August 9, 2023

ENGLAND: A Pregnant Extinction Rebellion Climate Change Activist, Law Graduate With Dreams Of Becoming A Human Rights Lawyer, Was Sentenced To Life In Prison For Stabbing Her Fiancé To Death.

I looked and looked on YouTube and other video platforms for any news reporting about this incident and couldn't find anything using different search terms. Why? Could it be because they are Commie Leftists that are helping to push the totalitarian globalist climate change depopulation agenda? Very interesting that even local news outlets wouldn't find this newsworthy. (emphasis mine)
The Daily Mail, UK
written by Rhiannon James
Saturday August 5, 2023

An Extinction Rebellion activist, with dreams of becoming a human rights lawyer, was jailed for life yesterday for stabbing her fiancé to death.

During a domestic Blaze Lily Wallace, 28 - who was pregnant at the time - had followed Samuel Mayo, 34, into the street near their London home and stabbed him.

Witnesses heard his final, desperate words as he repeatedly shouted: 'Please Blaze. I love you, please Blaze.'

Samuel suffered a fatal 4cm wound in Lower Richmond Road, Mortlake on July 18, last year. He bled to death at around 9.45pm as he begged motorists and passers-by to call an ambulance.

The just at Kingston-upon-Thames Crown Court unanimously convicted Wallace of murder and possessing an offensive weapon following the three-week trial. She will serve a minimum of twenty-four years.

Judge Rajeev Shetty told Wallace, who was wearing a black Casper The Friendly Ghost sweatshirt with her hair braided in a cornrows-style: 'You stabbed him once to the chest.

'You stabbed him with sufficient force at a downward angle for the knife to go through his ribcage cartilage and into the heart. He shouted for help and was losing a lot of blood at this time.

'In contrast to the people who tried to assist him, you did nothing and left the scene, allowing him to die and showing a complete lack of remorse that you had stabbed him in the chest.

'He had a life that like yours was blighted by heavy drug use, but despite this he was well-liked by his family and was well-known in the local area.

'It was a volatile relationship and he had been violent towards you and witnesses gave evidence of a central theme of arguments in the street and home in which you were also the aggressor.'

Mr Mayo is said to have left their home with some belongings after the pair rowed in the back garden.

Both were under the influence of heroin, cocaine and cannabis on this evening and had rowed at Wallace's one-bedroom housing association flat in nearby Mullins Path.

Wallace claimed that Mr Mayo had a sharpened wooden chopstick which she believed he intended to use as a weapon.

The jury rejected Wallace's claim Mr Mayo was armed and she was simply using the knife to ward him off to protect herself and her unborn child.

No chopstick was found in the area during the subsequent police investigation.

Judge Shetty said: 'You followed him around six minutes later. You took with you a large knife knife and I reject completely that you took that in case things got violent and you had to protect yourself.

'You kept that knife out of view and in rage and anger at being slighted or being called "nasty" you caught up with him outside The Stag Brewery, Lower Richmond Road.

'He was no threat to you at all and he neither attacked you or attempted to attack you and I reject this was excessive self-defence.

'You stabbed him in the middle of the chest where his heart was. There must have been an intention to kill.

'I sentence you to life imprisonment with a minimum of twenty-four years. That is no guarantee of release, you may never be released.'

Mr Mayo's heartbroken mother Sarah Johnstone described him as a 'kind, considerate' son, brother and uncle who 'always made us laugh and nothing seemed to get him down'.

In her victim impact statement, which was read aloud by her other son Bailey Graham, she wrote: 'Learning that my son Sam had been murdered was absolutely devastating for me and my family.

'To be put through a trial was cruel for me and my family, we have to wake up everyday knowing we will not see Sam again.'

She added: 'Our pain will never go away and the family will always have a piece missing.'

Wallace graduated from St. Mary's University, Twickenham with a law degree in 2017 and when arrested was one month short of completing her Masters in Human Rights & Legal Practice at the University of Roehampton.

She had ambitions to work abroad as a human rights lawyer in Germany, Canada and Asia.

Wallace gave birth on March 30 after being transferred in custody to St. George's Hospital and her older brother currently has care of her daughter.

Her lawyer Joe Stone KC told the court: 'This isn't a lady with a proven record of violence. She is not an experienced criminal, used to London's prisons, in fact quite the reverse.

'It would not be an exaggeration to say it will have a profound effect on her life, now and for the next two decades at least,' added the KC, describing Wallace as 'not a ruthless killer.'

CCTV footage showed Wallace deliberately following Mayo, while armed with the knife in her pocket, catching up with him outside the huge Stag Brewery.

Prosecutor Corinne Bramwell urged the court to order a minimum of twenty-five years custody. 'This was a planned attack in which a weapon was used. It was taken to the scene by Ms Wallace.

'The defendant intended to kill Mr Mayo. She followed him for some distance armed with a knife and after catching up with him stabbed him once in the heart with a sharp knife, without a backwards glance.

'It was pre-meditated and she was under the influence of Class A drugs and the jury rejected self-defence for an incident that lasted sixteen seconds.

'This was not a snap in the middle of an attack, but as earlier shown the row that proceeded him leaving Mullins Path involved Ms Wallace being the more aggressive and unpleasant party.'

Mr Mayo, who was eight-stone, bled to death at the scene and when police arrived at 9.57pm they immediately recognised him as a local drug user, who regularly begged outside Tesco's and Mortlake train station.

He was taken to Kingston Hospital and pronounced dead at 10.33pm.

Police officers arrived at Wallace's home at 1.00am, but she failed to give them the same explanation regarding the chopstick.

Two old unrelated charges of assaulting PC David Jones in North Warpole Way, Mortlake and Jessica Whiting in Mullins Path on August 3, 2020 were dropped by the prosecution.

The judge sentenced Wallace to four years concurrent to the life term for the offensive weapon charge.

The Telegraph published October 3, 2019: Extinction Rebellion spray 'fake blood' at the Treasury from fire engine. Extinction Rebellion activists have sprayed the Treasury with gallons of fake blood in its latest climate change protest stunt. Members of the group parked a fire engine outside the building on Horse Guards Road in Westminster before holding the hose to face the building and firing the red liquid at it.
Guardian News published March 9, 2019: Extinction Rebellion activists pour 200 litres of 'blood' outside Downing Street. Protesters throw buckets of fake blood outside Downing Street to demand greater action on climate change. Around 400 protesters spilled 200 litres of red paint to symbolise the death of children who will be affected by global warming.
The Telegraph published October 8, 2019: Is Extinction Rebellion harming their climate change cause? Extinction Rebellion began their shutdown of major London roads and bridges to cause disruption in the capital. They are being arrested and refusing bail to fill up London's jails and calling for drastic changes to policy to scupper climate change. But by blockading roads in London, could they be harming the very cause they campaign for? 
Voice of America published October 6, 2019: Extinction Rebellion Set to Launch New UK Protests. Climate activists, who earlier this year blocked London roads and bridges for a week, launched their latest campaign on Sunday, which they warned will be even bigger. The group Extinction Rebellion said their "International Rebellion" campaign will kick off on Monday with protests around the world. It claimed the London demonstration will be five times bigger than the one seen in April, which disrupted central parts of the British capital. On Sunday, members of the group gathered in central London and staged an opening ceremony for their latest campaign. Extinction Rebellion vowed to maintain the protest for at least two weeks and shut down "the centers of power" until the government steps up action against climate change. (AP)
Inside Edition published October 26, 2022: Climate Activists Glue Their Hands to Ferraris in Protest. Climate activists glued their hands to sports cars to protest the automotive industry. Members of the group Extinction Rebellion went to the Paris Motor Show to raise awareness for the use of fossil fuels. Chanting “Auto show of destruction" and “Extinction Rebellion,” about a dozen people unfurled a banner in front of a display of Ferrari sports cars. Several of those people reportedly glued their hands to the cars.
written by Coleman Molnar
October 21, 2022

Nine protesters belonging to a group called Scientist Rebellion broke into Volkswagen’s Autostadt museum in Wolfsburg, Germany on Wednesday afternoon and glued their hands to the floor of the Porsche pavilion. They brought their phones for Tweeting. They brought their lab coats for ‘science’. What they didn’t bring? A port-a-potty.

The protesters’ alleged goal as they gathered palms-down around a Porsche 911 GT3 was to get Volkswagen’s upper management to agree to their demands and lobby the German government to “decarbonise the transport sector,” including, among other asks, by reinstating a speed limit on the country’s Autobahn. The problem with their process? Not only was it illegal, but also very poorly planned, as one protest member had to ask for assistance unglue-ing himself so he could use the toilet and seek medical attention for a swollen hand less than a day after sitting down.

And, as the Daily Mail reports, mere hours after the stunt began, participants began complaining of the lack of facilities at their disposal — “facilities” in this case being a “a bowl to urinate or defecate in,” which Volkswagen staff did not provide. In fact, museum staff simply turned out the lights and heat and left the group overnight in the empty facility.

“We are here because we know as scientists that there is a clear connection between the amount of CO2 emissions and the increase in temperatures,” one of the protesters, Gianluca Grimalda, said in a Twitter video. What they didn’t consider ‘as scientists’, or even as humans with functioning bladders, is that they’d eventually need to go to the potty.

Everybody poops. Yup, even environmental protesters.

Grimalda, who also claimed to be on a hunger strike, had to be extricated from the situation after complaining about pain in his hand and being told by an attending doctor that he was at risk of forming blood clots. He later Tweeted how doctors “unglued [him] with care,” noting that it was “not painful at all,” and that he planned to continue his hunger strike, presumably from jail, until the group’s demands were met.

After being unfixed from the floor, Grimalda was arrested, and after a total of 42 hours, riot police descended upon the museum to remove and arrest the rest of the protesters, including others gathered outside.

Just one country over and two days later at the Paris Motor Show on Friday night, another group of self-proclaimed environmental warriors broke out the super-glue to adhere themselves to a number of classic Ferrari supercars, which they also spray-painted.

The ‘demonstration’ was over in just minutes, however, as police came in to arrest the 11 “Extinction Rebellion” (“XR”) protesters, who were calling for an end to the advertisement of privately owned vehicles – including electric vehicles – and four of whom had their hands glued to the cars’ hoods.

“Footage showed some protesters seated on the floor with hands pressed to the vehicles, while others unfurled a large banner reading ‘auto show of destruction,'” reports Reuters.

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