in the state legislature. (emphasis mine)
1967 Ronald Reagan is elected governor of California. At this point, the number of patients in state hospitals had fallen to 22,000, and the Reagan administration uses the decline as a reason to make cuts to the Department of Mental Hygiene. They cut 2,600 jobs and 10 percent of the budget despite reports showing that hospitals were already below recommended staffing levels.

1967 Reagan signs the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act and ends the practice of institutionalizing patients against their will, or for indefinite amounts of time. This law is regarded by some as a “patient’s bill of rights”. Sadly, the care outside state hospitals was inadequate. The year after the law goes into effect, a study shows the number of mentally ill people entering San Mateo's criminal justice system doubles.

1969 Reagan reverses earlier budget cuts. He increases spending on the Department of Mental Hygiene by a record $28 million.

1973 The number of patients in California State mental hospitals falls to 7,000.

1980 President Jimmy Carter signs the Mental Health Systems Act to improve on Kennedy’s dream.

1981 President Reagan repeals Carter’s legislation with the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. This pushes the responsibility of mentally ill patients back to the states. The legislation creates block grants for the states, but federal spending on mental illness declines.

2004 The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 10 percent of state prisoners have symptoms that meet criteria for a psychotic disorder.

2015 In the San Francisco Homeless Count, 55 percent of people experiencing chronic homelessness report they have emotional or psychiatric conditions.

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